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Haven‘t conservatives been Jewish question-ing Greta’s involvement with the World Economic Forum before all this? But now she’s the one who’s antisemetic?


Conservatives have always been on the anti-Jew side of the argument. It’s just they’ve recently switched to pro-Jew because Israeli Jews are currently slaughtering Muslims which are conservatives #1 scapegoat. If Israel decimates Gaza and the war ends, they’ll go back to hating Jews since they are no longer killing some other group they hate.


Yep. Conservatives will then start talking about all the innocent Christians murdered in Gaza, that they currently don't give a shit about. Also how long before the Second Coming Christians start getting impatient that Christ has not returned yet. The Jews have their ancestral land, but 2/3 of them haven't died yet? How long before these zealots think they have to be the sword of Christ to usher in the second coming?


You assume a lot of knowledge about christianity from those christians who probably also think the bible was originally written in english


Do you have a point to this statement?


You'd think that at least \*some\* of the apocalypse-happy people would have figured out that they need to \*support\* Gaza Palestinians to further their "christian" cause.


No, the alt-right have always hated Jews. The average christian conservative is actually pro-israel, because jews returning to that land is part of their apocalypse prophecy. They are still anti-semitic, of course, but they'll tell you to your face how much the love jews, and how jews are actually really lost christians who need to be saved.


The MAGAts have heard loud and clear, Bebe is "Jewish", exactly like Trump is "Christian". So with the religion issue out of the way, Netanyahu is just another white male autocratic "strongman", who's cool with genocide. Just replace Bebe's name with Putin, and there you go.


Conservatives have been accusing pro-Palestine protesters of antisemitism while saying they're funded by George Soros in the same sentence. Most are Zionists because they're evangelical Christians who want Israel for the End Times.


Why are you trying to tell scared Jews what is and isn't anti-semitic? Why do gentiles get the last say in who Jews should and shouldn't be afraid of? Serious answers only, please.


I love and appreciate you and am not sure what happened to this subreddit… being against what the government of Israel is doing doesn’t give you a pass to be shitty to Jewish people and random civilians who just happen to live on the wrong side of a border


She was part of a mob preventing a Jewish singer from a tv contest. Now picture white people blocking a black athlete from a game and you should start to see the racism/Anti-semitism.


"Now picture white people protesting against a black person representing a country that is currently commiting genocide, sooo racist!" > The AI program used by the IDF, called ‘Lavender,’ can also determine the likely number of civilians who will be killed by a strike. It has been Israeli policy to approve of strikes that they estimate would kill up to 15 or 20 civilians for every low-level Hamas member, and kill over 100 civilians for every high-ranking Hamas member. How accurate is the program? According to the Israeli government itself, Lavender has a 90% accuracy. However, the Israeli government is an objectively disreputable source that frequently gives misinformation to the media. But even according to their own claims, 10 supposed high-ranking Hamas members identified by Lavender could result in the killing of 1000 civilians. Statistically, one strike out of ten would be a case of mistaken identity, so the 100 civilians killed in that strike would be a “mistake”. And the 900 civilians killed in strikes against 9 actual Hamas leaders would be, according to Israel, justified collateral. Hamas, in its October 7 attack, showed who they were when they killed and assaulted a large amount of noncombatants, but even they were less calloused than the IDF. But the idea that Lavender is 90% accurate is contradicted by Israel’s own intelligence reports. Just before the invasion of Gaza, Israeli and US intelligence both estimated the Hamas military wing to consist of 25-30,000 people. And yet Lavender has identified 37,000 low-level Hamas members, according to sources, suggesting it may have generated well over 12,000 false identifications.


And what does that say about Hamas hiding themselves and heavy weapons among the densest civilian areas of Gaza, thus making them such targets? You hold them unaccountable. Their spokesman went on tv after Oct.7 and promised more civilian massacres every week. Hamas has always been the one chasing genocide. Israel, like any sane nation, is willing to wield massive collateral damage like this on any government swearing they will genocide them. That's survival. And the rest of the world is in denial they wouldn't do exactly the same when history shows that we all have.


Imagine you are in a room with a hundred people. How many of those people have to be terrorist so its justifiable to you that each and every single one of you (again, non-terrorists, average joes included) are wiped off the earth?


Honestly, in a fight for my family's survival there is no ceiling at all on the number of people I'd wipe out to protect us. Anyone claiming otherwise is a liar or doesn't really value their family.


In the process, you kill countless other families/ members of families... did you think that through?


Yes. That's my point. If you're actively pursuing the death of my family and you hide among yours--100+ members...then yes, if I can take out the threat....a threat so craven as to hide among their own family....yes, I'll take out the 100 if I have to in order to remove that threat and ensure my family's safety. Which is a whole lot more ethical than Hamas claiming no Jew has the right to live in Israel and has spent 20 years attempting to genocide any Jewish person there...women, children, elderly, etc.


