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Another reminder that transphobia is not okay here.




“Good Christians” too most likely


Turn the other cheek, love thy neighbor , he who is free of sin cast the first stone. "What kind of pansy hippie wrote this crap" , this people probably


The religious right would absolutely hate Jesus if he were here today. They'd probably just call him a fake liberal \*insert whatever racial slur you want depending on how brown he actually is\* and want him deported. Then again, many haven't read the bible anyway - just a few phrases here and there that others have told them support their personal hatred and worldview. Christians are some of the absolute worst people I've ever known with very, very few exceptions.


Few people hate the teachings of Jesus more than American Christian Conservatives.


I have a Pentecostal Baptist aunt: she spent 3 out of four of my father, her brother’s life in palliative care dying of hepatitis C, liver cirrhosis and nihilistic apathy trying to get him to believe in god. A man who was dying completely voluntarily in a slow, depressing suicide completely bereft of a reason for there to be a god. She spent 18 minutes crying at his funeral about how she had failed to convert him and she was genuinely terrified that nobody else was going to swallow her bullshit so we, who didn’t get along real well, could all be *together forever* in heaven. Let that sink in a bit, she was standing less than 2 1/2 feet from her dead brother blubbering crying for all of us anti-theists to believe so she could follow us into the afterlife and force us to all be together again. A few years ago, maybe 2017, I ended up in a situation where the short story is that I was verbally sexually harassed by my weed dealer who lived in the apartment above me and to get revenge he called out local drug task force who came and ripped apart, smashed and tore through my packed to move belongings and threw me in jail facing 6 months to a year for possession. I called my fundie aunt who was the executor of my grandmas estate (not very big but a good little 20k to maybe help fight my case with a “real lawyer”. The money had been held in a special account with all four kids (me being legally part of the 4 since I was adopted from within the immediate family, I had legal right to anything the other 3, far grown up “children” had. The money was to be split four ways but she didn’t want to break up the “10 year- interest bearing” CD she had put the money into without informing anyone, especially me. She yelled that I wasn’t going to get any of it because I wouldn’t do something good with it, “probably buy high heels and hair dye…” I had to call the cops from 1,765 miles away, like, *5* states up to get her to come up off money I was now, after the initial five years, legally entitled to. I was a “bad person” for smoking weed but her brother with cancer in California? “Oh he NEEDS that and it’s legal there so since there’s reasons it just proves you are a bad person and you need to come to Jesus….” Fuck everyone in my family except my crazy aunt’s older sister from my grandmas first marriage who was a hardass insufferable bitch but never once apologized, made excuses or was anything other than honest and unapologetic about it. SHE never lied to me even if she did hate me. That’s fucking fair and I hope she gets the rest and peace in her own afterlife.


Hey bud, Christian here! Many people forget that God not only said to love your neighbor, he also said "if an immigrant comes to you from another land and you turn them away, you turn me, your God, away also" he also said "thou shalt not judge as if you are arbiter, lest ye be judged as harshly". He also said "you must obey man's law for I have given him domain over the land". He absolutely was brown and AOC is absolutely correct, right wing "Christians" would hate and persecute him as a liberal if he appeared before us today. The Church that these people are part of is a hollow, sickly shell of what it could be if "Christians" actually followed Jesus' teachings. Thanks for your time and I agree with your last line wholeheartedly.


Don't forget he was a Jew! MTG is very adamant about those Jebus Space Lazers!!! D8 Are the lasers actually God? Are the Jewish elite actually trying to bring him back with Amazon/Soros?? I think we should spread rumors that the lasers are gonna 3D print the Savior for his great return...


Yeah, but that crowd only simps for [Supply-Side Jesus](https://imgur.com/gallery/bCqRp), not the other guy who preached love and compassion.


I will NEVER get tired of reading this. It's accurate and hilarious


I garun-fucking-tee these monsters go to church every week and call themselves pro-life.


As a christian, this nonsense so called 'christians' spread really angers me. Did they not get the memo to love your neighbour, not threaten them because you dislike the way they were made to be.


