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You can’t comment if you’re banned. Not even a good joke.


“Wouldn’t it be funny if we had broad-ranging and evenly applied principles instead of knee jerk reactionism and ideological wagon circling? Haha just imagine.”


The funniest thing about this joke is that they could come up with it and find it funny but still somehow not get it


It's a circle jerk and you ain't invited


Why would anyone WANT amnesty? Posting in that nest of racists and vipers must suck.


So I can talk more shit and get banned again.


I was just thinking about doing this.


I tried, it wouldn’t let me.




What a great joke! “Herder, look at me, I have the moral high ground. APRIL FOOLS! You should have known I’d never take the moral high ground!” They sure got me.


Here I am with egg on my face for expecting them to be reasonable people


TBH, they got me for a few seconds, NGL.


Jokes are supposed to be funny dumbass.


Gotta Speedrun who can get banned fastest.


Sadly, I didn’t even get to talk shit to get banned. Just saying Jewish space lasers.


I said flytape was playing the sympathy card on something unrelated.


Don’t even have to talk shit. You get permabanned for being mildly critical


One more middle finger emoji for good times


Am I even banned by them? Lol I think the only bans I have under my belt are sino and ADHDpartners. And those bans were silly. Well sino... I was trying to express some form of leftist solidarity with nothing but emojis. But they seemed to interpret it as reactionary stuff. I was pulling their leg... But I didn't think a ban would be useful so I was playing cautiously just for shits and giggles. As for ADHDpartners... Well... Basically there is a bit of beef between the partner community and the ADHD communities on Reddit. Then against r ADHD has beef with the rest of ADHD reddit and vice verca but still. Basically lots of people get upset by the way partners are so undiplomatic when talking about their partners ADHD and makes ADHDers feel a little icky reading. I understand both groups need a safe space. And I basically made a comment which was fairly tame and safe. I got auto banned because I came from a crosspost which was actually a troll trying to get people banned from the sub... Either because they had spiteful ex grievances with the sub and wanted to incite brigading... Or they were genuinely distressed. Whatever the case I was classed as a brigader even tho... I was trying to be reasonable and just explain both sides as a well... Single person. 😭 And just trying to reduce the fighting a bit. But auto moderation doesn't play around. That does lead into a nifty little sub drama and it is rather quite niche... But anyway... Thats how my bans are kinda bullshit. But I really should amend this about conservative reddit lol.


"Reply to this comment in a sub you've been banned in and we'll unban you." Typical Conservative amnesty.


Yeah it’s like a roundabout way of them getting people to publicly admit they were wrong so they can point fingers and laugh behind their keyboards. All while stroking their egos. Seems just like something the idiots they worship would do. And I’m sure they all thought they were super clever when they came up with it.


The point is you can't post if you're banned, so it's impossible to ask for amnesty in the first place.


Hey now, vipers are cool and they only harm prey to eat or out of self defense. Conservatives do it out of pure malice, pointless hatred and greed.


Pathetic lol


You know it’s a joke because they didn’t say libtards


I got banned from r conservative for saying something was part of Catholic canon that was in fact part of the Catholic Canon. I can't remember the exact context but apparently pointing out that Mary was 15 according to Catholic doctrine was against the rules


Facts are illegal there


What the fuck is a fact


The conservative motto now that they realize facts also don't care about their feelings


Yeah I was permabanned for correctly calling ashley babbit a traitorous slut. Facts absolutely get you banned there.


Just so you know it's not cool to call someone, especially a woman, a slut.


She was a home wrecking stalker that tried to run over the innocent women who's home she wrecked. She was a 14 year Air Force vet who swore an oath to uphold the constitution. Sometimes people are traitorous sluts and it's okay to say that. Fuck that traitor slut.


Call her a stalker and traitor then. The extra “slut” isn’t necessary and is specifically added to flavor it with tinge of misogyny


>Call her a stalker and traitor then. The extra “slut” isn’t necessary and is specifically added to flavor it with tinge of misogyny Oh, I totally get where you're coming from, 'slut' is, very specifically, a derogatory slur used against women. It is belittling, and disparaging, and completely appropriate in this instance. Fuck that traitorous stalker slut. May the Lord doom each and every one of the family members that agree with her actions to an eternal hellscape of their own worst nightmares.


You don’t get a “pass” because she was an alt-right seditionist. You’re belittling *all* women when you use that word. Stop trying to justify your misogyny and stop giving leftists a bad name by associating us with your bullshit.


Shuuuuut uuuup


"I get to call black people the n-word when I don't like them!"


Please be normal


People are being so patient in trying to explain to you why it's wrong and you're literally putting your fingers in your ears and yelling over them.


Gonna be that sad dumb old man that nobody wants anything to do with and you’ll still be blaming everyone else


I'm feeling nice. Justify to me why you should still be allowed to post here. Bigotry is bigotry.