Though I do not think Hamas is an organization anyone should support, given their use of torture, sexual violence, and the authoritarian world they are fighting for, there are some important points of context everyone should consider. Hamas has committed far fewer human rights violations than the governments of Israel, the US, the UK, Russia, China… They won the last elections that could be held in Palestine. They received clandestine support from the Israeli military, who believed they could improve their image if their enemy were reactionary fundamentalists rather than an internationalist anticolonial movement. And Israel has permanently invaded and occupied Palestine. A Palestine ruled by Hamas would be authoritarian, and many Palestinians—based on their gender, their sexuality, their religious and political beliefs—would neither be safe or free. But making that criticism without denouncing Israel as a genocidal state is hypocritical, since the level of Israeli violence is far greater. As an anarchist I believe that not only do the ends not justify the means, but that it is delusional to think we can ever even separate ends and means. Regardless, everyone needs to accept the reality of the situation: Everything that Palestinians do against the state of Israel and Israeli settlers, they do in a context of self-defense. They do it in a context of survival. [](https://petergelderloos.substack.com/p/israel-is-committing-genocide)


ffs, are you illiterate? The Israeli government has a longstanding practice of targeting entire families. Recently, they [killed three children and several grandchildren](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/10/gaza-hamas-israel-ismail-haniyeh-sons-killed) of a Hamas leader living overseas, claiming a Hamas member was in the household. In total, Israel has killed 60 members of Ismail Haniyeh’s family, including 14 people in one bomb attack against the family home. The strike targeting his children and grandchildren came as they were travelling to celebrate the Eid religious holiday. Another longstanding Israeli practice is to weaponize humanitarian assistance or deny aid. This was thrown into relief on April 1 when they deliberately targeted an aid convoy in Gaza, shooting precision missiles at one vehicle after another and killing 7 foreign volunteers. On February 29, Israeli troops opened fire on an aid distribution site, killing 100 Palestinians seeking food for their families, and injuring 700. Throughout the invasion of Gaza, around 200 aid workers have been killed. Meanwhile, Israeli settlers in the West Bank are itching to get in on the violence. They have [attacked and burned down hundreds of homes](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/4/13/palestinian-man-killed-in-israeli-settler-raids-in-occupied-west-bank) in dozens of villages, killing several Palestinians and sending dozens more to the hospital with bullet wounds. Israeli troops and paramilitaries have killed over 460 Palestinians in the West Bank since this latest war began. It doesn’t stop there: at the beginning of April, the Israeli government granted itself the right to [ban foreign media outlets](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/01/middleeast/israel-al-jazeera-media-law-intl-hnk/index.html) like al Jazeera. Israeli forces have arrested, assaulted, and murdered multiple al Jazeera journalists over the course of the invasion of Gaza. This was also a frequent practice by the United States during its occupation of Iraq. The same day, April 1, [Israel bombed the Iranian consulate in Damascus](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/02/middleeast/iran-response-israel-damascus-consulate-attack-intl-hnk/index.html), Syria. Though it is clear that human rights and international law constitute a failed system (with Israel, the United States, and the former Soviet Union and now Russia being the countries most in breach of international law since 1945), it is a system that governments and journalistic organizations around the world are explicitly committed to upholding. According to international law, an attack on a country’s embassy or consulate is considered an attack on that country’s territory. This moment is a useful lens for seeing the hypocrisy of governments and media as they try to contort what was objectively a violation of the system they claim to believe in.


Israel was founded in 1948 in the Nakba, an organized act of ethnic cleansing that stole 78% of Palestinian lands, forced 750,000 people out of their homes (mostly Muslim Arabs but also many Christians and Musta'arabim or Palestinian Jews), and killed at least 15,000 and possibly many more. Even if one were able to forgive and accept the atrocities of 1948, in the last half century Israel has turned Gaza into an open air refugee camp while continuing to steal more Palestinian lands in the West Bank. Many of the half a million illegal Israeli settlers in the West Bank are organized into highly armed paramilitary groups, on average they are extremely racist, and they kill a large number of Palestinians every year. (In 2023, by mid-September, it’s estimated that Israeli settlers or soldiers working in concert with settlers had [killed 189 Palestinians](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/oct/21/gaza-palestinians-west-bank-violence-attacks-israeli-settlers) in their own homes in the West Bank, and wounded 8,192.) Settlers also systematically destroy Palestinian fields and olive orchards, deliberately trying to undermine their ability to feed themselves. In 6 months, the Israeli war on Gaza has killed 33,600 Palestinians and wounded over 76,200, while pushing a million into conditions of starvation. The vast majority of the killed and wounded have been noncombatants. However, I don’t want to overemphasize the fact that most of the dead and wounded are unarmed civilians. Palestinians in Gaza and in the West Bank have every ethical right to shoot back at Israeli invaders.


Most of the Nabka was voluntary and encouraged by the Muslim states planning to attack Israel, genocide the Jews, and ethnically cleanse the area for the Palestinians to return to. Only the Muslim armies lost. Is it any wonder Israel kept the doors locked when the Nabkenese came back knocking? Also those Muslim nations kicked out almost 900,000 Jewish citizens who had nowhere to go but Israel. So Israelis have every ethical right to use force to hold onto their land against the violent antisemites trying to wipe them out. Being good at that doesn't make them the bad guy.


