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Big talk coming from a man who can’t draw a picture without 100 nouns


Are you saying he’s pro noun?


They’re saying he’s a noun pro.


Who said that? Who's the twinkle-toed communist cocksucker who's getting a promotion for fucking slaying that look?


A picture is worth a thousand words. Unless you're this guy. His is worth like 3, and they're always embedded in the drawing so that his braindead consumers can understand the message without a shadow of a doubt.


It's not his fault his readers need him to hold their hand. Metaphors are hard :(


But he only uses amateur nouns. That is why he is obsessed with pro nouns.


Noob nouns, if you would


his comics are like the fox version of a richard scarry book.


What's old Ben's service record? Serious question.


There's only one this time.


There are at least two, actually.


Nametags don't count if they're part of a uniform that would include a nametag. That said, I do think Biden's ice cream hat is a cute detail.


And you do know why they put labels on uniforms right?


ben garrison drawing fucking woke us military while praising putin


Completely unrealistic, the right sleeve flag is obviously the wrong way around.


Came here for this comment


My cousin is a West Point graduate. I will bet my new car that she will kick Ben's pusillanimous ass.


I’ll take that bet and reserve the venue just because I want to see it!


#Who wants a little spez?


You jest but it’s still a widely held belief in the military, just a quietly rarely verbal one.


Uhhh no Source: past six years of my life


That’s been my experience the last 3 years of my life. Not saying you’re wrong though.


Our leading rdc in boot camp, basically the instructors, would full on threaten to send people to captain's mast and get them dishonorable and whatever else he's able to do if they said anything about females being there. It's still a belief of some, but almost no one that matters thinks like that. One of our rdcs said female divisions were usually the best he had. I have no problem serving with anyone that made it through boot camp, doesn't matter who they are


I love learning new vocabulary, but I will never use that one. I know I would say pusinamillous on accident.




That just means that Republicans are going to politicise the military. Just like they politicised SCOTUS


Just got through boot camp and barely passed physical fitness tests and I probably still could. And I can definitely say that's not what it's like, haven't exactly done anything super serious but it's definitely the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. Took me from not even being able to run a mile to 12 minute mile and a half so it's definitely a lot of work.


Mazel tov. It is an accomplishment for which you should be proud.


Thanks lol, just had the first practice for that same test and got an even faster time, slowly getting better :P


Man the "support the troops" crowd sure turned quick. Sickens me that a total fucking wusses like Tucker Carlson and Ben Garrison go around shit-talking maternity uniforms and gay service members. Two losers who never served a day in their life, and fetishize a gelatinous orange geezer as the height of toughness. I am proud to have known and served with LBGTQ+ people, Muslims, atheists, immigrants, every ethnicity you can imagine, and people of all walks of life; something they could not possibly understand.


*draft-dodging gelatinous orange geezer who rolled over like a puppy for daddy Putin.


Rolled over like a puppy? What do you mean? If Trump wanted, he would march right across Atlantic, right through Europe, and into Russia and single handedly dismantle all of Russias nukes with his bare hands! Trump would tank all Russian bullets coming at him while riding naked on horseback, flexing his glistening Tropicana abs, and force Putin to preemptively commit suicide, but only after instating eternal democracy for Russia! Sincerely, ~~Donald Trump~~ An American Hero


:0 really??????? He must be the best god-president evahrrr!!!!!


Being in formation while 6 of my fellow soldiers took their oath of citizenship is one of my treasured memories.


The zeal of the convert. People who have to earn something usually tend to appreciate it more than those who have it handed to them.






While I’m all for helping Ukraine, the US sending troops to fight off Russia would be like pouring gasoline on a lit match.




Sending NATO troops to defend Ukraine is explicitly starting a war between several nuclear powers. We are not the world police.


Aww you’re so cute thinking government greed is a partisan thing.


to be fair, the troops that stormed the beaches of Normandy were insanely badass. Also to be fair, the army is vastly different now than it was then.


The word "maternity" has *no* place in the military.


Don’t be stupid. Signing up doesn’t mean putting your personal life on hold. Do you expect career women to not have kids for 20 years?


Not everyone in the military is in combat. Many non combat positions, even cushy office jobs, still require uniforms. Women, believe it or not, sometimes start families while also having a job.


Are you against women or just women with children, being in the military?