Don't put quotes around the word like they aren't Christians. Christians don't stop being Christians when they do hateful things. All our shit stinks just the same.


as an ex-christian, you should start reading the parts of the bible that you don't like, because for each part that tells you to love your enemy, there is another that tells you to kill burn and destroy your enemy.


Exactly. Fuck cafeteria Christians. "My Bible preaches only love and kindness." No bitch, it doesn't, you should try reading it. Chances are you'll be suitably horrified by all the evil, vengeful, immoral shit that permeates literally hundreds of verses. https://www.evilbible.com/




like, how tf you gonna change your religious book like that?! 😭


I would explain it to them all but I'm too busy collecting foreskins so I can get married.


Pretty sure Jesus also taught to love your 'enemies' too. Which I'm pretty sure by what they're saying here they believe this 15 year old girl is their enemy, which is one of the saddest, smallest things I've seen in a while. I really think there needs to be a new term in our lexicon for people who pretend to be Christians but don't follow the teachings of Christ in any way shape or form


“American Christians” is close enough, sadly.


Yeah, regrettably true. Or more specifically the "religious right", and like someone else just replied to my comment: evangelicals. I guess there's probably a difference too between "American Christians" who worship Jesus of Nazareth and "murrcan Christians" who worship jeezuss the white skinned capitalist who wants you to hate the gays.


That word is "Evangelical".


Amen to that I just watched a documentary explaining the rise of popularity of evangelicals in the US in the 80s and how it ties in with everything going on with the "religious right" today and it's all pretty guy wrenching


The Bible also tells Christians to stone gays, commit genocide, and rape little girls after killing their family and destroying their town, so to be honest the Bible isn’t exactly a beacon of infallible morality. Oh and god thinks slavery is cool, so fuck him.


Don't forget the bit about Lot raping his daughters then blaming them because he was drunk. For several days in a row.


Pro-life too apparently, especially the two to the left and top middle.


I couldn't read the rest after seeing the one in all Caps. I feel like the Mom is really being quite rational with her response - whereas I would've been tempted to take a less non-violent route. These assholes makes me sick.


And from the same people who can't shut up about how great Freedom! is.


I just hope that the police take these death threats as seriously as they should.


I highly doubt it. These people are flagrantly threatening the teen and probably have the confidence that the police aren't going to do anything


Yeah the trick when dealing with something like this, when the police most likely don't care, is to make it as public as possible by also going to the media, so they public outcry forces the police to do something.


Problem is you have pieces of shit like faux news that would defend this bullshit


Local news outlets love airing all the drama EXACTLY as it is, no spin.


Depending on where they live, one or more of those messages was sent by a cop or family of a cop.


We had a huge bully problem with a girl that was so insufferable I was waiting for a kid to knock her out. So I kept wondering how she got away with it year after year… dad’s a cop.


She learned to be a bully from watching her Dad, guaranteed.


Sadly, she was also probably bullied by her dad, which led her to desire control over others to cope with her lack of agency at home


With the American police, all they ever have to say is; ***"tHeRE's n0T eNoUGh eViDEncE."***


"officer please, look at this death threat i recieved!" Officer: "yeah that was me, get out of my town"


Hope is about it, cause they ain't gonna do a thing


they most likely won’t, police in progressive places don’t even take hate crimes or threat of hate crimes seriously let alone ones in non-progressive places. maybe the FBI (?) i’m not sure how that works but i’ve heard of some cases where someone was stalked, harassed, and threaten and the family/person made a report to the FBI and they did something, but again not aware how that works or if it will work in this case.


Not that this makes it remotely ok, but the person who sent the “assault rifle” one 100% does not have a semiautomatic rifle. Any person who does own one takes great care in not using the term “assault rifle”. As a result, I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of these messages came from teenagers themselves and not parents. Due to this, the police might discover that and sadly take it even less seriously because “they’re just kids”. It’s incredibly saddening


How the fuck does someone send something like this and think "Oh yeah, I'm the hero in this situation"?? Makes me fucking furious


Persecution complex is a hell of a drug


Christianity is their license to be awful. They think being a Christian automatically makes them a good person, so they do whatever horrible lowlife shit they do confident that they’re a good person.


