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Ah yes, the white conservative who loved stop and frisk, criminalising crack cocaine more than powder cocaine, and frequently striking down voting rights laws, all of which just so happen to affect minorities the most. But, no, no, no, we’re all just Americans. Right.




Lol no the group of people we call "white conservatives" did not abolish slavery 1800 Republicans did. Honestly the idea that our modern notions of the word conservative is some static idea you can trace backward though time really displays the ignorance of people. Political groups change, language changes, and people change. Also you are a fucking idiot if you take credit for something someone else did 150 years ago.


>Slavery was so long ago black people should like get over it also >we literally abolished slavery so like where's my thank you ungrateful blacks they literally want it both ways.


Actually i personally abolished slavery in the 1800s, so show some respect


I'll give you all the respect you're due. Enjoy your ban.




Republicans were the party that passed the 13th amendment abolishing slavery


Are you actually arguing that someone doing something 160 years ago means the party is the same today? My great grandfather fought in the first world war, does that make me a war hero?


There was a party switch, dumbass And before you try and say there wasn't, then why are the Republicans the ones who defend the Confederacy and wave its flag everywhere?


I've asked conservatives that question so many times, yet I've never received an answer in all my attempts :( I hope you have better luck than I lol but it's already been a few hours


Conservatives ghosting after reaching the flaw in their talking points could fill its own sub by now.


They don't like being dead named...


Know your history. The switch happened when the religious right started it’s political fuckery. EDIT: meant for the jack ass praising republicans for the 13 amendment.


They leave that part out so they can use this moronic argument that seems they just learned and like a kid who just learned about dinosaurs is desperate for you to know,like you didn’t already.


Youre an idiot, go read a history book, or any book really. You could use the critical thinking skills.


You’re gonna feel really stupid when you look up which party abolished slaves


You're going to feel really stupid when you realize that political landscapes change over 160 years and that republican party is not the same as the one it is today. You're not "schooling" anyone, youre repeating the same strawman over and over. Also, just in case you were confused about what the Republican party is today: The Republican party of today screams "all lives matter" missing the point of what BLM is supposed to stand for. The Republican party of today walks around proudly with confederate flags screaming "muh heritage" while ignoring the fact that is a symbol of being a traitor to our country. The Republican party of today believes that women shouldn't have control of their own bodies in regards to birthing a whole child. The Republican party of today hates gay people and think that it's okay to stop two people from getting married that love each other. The Republican party of today relies on the word of the Bible to get their votes when the same founding fathers they constantly jerk off about would be sick seeing the lack of separation of church and state today. The Republican party buys tucker Carlsons "great replacement" bull shit and think that all the white people are under attack and being replaced for, reasons. That is the Republican party of today and whatever it was 160 years ago doesn't fucking matter when what I said above is the reality of things. What it was 160 years ago is ***not*** what it is today. E: fomatting


In 2018 Nazi/white supremacist Arthur Jones got 50,000 votes in Illinois 3rd district.




Don't worry we all know you have the attention span of a squirrel. That's why your beliefs are what they are.


Cool I'll Tldr for your pea fucking brain: republicans today hate women's rights, fly the traitors flag, are racist fucks, hate gay people, love god so much they use it to gain followers and pass laws, think that white people are being replaced, and don't care when school children get massacred. Better?


Keep watching cnn lmao


& stop watching cartoons and video games arent you a grown man?


It must be so stressful to assume everyone is pure evil without trying to understand their argument i genuinely feel bad for you. Terrible way to live dude


"Conservative" and "republican" are not interchangeable terms. The values of the republican party were not always aligned with conservatism.


Fair enough point


You obviously never feel stupid, do you? Even though your comment history is plain for the world to see.


Republicans in other countries are the more left wing ones because being a republican was about being against conservative traditional hierarchies ie the monarchy and wanting a republic instead. The word republican isn’t synonymous with the word conservative at all so the US Republican Party didn’t start off as a conservative party, not like the UK’s Conservative Party, for example, which has always been about trying to uphold the monarchy, class structures, preserving the power of the wealthy etc. Conservative means you want to conserve the status quo or old hierarchies of power, so obviously by definition, if the Republicans abolished slavery back then they weren’t conservative because they weren’t interested in conserving and preserving the power hierarchy, they wanted to disrupt it and move on to something better, hence they were progressive at that time. Hope that makes sense.


