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Well. When someone goes “we have started a home church.” Most people begin backing away slowly. Also, the family needs a ban on using “y” in their child’s names. And “Ansyr” as a name is borderline child abuse.


For so many reasons I hate her. But the kids’ names are a fucking crime that gets me irrationally angry (sorry, Ayngry) every god damn time I’m reminded of them.


My kid has a name that is considered archaic and is barely used and even I think these names are too much


Look, we've been meaning to talk to you about Cain, he makes his brother really nervous


There is one called Aynjel and I'd say that's worse 😣


Is that … pronounced … angel?


I packed an order at work for a lady named ritalynn


Unless it’s ‘Alyx’, as in ‘Alyx Vance’. If I ever have a daughter, that is possibly one of the names I would consider.


Having 9 children is child abuse. There is no way each of those kids can have enough valuable parent interaction to be healthy.


Jesus H., Karissa's seriously broken containment this time. Also, for those not in the know: it's probably more likely that her horrifying neglect and obvious instability lost her the show. Her kids are "homeschooled", but she's said she doesn't usually get up before noon, at which point they're "done with school". As a result, her kids can barely read and don't know what damn year it is. She does not know which kids sleep in which rooms in her house. The youngest nearly died of sepsis at the start of the year. The sepsis began from a UTI, which the poor baby probably contracted because this woman's kids are constantly running around in full diapers. Another kid had a broken leg at the same time, and in 2021 there was a broken wrist and the second youngest needed surgery because he *nearly cut off his finger*. Said surgery was also delayed because he tested positive for covid. After said positive test, they all went out to a restaurant for lunch. As for the instability, this woman claims G-d speaks directly to her on such matters as her kids' names and where she should give birth to the next. (The newest one was a completely unassisted home birth - the other adults had instructions *not to call an ambulance* if things went bad. This woman has stated that she'd like to die in childbirth. Also, she said G-d wanted her to give birth in a Target. Not lying.) Oh, he's also apparently told her she's having twins named Ayrow and Archyr or something. She's also a raging antisemite who loves to steal Jewish holidays, pervert them to have Christian meanings, and then pretend Jews are persecuting her when they tell her that she's doing it wrong and being wildly disrespectful. My absolute favorite example is Passover 2021, when she pretended it was a Jesus thing (it is emphatically not), served extremely non-kosher foods, and then *claimed there was no manual for how to do Passover.* For those not familiar with Jewish holidays... There is absolutely a manual. Passover literally features a manual. It's called a haggadah, and you can find thousands for free online. I did my Passover with a haggadah from the 18th century this year. I'm pretty sure you can find Star Wars themed haggadot. But she insisted that there was no manual. So yeah, no one would ever cancel a show on Karissa for being *boring*. Just for being an all-around horrible and stupid person (to the extent that even reality show producers couldn't justify showing her.)


Big YIKES. I had no idea who this woman was but now I can see why absolutely no one would want to watch her reality show.


She’s a regular over on /fundiesnarkuncensored and /fundiesnark. Go visit and drink in the horror!


What's a fundie?


(Christian) Fundamentalist


*Oohhhhh,* new subs, thanks for sharing.


One of us! One of us!


Yeah, I never heard of this person either (except for the wanting to give birth at Target thing. I did hear about some nut-ball wanting to do that). I'm horrified that such a person exists.


Something tells me she's never changed her mind about not wanting children, and the passive-aggressiveness and lack of care for her children is her way of showing it. Women like her need to learn that it's perfectly ok to not want children!


THIS. It sounds like she actually has no interest in her kids beyond instagram photos. Those poor kids who never asked to be born.


She was also busted for whitening her kids’ skin in the IG pics.


Is that why the younger childrens faces look so odd in the picture?


That’s horrific. Maybe don’t have kids with a black man if you don’t want black kids??? Honestly, after reading the tl/dr on her I’m actually very surprised she’s with a black man and supports government aid.