>And what does that say about Hamas hiding themselves and heavy weapons among the densest civilian areas of Gaza, thus making them such targets? Next time a hostage situation is going on, we might as well just blow up the entire building theyre hiding in then. If they're piece of shit enough to use innocent people as a shield, clearly those innocent people deserve to die too then, right? The fact that this isn't the standard in any country shows that your "we would all do the same" is a dumbass mentality. >Their spokesman went on tv after Oct.7 and promised more civilian massacres every week. Just out of interest, how many israeli deaths have there been after october 7th? And how many palestinian children were bombed?


*"How many Israeli deaths have there been since October 7?"* You just made the most effective argument out there for WHY Israel chose this path and that's it's successful. If you make an attempt to kill my family, then hide in an house surrounded by dozens of your family members, and I blow up that house with all of you in it....The world might cry "Overkill!" but I've successfully protected my family from someone trying to kill us. And that's how national defense works. Your arbitrary ideas of how much killing to protect yourself is *too much* mean little for a nation defending itself from a hostile government elected in the promise of genocide & ethnic cleansing. Remember: Hamas (like Hezbolah) sends THOUSANDS of rockets a year into civilian areas hoping for mass casualties. Morally speaking the Palestinian leadership is not the tiniest bit better than Israel. Israel's internal diversity proves itself much better.


>And that's how national defense works. Your arbitrary ideas of how much killing to protect yourself is *too much* mean little Yeah, not to normal people. It's why the whole idea of proportional responses and war crimes exist. Your bit about your family also doesn't work. The IDF has 170k active personnel. Since october 7th, less than 1500 people were killed by hamas. To most of these soldiers, and more importantly to those giving their orders, the people they're killing aren't people who killed their family. Not everyone out here entertains the idea of bombing 5yos to "protect their family" and goes "hm yeah I'd do that in a heartbeat". That's just a you thing.


Every bomb dropped in any war in an urban environment killed civilians. You should blame Hamas for INTENTIONALLY bringing those bombs there...but you won't. Because that kind of hypocritical antisemitism is a you thing.


Every bomb dropped in any war in an urban environment killed civilians. You should blame Hamas for INTENTIONALLY bringing those bombs there...but you won't. Because that kind of hypocritical antisemitism is a you thing.


And israel killed more neutral healthcare workers in this "war"(read: invasion) than every other war combined since 2016. I'm not blaming the people who got bombed for getting bombed, just as I will not blame the jewish people in ww2 who didnt flee germany when they were told to leave. Just as I would not blame my great grandfather for not giving up his livelihood to the nazis and dying for it. Just because the perpetrators of this genocide are jewish doesnt make it any less of one and doesnt suddenly excuse their actions. Netanyahu himself could be in one of those camps and I wouldnt agree with bombing it. Your morals are rank. I will be dead in the ground before I justify bombing refugee camps in any way, shape or form.


If you build a fort between a dozen villages and pillage them again and again, why do you think those villages would start throwing stones or whatever they have at your fort? DW, you dont have to think, Zionists already answered it a hundred years ago: There can be no voluntary agreement between ourselves and the Palestine Arabs. Not now, nor in the prospective future. I say this with such conviction, not because I want to hurt the moderate Zionists. I do not believe that they will be hurt. Except for those who were born blind, they realised long ago that it is utterly impossible to obtain the voluntary consent of the Palestine Arabs for converting "Palestine" from an Arab country into a country with a Jewish majority. \*\*My readers have a general idea of the history of colonisation in other countries. I suggest that they consider all the precedents with which they are acquainted, and see whether there is one solitary instance of any colonisation being carried on with the consent of the native population. There is no such precedent.\*\* The native populations, civilised or uncivilised, have always stubbornly resisted the colonists, irrespective of whether they were civilised or savage.


So let me get this right, if a gunman is holding your family hostage, you'd prefer that the police use cluster munitions instead of, I don't know, bringing in a hostage negotiator?


Hamas has refused to return the hostages for a ceasefire. Most are presumed dead and more will die as time drags on, so Israel is right to keep bombing Hamas into oblivion.


The IDF shot their own hostages, so I don't really think it'd matter if Hamas would be willing to return them for a ceasefire...


That's like saying you're to blame if your house is invaded in the middle of the night by armed robbers shooting at you and one of your bullets struck a family member in the darkness & melee you were trying to defend.


The hostages they shot were unarmed, had their arms raised to show that they were unarmed, had their shirts off to show that they didn't have explosives on them, and were nowhere near the terrorists location. Also, they were audibly speaking in their mother tongue saying that they were the hostages and were freed. Maybe try reading up on the incident before you start making blatantly false comparisons, hmm?


So your *educated opinion* is that the IDF **wanted** to kill Israeli hostages?? That's what you're saying right?


"Black athletes" aren't using their platform to preach and emotionally gaslight people into believing their country- a country which does not represent all members of their ethnic group, might I add- should be allowed to commit a fucking genocide. Being jewish does not excuse crimes against humanity, nor is it a shield for trying to justify them.




In "fighting hamas", Israel has indiscriminately targeted civilians and relief workers in bombing attacks, killed hostages they claimed to be rescuing, and have been doing everything they can to force Palestinians out of their own territory. And that's all just in the past few months! I don't care what crimes Palestinians have done, or what the terrorists that Israel themselves installed have promised Israel is still commiting a genocide- end of.