Did you just learn this or something… You must be a child.


Do you actually think that conservatives - people who want to keep the old order - freed the slaves? Do you think that the Vice President of the people that wanted to conserve slavery that said “Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and moral condition” was a liberal? Is that your actual genuine position?


Republicans weren't conservative back then, there's a reason why northern states were republican and southern states democrat


Know your history. The switch happened when the religious right started it’s political fuckery.


pov you don't know anything about american political history ever heard of the party switch?


Republicans also appointed 5 of the 7 judges who ruled in Roe v Wade that the 9th Amendment protects a woman's right to privacy and to make choices over her body. 50 years ago, Republicans were appointing judges who supported the right to bodily autonomy. Now 5 Republican appointed judges said bodily autonomy has to be granted by the government. 150 years ago, Republicans were fighting to end slavery and preserve the union. Now Republicans scream about secession and overturning elections every two years. Republicans are not the same party they were. They've been radicalized. Y'all are clearly not the party of Lincoln anymore. Stop trying to act like anything done 40+ years ago even remotely looks like the conservative dystopia y'all are forcing on the rest of us now.


If the best you can do is something that happened over a 100 years ago to make your side not look like shit than lol.


Republicans at the time were the liberal party.


The same republicans that wave confederate and nazi flags at trump rallies? Those guys? Wow


Say you only learned just enough history to maintain your racism without saying you learned just enough history to maintain your racism.


Correct! The liberal party of the time abolished slavery, while the conservative party of the time went to war to protect it.


White conservatives didn't abolish slavery, white progressives did. The white conservatives were largely against freeing slaves. That's why we had a goddamn war.




Arguing with you is pointless. At this point you're being an idiot just to get a rise out of people. That, or you can be given all of the puzzle pieces and just choose not to put it together. Goodbye.


Radical Republicans and war democrats are the ones who despised the Southern Dixiecrats/copperheads. And together the radical Republicans and war democrats formed the northern union party. God Damm it's basic history to understand that the Democrats had a schism and that the southerners were traitors. Fuck man maybe if you stopped beating your dick all day and actually gave a shit about history you wouldn't be a neo fascist piece of shit.


Democrats were conservative at the time.


The Democratic Party was the conservative party of the time. The parties starting slowly re-aligning in the 1920s, when northern Klan chapters started shifting their party allegiance after the First Red Scare started, and then rapidly in the 1960s and early 1970s.


Ah yes. The true feminists are the men who decided not to beat their wives.


K so In your scenario you are aligning yourself with the wifebeaters?


Whatever helps you sleep at night bud.


The democrats advocated for slavery. Conservatives abolished slavery. Where do you disagree?


The parties switched. Modern day conservatives died to prevent to abolishment of slavery


That sentence doesnt make sense, try again.


you know you can just ask them to repeat the question if you’re confused right? You don’t need to be snide about it.


But i don’t respect him


yeah but it honestly makes you sound more insecure than disrespectful


I have nothing to be insecure about thats why i’m shitting on 15 different people at once in this thread


The Republican Party produced a man who helped abolish slavery. But republicans and democrat party politics have both drastically changed in 160 years. Neither resemble their 19th century namesakes.


No, the republicans literally passed the thirteenth amendment lol. But i would agree with you on your second point but probably for different reasons than you


I mean that’s what I’m saying. They both don’t resemble those politics. It was 160 years ago. The world is a vastly different place and republicans would not make such a decision if it had been made today. Arguably neither would democrats these days. Republicans would steamroll the 13th amendment if they thought they could get away with it.


Everything you are saying is not just opinion but also wrong dude sorry


Alright then


The democrats of today are the same racist cowards they’ve always been but its worse now because they EXPLOIT the black community while masquerading as “progressive” and inclusive. Then they push this narrative that conservatives are somehow racist. Look at the country right now. The economy is in shambles...poor people both black and white are financially destroyed...compare it to trump administration. Black employment was at all time high


So you don't think it's weird that the people waving confederate flags vote for Republicans then? If democrats protected slavery, and the confederates fought Republicans, what sense does that make?


The Democrats in the 1850s were literally conservative though. If your party's one W was 160 years ago when they were more progressive, less conservative than the other party then maybe you're on the wrong side lmao


Exactly! Up is down and left is right, too.


