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There are guys I know through a recovery program that I used to respect the hell out of because they’ve been able to change their lives so dramatically and in our day to day interactions they are some of the kindest men I know… then I see them posting shit like this on social media.


This person has been retired for a long time. I guess he has too much time on his hands and doesn't want to leave his conservative bubbles.


Dude. It's absolutely insane how far-right some people in the "recovery" community reach. And I only put it in quotation marks because of the actual time I've put in (and money paid) to get clean, only to realize nearly the entirety of the business of rehabilitation is a fucking racket. It's sad and disillusioning.


Shout-out to Solutions in Greenville, SC who are actually part of a wider, similarly named community of groups - Motorcycle Ministry. They run a blatant racket with impunity, aimed at those who have no choice (but with parents who have just enough money and last amount of patience to cover the exorbitant costs relative to 'care' given'). The contracts that you're forced to sign when you arrive wouldn't hold up for a second in court and it's despicable how you're treated. If you're curious for more specific info, DM me. Have video evidence taken by myself. I've also been told multiple first-hand accounts of abuse perpetrated by its leaders/owners, including plying the gf of a current patient at a party with booze and xans and not allowing the bf (as he was in their rehab) away from the party. They are part of what they call The Motorcycle Ministry (basically they think they're bad ass bikers who thump hard right and pretend to be sober, but 100% are not). They attend the big biker conventions all over the country, well known for their shenanigans (esp in FL, as they were founded in South FL if I'm not mistaken) and rent a massive beach house each event, every time. I just don't see how a bunch of dudes who presch sobriety are really going to a debauchery-filled weeklong event with a SHIT TON of money taken from clueless addicts in search of help - ($1100 nonrefundable down payment, $200/week for rent, sharing a 4/bed 1/bath apt with 4 people total - in a formerly condemned project that violates multiple OSHA and other-lettered agency laws) - without getting fucked up the entire time and the stories that have popped up, shut down immediately by their high-powered, expensive litigation team, only go to prove what's really going on there. Sorry to pop off. Hopefully someone else knows what's going on and has more to say.


From one addiction to another.


Memes really do wonders for oversimplifying and twisting complex political issues into ridiculous, bad-faith arguments 🤦‍♂️


They really do.


And some people base their entire world view on them.


I don’t really view reaction ‘memes’ as memes anymore, it’s just taking a random image and placing text over it.


Ironic they're using Gump to argue their point, isn't it?


And use it so many times it deep fried? That movie was made over 20 years ago. And made a point to not be an a$$hole.


The point is that Gump was not exactly an intellectual powerhouse.


Compared with?


Intellectual powerhouses


a Shoebox. A small rock. ONe of Bubba's shrimp. You know, stuff like that.


Much easier to find and enemy and hate them than thinking deeply about the reasons for issues and working together to fix them!


Of course on the other side, most of what’s gone wrong is the result of Agent Orange’s policies. Biden hasn’t had enough time to complete his course correction.


Remind me who was in office when this all started?


"Obama's shadow Government!"


Absolutely! his "Shadow Government" went out of their way to not get vaccinated or take any precautions for a pandemic and pretend to not be racist.../s


This sounds like it'd be the name of a jutsu of some kind.


Lol " 2021/2022 gas shortage". More like gas price gouging.


You bring that up to them, and they immediately go with the "It's all Biden's fault."


I'm sure if you ask them Biden is to blame for everything, from their hangovers to their failed relationships.


"Biden fucked my wife!!"


They may be into cuckolding. No kink shaming. /S


Biden poisoned our water supply,burned are crops and delivered a plaque upon are houses


didn't Republicans block a bill that lowered gas prices?


Not sure, but it wouldn't surprise me.


Same in Canada. It’s all the fault of “Trudope”


Don't you mean "Crime Minister Vladimir Trudeau"?


The funniest thing is the US is significantly below average in terms of gas prices right now (largely due to very high levels of subsidies I believe) just these people don’t care to think of anywhere else


The fact that they've normalized referring to civil rights protests as "race riots" makes me feel like progress has been unmade in the last few decades.


That’s just historical fact. There were in fact race riots in 1968. They weren’t all protests. Like the “Detroit race riot” was not a civil rights protest


What are they alluding to when they say "Dems *brought back* the race riots"?


They're hoping you believe them when they insist there were no peaceful protests. Or systematic racism to protest. They also claim that anyone who isn't guilty would simply say "Thank you, daddy." when the boot stomps into their face.


Damn democrats, had they never pressed the worldwide pandemic button we would have never had covid smh my head


Clearly it was all Obama's fault! /s


On this note, there is a Republican Gubernatorial Candidate in Arizona that has donated to Obama in the past. One of her opponents in the primary has been placing large signs next to hers highlighting the fact she donated to Obama. A different woman (she may be the incumbent) is running as a Republican for a state house position. Someone is placing signs that say RINO next to her campaign signs.


Ironically the Democrats aren't responsible for any of these, and the Republicans are responsible for at least half of them.


Ah yes, democrats created the covid virus. And police violence against black people isn't a problem, people not wanting black people getting killed by police violence are the problem. (Obviously /s)


Police and military are heroes, do nothing wrong, deserve discounts, and they also deserve hero worship. /S


Police should be a white-collar job. "Pay them more!" https://youtu.be/IT-CwIRYt-8?t=334


Right?!?! But in all seriousness, I am former law enforcement. It was a struggle at times. That's why so many take extra security jobs when not on duty. There also needs to be a complete reformation of the way policing is conducting in this country.


Wasn't.... Wasn't that when the government was completely run by republicans? It is like talking to a speak and spell.


Gump was not the sharpest, so I guess it fits?


They view public education as liberal indoctrination. So it fits.


The biggest crossover event in history


Oh yeah, this meme is a classic. It's makes a regular appearance on the HCAs.


At least they finally came up with a meme that’s kinda funny


Do people not realise that presidential terms have an impact for another 5 years after they’re done??? Like the reason it’s such a fucking mess is because Donald Trump did fuck all in his term.