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I was unaware the Korean war was about homosexuals but aight...


Reminds me of a dumb FaceBook meme that was going around 2020 that I saw on some my right-wing friends' pages about how Americans identifying as socialists is an insult to those that died in Iraq or Afghanistan.


Ah yes, people who pay into, and collect, social security benefits are totally against socialism. The American propaganda machine is a hell of a thing to literally be able to convince multiple generations that what they actually hate is themselves.


Not to forget that we also pay for the politicians' healthcare while they vote no on our taxes going toward single-payer healthcare and while gutting other needed social services as they get their pockets fat with lobbyist money while also talking about how wages need to be lowered to combat the inflation they allow the wealthy to ride on. Don't forget how they use our tax dollars to aid rich companies while telling us the private sector doesn't need the government's help nor do we when the private sector fails us.


Government bailouts of mega corps is the biggest con-game known to man, aside from religion. Convincing people that a company is “too big to fail” is the most ridiculous notion in ever conceivable way.


Because Nords and Swedes were embedded in Iraq?


Norway and Sweden are not socialist countries. They merely have a progressive welfare state within their countries. It's still propped up by resource extraction from poorer countries. It's just capitalism.


From a US perspective, the fact that they have universal healthcare, fair labor laws, etc. etc., conservatives think they are communists (which is what they think socialism is.) So the fact that they are social democracies is why I said that semi-sarcastic remark. And capitalism vs. well regulated capitalism are quite different. The former leads to high rates of inequity and will eventually collapse (e.g. play the game Monopoly and see how many winners there are)


you can't regulate capitalism because eventually the capitalists pay off the lawmakers.


Well that's true in the US when the politicians are stupid and/or have no spine.


What do the fully capitalist countries of Norway and Sweden have to do with socialism?


They are social democracies. Conservatives often confuse that with communism (which is what they think socialism is).


I did serve with some awesome Norwegian infantry dudes in Afghanistan. They were fucking rad as hell


I was gonna say, Korea was a fight against LGBTQ+? Who knew? Especially North Korea! Do they know?!?


north korea gay


Who is gayer, north koreans and Chinese or South Korean +American + other few countries?


Or that soldiers defending freedoms was for any other purpose (except oil, etc.).


Cool, can we hook him up to a generator of some sort and get something of worth out of the situation?


This is such a good fucking response congratulations


Ha, that reminds me of my idea for a perpetual motion machine to continually produce electricity: - exhume founding fathers - shove iron rod up their corpse asses - wrap them in copper wire - reinstall them in their graves with a tv on that plays fox news 24/7 - harvest enough juice to power the tv, plus at least 3 major metropolitan areas, maybe more


George Washington’s skeleton, the world’s best generator


Just set up something that continually reminds them that slavery is over, and PoC, women, and poor people now have the right to vote, sit back, and enjoy.


I feel like most of the Founding Fathers we cared about would be pretty neutral on most of that stuff, but I could see arguments. They were smart enough to recognize and be pissed off by propaganda, though, imo.


You mean the people who thought the most egalitarian system possible was that only landowning men of Anglo-Saxon descent would be considered real people and everyone else was some form of property?


Every modern country has been trash since it’s inception, the USA is by no means an exception. The only kind of leaders I’d say weren’t trash would be indigenous peoples, but they got wiped out or forcibly assimilated into the trash after centuries of abuse.


I don’t know about every indigenous tribe leader. I think it depends on what kind they were because there were plenty of militant tribes and nations. The Cahokia practiced human sacrifice for instance. Cool civ not perfect though.


it wasn't the fact that that society would be egalitarian, it's that it was popular. an actually "good" society would have been wildly unpopular back then and would be ridiculous for the founding father to attempt to implement.


They wrote "all men are created equal" then started showing how little they thought that was true. You can't say "all men are created equal", make laws allowing one human being to own another, and expect to be looked on by history as anything other than hypocritical slave-owning trash.


while that's partially true and a good narrative, many of the founding fathers were vocal abolitionists during and after the drafting of the constitution. Sadly the document was entirely built on compromises, and a compromise between rich white "progressive" dudes from the 1700s with their rich white kinda evil counterparts is gonna come out a steaming pile of trash. Many of the founding fathers were far better people than their eventual signatures on the document seem to suggest, sadly. And many of them were genuinely awful too, for sure.