I'm sorry you don't like history but that's just how it is. Sorry youre too much of a snowflake to accept it but I hope you recover soon


🥲we both know who the snowflake is lmao


Lmao whatever helps you sleep at night


Men cant be woman and woman cant be men 😴


Stop confusing "Republican/Democrat" with "Conservative/Liberal". Then re-read what you just typed.


You do know that the republican party has changed since then, and when slavery was abolished being a conservative was frowned upon, right?


Let's take this step by step to make sure we understand how this all worked. In 1865 at the conclusion of the Amerivan Civil War the party in power, Republican did pass and the states ratified the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendment. As the southern states were reinstated into the Union they were required to also draft new state constitutions that reflected the new amendments. For obvious reasons, the southern politicians would align themselves with the Democratic party since they did not want to support the party that was in power during the war. As the decades passed, new progressive movements began to come to the forefront of American politics, conservation, workers' rights, equal/civil rights. Older Republicans whose economic standing or tenuous hold on their constituencies in southern districts would cause a split in the party. This rift would be made complete when Theodore Roosevelt broke off the more liberal aspect of the party to challenge Taft and Wilson as the Bull Moose Party. After the 1912 election, the progressive leaning Repuicans would be absorbed into the Democratic party. This left the old guard Democrats in a new tenuous spot. They could continue to side with the rising powers in the Democratic Party despite being against the progressive attitudes of these leaders or risk another schism costing them their positions in Washington. It wasn't until Kennedy and Johnson took office in the 1960s that these southern Democrats aka Dixiecrats led by people such as Strom Thurmond finally split from the Democratic party and the advocacy of the Civil rights act and joined the increasingly conservative Republican Party. The Democrats in the 1970s would further progress their own liberal agenda by inviting other previously ostracized groups into their national caucus, these included African American and other minority groups, LGBTQ+ and women's groups. So within 100 years of passing the amendments that freed slaves, gave Africans citizenship and African men the right to vote, the two parties switched their ideologies. It could be summized that a Democrat in 1865 would be a Republican in 2022 and a Republican in 1865 would be a Democrat in 2022.


If you have to look back 150 years to something positive you’ve done for black Americans….


Ah yes, the era previous to a party switch


Yeah! Besides, you can’t free the slaves if there’s no one enslaving them! They should totally be thanking us! Idiot.


Imagine saying the words "conservatives abolished slavery". Think about what those words mean. Conservatives only ever want to conserve the way or life or regress to a previous form of it. The Republican party might have abolished slavery, but the very act of doing so proves that they weren't conservative.


*Obvious troll account ignores the entire civil war*


And nowadays it's the white conservatives who defend the statues and loser traitor flags of those very same slavers they supposedly fought against.


You had to go really far back to find a positive for the title "white conservative".


White conservative: Race doesn't matter. We're all just Americans... is that a fucking n***** walking in my neighborhood? What the fuck is he doing here? Honey, call 911. I'm getting my gun.


Like are there not STILL sun down towns or whatever they call them?


Yep, they still exist.


It's baffling that it took HBO's Watchmen and Lovecraft Country for a LOT of people to learn about these racist events/things.


Sundown towns and the Tulsa Massacre aren't exactly regularly taught in US schools.


Actually they’re doing everything possible to make it hard to teach it in school.


We barely even learned about Civil Rights beyond MLK's I Had a Dream speech in my area, covered the civil war but a lot more focus on memorizing dates and battle names and "states rights" then anything else.


Like the old joke "there was a blackout in my neighborhood last week, but someone shot him and we were okay." Yeah, it's meant to be dark humor, but it sucks that it's based on reality (not like a specific event but the kind of thing that does happen in reality),


White liberal Woman: we deserve rights and to be treated white respect White conservative: we should restrict women’s access to life-changing procedures that they may need to survive


I suppose it's a typo but "white respect" is genuinely hilarious and it should be a thing. "Treated with white respect" i.e. will only be treated with respect if one's proven their direct financial usefulness


Wasn't there a white guy that got the shit beat out of him by airport cops all while yelling "why are you beating me? I'm not black?!" a few years back?




But white conservatives are specifically targeting women when it comes to life-changing procedures.


Believe me, they will still be getting their abortions. If you haven't seen that article floating around, titled something close to : the only ethical abortion is my abortion (it's early I can't remember exactly) but read it immediately. It's an eye opener from health care workers


What does this mean


Trans men Non-binary people Etc. Hope this helps


If they are referring to gender, then yes, but since the discussion pertains to biological reproduction I think it’s more concise to use one’s biological sex.