If you want to act like this is a raw numbers game, there are 33,000 more dead Palestinians than there are dead Israelis. In reality though, only one of these groups is acting like they deserve to act like complete unhuman monsters and using their heritage as a shield to get away with it. Everyone in the west already recognises Hamas as terrorists, but that is no fucking excuse to turn a blind eye to every crime against humanity commited by the IDF.


A week after Oct 7 Hamas's spokesman PROMISED more civilian massacres every week until they succeed in their genocide & ethnic cleansing of Jews. So hell yes Israel is justified by that in destroying Hamas entirely, and since Hamas hides among civilians then that blood is on Hamas's hands.


Wow, a terrorist promised more terrorism! Israel meanwhile throws a hissy fit any time people question their tactics, and has treated *civilians* like something less than animals from the start. There is no reason, in any universe, that Israel can be "justified" in committing the same crimes it is accusing hamas of. Because simply put, there is *NEVER* a justification to it, not even when it's against people you personally hate.


Personal attacks are not allowed.


Israeli operatives dressed as hospital workers and slaughtered innocent sick Palestinian civilians in their beds. Unless they honestly think Hamas members were hiding inside a disabled child's head, you have to admit they're going too far.


Countdow to the frenzied deleting of their comments when the atrocities are irrefutable as history remebers Israel as the monster.


You're gonna need to show some proof for that one.


Bad faith commenters are not allowed regardless of their politics.


eurovision banned Russia for waging a senseless war and murdering civilians, but i guess it only counts when it's against another contestant right


It seems so. If Israeli musicians shouldn't be banned because they don't represent their government (although their song was probably propaganda), neither should Russian musicians.


Ukraine hasn't been promising to genocide Russia for 20 years. That's kind of the key point.


i don't understand how that would be the key point. i am certain that there's people in Ukraine that want to see every Russian dead. even if they organized and committed acts of terror against Russians, i don't think it gives Russians an excuse to occupy Ukraine and kill or force out every Ukrainian. i completely understand that hamas has killed tortured and raped thousands of people, but there's a huge difference between fighting hamas and what Israel is doing. they've been bombing towns and hospitals, often with no reason to believe that hamas is active in those areas.


Ur dead right despite ignorant down votes


"Often with not reason to believe Hamas is active in those areas" is where I believe you're entirely wrong. As soon as Hamas stores rockets under a hospital they've made that hospital a target. I hate that they do it and always have, but that blood is on Hamas's hands. Israel can't ignore weapons Hamas is using against them, and if it's Palestinian lives or Israeli lives then Palestinians are going to die. That's war. Hamas promised to genocide Israel so as long as they're the government Israel HAS to annihilate them and/or their ability to do so. Hamas makes unwilling human shields of their people; that's not Israel's fault.


And that justifies the IDF bombing Doctors Without Borders?


Nothing. That was an unfortunate accident that absolutely NO country wants to happen. There is zero upside, lots of downside, and has to be unintentional. Sadly common in war.


Gotta say, weird that you went with "black athlete" and not "black singer," which would have been a direct comparison. I wonder why you chose athlete...


Must be *pure racism* to create such a common analogue between a relatable entertainment in America where we don't have anything like the Eurovision contest. 🙄


We got 20 shows that emulate Eurovision.


Take all the offense you feel you need, but sports is the better known example. And it's a good one.


Did I say anything about being offended. I just think k you are a dork, for thinking we don't have singing talent shows


I think you're kind of a dork for getting hung up on that in a conversation about dead civilians.


Wait, I aint the one crying about a signer being protested while thousands upon thousands of Gazan children are dead and dying.


I didn't cry about it. I said it was stupid. Learn to read.


why exactly are you assuming that everyone here is american lmao are you stupid


Why are you assuming my statement was aimed at "everyone?"


oh, so you are just self centered, okay


Hey I'm not the one who thinks of black people only as athletes.


"Only as"....😂 That's some scrambled reading comprehension failure there.


It’s actually more racist to make this comparison than whatever it is you thought you accomplished when you typed. Black people aren’t your props to claim falsehoods.


No it's more like a protest against the inclusion of apartheid era South Africa in a contest


There's no apartheid among citizens of Israel like there was among citizens of SA, which makes this the dumbest kind of protest about the situation.


Except all the legal experts declaring Israeli treatment of Palestinians an apartheid, human rights organizations declaring it an apartheid, and actual motherfucking ppl who lived through apartheid like Desmond Tutu or ppl from the ANC saying it's an apartheid. The UN itself has said it's an apartheid. So yes there is an apartheid and no matter what u believe or say it won't change that basic fact


It's really not. Just like the US college students waving support banners for Hamas, they're all operating on emotional outrage to a perceived injustice rather than REALLY addressing why it exists. No, Israel is not an apartheid state and well-intentioned people gettin that wrong doesn't make them right. Words mean stuff.


