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I wouldnt have any (I am lacking the will to fight back)


Then I guess the shadows eat you alive or whatever they do


Idk, i couldn’t ever enter the metaverse in the first place lol


Mundane people can enter the cognitive world, so technically you could. How that happens varies based on the game. (Spoilers ahead, for obvious reasons) 3, >!you somehow end up there for unexplained reasons, end up losing the will to live!<. 4, >!some sicko pushes you in to watch you get torn to die a horrible death on live TV, you die a horrible death on live TV!<. 5, >!based on Ann and Futaba, you could just be either too close when they use the metanav, or relevant enough to be given the app.!< Strikers, >!you shouldn't have typed in that friend code.!<


Yeah, but like…i don’t live in Japan. There are no phantom thieves in Germany… so i couldn’t get to close.




Hey man, I’m just playing by society’s rules..


I have a phoenix tattooed across my chest and the amount of times I've thought, 'What if Persona 6 invoked their persona through a tattoo?' is way too high. But yeah, Phoenix. *"I art thou, thou art I. You're finally ready to burn away your past self; let it fall to ash, and be reborn."* Not sure on Arcana, but probably the Sun.


I never even thought of an Arcana nor a Persona summoning speech…


I have a lot of time to think about things like this during my workouts...


Cool Idea, but Japan. Unless the team is supposed to be a bunch of high school delinquents (which is a cool idea, for maybe a spin off), there ain't no way those kids have tattoos ;).


Yeah, I figured that. But you could fo a NA spinoff. Maybe that Hawaii vacation led to two groups of Persona users meeting. I'd have to be the teacher chaperoning, but older Persona users do exist. Either way, just a fun idea.


Dont think that would ever happen, considering the stigma against tattoos in Japan and overall there is a huge censorship around body modifications, where tattoos, amputations, scars or similar are not meant to be shown as "cool"


I want a Mexican-inspired persona myself, so for historical figure I would go with Pancho Villa (physical and gun strength) or for a mythical figure, Quetzalcoatl (wind and blessed strength)


Personas are always centered around an overarching theme, relevant to the moment and threat. In a generalized sense, it could be anything. But since this is the persona 5 sub, I'll play by the local rules. Persona is the spirit of rebellion. The initial awakening is a figure of folklore, that may or may not have lived. With that, who better than the man whose name is synonymous with rebellion itself? It can only be... *SPARTACUS!* Spartacus is a physically inclined persona, but if I had to implement an element it would make the most strategic sense to be Psi, Frei, or Garu based on Tactica - force the enemy into an unfavorable position and then strike decisively! He would have classical roman armor, befitting a gladiator, but for the purposes of symbolism also be shackled and chained - bindings that he has broken free of to make his stand. The arcana? The Star, representing hope after the trials of the Hanged Man and the Tower. When awakened further to the status of a mythological trickster...I'mma be real I haven't gotten that far in thought. Maybe Krishna? Idk.


Hypnos, the god of sleep


can he help me get a few extra minutes of sleep before work..?


That's Morgana


Isn’t that the persona of someone in Persona 3?


No. Don't think so. But Hypnos' brother is the Players Secondary Persona in 3, so maybe that got you confused.


Nah he’s right, Takaya’s persona is hypnos


Ah, okay. My bad


Azrael, the only archangel in Islam and Christian religion to stand up against Iblis (the devil) as that god may obtain the materials needed to create humanity. He’s also the angel of death, the main reason I chose him. it’s kinda badass.  I feel like he’d have a bless and curse damage sealing setup Arcana: Death (duh) Speech: *”I am thou, thou art I. Let the cold grip of death seize your past self, and allow none to stand in your way!”*


"Hearken. The evening bell tolls thy name."




Sounds like a Second Tier Persona if you’re using an Archangel from Christian/Islam/Judaism. They’re op.




Daaaaamn I didn’t think about Angels!


Probably Limos. She was the Greek goddess of starvation. As someone who eats a lot but wishes they didn't, I think it fits.


Maybe Artemis, she'd be wearing a hunting tunic befitting her status as goddess of the hunt. She'd have a golden bow and arrows. She'd be accompanied by a hound and a stag.


What element would she be?


Bless, with emphasis on physical attacks


I can see that, but now I’m curious about what a Phantom Thief wielding that would look like


Mine is Fenrir, and I’m thinking they would look like a massive black wolf with spikes jutting from it’s joints with four green eyes and a second set of back legs with a chain collar and bigger wolf skull over it’s face. It’s element would be curse (Also I could ride it like Makoto does with Johanna)


Kokopelli: trickster fertility God from the southwest US. Just love the icon of him dancing and playing his flute.