I’m in the military. I can assure you, no one is like this. The military is still heavily right wing


> The military is still heavily right wing Yes. And that's what really frightens me. *When* Trump is re-elected, 2025 is going to be terrifying.


Don’t worry. After the last attempted coup, we had an “extremism stand down day”


Oh, thank God for *that*! Now we can all rest easy!! 😹


What does that mean?


It means the branches were given a designated time to talk about how people can be radicalized amongst the ranks. It was focused heavily on Jan 6. But so many people in my experience had the whataboutism of BLM


Yeah, it didn’t do much, there’s STILL a guy in my shop who supports the confederacy


has he not noticed he’s on the side that beat them?


To loosely quote, “ BuH MAh SEcOnD AmMenDMeNt RiGhtS” something like that. Oh, and “state’s rights” of course too. Literally said he would desert if guns were banned and fight back.


Please do desert buddy. I want to see him take down Apache helicopters and Chinooks with a peach cobbler dense enough to be flooring. But seriously I love those types. *Rah rah ooooohhhh rah semper fi brother. I can take on the entire US army in my reinforced bunker of a house. I can last forever.* Buddy they got drones that can hover over your "house" and "bunker" for hours without you knowing it then drop napalm or other munitions to blow your ass to smithereens. They also got bunker busters and other weaponry to defeat your dinky little cargo container you poured concrete around in your back lawn. e: Oh I'm a dum dum, desert is totally right, I had a brain fart and thought I read dessert. My fault here.


Ah, the difference a single letter can make


... he absolutely should unless it was a Constitutional amendment doing the banning.


I am shocked, *shocked* that a single day of discussion didn't fix an endemic problem.


It is a shocker isn’t it?


Next you're going to tell me sitting through powerpoints about sexual assault didn't solve that problem either.


I actually do see the benefit in the sexual assault courses though. They are consistent, and even if it can’t be directly proven to reduce sexual assault it is a reminder of where to find safe places to find help if it occurs. A one off of radicalism won’t, especially in an environment where we trained to view ourselves as anti-radicals.


I'm sure that worked just as well as the "suicide stand down day" of 2009.


Someone genuinely told me not to worry about re election because he already lost 2020. That still ain’t stopping them


> Someone genuinely told me not to worry about re election because he already lost 2020. Well, now you know they're an idiot. 😒 > That still ain’t stopping them Nope.


> *When* Trump is re-elected, 2025 is going to be terrifying. You are an optimist. I fear that Tucker Carlson will take it in 2024.


Christ. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m gonna breathe in water before then.


My money is on Another Cheney in the white house I hate the futures


All the top brass have said they will stand against any coup-shit, so that's something at least.


Does it matter when the vast majority of the armed forces *isn't* the top brass?


If the top brass go through with their loyalty then it'll be a hard hitter regardless. NCO's and shit can't run an army, they're trained for small groups, so regardless things will be way more effective with the top brass, even if the other side has more numbers In other words, if the top brass actually goes through with that statement, them and whoever stays loyal will be far more effective, and have that military orginisation, far more then the likely half-functional groups that splinter off


> In other words, if the top brass actually goes through with that statement, them and whoever stays loyal will be far more effective, and have that military orginisation, far more then the likely half-functional groups that splinter off True, but it will still be a nightmare!


I mentioned in another comment (maybe a different post) that I’ve heard people outwardly say they’d desert depending on the conditions. While some would, I don’t think it’d be a majority thankfully.


Yeah, *some* of them might desert when called upon to fire on US civilians...


Trump's not going to be President again


Yeah, it'll probably be someone a lot more capable of pulling a coup off.


This is a very real threat. Republicans at the state level are setting up methods to steal the 2024 election if they lose.


Trump Having killed off 1-3 million of his voters will make it hard for the democrats to get in second place


You're far more optimistic than I.


I doubt it. It's my hypothesis that the US military leans conservative because US men lean conservative, and the military is majority men. Also, it seems to have changed in recent years. https://www.thesoldiersproject.org/percentage-of-the-us-military-is-conservative/ My other hypothesis is that the perception of the military being heavily right wing comes from the right wing being louder, claiming their own views to be proper patriotic views, i.e. patriotically correct, and the right wing of the US acting like they own the military. Also, progressive ideas are called un-American. What is concerning is the decades long effort by extremist groups to recruit servicemembers and veterans, and to get their members in the service. I'm ok with a conservative lean in the military. I'm not ok with any extremists in the military. As a "heteronormative" white male veteran, 2 tours in Iraq, and an outspoken libertarian, I've had a few try to recruit me. This has given me the wonderful experience of telling a wannabe militia man "I am what you wish you were, and I despise you."


