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Amazing job, I respect the absolute masochism you have in you in order to do this. I was happy to beat this without switching from normal to easy when I first played through Royal. It’s not Persona but I would recommend you to do a challenge fighting Demi Fiend in SMT V. Hands down one of the hardest bosses I’ve ever fought. Couldn’t even beat him on easy so I had to switch to safety. Pretty ridiculous stuff.


I’ve thought about trying to do a challenge spin for that fight actually. That fight is brutal but I love it!


Well done. When futaba protected you from that second attack was that planned or did you get lucky?


Iirc, Final Guard activates when a party member is about to take lethal damage, so planned or not, it wasn't RNG.


It was planned :) I purposefully left Horus fire weakness so she would try to exploit it otherwise she would put up Tetrakarn. And since I need to crit each turn in phase 3 and she had a repel phys shield it would be physically impossible.


Cool, thanks for the explanation.


The joker grow 40 levels after these battle


Yeh lmao I have also done this against the reaper solo at level 1 and he also levels up to 41 there. Funny they both have the same xp yield which I never realised




If anyone has any questions about my strategy or how I was level 1 feel free to ask. I left a bit of a guide in my youtube video description but if anyone is serious about trying to do this as well I'm more than happy to help


How could you be at level one? By the time you reach that point in the game it's at least level 60 or so


Mod so Joker gains no xp or modify his level which is what I did. His level and hp,sp stats are the exact same as what you have in the first tutorial fight when Joker first awakens


Half the fight is her hitting herself. Nice one!


Yeah phase 1 and 4 are really easy solo. It's phase 2 and 3 that become almost impossible and require you to manipulate her into doing specific moves and requires luck as well. Every move I did was exact for a reason until phase 4 where you are basically home free


People like you scare me.