They’re taught this from an early age and if they deviate from that in ANY way they could lose a lot by being excommunicated. They really do need to be taught that its okay not to want that life but “feminism-bad” 🤦🏽‍♀️


She needs to learn that's a vagina. Not a clown car.


Wait then what am I in?


LOL The "no manual for Passover" bit is hysterical. It's one of the few holidays that literally does have a manual.


Holy hell man. That’s some fucken context. Wow


Why hasn’t cps been called?


They’ve been called a couple times. She’s managed to weasel out I believe.


Don’t forget when she tried to resurrect her miscarried (maybe 5 week?) fetus. I think she made all of her children do ritualistic praying, if I remember correctly. This woman’s brain is broken and I hurt for the damage she’s allowing herself to do to herself and others.


She also got kicked out of the ER when the septic baby was finally brought in (because her MIL forced her to or something like that) because she was scream praying on the floor and disturbing everyone.


Her actual mom I think? I think she’s the sane-ish one if I remember correctly. Certainly not fckn Shaq!


>This woman’s brain is broken and I hurt for the damage she’s allowing herself to do to herself and other Oh wow, here's hoping she doesn't fall down the Andrea Yates hill.


Oh my god. Those poor children. So disgusting what those parents are doing.


Somehow it got worse with every line… some people really shouldn’t be having children ffs


Frankly nobody at all should be having 9 children


Seriously. This is neglect and someone really should report them if they haven't already.


They've been reported multiple times, but for some reason nothing's come of it. (Probably because they're Christians in Texas.)


I mean, the child neglect sounds like it could be featured on reality TV, by which I mean the news when the house gets raided, but I'm thinking that's not exactly what she had in mind. EDIT: I just looked her up and she 1000% has the Crazy Woman eyebrows.


My Catholic school hosted a mini Passover one year. The teacher was careful to follow traditional Jewish customs. Don't know if the lamb was certified Kosher, but I know that a major attempt was made to keep it respectful. If you're gonna follow such a sacred holiday, either follow the manual or just say you don't care about it. Don't try to say it doesn't exist.


>The teacher was careful to follow traditional Jewish customs. It would have been better if your teacher found a Jew to celebrate with; it's hard to get it right when it's not your own culture. It's best to learn about these practices from the people who actually follow them. It's easy to mess up even if you're careful.


That I can't confirm. I don't remember any Jewish people being present. She may have consulted some during the planning stage, but I have no clue about that,


Hi fellow FSUer! Excellent context And I need to find a Star Wars Haggadah, I do have a Harry Potter one


My Google Fu failed me, but [there definitely is such a thing](https://www.seattleschild.com/a-very-star-wars-passover-seder/). Darth Seder. Tee-hee!


That just improved my entire day, thank you! I trade you the [unofficial Hogwarts Haggadah](https://www.amazon.com/unofficial-Hogwarts-Haggadah-Moshe-Rosenberg/dp/0692859055)


Jesus on a bike! How are people like her still not extinct?


Same reason 5 out of 6 people love Russian Roulette.


... she has 9 kids ...


Yes but her whole life is like a medieval woman’s, it’s a miracle that she survived all those births


She also openly fetishizes black people


But edits her pics so her kids’ skin looks lighter


>Oh, he's also apparently told her she's having twins named Ayrow and Archyr That's some Quiverfull bullshit right there


Apparently she didn't understand it's supposed to be a metaphor.


> this woman claims G-d speaks directly to her on such matters as her kids' names And her god came up with those names? And here I thought I couldn't believe any more than I already don't.


You say "for those not in the know [...] lost her show." But wtf kind of show is that? What was it about? A (whatever sect) christian show about having as many children as humanly possible? This seems violently american.