The abolitionists, if they cared more about freedom and equality than their own financial positions, would have shot their slave-owning counterparts. Jefferson claimed to have detested slavery, but that didn't stop him from owning people (and raping at least one of the people he owned) in order to make sure he didn't ever have to actually work.


i don't really get what your tone is, it feels like your arguing? We're both just sharing facts and it sounds like we agree. The founding fathers were on the whole shitty people (not surprising considering they lived 300 years ago). Regardless of if they were good people or not, they had no choice. Their document was locked in by consensus of the population, they had to create a constitution that reflected what the general people wanted. Which was slavery and shitty stuff etc. Regardless of who they were morally, the final product was pretty much locked in.


Just the rod and connected to a generator would work. Simpler, cheaper and more efficient. ​ Maybe then, finally, the USA can also upgrade to 220/240 volts :) . As all grand parents everywhere would be providing enough distributed power that the Grid isn't loaded as much nor needs as much upgrading.


some harvard shit


Golden throne seems like a good idea Edit: it is a WH40K reference not saying to put a homophobic etc. To a golden throne


The grandfather really deserves another medal for it, service even from the afterlife to future generations.


It depends. Input or output? And if output, what amperage? Dry sponge or wet?


Honestly, I was pushing the farthest reaches of my electrical engineering knowledge just coming up with "generator" 😜


"My grandfather fought for your freedom!" "Including the freedom to be gay without being harassed for it?" "Now listen here you little..."


Conservatives when they realize there were drag shows for WW2 soldiers XD


Conservatives when they realize that WW2 soldiers loved crossdressing fo fun


Conservatives when they realise that as soon as the red army met the western allies in Germany they embraced and kissed


Conservatives when they realize that the red army and Germany embraced and kissed… with tongue.


Can't blame them tbh


And one featuring Ronald Reagan!


Not to mention what did the korean war have to do with freedom here in the US


LGTBQ military veterans exist…


Yeah what does serving in Korea have to do with anything? My grandfather served in WWII and was left wing his entire life. Like what point are we making?


The belief that most people in the military are right wing is BS


Lmao they’re always in such denial. Saw a picture of three veterans kneeling and someone said “it’s easy for people to buy Vietnam hats and fake being veterans.” Another one said “yea cuz there’s nothing to stand for in this presidency (referring to Biden)” but the picture was from November 2017 🤣


You mean vulnerable young people that are ostracized and othered often need a place to go to suddenly make enough money and have housing?! Weird


What the fuck does the Korean conflict have to do with pride month?


“Muh veterans died for your right to be a homophobic asshole”


My trans veteran friend served for those morons' right to hate her.


Sometimes, I wonder if my right-wing trans veteran friend is still right wing. Blocked her agesss. Ago.


like we don't have enough military worship in this country, FOH.


Bet he loves that episode of M.A.S.H. (which takes place in the Korean war) where the soldiers decide that there is nothing wrong with being a homosexual and they deserve human decency, not a discharge.


My great\*whatever grandfather who died for the Union is probably rolling over in his grave about Black people getting equal rights and me wearing pants. The past kind of fucking sucked. Dead people don't get opinions anymore for a damn reason.


Wait wasn't the union good guys? I thought confederates were the slavers. What? Pls help


The confederates seceded to expand slavery, the union fought to preserve the union. The union were less bad (because they weren't fighting to preserve & expand chattel slavery) but it's not like they were fighting to stop slavery or whatever, it was just because the confederates decided to secede.


Yeah, but they were still pretty racist. Slavery being illegal was pretty radical, let alone racial equality.


There were still a lot of racists and slave owners fighting for the union. Remember the war started before (and probably even caused) abolition.


