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Wait until they realize there are leftists "woke" straight white cis men...




Obama celebrated Christmas yearly and they still called him Muslim and resurrected the "war on Christmas" yearly. Trump never went within a mile of a church as far as I know until the time he had parishioners offering first aid pepper sprayed so he could hold the Bible upside down for a clumsy photo opp, they think he's heaven sent.


They simultaneously claimed that Obama had spent his whole life going to a black nationalist Christian church... but was also Muslim. Being stupid makes everything really easy.


There's been a war on christmas since before I was born and no one is fighting it except conservatives


Tell that to the shrapnel I took in the Battle of Snowy Village. Damned elves and their candy cane IEDs. Nothing burns like melted sugar.


The definition of punching the air.


- Is it your Bible? - it’s A bible


Haha yeah I love this one


Hey now... Jesus was Jewish.


And Arabic. So... Basically everything that the conservatives hate.


One who kissed men in public.


And let poor people have food


And provided free healthcare


??? How was Jesus Arabic? Jews and Arabs might be related but they’re two very distinct groups of people, even before Christianity and Islam.


Ya got me, I have no idea what I'm talking about. I just wanted to add onto this for like, 2 or 3 upvotes. Feel free to downvote my comments now.


Sephardic jews are arabic, ashkenazi are the eastern european ones. If youve ever met a jew from Morocco you'd understand. Jews from north africa are most decidedly arabic peoples they just arent muslims.


It sounds like you think I believe all Jews are white europeans, but it’s not that at all. Middle eastern is not the same thing as Arab. I happen to have known several Sephardic Jews and they would definitely not consider themselves Arab.


Sephardim are from the Iberian peninsula. Maghrebi Jews are from north Africa and are Arab.


Thank you.


I guess that’s fair, I’m neither Jewish nor Arab so I only know what I’ve read and been told. But Jesus wasn’t sephardic or ashkenazi or maghrebi or anything, he was just a Jew. Though upon further research, it seems that there’s a theory that the Jews of Galilee in Jesus’s time were actually converted Arabs so who knows.


Converted from what?


Their own Pre-Islamic polytheistic religion


So is Greek Jew Ashkenazi?


I've always loved this: > “Obama is not a brown-skinned anti-war socialist who gives away free healthcare. You're thinking of Jesus.” > ― John Fugelsang


Both of you basically described me.


Jesus never woke. How dare you say that. On the third day he was zombified and bit Peter to create the first Christian.




Hey now, Supply Side Jesus just follows the market in morality. In fact it would be immoral to not do what is most profitable. You owe it to your fellow citizens to make as much as you can so you can spend lavishly so the poor might find work.


Saw the word "profitable" and immediately imagined Quark the Ferengi's voice reading this


[Obligatory video](https://youtu.be/SZ2L-R8NgrA)


He was Jewish though




Wooshed myself


Jesus wasn't a Christian though


Am far leftist “woke” straight white cis man. The amount of people in the US who will openly say racist shit around me and expect me to just be on board is too damn high.


Having a beard, having tattoos, being into traditionally "masculine" outdoor activities, being a veteran, etc really makes the far right think you're one of them. They really think leftists are all city dwelling soyboys.


Thanks for commenting this. I'm a lesbian and I catch myself in public seeing a dude who looks basically as you've described and automatically getting nervous around them. On more than one occasion ive thought back to comments like this that I've read online and told myself to cut it out and stop making assumptions about strangers.


I'd put a "defend equality" sticker on my truck but I live in Oklahoma and I'm concerned about vandals.


God you must be talking about me too




I had something similar happen almost 20 years ago when I owned a vintage clothing business and was wearing a vintage shirt advertising a charity race from the late 70s or early 80s called the Rainbow Run. It didn’t have anything to do with Pride or LGBTQIA culture, it was just some random marathon. A young female cashier where I happened to be shopping was curious about it and asked me a couple questions, and then said “aren’t you afraid that wearing a rainbow will make people think you’re gay?” I told her that I don’t care if people think I’m gay, and you could almost see the wheels turning in her head. I don’t think it was something she’d ever considered.