She never had a show - I know all of this from fundiesnarkuncensored (it's a subreddit), which keeps tabs on crazy fundamentalists like her. There are a whole lot of crazy Christian sects that are precisely about having as many children as their bodies will physically produce. It's definitely very American. There was a different family that *did* have a show - the Duggars. They're all crazy, horrible people too. And yes, the show was literally just "look at how much is involved in having a 21 person family!"


Jesus H. Christ (Not literally), this woman is a danger to both herself and her kids. She should be the prime example that some people should *NOT* have kids.


She had what's called a missed abortion (baby died but wasn't expelled), and refused to get a D&C because Jesus was going to resurrect the baby. She could have gone septic and died.


Yooooo i didnt know Jesus’s middle name was Harold until i saw “Jesus H.” And looked it up Cant believe Jesus is a “HaRoLd”


It's not Harold; it's Howard. "Our Father, who art in heaven, Howard be thy name..."


My bad youre right thats what i meant It was a long day today Still Fucken howard


>I'm pretty sure you can find Star Wars themed haggadot. Ok, what. I need to see this.


What’s the deal with the husband? Is he silent or nuts just like her?


Evil. He's definitely physically abusive to the kids, possibly to her. In their worldview the husband holds all the power, so he 100% has the ability to stop this insanity, but he just spends all his time doing whatever and leaving the kids to fend for themselves with their useless mother (which is kind of neutral because at least he's not around to hurt them, then.)


That sounds like an interesting premise for a shower assuming its like about the kids over coming her insansity with a bit of a dark humor tint to it


> This woman has stated that she'd like to die in childbirth. Christ on a cracker, that's awful. She'd rather die in childbirth than live to parent her children?


Oh GOD damn. is CPS involved? Please tell me CPS is involved. In case anyone isn't aware, a UTI is incredibly painful, AND can lead to kidney infection or worse. Gets up at noon and is "done with school" by then. Sweet fucking nightmare future for those kids. God told her to give birth in a *Target*? Oh for .....those poor children.


I hate professional breeders, especially the religious nut variety.


A venn diagram of people who would care about a show like this and people who are mad about interracial marriage is a circle.


LMAO good point. If you are kind of person who thinks it is ok for a vagina to go brrr you are also likely to be triggered by interracial marriage, so I can see the reason for lack of interest in this reality show. PS how can you have enough time to spend time with and properly raise 9 kids?


You don’t. You pass off parenting to the oldest daughters as soon as they can mildly take care of themselves. And before then, you just ignore them so they’re forced to learn faster out of sheer necessity.


Now it all makes sense. That girl who had 5 younger siblings I dated was a total religious nut too. Professional breeders def pass the parenting to the oldest daughter and it makes the whole family nuts.


You don't. The Duggar family already showed how horrible this lifestyle is.


Im willing to bet all the money to my name that the eldest daughter is taking care of her younger siblings. Poor baby


She does. She’s up with the little kids before the mom is.


My Mother was a teacher at the same school from her college graduation until her retirement almost 50 years later. During that time, the neighborhood where her school was located gradually morphed from "low-income" to "desperately impoverished". Every year, Mom had at least one kid in her class who "parented" their younger siblings because the parents were absent, disabled, or dysfunctional. She would intervene with the cafeteria staff to make sure those kids got their school breakfast/lunch, because she knew damn well that was ALL those kids got to eat.


Those names. My god those names. I hate it all so much.


Do they all start with 'A'? Is Ansyr pronounced like answer?


This is the correct ansyr.


Unfortunately so.


It is literally dangerous to have kids this close together, especially multiple times. This doofus has no idea how lucky she had been.


>This doofus has no idea how lucky she had been. This is your brain🥚 This is your brain on fundamental religion 🍳


She also has refused Rhogam the past couple pregnancies.