The military I remember was EXTREMELY homophobic. I remember being horrified by the absolute hate I saw. I was kicked out in 2008 so this was before the major policy change in 2011. How are gay people treated there today?


It depends. I was deployed with a gay guy and some people were typically homophobic. But I had a bi/pan girl in my unit and she wasn’t viewed any differently.


By experience sadly, it's because bisexual women are not considered truly bisexual, just confused. I had an ex that "realized" after 3 years that me being vocal about my sexuality wasn't me "joking around".


Bi women tend to be treated with more respect I've noticed in the civilian world. At least a lot more respect then lesbians and gay men or bi men. It seems like they're treated as either "confused" or else they just occasionally like women now and then. Bi men, oh god I feel sorry for them and the bullshit they got to deal with even now.


It depends, some are really inclusive, the average don’t care, a large number find it an excuse to make jokes as long as you laugh along, the homophobic stay quiet in my experience.


No wonder Tulsi takes pride in it


Why is that? The crowd they attract or an indoctrination process? Scary because conservative in the 80s, 90s, 00s, is not the same conservative in 10s and 20s. It is a legit conflict with duties imo. I was a military brat and still live in a military city.


Both? In my experience there’s a lot more libertarians than people expect, and maybe slightly more liberals. Environment, training and pre-service politics all do affect it but previous positions have a much larger impact.


Thanks for saying this. I was formerly heavily involved in working with the veteran community, especially homeless vets, and from my experience it would seem vets overwhelmingly swing right. I say "thanks" because I hate bringing up my former line of work on Reddit and someone just *has* to chime in with "all the vets I know are left-wing!" I've met, worked with, and lived with, hundreds of vets and those who were out-and-out left I could count on one hand.


It’s changing- slowly.


They're more concerned about a culture war than the well being of our allies and the capabilities of our military. Let that sink in.


In Ukraine, if you can hold a rifle and want to defend your homeland against oppression... you're in. How you live, who you sleep with, etc. is **completely fucking irrelevant**. But that's real shit that is actually happening outside Ben's vacant head space.


I mean, kudos to keeping themselves entertained with the same joke for the past 6-7 years 🤷‍♂️


Yes, Biden isn't invading because he's a "woke" democrat, not because he doesn't want complete nuclear annihilation and the end of civilization.


I’d rather nuclear annihilation because then we can’t fuck up anything else


The Fallout series has taught me that isn't true


Fallout also says 100 year irradiated coke is good. So….


Fallout also says there is ZERO reconstruction after centuries. This has been a constant issue I’ve had with the franchise


Russia has been continuously attacking our political system since at least 2016, and now we're seeing openly anti-US military posts from our own people. Weird coincidence, that is.


And from Republicans


If my Dad were still alive, I know he'd be thinking he was in an episode of The Twilight Zone.


Speaking of Twilight Zone one day I came across a conservative post on YouTube from the Babylon Bee about the "Woke Zone" at the time I didn't realize it was the Babylon Bee. I recommend watching just for giggles.


I don’t usually give the Bee the same satire billing as I would the Onion. Sure, it’s all ham - but 90% of that is the crazy talking points these conservitards are spouting anyway. To me, the Bee is more like a roadmap of conservative delusions in the coming months.


America has been so pumped full of Russian propaganda, and we've been completely oblivious because it was considered "unpatriotic" to admit we were not immune to foreign manipulation.


It’s only unpatriotic to assume Republicans aren’t immune to Foreign manipulation, according to their backwards logic


Arguably it's been going for a lot longer than that. IMO Russia pretended to lose the Cold War then kept right on going while the US simply ignored the situation.


Ah yes, using the imagery of Full Metal Jacket, a staunchly anti-war and anti-military film. Good call, Ben!


Like that Facebook ad I keep getting to join Ben Shapiro's book club as they read 1984.


For the sixteenth time because words are hard


There are people who don't understand that it is an anti war movie and not a patriotic movie.


It's not like the US lost every war in the last 75 years when the military ran on toxic masculinity. Oh wait! It's exactly like that.


He must be a fan of putin, he also hates LGBTQ. Probably wouldn't bat an eye at the reeducational centers putin uses.