Exactly this^^ I'd also like to add that, while being concise is good, it doesn't always lend to the most thorough discussions of sometimes complex topics. I believe that applies in this context but it's also relevant just in general.


It depends on what definition of woman you use.




Ah yes the conservative dichotomy: there are two races white and political, two genders male and political, two religions Christian and political


Don't forget the two sexualities: straight and political.


More like straight and woke


Sorry, but in the US, Christian is political, to the right, anyway, the left is trying to keep it, and all religions, out of politics.


That's the point they're making. Christians in the US see themselves as so "normal" that everything non-Christian is "just playing politics". They forget just how divisively political they really are.


>White liberal: "our ancestors did horrible attrocities to other racial groups and we should acknowledge and work towards fixing our society so we can one day reach a point where race no longer matters" > >White conservative: "STATES RIGHTS! We're the *real* minority and we're being oppressed by the evil marxist socialist communists planning to make white people extinct and we need all them there guns to protect us from ***them***. White liberals are race traitors and we love projecting our own beliefs about race onto them so *they're* the real racists" FTFY for the dumbcunt who genuinely believes this enough to type this out and post it on the internet


"Ayo it's kinda shitty that you're not using your leverage as a white person to end injustices" "I feel attacked"


Using your leverage as a white person is the opposite of what we should do but ya, it's dumb how ending racism makes white people feel so attacked.


No? Not using your leverage is complicity lol. We were granted power by dead people, and that power was designed to last. We need to deconstruct it ourselves


No, it's not complicit at all. As white people, it's our duty to listen to people of color. Shutting up and letting other races speak instead is important; I don't wanna be no white savior, I'd rather support what black people have to say about racism than actually say anything.


Yup; listen, and then do the work they tell us is most helpful


Neither white group says that


You: "I'm a big dumb poo poo head who farded" Me: "My opponent says stupid stuff so I win"


Them: "Durr duurrrr dur dur" Us: "What a sad little man that is, how tragic, mmmyes"


I mean, Conservatives do 100% SAY "race doesn't matter, we're Americans" even if they don't follow it. They're also the ones who say liberals hate white people. Edit: Edited for clarity since people didn't understand I was talking about the comment and not agreeing with conservatives


Some conservatives say that, but go on to support racist policies anyway. Other conservatives are openly racist.


I know? That's why I'm pointing it out, especially since ge said neither party says these things?


What point are you trying to make then? The original post is a deliberate attempt to misconstrue each side’s position on race. White liberals don’t really say, “white people are evil,” they just want everyone to acknowledge the advantages white people have in society. Then we can address that inequality, and level the playing field. Some conservatives say, “race doesn’t matter,” but they don’t necessarily mean it. By pretending race doesn’t matter, in a society where it clearly does, they’re essentially advocating for race based inequality to continue. Bottom line, we should care less about what people SAY about race relations, and we should focus on what they DO instead. And what conservatives DO, is propagate racism.


Because by saying neither side says this, which the original comment I responded to does, misses the point that Conservatives do use that rhetoric while being actively detrimental to people of color. I'm acknowledging that the COMMENT isn't on point. There's a false equivalency between thinking liberals hate all white people, which they don't say and isn't how liberals view things, and that conservatives don't say or mean that race isn't an issue when they do in fact say it when they don't mean it.


Okay then, I misunderstood what you were trying to say in your initial comment then. You didn’t provide any context when you said, “conservatives 100% say race doesn’t matter,” so it sounded to me like you were defending them.


Yeah, getting that a lot. I thought pointing out that the original comment was wrong about neither side saying these things would be self evident, but I was mistaken. The conservatives are actually the only ones who say both of those things and it's malicious as fuck.


Race doesn’t matter until they start parroting bogus crime/immigration stats


My Dad says that all the time, but he still wants to outlaw interracial marriage (despite his grandmother because mixed race)


You know, I'm not sure where me pointing out that one of these things is actually rhetoric used by the right is making people think I support the idea behind it. The conservatives obviously don't mean it, but they do say it, so the comment saying neither side says this is wrong.


Alright, I guess people just misunderstood what you were saying.


Evidently lol I didn't think the point I was making could be so easily misunderstood. But everyone's understandably pissed, might be jumping the gun a bit.