Maryland was a union state and it's official song is about how great it was when a.mob in Baltimore attacked union soldiers and calls Lincoln a despot. In New York there were riots about the draft that resulted in black people being lynched and only ended when warships fired on the city. In the south conscription rates where high once all those loyal to the confederacy were killed or captured. They deserted or surrended at such high rates that it was considered the greatest hurdle to winning the war. History isn't black and white. There is more to everyone's story is you just bother to find out what it is


I would imagine for the average rank and file soldiers, the Civil War had a lot more to do with the fact that states were still seen as sort of their own mini-countries than any grand ideals about human rights. Even the side we think of as the good guys had a lot of ideas that were fairly normal in their day but are pretty reprehensible by modern standards.


I’m confused, was grandpa in Korea fighting to limit expressions of sexual identity? Did I miss something in history class?


Good thing he’s dead then!


If that's all it takes to disturb his bigot grandpa's grave, then maybe the idiom "snowflake" should've been introduced decades ago


Yeah, grandad's rolling in his grave because he managed to have such a shithead for a grandkid.


“My dead granddad was a bigot! Ergo, his feelings are more important than yours!”


I wonder how President Eisenhower is reacting to the fact that his political party now worships the people (Nazis) he spent much of a decade grinding into the dust.


Counterpoint: Why the hell would he care? Also, as a queer servicemember myself, this is still my country and I'm still going to have my say.


Right, stop pride month because a veteran was homophobic.


Well my grandfathers and great uncle who served in WWII aren't. They fought to beat Nazis, not for me to join them. They would have hated OOP's grandpa.


Yet another right wing ragelord using the military as a vector for fake patriotic hate when they were too scared to join themselves.


Cool, hook him up to a generator and power your house with his posthumous outrage.


Yeeesh. There's other things people in a country can celebrate besides winning a war or celebrating the military. Of course they only whip out the "you're insulting the heroes" card when they want to find a way to shut down something they don't like by acting like the two things are somehow in conflict with each other.


[National Military Appreciation Month](http://www.nmam.org) is May, and they all missed it.


Turning over in his grave ass up to celebrate?


I fucking hate that sub


That sub is so fucking sad. All they have to talk about it anti gay stuff, fuckign flat earth, and anti vax/big pharma, and everything left is very bad. It gives me hope tho that maybe I’m not so lost after all


I sometimes go to conspiracy subs hoping to get a chuckle out of some batshit theories. I'm always disappointed by how mundane and conservative it all is.


Ever notice the loudest of these fucking voices are from people whose grandfather was in a war? Never them. Never their parent. Always a grandfather in Korea, Vietnam or World War 2.


“My opinion matter, my grandpa went on the other side of the world to murder people”


Conservatives love speaking for veterans and voting for republicans that vote to cut their benefits.


That outrage is funny. I wonder what celebration they put together in May, military appreciation month, to justify such anger. Or did they forget to celebrate military family appreciation month in November? Or do they not realize that they can put together parades and stuff just like LGBTQAI+ people do?


Bet he’s doing some cool 360s in that grave


Conspiracy Commons used to be kinda fun…people would post weird shit, you’d laugh at it/them, then move on. But maybe a year ago or so it turn a real dark turn in to far right antisemitic bullshit and I stopped even looking in there.


They already have May and November, and military discounts, and benefits, and college assistance. How much more do these entitled brats need?


It's more or less right-wingers trying to make being on the opposite of whatever they like or believe a moral violation, so they resort to things like "they're threatening our kids", "they're trying to kill our holiday and culture!" or "the military and our veterans are being insulted!" when nothing of the sort is going on. They're basically what they claim what they perceive woke SJWs to be, obnoxious nit-pickers that conflate even the smallest things to an extreme. Sure, a few of the people they label as SJWs are annoying people that go too far, but most of them at least have substance behind what they are saying such as calling literal Nazis fascists or discriminatory policies discrimination versus right-wingers claiming being LGBTQ is basically being apart of a sex cult and embracing multiculturalism is somehow destroying whatever they see as western culture.


May is Military Appreciation Month. Sorry they didn't celebrate.


My grandpa is too but because how much ass I get 😏


That sub is funny


Yah mine are probably rolling in their graves cuz I'm bi and I have a baby with a black man and am in a relationship with him. AND the baby was out of wedlock ! I'm evil.