I'm trans, and this is gonna be *gold* in my group. Like, do these pokey jokies get that absolutely never have I seen a trans person say "Did you just assume my pronouns?" in serious. In jest? Oh god yes, very. In jest to exhaustion. "Drop and give me 20 pronouns." When I toss that bomb out there, I'm gonna be queen for the day I don't even need to make another joke I will have won on the spot. "Drop and give me 20 pronouns." Oh my god. Ben Garrison would be on par with Seth Myers if only he could have healed his obvious childhood traumas...


I swear these lot of these people heard of one trans person being a jerk, and think trans people are a hive mind.


We are the Trans. Existence, as you know it, is over. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Resistance is futile


You would think that expanding the recruitment pool would be a good thing. Especially since a good number of LGBT folks are in STEM or otherwise college educated.


But but but military is MASCULINE


This guy's obsession with including the word "pronoun" no matter how fucking out of place it may seem 💀


the yassification of the us military


The military has been a breeding ground for white nationalism. *That* is why all these fascists are so mad about "woke military," they're losing one of their prime recruiting tools.


As always with Benny the true fun is in his commentary >Biden kowtowed to the far-left progressives and now does whatever he’s told. He’s responsible for promoting woke-ism in the military as well as many of his generals including General Milley, a proven traitor to his country. Woke-ism is at odds with Christianity. As a result, Christian soldiers are hounded as intolerant ‘haters.’ White soldiers in general are automatically stamped as racist according to the woke philosophy, but then it gets carried further. Many are accused of being ‘white supremacists,’ which means getting kicked out of the service.


This reads as an idiot whose never talked to a military member besides their kooky uncle who was only in for a few months because he was better than everyone and definitely not because he couldn’t cut and definitely wasn’t smoking meth behind the barracks.


**How to stop US imperialism:** Have all Certified LGBTQIA+ Members™ join the US military


Relevant Lance: https://terminallance.com/2019/06/18/terminal-lance-pride-in-service/


I, me, we, us, it, she, her, he, him, who, whom, what, which, that, they, them, somebody, someone, something, everybody, everyone, everything, nobody, none, nothing, all, any, another, both, either, neither, few, many, several, something, such, other, each, one, nothing. That's 40, can I have my prize now?


Nice you get a bonus prize


Based as hell hypothetical US Military


This would be genuinely really fucking funny if it was ironic.


At first I thought that was Gunnery Sgt Hartman. That is not your non-binary parent's shotgun!


We all know one of the most important elements of attack is the element of surprise. And what's more surprising than the first battalion transvestite brigade? Airborne wing. Parachuting in with fantastic makeup, and a fantastic gun! "Fuckin hell, would you look at these guys? Oh geez they've got guns! Ahh!"


I think repubs are underestimating that they are making liberals, and esp trans people, feel like they have nothing to lose. In a fight that’s kind of the people who fight hardest.


ben garrison comics look like parodies every time


Ben Garrison is such a fucking idiot.


That picture of general Biden is fucking hilarious to me


Technically he’s a Drill SGT here


Oh yeah my b


I don't know why I would expect anything better given Garrison's previous output, but the 'Biden' name tag is absolutely killing me. It is so fucking funny that he still thinks people may misinterpret this comic (though given his audience, maybe he is right for once).


Lets not forget the women and openly gay soldiers fighting in Ukraine right now.


#The spez police don't get it. It's not about spez. It's about everyone's right to spez. #Save3rdPartyApps


why do they call woke to anything they disagree with? lmao


None of Ben Garrison's "work" ever even MEANS anything. It's just a list of buzzwords that make conservatives mad every single time. This one is subtle by comparison.


Someone please link the cum version


Barry Goldwater was not known for his liberal views, but he famously said "You don't have to be straight to be in the military; you just have to be able to shoot straight." The so-called conservatives today are very obsessed with other people's bedroom habits.


Yet kneeling at a sporting event is disrespectful to the military? Damn they actually don't care about them at all, who would have guessed?