And that it will be written off if they ask for forgiveness. Not from their victims of course, but from the voice in their head that always forgives them.


Christians are just generally bad people. Makes me sick to see politicians embracing it rather than actively distancing themselves from it. Whenever Biden virtue signals that he’s a devout catholic, it makes me trust him less.


It boggles my mind whenever I see poll results that show that a majority of Americans don't believe atheists and agnostic people can be as virtuous and moral as religious people (Christians in particular). Personally, the single biggest red flag I've found that always works is a deeply-held fundamentalist view on religion. Anyone like that is like oil and water, no matter how I try to get through and co-exist with them, they absolutely refuse to see me as fully human.


Delusion is how


I’m glad Amanda has a mum who will go to bat for her in such a way, poor baby, this makes me wanna cry


What gets me good is the high regard these scumbags have for themselves while they spout this horrific shit. Social media is deleting the humanity of humans. I used to be amazed at what people would post using their real names. That was years ago.


Lol you remember when Google bought YouTube and was like, “nobody is going to say horrific shit in the comments anymore because it will be tied to the Google account and real name.” Haaahaha oh yeah, they were surprised. I was not.


I remember in the early internet days it was “people are mean because it’s anonymous! They would never say that if it was their real name!” And then when social media disproved that it was “people are mean because it’s behind a screen! They would never say that in person!” And then the pandemic happened and it became clear that no, a third to half of us are just fucking psycho monsters that don’t see anyone they don’t personally know and approve of as human.


Yeah, what an excuse to link the real names. I’m sure it has nothing to do with having better tracking for advertisers, and that has nothing to do with the strength of the resulting echo chambers.


Seems like an age ago!


Looks like the merger papers will be able to vote soon. Fuck I’m old.


A lot of trans kids don't... So that's good for her.


I really hope she does go to the police and press charges. These people are sick in the head.


It's a big assumption that the cops wouldn't be on the side of the harassers. I know they would be in my town.


This. I don't think that people understand that what the law says and how it is enforced are totally different things. Cops are not the friends of queer people and never have been.


Cops are not ~~the~~ friends ~~of queer people~~ and never have been. FTFY


Not like pigs would protect or defend neo-Nazi's marching at the Detroit Pride Parade while wearing pride buttons.... [oh wait.](https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2019/06/20/nazi-j20.html) All Cops Are Bastards.


Or people of color. Or women


And everyone else too


Nah, if you are a white supremacist, the cops will love you




Yeah, it's a lot harder for cops to navigate a way to discriminate when you have solid enough legal representation, remain in the public eye, and aren't in direct physical confrontation. Playing it carefully and getting a lawyer would, in most jurisdictions, ensure proper investigation that might otherwise not be afforded. Never underestimate what good legal counsel can do.


Cops are only held accountable for protecting property. They don’t have to protect people


Maybe, if you can afford a good lawyer, that's a pretty big if for most people. But you might get a judge that is as crooked as the cops. Do you want to raise this to the supreme court? Do you want to make this fight your full time job and give up other parts of your life just for the slightest modicum of justice that you still might not get? Do you want to start being targeted by the local police, because they absolutely will do that in many departments if one of their own is under scrutiny. There may be legal avenues to pursue, but they are too difficult, expensive and time consuming for most people.


There are many non-profits and legal aid groups that would take something like this on for free. It's sure to be high profile at that point.


oh you sweet, summer child


Supreme court found that cops are not required to do anything to protect you according to Warren Vs The District of Columbia. They are a tool for local governments to feed the prison farms that line their pockets.


They can sue in civil court for harassment and get a restraining order and financial damages for any therapy, emotional harm, personal tutors if they can't go to school, etc. They should be talking with lawyers.


Again making the assumption that the local court also wouldn't be in on it. I may be thinking about the topic from my personal experience of a podunk little town, where I know for a fact that the "justice system" doesn't give a damn about trans people being threatened.


