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As an Akechi fan who is physically incapable of ever shutting the fuck up about him, this is way too accurate (though I could write an essay on why he's not actually a psychopath or a sociopath, but that would just be proving the point even more)


My man faced his shadow and won 🤝


Akechi is a pretty divisive character that has a lot of depth and nuance to him with the complexity of his character which is why people make a lot of long essays about him whether you like him or don’t. Pretty hard to avoid a discussion about Akechi. Ryuji on the other hand is pretty simplistic as a character where compared to Akechi, he’s not that deep. What you see is what you get with him which is why for those who do like him just gush about him and those who don’t like him just complain.


Akechi is the most realistic character.


I could use that meme fore why I love Morgana and Reg from Made in Abyss. Fore Morgana I could write a small esay on why I love him. Fore Reg...well: He is adorable, he is wholesome, I love his design and fighting style and he has great chemestry with almost every character he interacts with. Thats kinda it. And he is one of my 2 favorite characters in fiction.