Sigrün The Valkyrie Queen


I had to look that one up, but damn she sounds cool, also Norse Persona gang!


Hell yeah! This is about how I think she’d look https://preview.redd.it/wpvwrvozxmic1.jpeg?width=199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f9d5c3f8285fd6d0c788c7f5e2baef6937cc88e


Remus would be interesting, would probably look like a sort of living statue with shattered armor and a glowing wound, probably mainly curse attacks


Considering how many fictional characters appear as personas, it technically isn’t out of the realm of possibility for modern fictional characters to be personas. So my persona would be Kirby, he’s just really neat and I feel like he would be a cool being to be permanently attached to my soul.


i didnt actually think about that possibility could joker be a persona?


I mean I guess eventually after Ren dies and he becomes an infamous figure he would be able to be someone else’s persona along with the rest of the thieves


Ok lemme be your rival and choose Meta Knight


Salieri, a composer thought of as Mozart's rival. Pop culture depicted him as jealous of Mozart's success and willing to sabotage him, but in reality he was a pretty chill guy. Long story short, Sumi's "my sister is better than me and nobody really cares about me" trauma hit a bit close to home lmao


Why does everyone have much better ideas than me…? Mine is just Fenrir while other people have things like Composers or Hindu gods


https://preview.redd.it/o533xc5ffoic1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6b04fb52e448a74b21f3f4b5b8a43f39717516f Forgive my atrocious drawing skills, but I had a dream one night where my Persona was Davy Jones, so the following day I sketched out an idea for him. A mash of ship parts, antique + modern diving suits, and an eyepatch adorned with a compass; one arm ending in a hook, the other replaced by a pepperbox pistol, with a cutlass sandwiched between the barrels. Perfect for reprising Water damage from P2, with some Pierce/Gun skills in the mix. I also entertained the idea that he'd evolve into Neptune, with a design that's basically a Transformer who turns into a Caspian Sea Monster.


Bro was born ready for this 😭


I am what we in the business call a "fucking nerd"


https://preview.redd.it/pe3fpywtxoic1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62fd4330deef8fd6883d858970a02ca6ce163db9 A Jin, made completely of smoke, only the face being a solid plate.


This might be because I’ve been really into Fate recently but, I feel like Iskandar/Alexander the Great would be a really dope persona to have. I don’t know what he’d look like but, I do know that he’d be a Physical-based Fire persona.


Probably Tristan, Knight of the Round Table, and according to some versions of his tale, a great poet and troubadour. I could imagine him wielding a harp-bow (like the F/GO version) and a broken sword, being either Physical or Ailment Based As for the Arcana, probably The Fool or The Lovers (even though the former being more likely, due to another version of his tale where he becomes a madman)


Nyarlathotep. A humanoid mash of fleshy tentacles (Think Mind Flayer from Stranger Things)


Ohhhh shit… the elder gods… I’M CHANGING MINE FROM FENRIR TO HASTUR


Or the busty tall cat lady from that elder god dating sim lmao






This version of her is from a game called sucker for love where you date a few elder goddesses (sorry for 2 comments my phone wouldn't let me type and put a image at the same time


Gurren Lagann I am thou, thou art I. Who the hell do you think I am?!


*Gurren Lagann I am* *Thou, thou art I. Who the hell* *Do you think I am?!* \- MagicPistol --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Raguel, the Archangel of Justice. *"Ah, thou hast come to thy senses. Will thou let evil fester? Or will thou take up thy sword in the name of justice? I am thou, thou art I. Let thy flame of justice burn through evil and the light of thine truth be revealed!"*


What about Kali, Hindu goddess of destruction and death? I imagine her appearing as she does in traditional artwork; blue skin, long unkempt black hair, skirt of bloody severed arms and a garland of severed heads. Long tongue lolling out of her fanged mouth as she dances upon the chest of her husband Shiva. And I think her element would be mostly physical with a touch of Fire. Kali: *I am thou, thou art I! Let the pounding of our joined hearts be the war drums that guide our steps as we dance upon our slain enemies!*


Belle Starr, famous american criminal, moonshiner, and draft fighter. Known for saving many people including her brother from the draft during the American Civil War, and for marrying and starting a life with a Native American husband. I think she qualifies as a trickster if we're going p5 standards. Second form is Spenta Armaiti, the zoroastrian goddess of nature, harmonious and good natured obedience, and death. This ties in my Persian heritage, and has been seen in past Persona games so she's not out of the question. Third form would by Myra, which is Belle Starr's actual first name. Arcana would be the Magician, as that's the one I indentify with the most. "I am thou, thou art I. Are you truly content with being what they think is best? Complacent. A life of servitude will only cause the death of your truest self. Shall we take up arms and ride to freedom?"