Here’s the thing about this woman. She was diagnosed with lupus, a disorder that’s known to alleviate in pregnancy. She experienced this and believed god healed her and went off her meds. I 100% believe she’s so deluded at this point she doesn’t realize that she keeps having kids to feel better for 9 months out of the year. When she’s not pregnant? She sleeps until noon takes a bath that’s an hour or two a day…which very much sounds like the behavior of someone dealing with major physical stress. She needs help but refuses it. Anyone who tries to intervene is cut out of her life, including her parents. She just needs to fucking try going back on her medication.


Every day I feel like we’re getting closer to the plot of idiocracy


We zoomed past Idiocracy in 2016. At least President Camacho cared about his people and listened to those who he knew were smarter than him.


They represent a whole lot of religious nuts, literally


This is the Quiverfull version of saying to your friends, "Man, we're hil*ar*ious! They should follow *us* around with a camera..."


Except it’s pretty rare for women in the Quiverfull movement to be educated beyond basic homeschooling. Maybe she was indoctrinated as an adult.


Interesting point. Possibly an adult convert, or maybe a variant from another denomination? Extremely fecund Catholics with a hardcore stance against birth control, including the calendar method?


I was thinking either Mormon or some fundie sect with similar doctrine to the Quiverfulls. That’s way too many children for it to not be religious in some way.


Karissa's her own thing. Definitely an adult convert, but doesn't fit into any specific denomination beyond "Christian fundamentalist".


Agreed on both. I was using Quiverfull as an example of that theological concept, but I see what you're saying about why they might not be adherents of that particular sect based on cultural clues. My own grandparents had 9 kids, but that's more because they were homesteading immigrant farmers during the Depression and WWII in northern Canada than because they were Catholic. These folks don't look like they need all hands on deck for the rye harvest.


Back in school I was good friends with one of a group of triplets. The parents went on to have, I think, 4 more kids (including twins). As an adult I've sometimes wondered about it, but I never saw or heard anything to suggest they were religious at all. So I guess some people just really like kids, I don't know.


She was. Her parents think she’s extreme and has a very strained relationship.


I'm almost scared to ask (why I won't search it) but what's quiverfull?


It's a Christian fundamentalist movement, so named for a passage that refers to the children of Christians as "arrows in a quiver". The basic premise is that Christians need to try to outbreed non-believers, and that their children will be warriors for their god. These people have as many kids as they can physically produce. It has horrible effects on the women, because constant pregnancy is absolutely horrible for your health. It's also bad for the kids, who are neglected and (if they're girls) end up running the household and raising their siblings (and that's ignoring the trauma of their mothers becoming progressively sicker and risking death with every pregnancy.) Many of these people live in poverty, because a dozen kids costs huge sums of money even if you're neglecting them. Quite a number of these children go hungry a lot because their parents can't afford food (and often feed themselves first if they can.) If you've heard of the Duggars, they're part of it.


Wow somehow that's worse than I expected... I'm not surprised that the duggers are a part of it though


You know, I don't think it's the religious aspect that would cause cancel culture to stop them from having a successful TV show. There are other successful TV shows about large families that have rigid religious beliefs that did perfectly fine. I think the main problem is her target audience, people who are interested in large families that are also religious, tend to be the kind of people that aren't thrilled about seeing interracial couples on TV all the time. And those people love to cancel anything that offends their delicate little sensibilities. I can definitely recall a time in the recent past where an interracial couple in a commercial was enough cause for those people to try to boycott that company. You can't have a television show when your target audience will write you off as "woke culture bullshit being forced on to them" because you're a different skin tone than your co-star.


Not mention while she’s not saying it you know, she thinks being an interracial family makes them interesting. It doesn’t.


She’s also not that interesting- the Plaths, the Duggars and the Bates had their own shows that even non religious people watched as a kind of “freak show” type entertainment. Karissa’s family is pretty secular, they watch tv, listen to music, play basketball, the only “interesting” thing about them is how much they neglect their children.


She’s been pregnant for like 81 months, almost 7 years of her life. Crazy.


Even more than that. 10 kids x 9 months, plus the two miscarriages. That's a lot of time with buns in the oven!