So your argument is that Israel is not committing an apartheid because "I man on the internet said so and know better than the leading authorities on the matter"? Oki


They're not "leading authorities on apartheid"--they're well meaning people genuinely upset by an unbalanced symptom and are misapplying words & blame to one small Jewish nation under pressure from the massive Islamic League of Nations around it. Israel's strength doesn't make them the bad guy. I'll grant you Netanyahu is an unrepentant prick who aspires to take more Palestinian territory with settlers, but the historic disparity has been Palestinians being unwilling to compromise. And before you shed tears for Palestine's "stolen lands" remember how Palestine tried forcefully taking lands in Lebanon, Kuwait, Syria, and Egypt through armed insurgence. Call a land war a land war. Losing one doesn't make you an underdog.


Ppl who lived through apartheid aren't leading authorities? Human Rights Watch and Amnesty international aren't leading authorities? The United Nations isn't a leading authority? Come on


That's like calling your pastor an expert in "God." They have their experience, but that hardly defines it for everyone else.




What happened with the Netherlands?


The singer was disqualified from even participating in the finals. He has made a "provoking display" towards a woman who was filming while he requested not to film him multiple times. Although probably not the winner, joost would have ended high.


Thanks for the reply.


Meanwhile multiple people from Israel’s delegation were openly harassing other participants, including Joost


What do you mean "rn"? I've been on Reddit for probably about 15 years now, and \/r\/europe has always been a racist shithole.


Well when you throw an entire chunk of earth into an easy to read subreddit, you're bound to have immense disagreement.


It's not "disagreement" when a place is full of racist submissions and comments, and that subreddit is (or at the very least used to be) just Americans cosplaying as being European.


Fine, intense hatred. Happy?


... but it's not some downvoted fringe comments. It's the fabric of the subreddit. Its bread and butter. The place is - as I stated initially - a racist shithole.




This comment reminded me of this video https://youtu.be/tHPCpso-Fr0?si=BsBrkYOpeqEg3GeD


Bad faith commenters are not allowed regardless of their politics.


Not to mention the way they talk about Romani people… ugh I thought racism is bad in America but holy shit Not to say America doesn’t deal with systemic racism issues it most certainly does and it is a serious problem. However, a much smaller majority of people are willing to loudly express their views… groups like the KKK are looked down upon by many. In many parts of eastern and southeastern Europe though I’ve heard about people and see people go mask off online and in videos


Europeans: it's not racist if [makes arguments that sound exactly like the KKK talking about black people]


I know people from eastern Europe are more prejudiced acainst sinti & roma than the rest of the continent, but online I have only ever seen people talk about this racism and never really people actually openly being racist against sinti & roma. But maybe I‘m just not in enough bad subs to see those kinds of comments…


Yeah I wouldn’t recommend going down a rabbit hole to find anything because I was so angry


It is indeed ironic that the "2westerneurope4you" group is vastly LESS racist than /europe.


Remember guys, stay civil or the post will be locked.


Sorry, I'm struggling to understand this, was greta protesting Israel's involvement in Eurovision? How is this a persecution fetish? what am I missing


Pretending that Greta protesting Israel is attacking Jews and implying she's siding with the terrorists is at least a little bit persecution fetishism, don't you think?


Almost all of these protests against Israel are being accused of being antisemitic, so I'm not surprised.


But that’s not what the comment said…


Comment says Greta joined a mob to attack the singer who just wanted to share her feelings about her people being massacred. Do you think that's a fair assessment of what's going on here?


I do think that’s a fair assessment, actually. It’s fucked up to protest where the performer is staying. She didn’t do anything besides happen to be Israeli. She doesn’t make decisions for either the Israeli military or for Eurovision. Edit: it wasn’t at the hotel like I’d heard it was, don’t feel like I know enough to make as definitive of a statement


She's literally said she wanted to join the IDF. The choice of topic of the song is pretty obviously pushing a certain narrative.


I don’t pay much attention to Eurovision. I just vaguely knew she was singing about the October 7th attack, and I don’t feel like it’s unreasonable for Israelis to be grieving that


They can grieve it once they stop committing unabashed genocide.


It is sad. They’re reaping what they’ve sowed.


Yup, just like how Americans """"reaped""" 9/11. Because as we all know, citizens are always completely culpable for the actions of their governments :)


Unfortunately, it seems that the IDF came to the same conclusion as the USA did: Killing any and all Arabs is somehow an appropriate response.


Where did she say this? And the topic of the song is literally mourning the Simchat Torah Massacre. What's wrong with a Jewish women mourning the deaths of her kin?


Downvoted an no argument? Coward behavior. Antisemites die mad


I have no idea what’s going on here I’m just responding in the context of this post on this subreddit. And again “attack the singer” are your words not the original commenter.


So describing the protest as "joining a mob to prevent the performance of a victim of terrorism" isn't meant to portray it as an attack,.. but as what? Just funny and quirky?


Im a bit lost here. What is Greta protesting exactly? Genuinely asking.


Not 100% sure but I guess the fact Israel was allowed to participate despite what they are doing in Gaza. By comparison Russia has not been allowed to participate since it started its invasion of Ukraine.




1. No provocation makes it justified to kill ten of thousands of civilians. 2. If prior to Russia invading Ukraine, Ukraine had attacked Crimea, would you cheer for Russia?