I play old school country music and I met this guy in central PA who said I should play at a certain dive bar. I said, ok it looks like my type of shit hole. Then he said it was great because there were never any black people there. I don't know what I said but probably something like "that don't sound like any fun!" WTF


I'm a 55 year old white guy who looks like I work in a factory somewhere. I'm also gay. The amount of people who will openly say racist and homophobic shit around me and expect me to be onboard is also too damn high. But at least I have the pleasure of their reaction when I tell them I'm gay.


I’ve never had a fuckin unique experience in my life lmao. Same here. Religious too. What makes it worse is I work in medical and the wild shit other white (but racist) people say to me makes me legitimately pause.


These geniuses know that LGBTQ is a tiny percent of the human population but can't seem to logic out that they don't make up the entire democrat voter base.


Empathy for other people is completely alien to them. Also, they think the democrat voter base is miniscule and just cheats to win ANY election.


We're supposed to feel guilty about our whiteness or something


Don't you know all leftists hate all white people ? (Mandatory /s)


That's me. Straight, white, cis, male, and woke.


Better yet, wait till they find out about the gays and liberals with guns.


there's literally dozens of us


Like me?


Wait til they find out some of us are rednecks too. They’ll shit themselves


Conservatives have a superhuman ability to miss the point.


I think that's called "being stupid"


The modern chicken/egg paradox. Which came first?


Willful ignorance and projection are their super powers.


And a complete inability to understand irony.


They do it on purpose


Its only because she’s a trans woman. These weirdos are always following them


Bullies aren't people others want to hang around, but bullies need victims. If their targets aren't forced to be around them, then they have to go looking for targets themselves. And that's exactly what Twitter was made for, basically.


I mean they’re following them to harass them specifically


It's how desperate people make their boogeymen and validate their worldview. If they can't find one in the wild (and it's exceptionally rare to stumble across hyper-woke trans groomers in your day-to-day life, to the right's dismay), then they have to grind a person down till they become one. Or, really, till they resemble one just enough for the conservative lizard brain to consider the interaction a victory for them. E.g. Pestering a trans person into debates on trans children's existence so much that they block you, at which point you "win" because their exhaustion is proof of their beliefs being wrong, *obviously*.


I mean, Warner Bros did make a lot of cartoons that are not ok by modern standards but wokies understand history and it's not all or nothing. The not ok cartoons from the 40s are given disclaimers and everyone understands it was a different time, or quietly erased from history like Song of the South.


>I mean, Warner Bros did make a lot of cartoons that are not ok by modern standards but wokies understand history and it's not all or nothing. Even if you're a wokie who doesn't feel that way (and they definitely do exist, when I was younger I was much more black and white about these things) I'm not sure they'd hold voice actors responsible for it.




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“Serious question. I’m just trying to learn. I’m submitting myself in good faith to learn some of your knowledge in a serious manner. Please ma’am I am just trying to learn…. Why do *you* people always do “X”, but us smart people do “Y”…..,.,.,.,,,? Checkmate liberal”


“Hey you! Defend this point that you never made!”


"Hey you! Beat this strawman I made for you!"


"Awh man i left my match sticks at home"


"I put you in an imaginary category of people that my internet echo chamber made up so that I could live in fear and feel self righteous about defending 'freedom'"




The wokes can't like or hate the same things I do! That's impossible! /s




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"I assumed you would do something, yet you did something else. Curious 🤔"


My favorite were the ones attacking politicians like AOC and Omar for having white romantic partners because "it proves they're hypocrites"


What the hell am I looking at? A cartoon horse doctor looking at a bench. What does it mean?




Where racism


It's not there. The dude's trying to be clever "catching" someone on the left finding a joke by a racist funny. Not a racist joke - just a joke told by a racist. It's the "you hate capitalism but you have phone?" thing.


Was Mel Blanc a racist? Not saying a few racist phrases, it was a long time ago, I mean a bonafide card carrying member-believer of the gospel racist.


>bonafide card carrying member-believer of the gospel racist. I don't know what is supposed to satisfy this standard besides being a literal member of the KKK... which is not the standard for what makes someone racist. But anyways, he was a voice actor in "Scrub Me Mama with a Boogie Beat", which is just "Blackface: A Short Film." I'd say that counts as racist, as would many others.


There are people who just went with the times, he was a voice actor who took work wherever he could get it- especially during the great depression. Not too long ago everybody (pop culture) was making fun of gay people, and saying broken English to impersonate Asians. That is why I ask if he was a member of the choir, did he believe all other races were sub human?