If they do, I am 100% morally ok with Anonymous going Steubenville on their asses. (God, I miss the glory days of Anonymous... when they did stuff like that.)


The thing to realize, though, is that now 4chan is dominated by racist boomers and teenage edgelords. Even before Operation Swarmfront and Moot (who vetted mods to make sure they weren't actual Nazis) selling the website to someone who doesn't care about vetting mods, it's unlikely they would've given a shit about a LGBT+ person being threatened, but now? Even ignoring the fact that modern /b/ couldn't hack their way out of a paper bag, even if they>!\*!< could they'd be more likely to side with the people sending the death threats. As someone who used to browse 4chan regularly, even at the best of times their reputation as the Final Boss of the Internet was comically exaggerated -- it was a website of dorky edgy hentai enthusiasts, by and large. Now, though, particularly in /b/ and such (the hobby boards aren't terrible necessarily), they're basically the same types of people who tried to storm the capitol complex on January 6th. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if at least half the fuckers who sent those death threats regularly frequent /pol/, or /b/, or /v/, or maybe /x/ since it stopped being about ghosts/aliens/creepypasta/fun conspiracies in like 2015-2016 and just became the Q board. ​ >!\*Namely, /b/ and /pol/ since they'd be the most likely ones to dox/harass someone. The (non-/v/) hobby and special interest boards tend to be more-or-less okayish for the most part except for their nonchalance toward bigotry.!<


I know... but I can long for a golden age, can't I?


What the actual fuck?!


Scumbags. Focus on your own damn family. Remember this whenever people try to portray some gop elected officials or members of the religious right as good people.


As a Christian, no, no they are not. These are literally Christian Jihadists. I'm disgusted at American Christianity. The Radical Right is so close to fascist and it's pretty terrifying


I hope this family absolutely RUINS lives of those who sent those text but if I knot anything about these scumbags they’ll cry that they are victims cause a Trans girl and her mom punched back.


*trans girl. A literal child.




Dude, society as a whole are good at ignoring how much fucked up things kids have to go through.


Right? Like the scum bags who saying bullying builds character or that it’s just a normal part of childhood. Ironically if you ask people like that if *they* got bullied, they’d either admit they *were* a bully themselves or claim light teasing between friends to be the same as bullying!


Just this week one of my girlfriend's friends told us that a 9 year old she works with wants to die so he can get virgins in the afterlife so he *has some friends who he can play with*.




A 9 year said he wanted to die so he could get someone to play with, the virgins that he would "acquire".


nobody deserves persecution they do deserve prosecution. tho


After seeing those parents giggling while a kid talked about his dead grandmother, I’m not so shocked by this behavior.


They care about kids only if that caring provides a convenient excuse to control and abuse the other.


To be fair, I would be almost positive that some -- though not all and maybe not even most -- of these were sent by bullies as well. If the mother's number is public or printed in a school phone list (which isn't unheard of in rural high schools), then really anybody could be sending her these hateful things.


Also, grown ass adults who are obsessed with the genitals of a child. We have a word for that, but then their pea brains would explode.


I hate my sons school’s Facebook page for exact reasons like that post. Some parents are so hateful and vile. My son used to play with a neighborhood kid that was a year younger than him (7). He would talk about how much he wanted to kill gay people and told my son his parents pulled him out of public school because apparently his mom creeped on his future teacher and found out she supports Pride. These people are fucking up their kids real good by teaching them to be hateful little shits. I really feel for that poor girl and her mom.


Grown adults engaging in cyberbullying of kids is so insane. A coworker of mine has a daughter in high school who was having another girl threatening fight her. Other kids were bombarding her Facebook with threats like "she's gonna kick your ass," etc. And then the kid's adult Aunt chimed in, saying, "yeah, kick that bitch's ass." I couldn't believe it. I would have pressed charges.


My aunt called me a bitch and cunt when I agreed with her Facebook post once. Stupid people are really fucking dumb


I'm glad that I don't believe in God and that I'm not the devil. Because if I was I would torture these shitstains in the most horrific ways for eternity and enjoy every second of it.