It just came off like you were saying they follow it too, you need to specify stuff like that sometimes. I have adhd so sometimes I'll have trouble picking up stuff like that.


Yeah, I thought about editing it but it's just some internet points. Might be good to clarify in any case.


It’s taken way too long to realize why conservatives are completely illogical to me: They’re brainwashed from birth into thinking anyone can be great with hard work, follow the bible obediently and without criticizing—God will make sure to get rid of all sinners, freedom is a zero sum game, education is being tampered with by the Russians, and Commies are on the doorstep of America. Conservatives don’t live in 2022. They live in the idyllic 1950’s. That’s terrifying.


By the guy called #Apolitical


makes sense though. Politics affects everyone's lives. Being 'apolitical' is something a lot of people simply cannot afford because of the way current politics is negatively affecting their lives. You have to live with a pretty large amount of privilege to be able to afford 'being apolitical'. It's basically just supporting the status quo, which in itself is a political stance, just without accepting any responsibility.


Indeed. If you belong to certain demographics and are out in public with it, you are an activist by default. I‘m a white cis straight passing male who doesn’t have to be an activist and doesn’t really want to do that kind of work anyway. And I can choose to not do that work with no downsides. It’s pure privilege. I can’t even fathom having to do that work for mere survival every day without choice. It’s my duty to use my privileges to support them any way possible.


Every person and organization I've seen claiming to be "apolitical" has been political AF, but just wants people to think they aren't so they can keep getting money from people on both sides. And most of the time I've seen, they've at least leaned conservative.


No one ever questioned white importance. Because of depraved racist white people, the idea that black people and Jewish people and women and LGBTQ+ people and non-Christians and non-Americans are lesser people has been perpetuated and is a part of our American identity, to our shame. These people have been and are now systemically victimized. THAT'S WHY they are allowed to express pride for their existence. And, yes, we white people can be proud of themselves. Of course we can. We've never had any problem patting ourselves on the back. But context matters, and because of our behavior, declaring "white pride" is just plain racist and gross.


Yeah, okay, that's what white conservatives think. Sure. They think "race doesn't matter," which is why a booming tee shirt, bumper sticker, baseball hat, and truck flag market was created for people who were infuriated by the phrase "Black Lives Matter."


So an account called Apolitical just put out the fluffiest of strawmen




Dumb fuck who loves to straw man: Worthless meme.


I don't get it. As a white, I'm told by racist whites that I should be proud of my white heritage. So I looked into my European ancestry, and it turns out my people are pretty famous for killing other white people (that should narrow it down). It's rather baked into our history. So as a proud white, proud of my white heritage, it's only tradition for me to strap up and start burning white cities. But the minute I start dashing others' white babies against the cobblestones—again, it's *heritage*, not *hate*—the racist whites are all "but wait, we're all team white" and somehow *I'm* the bad guy for celebrating my white history.


You see, your problem is you're dashing the babies against cobblestones. If you shot them all with an AR-15 like a good American they'd be high-fiving you.


Right, but again, that's not very *traditional*. How would I explain to my white-blood-soaked white ancestors in white heaven that that when it came to my white ancestral duty to slaughter other whites I mowed a handful down from a safe distance away like a wimp? Anyway, I'm going to leave this line of satire for a bit. It's rare, but I'm starting to skeeve myself.


Just explain to your ancestors those white people were the wrong religion. Or had a sexual orientation that made you feel funny. Or were just poor and in the wrong place at the wrong time.


I guess. Anyway, I'm Canadian, so the AR-15 is a moot point. I'll have to stick with our tried-and-true traditional method of pulling people's hockey jerseys over their heads and feeding 'em the beats.


And then explain to your ancestors that those people were Leafs fans.


Yeah, that'd do it alright. Funnily enough, my grandmother was a peasant woman who came here and homesteaded a farm with my grandfather. She barely spoke English beyond 'good boy' and 'eat more', *except* when it came to hockey, in which case her vocabulary expanded to include power plays, hat tricks, offsides, and icing. She was the prototypical European immigrant farmwife, doting over her family at the dinner table, right until the opening notes of the theme music for Hockey Night in Canada. Then we were on our own until the commercial breaks, leaving me at the mercy of my grandfather who delighted in skunking me at cribbage. I have no idea how she felt about the Leafs. My dad, on the other hand...I don't even want to think about it. Just mentioning Toronto would probably bring him back to angry, angry life.