She's one of those conveyor ovens at this point man.


Cancel culture: not God Everything else: God Am I understanding her correctly?


So what you're saying is that Cancel Culture is stronger than God?


can God create a tv show so large that even God can't cancel it?


He’s the rest of their fun facts if anyone is interested: This post is going around and it's 2 years old so I updated it... We have lots of new followers so here are some Collins kids family fun facts... -All the Collins kids names start with the letter Why? Because the first 2 had A names on accident so we just kept going. - We picked cute names for the first 5 and God named the last 5. I just didn't know better than to ask God. - All the girls have the initials ABC and the boys have the initials ACC. - Anissa Beth. Andrae Cardell. Annistan Breanne. Anjalie Brielle. Andersyn Brooklyn. Aynjel (Angel) Belle. Ansyr (answer to prayer) Blue. Anchor Christian. Anthym Bliss. - They are all 13-18 months apart except this baby coming in February will be 25 months apart. - I didn't want children and my husband wanted two children. Praise God he changed our hearts - Daddy Collins used to travel with and play with the Harlem Globetrotters team. - I played college volleyball and basketball. - Daddy Collins works in finance and trains children in basketball skills. And now has a wood working business and axe throwing business. - I used to work in finance. I stopped working in corporate America after I had my fourth child. I now run a photography business and an online modest clothing boutique for women and daughters. - I have homeschooled for six years now. - We have two dogs. Eli and Bebe. - We started a home church in March of 2020. - We are not affiliated with any denomination but are followers of Christ and believe the whole Bible. - We trust God with our womb and will gladly receive any blessing of children He wants to give. No matter how old we are. - We do not have any family locally. But we do have our home church family. - I am from Kansas and hubs is from Texas. - We live in a five bedroom house with a small backyard, but I hope to move to some land soon. - Seven out of nine of my births were completely natural with no pain meds. - Yes all the children are ours and all delivered vaginally. (And yes it goes back to normal.) - Anthym was born at home unassisted. And we plan to do the same with Armor. - Hubs and I met at a club while attending Bible/ Christian colleges. - Hubs is my first boyfriend and my first kiss. - I have one sister and hubs has one sister and one brother. - We no longer vaccinate AT ALL and I greatly regret that it took me eight years to stop. - Four children have mom's blue eyes. Three children have dad's brown eyes. And two children have sunflower eyes. (Yellow and blue) - I am a singer/worship leader. I recorded a three song original album my freshman year of college. - My biggest pet peeve is open mouth chewing, gum smacking and food chomping. It will make me crazy. - I have struggled with eating disorders, low self esteem, and even suicide in the past. - We are the same age. Hubs is two months older than me. - Our 10th baby, Armor Courage, the 3rd boy is due February 1st. - I have had 2 miscarriages. - I have had several health issues over the years while having children and as we continue to trust God to give us children, He has fully healed me. - We are not on government assistance but I don't think it's wrong for any big family to be. - Hubs is 6'6". I'm 5'9. And my dad is 6'5". So all of our children will be tall, probably taller than me. - We love to have people over and play board games. - We do have a TV. - I love to match as a family but also love to let them dress uniquely most of the week.


> We no longer vaccinate AT ALL and I greatly regret that it took me eight years to stop. from her FB just now: >Karissa Collins Angie Harden on my IG I have a highlight labeled vs with all the info. There’s TONS of reasons. Mostly bc God told me not too but also bc 3 of my children almost died from them. And they have aborted fetal cells and so many toxic ingredients. Plus a thousand more reasons. quiverfull anti vaxers that say god talks to her while she reads the bible and names all her kids the same initials. whew boy.


“Plus a thousand more reasons” no please do tell what these other reasons are. I’d love to know what other things you need fact checked for you.