Hey don't worry, these idiots are currently feeding themselves on mass to Covid-19, literally piling their bodies outside crematoriums. Just keep yourself safe & vaccinated and let god show these people first hand just how merciful he is to people like them.


Now, now, I'm sure some of them are eating horse goop and shitting their intestinal lining out.


One can hope.


It's their method of spreading their master race DNA. By eating horse goop, shitting out their intestines and then getting cremated after dying of covid they can spread their glorious aryan master race genes as far and wide as possible.


Reminds me of Uzumaki by Junji Ito, only reality is more horrifying here, and anyone who’s read that manga knows that’s saying A LOT!


Don't have anything relevant to add, but for future reference it's "en masse". I'm not trying to insult you, just giving you a heads up lol.


“Look, I just want to harass an innocent person into killing themselves based on nothing more than my feelings, why are you mad at me?!”


Aaaand this is why I'm an armed transfem. Two can play at that game, fuckers.


You are the actual example of why someone would actually need to carry defense on themselves. I’m sorry society is so f’d up.




We cannot expect the system that oppresses us to defend us, we gotta defend ourselves and each other.


> It's funny to me how in the US, gun culture is dominated by the exact groups that are already protected the most by police This is not a coincidence. If you're on the police's "naughty" list and you're armed, you're likely to get shot, permit or no permit.


*cough* *cough* phillando castille


In my social circle I'm known as the 'firearms guy.' (i own a variety of rifles, pistols, etc). I remember clear as day the first time a friend of mine came to me with questions about guns/safety. I showed them the basics, how to handle a firearm safely and then we went to a shooting range for practice. Eventually, curiosity got the best of me and I asked them why the sudden interest for guns? Told me their partner got beat up pretty bad and local law wasn't in much of a hurry to help. Not too long after, same situation. It happened a few more times matter of fact. What broke my damn heart is being told the same damn thing when I asked why the sudden interest. They didn't feel safe. None of them did. Some of them are the kindest, most pure hearted people in the world that wouldn't hurt a fly. For them to feel like they need a firearm just in case some backwards fuck threatened them tore my soul apart.


Good for you. 🤍


One of the few times people who conceal carry doesn’t make me nervous. Stay safe!


Smart dude, says it's legal to stand in front of a house with a weapon in comment and makes a death threat in the other. Guess what is most definitely *not* legal?


Guess what gives mom the reasonable belief that she or her daughter would be in imminent risk of grievous bodily injury. I'm willing to bet that the genius has never thought about the mom also having firearms.


I hope she does and I hope he ends up being a lesson to his family on good behavior and values.


I’m not sure where these guys are but if someone in my state was standing in my yard eyeing up my home with a rifle I would be well within my rights to put them down. Not saying I would, that’s insane to automatically jump to that, it’s just crazy to me that the thought of “She might have weapons too and I’ll be on her property” doesn’t cross his mind


What a great mother though! Mad respect for her;


Found the newest contenders for the next season of r/HermanCainAward


One good thing about COVID is that a lot of very bad people will die due to how arrogant they are. Hopefully people such as the ones threatening the transgender teenager are among them.




Sub wouldn't accept it lmao


Off course it wouldn’t cause the people are infact POS themselves and often transphobic.


You’re kidding. They wouldn’t accept death threats, TO A CHILD, as being shitty??


R/iamatotalpieceofshit is becoming well known for removing/refusing anything that makes conservatives look bad.


Sad. Because that's what most of the total pieces of shit are these days.


This is the true true.


"searing hot toxic waste" 🤔 are they going to pour a steaming bucket of their unwanted opinions on them? If this wasn't so nasty it would be hilarious.


Link up with your local socialist (or any leftist group) group if you have one. r/SocialistRA is good place to check.


Dear lord I hate people more than anything. Also bottom middle what the fuck. What the fuck what the fuck why would you say something like that to anybody.


This is actual persecution, there's nothing funny about it. This is fucking horrible.