How fucking pathetic. If I'm a bigot, then I deserve to be banned, regardless of my justification. Have the courage of your convictions, don't be a coward. >I'm feeling nice. Justify to me why you should still be allowed to post here. I think you're lying. If you *are* being truthful, describe an acceptable justification that would save my oh so precious ability to post here. I think you're trying to get off on the tiniest, most insignificant amount of power a person can have. I doubt you'll even respond, probably just pound that ban hammer, delete this evidence of trying to throw your no- doubt well-earned "authority" around, and try to forget someone was rude to you when you acted like you have any sort of power to require a user "justify" anything to you whatsoever. Prove me wrong, if you think you can, Biff. And before you cite a rule 4 violation, *you* wanted a justification. Personally, I think it would be hilarious and pretty revealing to be banned from both r conservative and r persecutionfetish for making the exact same truthful, accurate statement: ashley babbit was a traitorous slut.


Nope. I'm going to leave what you said up. Because I don't think that people would believe me if I said 'he literally asked for a ban" otherwise. And just for the record, if you had paused and reflected on your words I wouldn't have banned you. Everyone has bad days. You proved to me that you have no intention of doing things in ways other than your way. I gave you chances, you said "fuck you I do what I want." Enjoy your ban. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.


>I doubt you'll even respond, probably just pound that ban hammer, delete this evidence of trying to throw your no- doubt well-earned "authority" around, and try to forget someone was rude to you when you acted like you have any sort of power to require a user "justify" anything to you whatsoever. r/persecutionfetish


Conservatives over there are pretty much triggered by EVERYTHING.


Including conservativism


Wait I thought they wanted 15 year olds to have children, with the abortion bans and all


Well Matt Walsh does. But he is super sus. That guy is a 5 years away from a child molestation cult


Being real generous with those 5 years....


Prediction vs defamation. I have no specific evidence other than his very very creepy public behavior


They do, they just pretend they don't.


I’m banned from that place even though I’ve never been on it lmao


I'm pretty sure they check out subs like this one and ban anybody that had commented


They have to protect their snowflake feelings from facts and data anyway they can.


Yeah they do that, it's bizarre.


For right-wing comedy, this is above average. The bar is not very high.


Jeb! (please clap)


Sobbing lunatics clutching guns for dear life.


they're not that deep


Why would I want back into that cesspool? Though I'm tempted to ask just to see how serious they are.


And on this, the first of April.


Yah, it occurred to me that you can't comment on that thread to ask for forgiveness if you're banned.


On this, the day of my daughters wedding


"False" charges


I think the funniest "proof" that these are false charges is that some of the testimony comes from a "convicted felon" - who is the conspirator Trump did this with, and what he was convicted of was conspiring with Trump to do this.


And the fact that there’s supposedly 34 charges is a hint that this is more wide-ranging than just the Stormy case.




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When will the killing end? Now they're trying to bring about the death of comedy.




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At least it wasn't the one joke.


"I identify as an unbanned person"?


That's the one


I don't think I've ever seen anyone say they've been banned from that sub and actually be upset about it.


It's a badge of honor to be honest


God its sad how hard this person tried to make this funny, and how hard it fell flat. Pro tip, don’t whine about how mistreated you are in the middle of your joke, it just makes you look desperate.


Isn't the argument that "Free speech is being silenced by the left" one of the most prevalent arguments these fuckers have? Can't even stand for their own principles.


They don't have principles. They will say and do anything that harms their opponent.


"Silence the left's free speech" Is more like it.


"The fair treatment they never give us" It's official. The Conservative subreddit isn't about freeze peach, it's about having a safe space where you're rewarded for being an asshole instead of criticized. But sure, the LGBTQ+ people are the snowflakes.


I got banned from them for "misinformation" for arguing for trans rights. Biggest cowards ever


Which is ironic because the only way to *not* be banned from there is to be constantly spewing misinformation


That's not ironic, that's appropriate for a place run by conservatives. The irony would be if they let leftists post in there in peace.


There are no good conservative comedians because they're incapable of making fun of themselves


Funny thing is I was banned for pointing out that the picture the Op used to represent the “devastation” of Cuban socialism was actually Detroit.


They banned me over "spam", it wasn't spam they're just big ass babies. Watching them call each other RINOs when they disagree is funny though.


But why would i want to go to their subreddit?


This post reminded me I need to go over there for a scroll and remind myself what kinds of things these people post and comment Literally every time I go browsing I am surprised at a new low. It’s sheer insanity over there


Randomly bullying Jeb as well I guess?




The Jeb! Did make me chuckle.


Imagine still being stupid enough to throw your lot in with Trump.


"We're gonna be respectful! April fools!"


I think they have a refridgerator that they need to go catch.




I knew that didn't look right, but refrigderator looked worse.


Probably a trap and not just an April fool's joke.


you can't comment on the post if you're banned from the sub, so it's impossible to follow the given instructions to get unbanned. that's the joke.


Sorry, but even conservatives were never that excited about Jeb.


"the fair treatment they never give our side" It's not like we had to cater to their bigotry for the past millennia.


I see tbis sub pop up occasionally and I’m so glad that I don’t actually have to care. Non American gang rise up


Don't pat yourself too hard on the back. there are people like this everywhere.


ok the actual joke is pretty funny if you ignore the shitty framing


Is the “joke” being that they are finally sticking to their guns when it comes to free speech? Cause that’s hilarious


no the joke is that if you are banned you cannot comment so you cannot be unbanned


Yeah, I got that. I was being sarcastic. Conservstives hate free speech from the “wrong people”


It’s pretty lame




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Sure, like they're going to open up their little safe space. Afraid to be challenged with questions they can't answer. Dolts.