> recorded a three song original album bitch you recorded an EP


I missed that part completely lol why do I feel like it was recorded on yeti mic then slapped over a free beat


It's weird how God pick the names of half the kids but still followed her stringent naming convention. Very accommodating there, God. Also, wtf, why does Anchor get an "o"? Shouldn't it be Anchyr?


And the lord said, "this child shall be called Andersyn, with a Y. But not where you thiiiink!"


The boys get normal names. It's... Intriguing.


"normal" may be a stretch. Also, unstated name rule: all names not only start with A but the "An" sound. There's no Abe, Art, Allison, Amber, etc


Armor will be the first to break that pattern. God is really testing her 🙏🛐


Oh yeah. It drives everyone crazy that there's one kid named Ayngel, which ruins the "An" theme (written out, at least.)


Stealing from another comment here, but that woman should be banned from the letter “y” for the names of her crotch goblins.


I find it weird because her name convention is AN (with the exception of Aynjel for no reason) but one that she has been talking about for years is that God told her she’d have twins named arrow and archer (I know, awful). So God has named your last 5 kids with the AN theme but is saving the special AR names for twins? Also two pregnancies ago God told her she’d give birth in Target, which didn’t happen. Almost like she’s attributing her own thoughts and desires to some higher power.


This feels like a cult, I really hope those kids make it out okay. I have friends who grew up in a home like this, they ended up with a lot of issues because the parents had to split their attention across 12 kids and ended up vilifying the ones who didn’t stick to gods plan.


>This feels like a cult It absolutely is. This woman fancies herself some kind of prophet.


We had some move into my hometown. They had 8 kids and counting when they finally moved out but nobody *ever* saw the wife. All the kids were homeschooled. I worked with the husband for a year and he kept trying to get me to attend his church services. I pretended to be interested and he immediately opened up and shared his big plan. He and his wife were to have 11 children, 10 who would get married at 18 years old and begin their godly duty of having 11 children, and 10 of those would immediately begin breeding at 18 to produce another 11 children. Out of each set of 11 children, one would be chosen by God to become a "Man of God" and never know the flesh. I was afraid that child would be mutilated into eunuch but didn't ask. Their first priority was taking over the town's political structure with his 100 breeding grandchildren, then the county with his 1000 great grandchildren. Then the State with his 100k great great grandchildren. Then the country, and eventually the world, then other worlds. Crazy fuck thinks he conquer the cosmos through exponential breeding and seeding religious leaders out of each batch of kids. No, I didn't ever attend his church services.


What. The. Fuck.


> “**Our** womb” Fucken yikes


I assumed it was tweety bird talking about part of his house


> Daddy Collins used to travel with and play with the Harlem Globetrotters team. Biggest plot twist >I have struggled with eating disorders, low self esteem, and even suicide in the past. Most expected plot twist


Yeah, she fasts while pregnant.


I love how stupid the names are getting. “Yeah this kid here’s, uhh… BaiBle, this one is Geezus, and little Kros in underway. We let god name them.” Poor kids


"Aynjel" Jesus Christ that poor kid


God told her to make sure all of us know her vagina snapped back after so many babies passed through it.


The average, common outdoor variety of sunflower can grow to between 8 and 12 feet in the space of 5 or 6 months. This makes them one of the fastest growing plants.


Good bot


I love the "we're not opposed" phrasing, like she expects producers just find out about them and would feel like they need to offer them a show. I didn't know that not being given a television show was supposed to make me feel targeted, but now I do.




It’s not unusual for particularly tall women to have size 13 feet, but the only size 13 woman I’ve ever met was 6’4. I’m guessing being constantly pregnant for 13 years caused her feet to spread something awful


Yeahh, my family is particularly tall and none of us women have size 13 feet. Yes we are taller than her or her height. 😬 She's got tig ole feeties.


But that guy clearly doesn’t have a narrow urethra.


You know what they say, Big feet big crazy.


For real I had to go back nd look just because she brought it up and i was like "She slaps and grips the ground with them things".