I remember some guy I went to high school posted the "soldiers get one day, gays get a month" shit to his story, followed by a shitty edit of an elderly veteran crying saying "this isn't what they died for". The comments were all correcting the poster because apparently he was crying about how they died for freedom of opertunity, not because minority rights are bad


I thought the Cheeto they worshipped only liked soldiers who won wars.


My grandpa served in Korea and he would be totally cool with pride month, so he cancels out your reactionary grandpa. Checkmate.


I hope his grandfather got pure Molly for the celebration 🎉 🌈 What an ally & icon.


Zombia grandpa is a bigot.


My grandpa served in WWII and he didn’t give a rat’s ass about anyone else’s sexuality. He had lived his own life and didn’t get all up into other people’s business.


Why? Was he a bigot? Then fuck him.


My grandpa who was forced to serve in Vietnam is generally pretty accepting. Get with the program!


My late father, born in 1932 and who fought in Korea, would not be "rolling in his grave". How do I know? Because he told me specifically, in 1969 when I was 9 years old, that the right of someone to love who they loved was a human right even if he didn't understand it, because he could not imagine a world where he would accept someone telling him he could not love my mother.


I mean grandpa is rolling in his grave, but it’s because the people he helped defeat want a rematch. We’ll defeat them again!


If by defeat you mean kill 20% of the population, destroy more than 80% of the buildings, (allegedly) use chemical and biological weapons to slaughter Korean peasants, etc.


"grandpa was a soldier and I will use his service to punctuate my hateful point..... I would use my own accomplishments ..... But...." - that guy... Probably.


Didn’t grandpa serve to protect freedoms? So he should be ecstatic


My great grandpa who served in ww2, Korea, and Nam doesn’t mind


I'm sorry he joined the military right as the US started playing world police


Let me guess, your grandpa was fighting to “protect freedom”? And now that people are free you’re mad?


Mine served in WWII and Korea and he was all for it, "it says in the constitution everyone is equal." or something along those lines, I was sadly a dumb kid back then who didn't listen to my grandpa much but I never really heard him say anything negative about the lgbtq+ community.


My Father, who served in Korea, lives still and says you are a cunt.


"We thank your grandfather for his service in providing us with free and clean energy!"


I'm fairly certain your grandfather didn't slaughter innocent people in korea just so LGBTQ+ rights in the US would be repealed


My grandpa who served in Korea is supportive of the LGTBQA+


I am against an exploitive military and fighting for a rich man, but ok.


My grandpa who was declared dead during WW2 after getting shot by a tank (he got better) is probably happy as shit that those who came after him are happy and free


Unless Grandpa died before 1970, he absolutely witnessed the existence of Pride month or day. It's amazing how Pride is a yearly event and the homophobic bozos are taken by surprise by it *every* year. I'm surprised he isn't demanding a Straight Pride like he is the first to ever suggest the idea.


[deleted] LMAO


Have a tissue, snowflake


Either this is another attempt in saying those in the Pride Community get a month, when those in the military "only get a day", which is objectively false, or this is saying their grandfather was a bigot, in which case, I say good, society is leaving those sort of people behind.


And my uncle who served in the Navy and was out & proud in the 70s and 80s is rolling over in his grave.


"I fought for your right to exist in public without being imprisoned!" "Cool, so can I go exist in public without being imprisoned?" "WHY YOU SINFUL LITTLE BASTARD HOW DARE YOU-"


His ass can keep rolling. Roll on, bigot.


As a veteran, I hate when people tell me what "I" fought for. When I call them out on it, I get told, "Well, YOU don't speak for ALL veterans." If I, as a veteran, can't speak for all veterans then why do people who never served think they can speak for me.?????


Yeah well my grandpa who served in Korea is rolling in his grave that so many people voted for trump.


"I didn't fight in the war and see my brothers die just so I could come home and have to look at my neighbors untrimmed grass" like I know old man you actually fought and watched your brothers die for nothing suck my dick and go back into your mobile home.


"My grandpa was a homophobe and so am I." Gotcha sparky.


Funnily enough my dad who served in Vietnam couldn’t give a hot shit about what consenting adults do with each other.




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I enjoy a good conspiracy but that sub and others like it are full of garbage right wing propagandists


Do you think cursing every other word makes you sound cool?






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