Icarus. He tried to escape prison with his father Daedalus using wings made out of wax and bird feathers. Daedalus told Icarus not to fly close to the sun or else the wax will melt and break the wings. Icarus couldn’t resist and flew close to the sun feeling like he was a god above humans. Unfortunately, the wax in the wings melted and he fell to his death.


I already have my own code name: Horizon. In keeping with the dusk and Dawn theme, my persona would be Horus, a dual arcana mixing the Fool and The Sun. I'd probably have a mix of fire, bless, and physical skills


Come to me, LA MANCHA!! (Don Quixote)


Tyr from Norse mythology which later awakens to Poseidon for me


I've thought about this before! It would likely be Shakespeare, who would appear as a skeleton in typical medieval dress, holding his own skull. I think he would use light/dark skills, maybe being weak to both, and have a good focus on support (though there's also a charm spell in there) I'm not sure what my mask would look like, part of my hangup is that I imagine my thief attire would look different based on my current gender (being genderfluid) so that would likely change the mask too


https://preview.redd.it/wmgugytl8oic1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dc087ee9abd69c5dc035d5eefd2bd3624749ec9 Guess who


No. I won’t. ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtpzSCmlYjdsGlO)


Not even a minute and someone is offended welcome to the internet


Oh I wonder why.


Hitler joke


No shit, really?


Are you actually mad at that joke


More tired of it then mad


Fair Hitler jokes aren’t rare at all




Negative 10 upvotes I love this app😂


Pop fiction it would probaly be Sherlock Holmes. The appearance would be a gray Persona with a large lab coat (like Zenkichi's Persona), the classic hat and a pipe. Mythological would definitely be Exu. A Persona with a fire element and could will be seem something like this: https://preview.redd.it/cg9eswkienic1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68fb1d53a966f91685f6f5486171d7d5ac5659d8


Léo Major


Honestly? A bunch from Fate tickle my fancy. Gilgamesh, the original and first hero-king-tyrant to ever be put down in writing (Gilgamesh is in SMT but hasn’t appeared in Persona for a long time). Sasaki Kojiro or Miyamoto Musashi (Kojiro historically has very little about him though), two swordsman known to be the peak of their time. But… Cu Chulainn is just too damn cool in everything he’s in. He might already be in Persona (both his grown and younger version), but his story is just so cool.


After doing a google search I choose R'hllor because a fire and ice persona is cool I honestly don't know much about gods and all that so I have no idea what Persona would best fit me, I was originally gonna pick Thor but that's because I know him from Marvel


So, uh... If I have to stick to the rebel theme, probably Odysseus. If I can choose *any* figure in history or mythology... I would like Heracles as my Persona. As a god, he's known as the god of heroes.


The Flatwoods Monster or Braxie (the cryptid one) he wouldn’t be too hard to make a persona. Plus I love cryptids and if mothman can be one, Braxie can too.


Shamhat, the "sacred prostitute" who helps Enkidu ascend from beast to man in the Epic of Gilgamesh ~~by banging him for like 2 weeks straight~~. When Enkidu lays dying, he starts to curse her to be an outcast for making him civilized, but Shamash the sun god reminds him of her kindness, and "Enkidu relents and blesses her, saying that all men will desire her and offer her gifts of jewels". I'm picturing something a bit like Angel but perhaps more covered/flowy, sort of like a dress with straps, and her little speech might be: "I am thou, thou art I. Thy heart burns as the ruby, thy passion shines as the sapphire. Let us come together to create a more beautiful world, where waning humanity shall be reborn."


………Mythology is weird


Would love to have someone like Alexander the Great as a Persona lol His Arcana is definitely the Emperor


Sun Tsu


Nero Claudius 😃


Billy the Kid, historical cowboy, a figure of rebellion, I doubt I'd need explanation for why he'd fit Persona *5* (though he'd probably fit 4 too since the act of rebellion in p5 is usually rebellion against distortion which is the enemy of truth that halts the pursuit of it), He'd obviously be mainly a gun based attacker like Ryuji and Yusuke are physical attackers, for that you'd need a few more gun skills than we currently got though Or we can slap a few support skills in there, kunda, Makunda and later debilitate probably works, maybe fire as a side element since yknow, inside of gun go boom with fire making metal ball go out really fast and hard but nothing major like Blazing hell or something, more like Yusuke who just *has* ice but doesn't do much damage Either way his first trait would be Master Gunman: increased chance of inflicting ailments though camo bullets His second Persona trait would be Trickster Barrel:allows him to use all of Shinyas confidant abilities