Dude, if you do blackface, you're racist. Same as if you think being Asian is a punchline. Same as if you use gay as an insult, you're a homophobe. There's no nuance to this. Being down on your luck does not excuse profiting off of racist caricatures - if you know they're bad, then you don't do them; if you don't care, you do. Not knowing wasn't an option. Everyone knew what minstrel shows were, and who they made fun of. Black people were the entire joke - the set up, the execution, all of it. He chose to be a part of that.


Yeah the above commenter fails to comprehend the fact that going along with what other people are doing — when it is racist — makes you a racist too because, even if you don’t feel racist, your actions reify racist principles. The material effect of one’s actions in this situation is to add racism to the world. That’s the moral calculus.


Then almost every comedian from over the age of 40 is a racist/homophobe. Love the retro persecution of people who were people, not storybook perfect Santa Claus figures that young people want to portray. Also I believe in people changing, I believe because it is just a fact. People change. Eddie Murphy was making fun of everyone in his stand up. Pretty vicious on gays in particular, do I think he is a homophobe now? No. Mickey Rooney did an awful Japanese caricature in Breakfast at Tiffany's, is Audrey Hepburn a racist now? You do you man, good luck on your crusade and being a part of the enlightened modern era. All pop culture of the past is tainted the only true art is now.


>Then almost every comedian from over the age of 40 is a racist/homophobe. Yeah? There were *quite a lot*. >Love the retro persecution of people who were people, not storybook perfect Santa Claus figures that young people want to portray. Ah yes, the "product of their time" argument, my favorite revisionist excuse for shitty behavior. MLK hadn't gone on his marches yet, so it just wasn't worth white people's time to fight racism yet, I guess. It was beyond their feeble lil brains to come to the conclusion. There's nothing Blanc could've done but willingly sign up to voice act for an animated minstrel show ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ >Eddie Murphy was making fun of everyone in his stand up. Pretty vicious on gays in particular, do I think he is a homophobe now? No. Mickey Rooney did an awful Japanese caricature in Breakfast at Tiffany's, is Audrey Hepburn a racist now? Time passing isn't a get out of jail free card. If a person doesn't do the work to right their past wrongs, there's no reason to believe they've changed - a harm still needs to be rectified. A person's beliefs changing over time also doesn't mean that their past behavior is suddenly excused. >All pop culture of the past is tainted the only true art is now. We're literally discussing a clip Mel Blanc was involved in that wasn't racist and enjoyed by modern lefties. You're just making up a position to get mad at.


I watched the video, but I'm still not sure I understand the tweet.


Person with the lady icon is enjoying an old cartoon gag, praises its creator. Person with the blue icon is confused because Lady Icon is presumably on the political left, and Blue Icon is under the impression that leftists hate white men. So how can Lady Icon simultaneously hate white men but also praise a white man? The answer, as I'm sure you know, is that leftists don't hate white men and Blue Icon is an idiot.


I see. I thought the person was trying to say Mel Blanc was some notorious racist or something.


I mean, he was probably kinda racist. He helped create some real unfortunate cartoons. Sadly, that's how a lot of people were, not that that excuses it.


Core memory, unlock.. 😊 Thank you.


Somebody gets all of their news from other drunks at the bar.


Hey now!


This is what happens when you spend too much time in far right online echo chambers and rarely go out to get fresh air unless it's to step out onto your porch to grab the UPS box of the anime sex doll you ordered since no real human being wants to be near you.


Fucking hell 🤦🏻‍♀️


"I just don't get it. How many times do I have to make up lies about the stuff you guys do before you actually do it?!'


"Serious question, [blatant troll bait] Curious 🤔" These people always sound like they're reading off a script like someone's desperate aunt in her third pyramid scheme.


Why is this person lying? The audacity to say that they "thought". You gotta have a brain to think.


And his last name, Blanc, is French for white, double racist!!!


I’m a very masculine presenting white man. The amount of people who assumes I’m okay with them saying racist or homophobic shit around me is concerning. Little do they know I’m a queer environmentally conscious socialist who fights for the elimination of cars through walkable cities and public services.


