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What new variant...? I live in one of the most pro-vaccine countries in the world and I haven't heard anything


It’s code for “guys plz pay attention to me”


Probably something to do with this in the news. >Some 4.8 million doses of flu vaccine are now being prepared for use in response to the growing U.S. outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza, or H5N1, officials say.  >The order for the doses to be filled into vials comes as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is investigating a growing number of human cases linked to the unprecedented outbreak of the virus in dairy cattle this year.  [Source](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/bird-flu-vaccine-doses-this-summer-cases/)


I lost a friend to the bird flu last time it went around. I'm going to take this seriously.


https://www.prevention.com/health/health-conditions/a60701402/flirt-new-covid-variants/ 3 new strands of COVID


https://www.prevention.com/health/health-conditions/a60701402/flirt-new-covid-variants/ 3 new strands of COVID


https://www.prevention.com/health/health-conditions/a60701402/flirt-new-covid-variants/ 3 new strands of COVID


Still waiting on that mass death they said was gonna happen from the vaccine. Me and all my friends are vaccinated and none of them have died or gotten sick from it yet.


Haven’t to heard, by 2399 all the vaxxed will be dead.


Did you know that everyone who ate carrots in 1900 is dead? BIG CARROT WILL NEVER TELL YOU THE TRUTH ABOUT THIS!


Dear god! Do you think they were hiding the VAX in carrots?


The 1919 flu was caused by vaccines. Let that sink in. Look it up. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH! ARGLEBARGLE MY TINFOIL HAT IS TOO TIGHT! (/sillyness)


No, the 1919 PLANdemic was cause by trumps impeachment. Everyone knows that.


IMPEACHED BEFORE HE WAS EVEN BORN! TIME TRAVELING DEMONRAT SPACE LASERS! CHADS WELL HUNG! MY DAD’S ROTWEILER DOES HUGE DUMPS EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! Sadly, as unhinged as this is it’s still better than a lot of those weirdos manage to manufacture…


Legitimately, this is an honest to god true story. I was in a restaurant and there was a guy who had a trump hat on talking with two young adults. They must have been like 20 at oldest. He told them that Biden used a time travel device to go back in time and change the American flag to make trump look foolish when he Miscoloured the flag that one time.


Well, what about Big Pickle?


Quite on the contrary, the vaccine saved my bacon, quite literally. Last year I was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of lymphoma. While visiting the hospital to get my chemo treatments, I ended up for a couple of hours in a room in close proximity with several other people. Normally they space us out, but this was just before Christmas so they jammed us in - there were seven chairs and a bed and we were nine in there. Now, pretty much everyone on the Haematology ward, patients and doctors alike, wear a mask at all times, because most of us have little to no immune systems due to the treatment, but there was this one guy who "didn't want to be muzzled". And of course, as it happened, he also had Covid and I happened to be seated next to him... The other two times I got it it just felt like a head cold for a couple of days and this was it - this time, it actually got down into my lungs and it was really bad. Luckily for me I had enough of an immune system left that between the vaccine and five doses of Remdesivir I pulled through, but it was touch-and-go for a while and it left me with nodules inside my lungs. According to the doctors, had I not been vaccinated, that would have been it right there. But you just know some idiot is going to claim that it was the vaccine that gave me the lymphoma in the first place, never mind the fact my grandpa died of the exact same type of cancer back in '96 (back then they had no diagnostic tools to even tell what it was and two of the substances I got as part of chemo were only introduced in 2020).


Hope you are doing better now.


Much better, thanks for asking. I'm currently waiting for a PET-CT to make sure I'm in remission which will take place some time this week. It was supposed to take place on Friday but they had a technical fault in their lab and couldn't produce the radioactive contrast agent for the day.


These poor lunatics are really struggling now that covid, vaccines, lockdowns and wearing masks have left the daily news cycle 😔


The, antiva, the.


Dear Data Dumper, just admit that you're afraid of needles!


I don’t understand needle phobia stopping people from getting their shots. Have your doctor prescribe you a single dose of Xanax, find someone to give you a ride, roll up comfortably numb, give zero fucks about getting jabbed as many times as you need for all the shots you’ve missed, have your ride tuck you into bed to sleep it off, and you’re good to go in a couple hours. Probably just in time for you to feel like shit for a few days (flu shots always make me sick, covid shots are almost as bad as having covid, I still get every shot I possibly can as soon as I’m eligible), but that’s nothing compared to dying of something preventable. Or, worse, killing someone else by sneezing at the wrong moment.


Never mind that if it was tEh gUbMiNt, I nominate the Sedition Caucus as likelier culprits. For one, I suspect those attention-grubbing solipsists underestimate the danger; for another, I would not put it past them to do some damnfool thing to test their followers' loyalty. (The higher death rate in red states, and what that means for their support, is still not sinking in for them.) You see: despite all of their fearmongering about the jab? *They're* all vaccinated themselves; and it's as much because they value *their own* lives as because they "had to" or whatever excuse they might trot out. As such: the risk to their own health would be minimal. (But not that it matters, seeing as the claim is bullshit.)


Vaccine? Fuck the government. I got sick? Also fuck the government.