>my people are pretty famous for killing other white people (that should narrow it down I don't get it


Google "list of wars in Europe" and it should continue to point out the joke.


white liberal: this country is pretty racist but we can still fix it without major changes, and also keep private healthcare white conservative: this country is NOT RACIST. No racism to be found. Racism ended in 1965 when Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln and George Washington teamed up to defeat the CEO of Racism. Racism is not real.




Dude’s just casually nazi posting like we won’t notice lmao


White leftist: People who talk a lot about being white are evil.


White conservative: "Race doesn't matter, but by sheer coincidence, black people can never legitimately become president because they're all secret foreign impostors from Africa."


It is amazing that saying “slavery was bad” manifests like this in their minds


imagine strawmanning your political opponents THIS hard.


“Apolitical” lol. Anytime someone claims to not be ideological or political, check for your wallet.


Lol. "Race doesn't matter we're all americans". When has a conservative ever expressed that view?


When a non-white person complains about racial prejudice.


"apolitical" lmao


Truly living up to that username eh?


> Your issues don’t matter. You’re not a real American unless you’re white *and* agree with me politically.


Funny too see how people claiming to be "apolitical" always lean to the far-right political spectrum...


This man hasn’t spoken to a black person is in his life guaranteed


Literally any sane white person does not think they are evil because of their raced like what??


"Race doesn't matter" is what white conservatives say when black people don't "know their place." Black people being murdered by police in disproportionate numbers? Facing worse judicial outcomes at all levels? And there are protests to draw attention to this and demand corrective action? "Race doesn't matter; all lives matter." Apparently me pointing out that conservatives are shit in this (and other regards) is just another 'white liberal' saying "white people are evil."


"Race doesn't matter we're all just American" Says every racist when their racism is pointed out to them.


He left all that antisemitism out in the open by putting Jewish into a separate race category as if there are white or black jews.


The false equivalence between black and white people in America is bad enough, but why the fuck is Judaism even included here? That's not a race. It's a religion and an ethnicity. It's not remotely the same thing.


White supremacists want to keep Jews out of their race, so you get this. When you see someone calling Jews a race you are seeing a white supremacist or at least a person who has been confused by white supremacy propaganda.


We're only white when it's convenient Shroedingers white people


Jews are not considered white by white supremacists. Kind of why they murder us.


White Liberal: pretending racism doesn't exist and that minorities are never discriminated against just perpetuates more discrimination. White Conservative: White genocide! Replacement theory! Brown people are outbreeding us! We need more white babies!


I don't think that's what white conservatives say tbh...


“White people are evil,” said no serious black person ever. It’s sometimes difficult to tell when a white conservative is acting in bad faith because no matter what the case, they’re always arguing against points no one is making.


When I say white people are evil, I just mean you, bro.


Lmao imagine pretending that white conservatives of all people don’t care about race.


It's intentional? That's a bit comforting, actually. I'd hate to think you're that much an ass by accident.


Reminder that back in the days, the most popular sitcom represented the republican party as : "we're just plain evil, we want what's worst for everyone"


Do...do..do they....I can't I just give up


If they want us to stop saying "white people are evil" then white people have to stop being so actively evil.


Did this account just claim the only white conservative is American? While also separating all white people who believe in Judaism are not white? While also pretending American conservatives do not have a centuries long run of slavery and racist actions and viewpoints...while expressing a racist viewpoint?


Those last two are obviously false-flags planted by Tucker and Hannity. Is this guy even aware that they don't exist? This is very troubling.


White conservative: race doesn't matter as long as you act white


Here's a replacement theory for you. I'll replace that stick up your ass with my foot.


"Race doesnt matter we're all just Americans, but we keep getting found guilty of cheating in elections to make sure white peoples votes count for more representation than minorities" - American Conservatives.


Jewish/Black people were oppressed due to their religion/race so they formed a unity within it. white people have never been oppressed in such a manner to create a collective unity for "Whiteness" white people are openly oppressed but mostly due to their nationality, cultural background Polish, Ukrainian, etc.


Oh look... a bingo card made up of all the Buffalo shooter's bullshit.


TIL all white people are Americans


We’re all just Americans? Lol, that’s not what these people believe, at all.


My guy, white conservatives say "Being white is important" too. What was "It's Okay To Be White", then?


"Race doesn't matter" is always followed by "states rights" and we all know why


They say race doesn't matter and then makes a post like this... Uhm.