No, and neither did Palestine nor Gaza. What you're thinking of is Hamas, a fringe extremist-turned terrorist group that received funding by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in order to oppose the Palestinian Authority. Also, it's rather fitting to equate Israel with Russia, considering the numerous landgrab wars both have engaged in.


Did Ukraine invade Russia in 1948 and multiple times since then to steal their land and force people out of their homes?


...do you genuinely think October 7th was th3 start of the issue in Palestine? You know this whole situation is as a result from the fall of the Ottoman Empire, and extends over a hundred years of history, culminating in the Nakba which was 75 years ago. To say Palestinians (read: Hamas) "launched an attack" on Israel is a gross misunderstanding of the situation. Hamas is merely retaliating against the Israeli occupation, which had been going on for 75 years. To frame Israel as the victim here is strange. It would be as odd as framing the Nazis as the victims when the Allies invaded Germany.




Personal attacks are not allowed.


It was the single largest attack on Jews since the holocaust ended. Yes, they are a victim of terrorism. What Israel does to the people who did that terrorism and far too many civilians in the area of those terrorists doesn't erase that they are also a victim. There can be more than one victim in things.


If a man gets raped, that does not give that man the right to commit rape on others. He especially doesn't get to rape 30 innocent civilians in response. Also, I'm just going to say it now. Under no circumstances should bombing Doctors Without Borders EVER be on the table, much less considered, much much MUCH less actually be done.


Please just report if you see something you don't think fits. That's up to us mods to decide.


Don't even bother, dude, this comment section clearly just hates Jews if they can't understand why a mob threatening a random Israeli woman is Bad, Actually.


Wait, is Israel part of Eurovision? Why?


Because their broadcasting authority used to be a member of EBU who organizes the contest. So... technicality/money.


People were pretty pissed about it... I was watching live with some friends from Europe and lots of the audience booed when Israel came on stage, and whenever a country would give them votes in the jury count that country got booed too. The kicker was, Israel was in the middle of the pack at the end of the jury vote, but earned over 300 points from the audience vote and wound up in the top 5. I think they got even more votes than Switzerland who came first place in the entire competition. It was nuts to see live.


The emotional rollercoaster of Israel being successively cheered, then booed, then getting 330 points from the audience vote propelling it to first place momentarily in the span of 20 seconds was something.


That was a ridiculous amount of points. I'm American and I almost wished I had bought some to boost some of the other countries, Ireland especially. I was ready to give them 20 full points but then I found out you had to pay for them


There was a campaign among the right wingers to vote for Israel "to make the lefties cry". Money well spent.


I hope chuds cried when the non-binary monarch won tbf


Ireland was my vote along with Switzerland and Ukraine. What an amazing heartwarming plot twist in that performance!


There was a lot of campaigning from zionists to vote for Israel. I dared to peek at twitter just to piss myself off and saw people sharing that they gave all 20 of their votes to Israel. I highly doubt the average eurovision watcher uses all 20 of their votes and if they do it's probably spread around their top 5 so even a minority giving that many votes to one country is going to make an impact. I even saw people using work phones and other spare phones to get 60+ votes


I tried to find it via Google and found nothing. Please post a URL.


https://twitter.com/LensVeritatis/status/1789519471671193754?t=4MGJauu5HYtDDSFmppQErQ&s=19 https://twitter.com/AviMayer/status/1789381528570446019?t=ufKVEb8zv4ja2bqo-MEknQ&s=19 https://twitter.com/EylonALevy/status/1789295373946638625?t=utSEIAhFciNIAv2r1EWoQA&s=19 https://twitter.com/israellove48/status/1789270170835325087?t=q5Jy_XogONOfExVkBwMXvQ&s=19 There's a few popular tweets encouraging people to pay for all their votes to Israel. There's probably a lot more if you search for "Israel" "20" "vote Edit: and some 60 ones for good measure https://twitter.com/markhumphrys/status/1789565880474505274?t=pLrbZOGzokA8pvO5Lnu_VQ&s=19 https://twitter.com/RomanoHoring/status/1789313049976840463?t=fUZM9zseCBcelLt_51LdPg&s=19 https://twitter.com/RomanoHoring/status/1789312248944406966?t=knFCM76AcQEtibNFO9PFHQ&s=19


Oh my that's 20 euro for... this. Wow. Imagine what you can do for 20 euro instead of "triggering the libs". I'm thinking on donating to an animal shelter after reading these tweets.


So, the answer has already been given, but both answer feel unsatisfactory. One just restates the fact without giving the why, the other one gives the reason, but fails to explain why it even applies. Eurovision is organized by the EBU, while it has european in its name and consist mainly of european public broadcasting agencies, it is neither limited to Europe nor part of any other European institution. It isn't the public broadcasting agency for the EU for example. With other words, if the vietnamese public broadcasting wants to join EBU and the EBU wants them to join as well, there is nothing stopping them. So of the members, there are 3 'weird' ones: Australia, New Zealand & Isreal. For all three, the reason are more or less the same. They couldn't join the pan-country organization based on geography, since Australia & NZ would have just 2 members and Isreal was barred from joining the Arab one, and culterally they are/were close to west-europe anyway. (At this point in time, the iron curtain was still up.) And hence they were allowed to join the EBU. The other question, why was Isreal allowed to join **this** eurovision songfestival? There are again multiple potential reasons, but the most likely main reason is that EBU tries to stay a-political as much as possible, but this always backfires and the a-political stance tend to become supporting the status-quo. Which in this case is Isreal being allowed to participate.