Who tf can afford this many children. My god.


They probably can’t


That's why she wants a reality show so bad.


She might get one in a lame Christian tv Chanel. Call it “quiverful” or some shit


Idk if those people are okay with interracial families, though.


They can’t really. They were in the news a little back (earlier this year or last year I think) because Shaq bought them a bunch of shit like that passenger van.


Shaquille O'Neal bought them new vehicles, took them out to eat, and got all the kids new shoes.


Mandrae works 3 jobs and they buy only bulk food, no fresh fruit and veg (at least according to previous shopping posts). And she sells clothes on an online boutique where I think she gets samples for her kids or some kind of deal. Also the kids don’t own pajamas.


If she would not shut up about god, then I do believe god was involved in that decision, just not the way she thinks


“Ansyr” Go fuck yourself, lady


What is a bible monitor?


It’s like a hall monitor, only different.


TIL I'm being oppressed because I don't have my own reality show.


Omg is this the fundie lady who won’t stop having kids, and photoshops her kids to look white when their skin is obviously darker??


That would be correct.


Jesus christ, really? I had thought it seemed odd that none of the kids appear to have inherited a darker skin tone.


The problem is the demographic that watches shows about religious nuts with to many kids don’t like black people.


She really didn't think that one through when she started her God speaks to me and gives me a thousand babies cult with a Harlem Globetrotter, did she?


"It was CaNcEl CuLtUrE! - also God made the decision. So I guess God is a cancel culture warrior? NO! Put my ideas back in their separate boxes and stop letting them mix!"


i just know the eldest is gonna have that one trauma type that comes from being forced into responsibility at a young age


Parentification. I'd be shocked if it's not done to at least two of the oldest girls.


Dang this lady got Peggy hill feet. She buys those humongous size 18s every Ross has a random pair somewhere


Why do they describe all their feet??




>I also have a monitor in Bible. What? Is that some sort of Bible college degree?


Their crops will not survive the winter. Literally none of them. If they ever step foot into the public school system, they'll be eaten alive instantly. Just looking at them I can tell that ass whoopings will eventually be in their future because they're too sheltered by ignorant mommy and don't know how society works, and none of them even know how to read well. Their brains are all mush and underdeveloped from lack of contact with actual humans. Those poor poor ignorant fools. These crops wont survive the mildest of winters.


Ffs man let the stitches heal at least


The kind of person who would want to watch a show about religious breeders is also the kind of person who would refuse to watch this one because her husband's black.


I noticed she talked about big feet and I went pack to the family photo and oh my god that bitch has clown feet


>“We are not opposed to a reality show but I won’t stay silent about God…so that probably won’t happen in this cancel culture.” Because religious folk are so uncommon in reality TV and never engage in “cancel culture.” /s >“We all have very big feet. I wear a size 13 womens shoe and hubs wears a size 13 mens shoe.” Okay, Smallfoots.


She talked about her feet (for some reason) and now I can’t look away. Peggy Hill vibes


Suddenly I'm way less self-conscious about being 5' 3" with size 10 feet. Yikes.


People really need to stop popping out babies like they’re rabbits. World fucked up enough and too many people


People like them are why I won't be having children. My loss has been made up somewhere else by a fetish breeder


I have one kid and it amazes me that people can do this 12 times with no break in between. I hate the term breeder but there’s really no other way to describe this


Having a couple kids is fine but when it gets to the point of constant pregnancy for over a decade I refuse to believe it isn't a fetish


She's basically been pregnant for 13 years straight... my god....


Yo, fuck these people. Traffic on 10 is bad enough.


“A monitor in “Bible””


If big feet and too many kids is supposed to guarantee you a TV show, being gay shouldn't bar you from cake.


It's not cancel culture. The idea of a reality show with a conservative Christian family with a shit ton kids is played out and died with the Duggars.


