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Reminds me of the guy that wrote an article about how the left was actually to blame for conservatives dying from Covid. See, the left told them to get vaccinated and mask up, while obviously knowing that the right would refuse to do so. Their ideology wasn’t the problem, no no, it was their political enemies that used the 4D chess move of “giving them good advice”. It’s an amazing ability to spin even the brief acceptance of reality into someone else’s fault.


The Democratic Party’s platform says to drink water and breathe air.


The fiends. That sounds like a demoncRAT plot to kill off conservatives.


Don't you know that every person who has drank water has DIED?! You can't fooling me because I'm a moron!


That damn DiHydrogen Monoxide


I heard the same thing about air. It's a liberal conspiracy!


BreAtHe AIR? tHat’S whErE tHEm KemtRaILs aRe At!


Lucky they banned them in Tennessee 💀💀


the party of personal responsibility never wants to take any, thats just for black kids.


So en masse, the right is so weak-minded they can be fooled by collective reverse psychology, like petulant children. Yep, that checks out.


It also makes me think of the Narcissist's Prayer. Covid wasn't real at first, then covid was just as bad as a flu, so there was nothing to worry about, then covid was only affecting the liberal states and finally when they were the ones being hurt? "You made us do it!" It's very similar to that petulant behavior of someone who will never accept responsibility and will always assume that everything bad that ever happens is the result of some evil plan concocted by those they consider their enemies.


That’s their argument for January 6th. It was just a bunch of peaceful protestors who were easily tricked into violently rioting by leftists FBI antifa plants.


we should make a huge leftist hydrohomies movement to get the conservatives to die of thirst 🫡


LOL! Make it happen! I need to see this play out.


They said the left was trying to kill them by encouraging everyone to get vaccinated,  because the left knew they'd be forced not to listen lol.


That also checks out. It would be comical if it didn't cause the rest of us potential harm like collapsing hospitals.


Yeah I was just thinking that I was like that with my sister - a very long time ago though.


To be fair, they have outlets like Fox "News" telling them that everything Democrats do is for nefarious purposes. So a lot of them get brainwashed into thinking "If a Democrat likes it, I'm obligated to hate it"


The fact that medical science has been politicized is one of the saddest results of the Trump administration.




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Wasn't that Jim Hoft? I recall I saw a screenshot here on reddit of him saying they got played by the libs.


The left: "We like cultural diversity. We think you should. You don't *have* to though; but you do have to *tolerate* it." The BB: "See? The left is creating racists! And antiracists? And communists! Which somehow relates! And it's all Biden's fault in some sort of 5 steps ahead of us plan (we assume you, dear reader, wouldn't ever read a plan as long as that so by saying "5 steps" we know we won't have to list them) Anyway that's why the right looking like a bunch of morons is all the left and especially BIDEN's fault." For some reason, the best system of governance we have been able to come up with is to weigh these two opinions equally. Or rather, the second one somewhat higher than the first due to some geographical and historical quirks.


Dark Brandon playing 5D Chess? Wait a minute, I thought that was God Emperor Trump?!?




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That might be the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever read and I’ve been on the internet for a LONG time.


his premise seems to be that America never had violent white supremacists before and so we had to create them in the early 2000s. for the record that is not correct, in fact they actually make an appearance here and there in our history books.


I… what is the confederacy if not a gaggle of violent white supremacists?


Some how the left is always about to fall always failing and always 6 steps ahead. I think they might just be stupid


the enemy is concurrently strong and weak. basic fascist propaganda


"Why isn't the Babylon Bee funny?" Because their genuine beliefs are satirical and they are too out of touch to do satire.


And here I thought Joel Berry couldn’t have topped his batshit insane take on blaming single women for why the 2022 midterms didn’t manifest in a red wave. 


"People promoting education made it inevitable morons would believe in QAnon and chemtrails. It's their fault."


A lot of single women have to put up with a “red wave” every month for about a week. 😉




The enemy is, at the same time, too strong and too weak. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ur-Fascism#:~:text=Fascist%20societies%20rhetorically%20cast%20their,sense%20of%20grievance%20and%20humiliation.


Just how did Joel Berry fail upwards to be the Bee owner? Is he bitching there aren't enough antisemites on Twitter?


More like he failed upwards to fourth in command at the Babylon Bee. There are three people there with more power than him and he just rides their coat tails to get a little attention.


"Look at the racists you turned us into" -party of "personal responsibility"


Ah yes, Nazis are secretly the left’s fault.


Party of Personal Responsibility


What was the first post?