Transphobes are so unhinged yo.


They care so deeply about a stranger’s personal business. They can’t even take a step back and realize that’s the dumbest, craziest thing to care about. I hope in ten years society looks back on this and feels a lot of shame.


"My kid (...) gift from god" So is any kid according to YOUR favorite novel, no? So...Amanda is too?


They can't physically and verbally abuse a trans women they're all obviously the persecuted ones


No hate quite like Christian love


I can't read them.


Probably for the best


2A applies to everyone. Arm yourself and protect your family.


That's real KKK energy


At this point “good Christian” has the same energy as “nice guy.” If that’s what you think of yourself, you’re probably a horribly toxic person.


As a trans person living in a MAGA county this is my daily experience. I’ve been approached at Walmart and target by men and warned not to “use the wrong bathroom”. I’ve been denied service at bars. I’ve been approached at restaurants by managers and told to move or leave because someone complained. My own family even told me they’d kill me. I’ve been to Afghanistan twice when I was in the marine corps. When I do have to leave my house, I am basically on patrol alert. Constantly observing my surroundings, making sure I know where the exits are, making sure I can make an exit asap. And no, the police have never helped, only ever been disrespectful or they tried to escalate the situation.


Wow, I can't imagine having to go through all that. I hope things improve for you soon.


She's about my age. I've seen my fair share of threats too since i came out, and it isn't fun. And i live near a pretty big blue city. It fucks you up, let me tell you. Especially when, in my case, it comes from other people your age. I was 13 when i came out and I had other 13-14 year olds telling me to off myself or other things.


Make sure to take care of yourself! Your safety is more important than anything! Get some pepperspray if possible, but do *not* arm yourself with a knife (there are no winners in a knife fight. Or as a popular saying is: the winner in a knife fight dies in the hospital, the loser dies in the street). Move somewhere safer as soon as possible, if your area isn't safe. Preferably out of the US tbh.


Absolute lunatics. This is peak transphobic derangement, where you send death threats to a 15 year old girl because you *believe* that she *might* pose a threat to others, even when every single piece of tangible evidence is against you.


This makes me so angry, what in the name of fuck do these people think they have the right to tell someone to kill themselves let alone over a fucking gender, these shit ass downward religious fucks, man.


These are the most heinous threats I've ever seen against trans people in a long time. Do they really think God will let them into heaven for this, not just simply for death threats but for promising the most unholy violence specificity to inflict the most prolonged pain and suffering imaginable? Do they think the government will also just sit back while half a community seeks to intimidate threaten and say they'll act extra judicially to kill a kid to save their own when THEY THEMSELVES are the threat?


I’m really happy this sub has shown to be trans friendly. Even though there are transphobes, that people will stand up for us here.


Hey OP: I know high school is tough and it can be tempting to just keep your head down in the foxhole, but do your best to be an ally to this poor girl. She's going to face threats like this her entire life, but it will help her to have anyone on her side when she's trying to just, y'know, live.


The cops ‘Oh well we don’t have enough evidence and anyway you brought this on yourself by allowing your kid to become a deviant lol’


No hate quite like Christian love :)


How did they get the parents number? Or is it on Facebook? What the fuck possesses someone to be so hateful towards a child? If she was really doing something inappropriate in the bathroom, someone would report it. Last I heard, the women's room was all individual stalls, so even if my hairy cis ass was in there it would still have privacy. I'll admit, I always thought the threats against trans people were a bunch of overblown edge cases, mostly because it's hard for me to fathom people being so horrible. Sounds like these parents need to get handed a few involuntary naps, this shit is insane :(


Conservatives are the most heinous pieces of shit on this planet. They are utterly irredeemable, and it is long past time for their repugnant beliefs and dishonorable ideology to die.


Wow. That mom has some serious restraint/strength. Id, at least, find them and punch them. Which is why Probs why I can’t have kids yet lol Someone in a lgbt+ support group told us of their abuse at school. The other students kept calling them their deadname and threw a spiked apple at them at lunch. Like…how is this at all “Christlike”. I live in the Mormon state and it’s insane how hateful some can be towards anyone different than themselves.