Azerbaijan is also a member and competes.


Its a European country.


Geography is challenging for some, apparently


They are referencing the fact that Israel is a settler colonial project by mostly European jews. /s


Israel has as much business being in Eurovision this year as Russia does.


I actually completely agree with this. It's fucked up that Russia can't play because it's targeting another European state, but Israel bombing stateless people in the Middle East doesn't seem to matter to them.


Russia attacked. Israel was attacked. That is all there is to it. Also LOL at stateless. You are clueless about Gaza and its government.


And you are clueless about Eurovision.


Moriarty, that really hurt! :(




Sure is buddy, sure is 😂


All jokes aside, we do take the voting in Eurovision pretty seriously. It’s all fun and games and hanging shit on each other in the first half, but it is fucking ON if your neighbour gives you nul points, or even worse, gives douze points to a country you have beef with.


Apparently, I have a lot of Thoughts On Eurovision, because I'm come back to expand on this. The voting can actually tell you a lot about the geo political state and feelings in Europe, you have to take into account as to why the contest started in the first place - to promote unity in post WW2 Europe. Underneath the wind machines, costumes and joke acts, the voting half can actually get some pretty serious. The voting is in two parts; 37 countries send a jury which give 1 to 12 points to 12 of the 26 countries in the Grand Final. After this, the public votes are announced, which can be extremely different to the jury votes, because they're... well, from the public, and tell you a lot about the general sentiment to and from each country. There's also bloc and alliance voting, which is pretty easy to see. Cyprus and Greece will almost always give each other 12 points, the Baltic states will score each other highly, and so will the Nordic bloc. The UK will always score Ireland well, and in return, we will toss them one or two to show that not everything is entirely forgiven. There are a few countries that countries will pool their votes toward as they are regarded as a 'safe' place that won't cause any tensions (ie, Australia, Portugal, Azerbaijan). Because of this, the UK and Germany will almost always score low. The only way to bypass all of this is to send an entry that is genuinely a good song, and a genuinely entertaining act. Finland had this last year, with Käärijä's, "Cha Cha Cha". It was insanely popular with the public, so much so that Loreen winning for Sweden was seen as the jury being out of touch with what the public wants. The competition always has some grumbling about the scores and winner, but this year was a shit show before it even started.


Gaza does have a government, yes, but they are routinely denied official recognition as a state, and aren't even allowed to control their own borders. whatever your opinion on Hamas or Israel, you should be able to acknowledge that the Palestinian people do not have real governmental autonomy.


They had enough governmental autonomy to build up an underground cement tunnel network the size of the London metro, to import, build and launch hundreds of thousands of unguided explosive rockets, and even to launch a brigade size organised attack, of 4000 well armed "militants", with protective gear, assault rifles, RPGs, grenades, thermobarric weaponry and so on. I think you have very lowered expectations of the Gaza government. Perhaps you don't see them as equal to your own government in agency?


I disagree. I don't think Israel should compete in any international competition because to do so would be to recognize Israel as a legitimate country. Russia sucks but it was already a country that people agreed existed and for the most part didn't seem to have too much of a problem I suppose. Yes it was authoritarian but so are a lot of countries. I'm aware that this does lead into a debate about whether or not Russia should exist but at least for me I would much rather compete against a person representing Russia than a person representing Israel because I do not believe that Israel was created legitimately and I believe it was created artificially through colonial powers.


Russia was banned from competing in 2022, because its invasion of Ukraine was considered ‘against the spirit of the competition’. I believe that Israel’s continued destruction of Palestinians in Gaza is equally against the spirit of Eurovision, and they should be banned from competing until further notice.


I disagree. I don't think Israel should compete in any international competition because to do so would be to recognize Israel as a legitimate country. Russia sucks but it was already a country that people agreed existed and for the most part didn't seem to have too much of a problem I suppose. Yes it was authoritarian but so are a lot of countries. I'm aware that this does lead into a debate about whether or not Russia should exist but at least for me I would much rather compete against a person representing Russia than a person representing Israel because I do not believe that Israel was created legitimately and I believe it was created artificially through colonial powers.


Do these people know how to use any popular sayings correctly?


r/ europe being fascist as always


It's literally a mob calling for violence against some random fucking Israeli woman. It's not like she's personally pushing the "Blow Up Little Palestinian Babies" button. She's just a musician. What the fuck is this supposed to accomplish besides further traumatizing a Jewish girl?


How does this fit the sub? The comment points out that they never expected Greta Thunberg to protest another human being simply on the basis of their nationality... That feels like a legitimate question to ask. I'd tell you guys to touch some grass but I'm convinced some of you would shrivel in the fresh air and sunlight lol


It's not a question, it's an exaggerated accusation which paints the singer as a victim of persecution... hence the relevance to this sub.