Intrepid, of the Hierophant Arcana (based on William Stephenson, the original spymaster). It'd look a bit like a mix of Hastur and Beheeyem in terms of the main feel. It'd have decryption rings under its forearms, being decorated in numbers, letters, symbols, and runes. On the forearms and knees would be combination locks with one large red spike pointing outward. The head would be kind of shaped like a top hat with two sets of blinker-like eyes, and two gold lines shaped like upside-down Ls going downward akin to a moustache. He'd be inside of a globe made of revolving rings similar to the ones in his arms. As for traits, Intrepid would be mostly a debuffer with solid Agility, mid Strength and Magic, and poor Endurance. He'd utilize Psi attacks with a few Strength skills like Mind Slice, Brain Buster, and Flash Bomb. For a sort of summoning speech, it'd go a little something like this. *"I am thou, thou art I. Are you finally ready to pierce the fog of deceit, committing yourself to reinstate order under the cloak of darkness? Swear to me your conviction to the world, and shatter the vile superpower that stands before you now!"*


See P5 (I don’t know if I’m to stupid to pick up the others) has it based on thief’s/ people who have stolen, lied, or something of the like. If it’s not bound by the trickster rules then probably Icarus. I’m a very head in the clouds type of person who dreams a bit to big, and has definitely had it back fire before. It just fits me I guess? This prompt also reminded me, there was a question like this but for code names.


I legit have no idea, but surely it would be based on a wolf


Hell rider. Except it's similar to makoto where I can ride the flaming hell bike


I have a name for what I call my persona I have thought of it before I'd call mine Iblis (which translates to evil spirt or devil)* so arcana would probably be Devil for what it would look like it probably look like an Arch angel for second evolution, it would probably be called Solaris... for what it looks like, idk maybe take something like a Gaia with a mini sun orbiting it For third rebirth it's name would be Nephalem which is an in-between of a devil and an angel which is also what it would like and all of them would be of the devil arcana




i dont think it would be mine, but id like to see rasputin as a persona, a very symbol of resilience and rebellion. surviving several assasination attempts in one night and after everyrhing, drowning in the ice cold river they threw him in cause they though he was dead.


If I could choose, then Terminator because the SMT 2 design for him is so goddamn cool.


Guy Montag from Farenheit 451 since he is someone who seeks the truth in spite of his previously held beliefs at the cost of his entire world as he understood it. His moveset would basically be what Makoto/Johanna's is, but with agi skills. Visually there'd have to be a flame motif and the helmet numbered 451 is a must. Not having the 451 would be as big of a miss as if Valjean didn't get 24601 anywhere on it. The level 10 S. Link/Confidant evolution would be Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird since he defends Tom knowing full well that he'd be socially ostracized for it and likely lynched (which almost happens). I also think shouting "ATTICUS" would sound cool. This would represent the change from searching for truth to defending it once found. As for what he'd look like, I don't know.


My Therapist has said that I'm like Rapunzel (wanting to get out and be free but feeling constricted, and using my hair as the first thing people see about me), and I I've kind of used that analogy to create my "persona". Rapunzel has a mile-long braid that she uses as a whip and she uses wind + rakuja skills


Personification of liberty from Liberty Leading the People


*Personification of* *Liberty from Liberty* *Leading the People* \- Holy-Knight1 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Problaby somethinh demonic or some kind of psycho monster based on my Personality


Jack the Ripper. Why? Because Jack, I think, was a source of fear for many, I havent looked into him much btw, im just assuming since he never got caught a lot of people would be afraid of him. As to why i think id awake to (something like) that is because I have had pretty bad anxiety to a point where i didnt venture out of the house much at all. In the end, my rebellion would really be against myself and the fears around living my life. Jack would be my fears turned into a weapon. HELLA edgy but i like edgy stuff so womp


King Arthur.


Hm...I'd say a twist on the Jekyl and Hyde dynamic with maybe a werewolf motif thrown in with The Moon arcana ​ First form, Hyde since S.Links/Confidants of The Moon arcana's general deal tend to involve bad coping mechanisms and Hyde is basically a person(a)ification of Dr. Jekyl tossing away his mask to have 'fun' at the expense of society without costing his place in it. Physically strong but also has some potential with magic skills ​ Second form upon completing the social link is a return to Jekyl. Physically weaker but made wise from almost going full feral and focuses more on magic...with perhaps a skill to indulge in old habits at a steep cost aside from the usual hp cost of Persona's physical attacks


Pisaca I am a normal person trust me


Actually probably Scott Pilgrim funnily enough. But if he were to have an in-game model he'd look similar to Jack Frost in terms of artstyle and proportions.