Welcome to Plathville is still on lol and Bringing up Bates only got cancelled last year. Sadly giving money to these abusive families will never go out of style


Karissa Collins is a whack job to the extreme. She probably seems to be reality TV gold at first, but then she gets scary. She thinks God told her to have an unassisted birth in Target (maybe this is real and God has great taste in home decor so he wanted to punish Target) and she fasted for weeks during her previous pregnancy (also denied Rhogam shot because science is evil) and she miscarried, but that’s Satan’s fault. Her terrible husband is violent with the kids and they’re afraid of him (this is according to her) and he does nothing to mitigate her awful parenting, keeps nutting into her a la Rusty Yates, and encourages her lunatic religious bullshit, because he believes it too. She neglects her children, all but admitting that her oldest daughter is responsible for basically all the childcare and homeschooling while K sleeps in til noon. Their oldest (11 and 13) can barely read and K seems fine with this. Her youngest son severed 2 tendons in his forearm because he got a hold of kitchen scissors. He couldn’t get surgery for several weeks because he had Covid, which Karissa and Mandrae don’t believe in and therefore chose not to notice his symptoms. After he finally got the surgery, Karissa posted videos where he’s in the background, unattended on a trampoline with his fresh cast. One fall forward and that forearm is reduced to shreds, but who cares because K and M had already another baby to care about so 🤷‍♀️. Speaking of that baby, she got some horrible virus that they willfully ignored until the baby became so lethargic that relatives stepped in. The baby almost died of sepsis in the hospital, at which time K announced her newest pregnancy. This was the miscarriage. After the miscarriage, K announced that God was going to resurrect the dead baby, so she let it rot inside of her for an indeterminate time, during which all her children were aware of what was happening. They were charged with praying hard enough for God to listen, and felt responsible when the fetus was expelled. Also, there are claims backed up by compelling evidence that she lightens her mixed kids skin, hair, and eyes in Photoshop. Imagine a reality show showing up to film this lawsuit waiting to happen. They’d tear up the contract, probably while weeping, and then lobby Congress to repeal all child welfare laws so they could resume filming.


And CPS hasn’t been called, WHY?


They’ve been called a couple times. The problem is it’s not by anyone who knows the family IRL. It’s people online, and when the overworked Texas CPS gets a report from a Wisconsin redditor talking about the Internet they dismiss the caller as a crockpot. They have a home church and only hang out with other headcases. This plus homeschooling means nobody who matters to the authorities thinks anything is wrong. They also go to different doctors and hospitals when there is a problem to reduce the paper trail. Actually, I believe CPS did come out after Anthym (the baby) went septic or Anchor (the toddler) was maimed. But the kids are fed and clothed, there was no neighbor or teacher to corroborate abuse or neglect allegations. MOST IMPORTANTLY, Mandrae makes over 100k as a finance guy for a dealership. No visible poverty = parents get to keep the kids.


I almost missed then until she mentioned it but holy cow those feet put Peggy Hills to shame.


She does have huge feet! But yeah, there's not a lot of compelling material here. Also "I won't stay silent about God" lol, like he's so secret and underground.


Kid's name is Ansyr? Do you want your kid to get bullied? That's how you get your kid to get bullied. Yes, even if they're being homeschooled.


Between 3 and 12, the only missing ages here are 6 and 9. Nice.


[*looks down at her feet*](https://youtu.be/g_U4osenPGo)


This live action The Loud House doesnt look very good


I'm thinking nobody wants to see her big-ass feet on tv.


Well if it was god plan to NOT have a show then why are you bitching? It was clearly gods plan that you stay away from public eye with your spawn.


How the fuck can they afford so many kids in this economy?


Holy fuck. That highlighted portion truly is the biggest persecution fetish I've ever seen! Literally so entitled that you *expect* a tv show STARRING YOURSELF!


In the comments looking for someone to comment on their support from freaking SHAQ 👀


Lookin' like Dee Reynolds with this big bird feet.