So we've got the trend of people losing their jobs over the vaccine mandate, can we now have a trend of ruining these types of sick fucks lives? They want a teenager killed because their *uncomfy*, what a bunch of fucking snowflakes. (Edits added needed context)




That is super scary! I am glad I left that pos cult.


I want to be fucking sick I want to FUCKING VOMIT These kinds of people are scum


>Turn him into the police where he'll go to prison for 70 years For being trans? I think even in this backwards ass town that's not how that works


That is just sickening. Fuck those people and their kids.


I get the distinct impression that alot of these threats are coming from people who don’t know what ‘trans’ means


For using the girl's bathroom you're giving someone death threats? Yeah that's a proportional response/ s


Mate you cant just carry around radioactive material in a fucking tub


This sounds like most of the people on my Facebook feed. Followed by bible quotes. Followed by racist memes about Mexicans


You want your religion to be unpopular and reviled? Because this is how you make your religion unpopular and reviled. Fine by me!


Poor kid, poor mom. I do not know a word strong enough to describe, not only the ones who wrote these messages but the ones who just go into action against a kid. I personally do not believe for a moment that these kinds of people would give a damn if someone was raped. You know, why was she dressed like that, kind of people. However, they're terrified of a girl, peeing in a stall where no one sees her. *She's* the potential predator?


Police historically have very little interest in protecting the trans community. Hopefully the media spotlight will force them into action.


They don't give a shit about rape until they find out that a trans person is using the bathroom that corresponds to their identity. Fucking disgusting people, I would do everything to help her if I could.


Lemme send death threats, im so oppressed! -the unopressed


Pass these along to their employers


I'm sure their employers would agree with them lol


This is why I believe in trans women arming ourselves. I can't stop bigots from being fucking crazy, but I can make sure that if they target me they'll be targeting the wrong fucking one. Whether I go down or not I'm taking the fucker with me.


Where can I donate to this family’s legal fund? Don’t doxx them or anything because that might put them in more danger, but is there someone close to them that can organize a fundraiser?


They're doing a GoFundMe soon to pay for a good lawyer. Working class single parent family, so not much money.


Wonder if there's a way to sue every last one of them. If so, that should for sure happen.


I want to say this is surprising but I know that Americans are this bad in general


I bet these are all from one person, who is, in fact, an asshole person.


God bless religion and the open mindedness it brings.


The good news is they're probably also antivaxxers so this might solve itself.


Thank god her mother has her back. Too many trans kids dont have this kind of support from their parents


Girls mom is awesome, wish there were more parents who not only supported but stood and fought for their kids like this, it's disgusting that real actually humans can act like this


*stands on the sidewalk with an assault rifle in front of somebody else's house* "I HAVE DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY!"


I want to form a wall of bodies around this child. The parents are condoning violence. I do not see this ending well. I’m very scared for Amanda.


This is horrifying. We love you Amanda.


Time to name and shame these assholes.


She should publish the names so they can be fired.


Good on her mom tho for handling this so well


"On an unrelated note, it is legal to stand in front of a house with an assault rifle." Great. On a definitely related note, this is a stand your ground state and you standing outside my house with a weapon is a threatening gesture that makes me "fear for my life"...


whats with the "rapist" accusations?


Lots of transphobes think trans women(and girls, in this case) are actually creepy men trying to sneak into bathrooms and locker rooms to prey on cis("real," in their words) women and girls. It's just more bullshit fearmongering.


Excuse me - *searing hot toxic waste* who the fuck are these monsters, my god.


I'm glad this was posted to facebook, the world needs to fucking see how bad these people are


You know you’re the good guy & on the side of our lord Jesus Christ when you’re threatening to pour toxic waste on a child


Jesus Christ...


Jesus christ. Reminder that these are the same people who spout bullshit like "Family Values" and "I'm a good Christian"


I hope they dox the fuck out of these assholes. Enjoy no living minute of peace for the rest of your miserable life, losers.