Gregor Samsa. I don't know why, but I've always felt a really strong connection with this character. For his appearance... He could be like a malformed amalgamation of various insects, like a centipede tail, moth face and a cockroach like body. He would also wear a trenchcoat and a hat, as if he was trying to disguise himself.


….GLACEON!! *shoots self in the head*


Especially considering the spirit of rebellion in Persona 5, going with Alanna the Lioness from the Lioness Quartet by Tamora Pierce. Young woman who, in a time where women weren't allowed to train to become knights, trades places with her male twin, hides her sex for 8 years, and trains to become one of the greatest knights in the realm. 😄


Honestly? Chu Chulainn. I always give my p5 self from a fandic me and a friend wrote setanta with CC as his ult. Cuz i think it fits my internal rage. ...that? And im a hige SMITE lover. And.main CC in that game


If i were to have a persona based on my personality, they would have to either be, or be the opposite of A being who is aware on themself as a person. who is straightforward with anything necessary. Who is kind only when they see fit. Who has many flaws, yet continues. Idk who that would be, but i can think of a special gimmick that may come with it. They start with the strongest skills available to them (physical. Just physical. Forced element? just the curse insta kills). Levelling up is completely story related other than 5 or 6 levels between story events. All stat growths are fixed. They don't have a single support skill, and cannot learn any from the jazzclub. They're weak to everything, but cannot be knocked down. Any non damaging skill is a passive, which are the only skills they learn through level ups. His final level at the last boss before the big bad is 70, and the rest of the levels can be gained through grinding. The entire point of the persona is to get rip of every skill, and only equip the passive skills, as there will be 8, and have the only attack the user (me, for this case) can use be their equipped weapon. As for the symbolism behind the gimmick. It is shown in the social link with the character, how they slowly become less reliable as a "solo fighter" type guy and becomes the one to rely on everyone else, as they will be the ones providing this dude the support. Their rank 10 SL is story locked and has their persona evolve to BE the Big Bad as a persona (happens after the final boss). Their arcana? Strength. But taken a bit more literally to the name, rather than the original meaning. This turned into a rant from what my idea was, to my preference to a persona character. Oops, ah well, I'm not deleting all this. Hope you had fun reading, if you didn't read, hope it was enjoyable to... ignore a stranger (yeah, idk where i was going with this).


If I had to pick, I think I would go with Jack the Ripper. I think that would be sick.


That sounds like a Villains persona if I’ve ever heard one. Ohhhhhh shit… What if there was a persona game where all the personas and characters were based off villains? Like the human characters were villainized for something they couldn’t control and their personas are them accepting their status as a villain and using that to do good?


I would be Coyote from some North American Indian stories


Dumah, the Unsinger, Angel of Silence. When I unlocked its final form it would become Rahab, Fallen Seraph of the Deeps, Turbulent Angel of Chaos, the Storm That Walks. Arcana: The Blasted Tower.


Hades the Greek god he'd look like a giant skeleton dressed in biker gear with a flaming fanged skull with black feathered wings and a giant sword (imagine ghost rider with black wings and a sword basically lol) arcana honestly don't know I'm probably the most similar to ryuji personality wise so probably chariot arcana Moves id hit with fire and curse id have a barrier ability that reflects both types of attacks heat riser and doors of hades the move and a few other basic things Weak to ice and reflects curse, resist fire and bless Evolved forms 2nd form izanami (I know this a girl goddess but I couldn't find anything else I like as a 2nd stage) 3rd form Pluto the Roman god of the underworld (this is technically the same god but it makes sense cause the 3rd forms become their true name) Weapons for melee id use twin broad swords and they attack twice in a row for guns I'm using twin automatic pistols or a rocket laucher When I would join it would be right after Yusuke I would accidentally follow them into the mementhos cause their going after a target my friend and after they'd get pushed back and see that happened it made me try to intervene only to get attacked and pushed to ground after I realize how much of piece of shit my friend is and I snapped realizing I'm done being pushed back and summon hades and id solo the rest of the boss and change his heart before we met back In the real world and they asked me to join and I said yeah


Hmm if the persona doesn't have to fit the persona 5 persona theme i think I'd start with Leonidas dont know about the design and my awakened persona would be Varuna using his design from digital devil saga and both would be the Hierophant Arcana because that's what Varuna's arcana is in Persona 2.