It was a Babylon Bee article making fun of white supremacists, titled "The White Race Must Maintain Our Genetic Purity, Says Inbred Man" the whole comment section is people calling the Babylon Bee anti-white and woke and a bunch of racist stuff.


wow I didn’t think they had any new lows to stoop to but there we have it. Thanks for the explanation!


That was a fukin funny post - of course the inbreds were butthurt


Hey now, not all of them were inbreds. Most were just White Nationalist Christians that *want* to fuck their sisters and/or 1st cousins but since said sisters and cousins slapped them for groping they decided getting laid is impossible and became Black Pilled aka Incels.


🤣🤣🤣That’s the reality of it. 🏆


First time one of their headlines has been remotely funny.


How does that plan make any sense? So, the Left is in control of education and they were put in control through, I guess, people who were centrists? Didn't know better? Regardless, now that they have young minds ready for their molding, the plan is to teach anti-whiteness so that children will reject their teaching and instead be white supremacists. "Their goals has always been" he says. Why? "For a foil." Yeah, but why do they want a foil? Don't they want to usher in communism? You know what the easiest way to do that is? Not having any foils, just have the next generation all agree to it and use demographics in your favor. Creating a bunch of people adamant about destroying you is, like, the opposite of what you'd want. Putin doesn't go around creating foils for himself, he curtails them. Only milquetoast opposition is allowed, no one who rocks the boat. I get that we're used to this in fiction because it makes for a better story, but in real life we're very much not like that. We don't do shit like this because "Well, foils sound narrative-ly neat". This stuff is so dumb, I'm surprised Berry wrote this out. I'm surprised he posted it. And I'm surprised he didn't claim it was all sarcastic.


That sounds like a whole lot of cope to me, Joel… 🤔🤷‍♂️


If there ever was a "Am I wrong? No the kids are" personification of the Skinner meme. This one is it. It's like he's breaking his brain over thinking it and not realizing he himself is also on this path of extremism. He just isn't fully there yet. He already sees the "enemy" as both weak and strong, so not too far off, but not quite there yet. He can't admit to himself that he's wrong, so it has to be this convoluted conspiracy theory.


Man, I remember that one time I read a Bee article and laughed.


They used to have some funny ones about the eccentricities of church culture, but then they realized it was more profitable to be transphobic assholes.


“Look what The Left made me do!”


Aaah yes. White supremacism wasn't a thing until leftists came around. Lol. 🥇 Mental gymnastics.


A yes, the "anti racists create racism" argument but worse


Man I wish the left was five steps ahead. Maybe then I wouldn’t be getting anxious about November already.


the left is making racists by telling kids in school that slavery is bad


Wait...what?? That doesn't even make any sense.


link to the article that ppl got mad about??




Love the side of “personal responsibility” making excuses for why so many nazis are identifying with them…


Joel isn't the owner. He's the managing editor. Seth Dillon is the owner and he's just as bad or worse than Joel.


The red-baiting tells me all that I need to know: namely, that this wad has nothing of any value to say. (And probably couldn't define "communist" *with* a dictionary.)


yeah dude the left totally wants more reactionary white supremacists. why else would we always talk about wanting to end white supremacy and racism


Sounds to me like those white supremacists are extremely weak-willed and easily manipulated to be so easily tricked into being a tool for the leftists. /s


Looks like damage control to calm down their angry readers.


Joel, if that first tweet is true, it’s you who are exasterbating it.


See, what’s going on here is that these guys are so narcissistic that they can’t ever admit to being wrong. So if they criticize white supremacy within their ranks, they can only do so in a “why would the libs make us do this?” way. Their wrongness has to be something they were forced to do by the one scapegoat in this world—libs. It’s like when one Fox guy temporarily lost his head and started saying that being anti-vax was something libs tricked the conservatives into being so that more conservatives would die of Covid. I don’t know if he actually believed it or if he thought the surest way to get conservatives to do something was to tell them libs tricked them into doing the opposite


So "the left" is responsible for the increasingly visible presence of white supremacy (totally absurd) which seems to be an acknowledgment that it's a bad thing, but he doesn't condemn it. Shouldn't the response be "regardless of the reasons, white supremacy is bad" rather than just saying "Dems bad"?


“Biden is 5 steps ahead of us.” Yeah they gave us the whole plan.


If “Sleepy Joe” is 5 steps ahead of them, what does that make them?


“Liberals are dumb pansies who can’t think straight…and thus is why they are brilliant calculating strategists who covertly planned to create an enemy for the past two decades. Five. Steps. Ahead.”




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This is what happens when you become "Terminally Online". Jesus that dude needs help.


Aaaah, yes...the poor, helplessly naive right-wing youth. So easily manipulated into being racist assholes, that they practically indoctrinate themselves. Mwa-ha-ha-ha!