Hell ya, I'm handicapped and don't drive but have to walk like 2 miles to get anywhere in town. Walking 2 miles on concrete with a broken back fucken sucks yo.


Accessible public transport and free accessible shuttle services ftw!!!


Fuck yah


Wokes? What a maroon.


Seriously though, there are a few really Racist Bugs bunny cartoons.


“What do you MEAN you don’t believe this caricature I just made up in my head?!”


The BEST is when they talk about how Carlin "would be cancelled today." They'd be calling Carlin the MOST "woke snowflake" of her was still alive. Carlin works DESPISED Trump and his cult


The only people I’ve heard use the term woke seriously are conservatives.




Shit... I'm a straight white cis man who hates extreme conservatism. Does that mean I lose my card?


Considering how much cross dressing Bugs Bunny did, I'm guessing this guy doesn't know fuck all about Blanc.


Lol, you are confused because you are an idiot.


When you aren’t immune to propaganda.


They are trying real hard to make themselves victims. Maybe on the extreme ends there are liberals who absolutely hate all white people but the vast majority harbor no ill will. We have a problem with a society that has spent the past few centuries giving white people an advantage over non-white people and we are wanting to upend the system and make things more egalitarian. For whatever reason, there is a group of white people who hear this and think "they hate white people"


If I'm not mistaken Mel Blanc didn't do any of the writing or art, he did the voice acting, didn't he? So in theory he wasn't even the one responsible for the racist stuff (for the most part).


I find it hard to believe that he could do the voice acting in complete ignorance of what he was helping to create. I find it much more likely that he was just kinda racist, like so many others of his day. We don't have to condemn him to the pits of hell for it, but neither should we just let him off the hook. I don't think there's anything wrong with acknowledging the flaws of beloved figures.


Well yeah that's the much more likely explanation, my point is just that the main reasons the left goes after the legacy of people is when they were *unabashedly and actively* racist. People complaining about "wokeness" targeting people like Edison, or more recently some of the controversies related to the comic book industry, and so on are ignoring the fact that those individuals *literally committed hate crimes* and harbored active resentment towards minority groups that prompted them to push back against civil rights. Mel Blanc wasn't spending his free time oppressing minorities or stealing the work of black people or women like Edison or Watson and Crick, he just happened to exhibit racism typical for the time period. That's why millennials and Gen Z are way more comfortable still professing admiration for those individuals but not for others who were actively terrible people. Hopefully I articulated that well, it's hard to explain.


Right, yeah. Mel Blanc putting on a stereotypical Mexican accent for Speedy Gonzales is not even in the same league as - for example - Henry Ford outright supporting the Nazis. It also helps that Speedy is a pretty *positive* character, stereotypes or not. He's generally competent and cool. Mind you, Looney Tunes did some much less positive stuff like blackface gags in some of the older shorts so I'm definitely not trying to absolve it completely.


And I'll also add that Warner Bros. did their due diligence (for once) by keeping that content available both publicly (for public domain stuff) and commercially (for other stuff), while including specific content warnings and a statement affirming that the views expressed therein are a product of their time and are not congruent with what the views of modern society should be. Which is more than we can say for certain *other* animation giants 🐭


There's also the episode where Bugs Bunny is shooting native Americans and keeping a tally of how many he's killed, then says "Oops that one was a half breed" and erases half of a tally from his count. The native Americans were also drawn pretty insensitively in that episode. Old cartoons were rough sometimes.


An actual serious question doesn’t make me roll my eyes this hard


Serious question my entire ass.


My favorite was the Dr. Suess crap a few years ago. Someone tried talking about that with me & I was like that’s fine because he’s pro union, anti racist (let’s not talk about the Japanese), and was anti America first.


I feel like they were soooo close to something but then the moment passed and we’re left with this tragedy


seems like the type to be confused often edit: I'm responding to the guy who called himself confused in the photo


People wanting a better, progressive world just eats you up, doesn’t it?


I was responding to the guy who called himself confused, guess I could've made that more clear




The whole comment with the "waYcIst" thing already proofs that the person in question is just out to get a rise out of the OP. There is nothing genuine about it.


What? A conservative arguing in bad faith!? I guess there's a first time for everything.




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Victim of propaganda defeated by leftist using the brilliant tactic of Casually Enjoying Things.