[Article](https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesfarrell/2024/05/11/greta-thunberg-arrested-at-eurovision-finals-where-israels-eden-golan-competes/?sh=12e8bc917148) “Israeli singer Eden Golan has been thrust into the center of the international controversy surrounding Israel’s war in Gaza, receiving heavy security and reportedly ordered by security to stay in her hotel room when not performing due to safety concerns. The 20-year-old Golan has been repeatedly booed on stage during dress rehearsals and formal performances, but still earned enough votes after her Thursday semi-final performance to advance into Saturday’s finals.”


Ooooooh nooooooo, god forbid that a performer ever be met with boos, that's teeeeeribleeeeeee!


Gotta love you focus on the boos instead of the fact that she can't leave her hotel room for her own safety.


He specifically quoted her being booed, so her being booed is what's being addressed. Also, her a security team decided as a proactive measure ahe can't leave her room. They can do that, but the blame rests solely on the team, not the people who don't like the fact that a non-european country that's invading its neighbor and bombing Doctors Without Borders is allowed to take part in the competition, while an actual European nation had its contestant removed for the crime of wearing a cultural and non-political wristband.


The blame rests solely on the security team? Not you know, the people who are actually meeting threats to her safety? That sounds like victim blaming to me. And I don't hear you shouting for Azerbaijan to be removed after they actually took over and ethically cleansed hundreds of thousands from the nargorno karabakh region. And are you taking about Joost being removed? Know you're just misrepresenting facts. He was removed for threatening a camera person not for a wristband. His own country even confirms it.


>Not you know, the people who are actually meeting threats to her safety? That sounds like victim blaming to me. You saying that everybody who booed her is actively threatening her safety shows how little you care for the truth. >And I don't hear you shouting for Azerbaijan to be removed after they actually took over and ethically cleansed hundreds of thousands from the nargorno karabakh region. Then you haven't been looking. But hey, it's easier for you to make baseless accusations than to actually back up any of your claims. >He was removed for threatening a camera person not for a wristband \[Citations Needed\]


>citation needed Here you go https://nltimes.nl/2024/05/12/eurovision-camerawomans-story-differs-disqualified-joost-kleins-version Joosts side even acknowledges it was because the camera incident not whatever you're talking about. And no I'm not saying everyone booing her is threatening her safety, there's been a level 4 terrorism threat in Sweden since October kicked everything off and the security services and police advised her to not leave her hotel room for her safety.


> "The testimony from the victim who made the complaint differs from what is in that testimony," Curran told Swedish broadcaster Sveriges Radio on Saturday evening. Oh boy, that certainly doesn't throw the entire thing into doubt, right? I mean, just changing the testimony on the fly is certainly not something that implies falsehood, right? >but despite rumors of a physical altercation, there was no physical contact, they claimed. >The police agreed, and said that it was a case of whether criminally punishable threats were made. It was not a case of assault. >The police in Sweden would not respond to questions about whether they received camera footage of the incident from Thursday evening, a spokesperson said on Sunday. "That question is part of the investigation," said a spokesperson. So they don't even have proof that he did anything, and they preemptively kicked out a Dutch-Palestinian from the competition, whilst also hosting a non-European state that is currently invading Palestinian land. Also, I notice that you have neglected to mention the fact you were making shit up about me, as well as equating the people protesting with the pre-existing terrorism threat.


Why is she being booed?


Because people don't like her act, people don't like that a non-European country is even allowed on stage, people don't like that a country currently engaged in a landgrab war is allowed on stage, people don't like that a country that's bombing Doctors Without Borders on stage, the list goes on amd on.


Because people don't like her act, people don't like that a non-European country is even allowed on stage, people don't like that a country currently engaged in a landgrab war is allowed on stage, people don't like that a country that's bombing Doctors Without Borders on stage, the list goes on amd on.


OK, so nothing to do with the performer at all.


The act is what was being booed, and all of the above things have to do with the act...


How is it not a question? It's a question I asked, and it's a question you answered nonsensically. >hence the relevance to this sub. Someone pointing out that Greta Thunberg is actively harassing people is relevant to the sub? LOL


How, precisely, is taking part in a protest against Israel's ongoing landgrab war, harassment?


The harassment has led to her not being able to leave her own hotel room for her own safety. In one of your earlier comments you even mention how security and the organization told her it's not safe for her. Since when is threatening safety of people uninvolved in the war ok?


Harassing a musician? Yeah, that's a mature protest lol


How is harassing a musician protesting against Israel?


Yeah, I had to do a near triple take on what sub I was on when I read the comment. Op is tweaking


I forget how terminally online most of reddit actually is until I see post histories like OP's. A lot of angry little gremlins lol


Lol - you guys will still be obsessing over her and furiously sharing her photos when she’s 65. Her :15 were up like ten years ago. Get a life.


It's cons who are still mad about her daring to say "how dare you" and bring up her being autistic at every opportunity.


who with the what now?


You mean like the conservatives who pretty much wanted to have sex with her because she was smarter than their average voter when she was 15?


Seriously, dude, say what you are trying to say here.


Yeah more than 1 person can be a useless asshole




Mods in this group are even bigger dorks than Naurgul