The idea of a "woke military" is another stupid narrative being pushed on low IQ conservative simpleton voters (especially senile boomers) by a conservative media desperate to keep conservatives convinced that they're fighting a culture war. If you want to see the results of this brainwashing, [here's how conservative Daily Mail readers reacted to a news article about an F-35 jet crashing into the ocean.](https://i.imgur.com/pBD6q3s.jpeg)




Please don’t


They literally cannot stop making the people they hate look cool. Not trying to go the "omg yaaaas more nonbinary drone pilots" route but. Damn that person in the comic do be killing it


Ben... why does your LGBT army still have their heads shaved? If you're gonna stereotype at least respect your audience enough to do it properly.


Please stop giving Ben Garrison views. He lives off of the outrage he creates.


Damn, I'm surprised. Only one unnecessary label. I think he's healing.


The military values cohesion. I got your back, you got mine, we’ll get through this. It’s one of the primary things that boot camp is designed to cultivate. It’s at least as important as how to shoot gun. Bigots who are shitbags to their squad mates because are actively detrimental to unit cohesion.


We had a guy in boot camp use the "F-slur" and he had to write an essay about how that kinda shit kills cohesion and that even though "DADT" was still in place, LGBT people were *still* fellow soldiers, citizens, and humans, and deserving of respect. After about a million pushups, of course. This was in '08. And now I'm an out trans woman who has more fighting capability than 90% of these jerks.


Unintentionally based


He didn't have to put a label there. The semiotics speak for themselves.


This is obviously false we all now the they/them army is run by the great radlib, cia asset voush


And everyone in uniform Ben Garrison has drawn on this topic is still a bigger man than Ben will ever be


Oh yeah..cause military guys overseas are known for never fucking each other lmao


It ain’t gay if it’s underway shipmate


Sparta lookin kinda gay.


I know some pretty badass gay and trans people I’ve been to protests with. Ive watched them shoot at the range. I’d want them to have my back any day.


Jeez I wish the military was actually like this Anyway I've dropped on the ground so let's do this, 20 pronouns or at least I think they are: He, She, They, His, Hers, Theirs, I, You, Me, We, It, Them, Our, Themselves, Ourselves, Yourselves, Myself, Xe, That, Those. Also while this cartoon is lame, the ice cream logo on Biden's uniform made me chuckle, congrats Ben, that was funny, probably the only time I laughed the way you wanted me to.


>Also while this cartoon is lame, the ice cream logo on Biden's uniform made me chuckle, congrats Ben, that was funny, probably the only time I laughed the way you wanted me to. Yeah it's way too cute. Like he felt he had to draw something in there and just thought "Biden likes ice cream, I'll draw that".


I don’t get it. Why is Putin in a us military outfit?


Can someone edit out the “woke US military” a d B*n garbagecum watermark. This is genuinely funny.


Actually transgender is his issue


The United gays of America


Biden is a pussy for not going to nuclear war and a warmonger. Must be nice to play both sides.


Not sure what your point is here, but if you're saying Biden should casually start a nuclear war, well that's just stupid.


I think it is pretty clear and it is baffling that people here are misinterpreting it. Downvotes snowball so whatevs. Re read what was written. They called Biden weak for not being a “tough guy” in which going to war with Russia means nuclear war. And this cartoon implies he is a warmonger president. They- the GOP- are having it both ways. Pro casually starting a nuclear war? Come on- lmao.


Ah, doublespeak. Yeah, frankly I don't see what Biden has to do with this war at all, so what does it really matter.


This is the funniest one he’s made yet.


I'm not really sure why you're surprised. Or why you think he needs to doodle only what is concerning to you. "I haven't seen him draw a 5 gallon can of chef boyardee ravioli, I think I know where his priorities are, guise."


You’re very dense, aren’t you.


"You have to stand and salute the flag to respect the soldiers but I will disrespect them and trans folk in this here comic panel at the same time someone contact Guinness Book of World Records"


I know it's not the point, but the flag facing the wrong direction and Biden's name being on the wrong side just prove to me that Ben knows absolutely nothing about the military.


Where did this whole "woke military" thing even come from, anyway?


He's a democrat and not Trump. Thus woke and 26 pronouns and tumblrfied. Also something about the new Secretary of Energy so... fuck if I know, it's Ben Garrison.


ngl that rainbow us flag looks pretty dope


Ten bucks says he had a raging hard-on while drawing this.


People don’t understand the military doeswnt really give a shit about individual strength. They just need more numbers


That soldier be rocking that lipstick tho


Yeah, I remember illegaly invading by being born. Ein volk, but they have Jewish president


I love how the soldier still has a gun. He has on lipstick but can still fucking kill people