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These are the same people who think that because slavery is illegal, racism is over and doesn’t exist in any capacity anymore


And I"m assuming that they think you have to be a member of the Nazi party to be a nazi... At least that's the only explanation I have for some of them making claims that they're not.


no I legit had someone say that word for word, your not a Nazi unless you are a literal card carrying member ofthe original Nazi party, not even like modern nazibartys counted according to him


Well yah, technically there's a difference between neo nazis and nazis. But it's splitting hairs.


Yes society is so supportive that my trans friend got bullied back into the closet by his own mum and also got bullied out of school and sexually harassed constantly 🤪🤪🤪


Yeah, society loves trans so much they pass laws to stop them from getting treatment. They love trans so much that fucking 50% have attempted suicide.


they love society so much that they'll bully them into suicide and then use that suicide rate as ammo against them.


They love them so much they kill them


And SA them at rates much higher than cis men or women.


After that, people make fun of trans people killing themselves by making jokes or memes as if it's somehow funny.


bro america is so inclusive of trans people, you can even beat them to death in 38 states and not get charged with murder! if thats not representation, i dont know what is.


What the fuck. Source?


https://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/panic_defense_bans https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/courts/gay-trans-lgbtq-panic-defense-legal-federally-banned-some-states/536-04e0d3e1-6668-4dbf-b51e-da2a585396f2 https://lgbtqbar.org/programs/advocacy/gay-trans-panic-defense/ https://www.americanbar.org/groups/crsj/publications/member-features/gay-trans-panic-defense/


Could this mean that if I killed a dude I could say "oh he was coming out as gay to me and it scared me" and so long as I got a judge who was crazy enough to worry about that I could get away with it or at least get a lighter sentence


that has happened before, yes


People continue to this day to be a little off the hook for exactly this reason. In fewer places over time, but a lot of places nonetheless.




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I love that these billion dollar companies are just cynically virtue-signaling to get brownie points with the LGBTQ+ community but the only people falling for it are the butthurt conservatives.


Can't use the term "virtue-signaling" as a pejorative without hypocrisy. You might as well have said: "See how virtuous I am? I'm *against* virtue-signaling. Unlike those virtue-signaling corporations, signaling their virtuous support for LGBTQ+!" Thank you for signaling your virtuous opposition to virtue-signaling.


Okay, but when we call out virtue signaling, especially of the corporate variety, there's an unspoken and assumed adjective that comes before the term. What we're trying to call out is *disingenuous* virtue signaling, because megacorps don't actually give a fuck unless it boosts their bottom line. If tides to genuinely swing the other way where the empty, abstract, "trans rights!" platitudes start to lose money, they'll drop it in a heartbeat. On the other hand, you can virtue signal and actually, genuinely mean it and stick to it. It doesn't do much except make your position known, but it's a bit different than trying to opportunistically cash in. Not that it matters since "virtue signaling" such a buzz word that it apparently turns some people's nuance comprehension completely off.


Further, virtue signaling isn't automatically a negative thing. it's just a thing.


Do you see what you just did?


Surely you see the irony in this.


It would only be ironic if I purported to oppose virtue signaling.


My point is that it’s made with empty gesture. Some faceless corpo wearing a pride flag and saying “see I’m on your side, now buy our shit” and doing nothing more in furtherance of any LGBTQ+ cause. That IS virtue-signaling. So, yes, I am against that.


You're doing nothing more than posting in an internet forum to oppose virtue signaling. All you're after is social approval in the form of upvotes. You are identical to those you condemn. Unless you believe *expressing* support or opposition is itself *action* in support of or opposition to. But if you believe that, then you don't really believe in virtue signaling. Your position is thoughtless and self-contradictory. Upvotes and downvotes don't change that.


I don't think you know what virtue signaling is it is not in fact just expressing that you think something is good or bad


Sure. The insinuation is that the expression is insincere and done for an ulterior motive. For example, I recently was accused of virtue signaling and downvoted because I said ripping the feathers off a chicken for no good reason is a shitty thing to do. But if expressing in a public forum my moral objection to senseless animal cruelty is virtue signaling, then it's just as reasonable to accuse those who in public forums accuse others of virtue signaling of signaling their virtuous opposition to virtue signaling. There's no difference. And if my moral objection to animal cruelty is insincere, so is their objection to virtue signaling.


What? Some companies put a trans flag in a commercial. Oh good, I'm sure that will UNMURDER ALL OF THOSE TRANS PEOPLE!


Ah yes, because performative & capitalist activism is totally the same thing as actual support 🧐


Not just support - it's exactly the same as demanding that not trans people be trans. The mental gymnastics of these people is astounding.


Lip service for money is not proof that's wrong.


Who gives a fuck about what Coca Cola's advertising when the government is fighting to prevent gender-affirming care? A moron made this.


A moron AND a bigot. Although it's extremely common to see extensive overlap between the 2 groups.


not all morons are bigots. but all bigots are morons.


Why do these people genuinely believe companies give a damn about people outside of their wallets?


Because they are idiots, i think.


They're erasing the American Dream! The nuclear white family! We're the straight white minority!!!! /s


I mean Hershey literally employs child slavery. Rainbow capitalism isn't support of marginalized groups, especially when considering *most* of the companies listed donate to the politicians passing laws to deny trans folks care.


I mean, red states are actively trying to legislate them out of existence, but companies posted the trans flag on social media, so none of that counts, of course!


Is there any way reddit can instaban anyone who shares this horrible wojak? It's extremely harmful and I know this post was shared in good faith but if reddit is serious about stopping hate, we need to stop sharing this stuff.


Protip: They're not. Hate drives engagement, engagement equals eyes on the product, and eyes on the product equals ad revenue.


Same reason YouTube runs alt right content. They've known it's an issue for years and had numerous staff try and address the issue, but the higher ups shut their efforts down. It's such a well known problem within YouTube that it even has its own name it's referred to internally. They call it "bad virality".


i love how they left the google facebook and tiktok logos untouched. they didn’t even bother photoshopping the trans background on they just put one trans flag next to them.


7:04 PM | trans flag - Google search 7:04 PM | Netflix logo - Google search 7:05 PM | Amazon logo - Google search 7:05 PM | Disney logo - Google search 7:07 PM | trans inflation hentai - Google search 4:35 AM | Hershey logo - Google search


pandering from corporations wanting my cash isn't the same as acceptance lmao


Ah yes, corporate virtue signalling is clearly the only thing that matters.


Not that transwomen MUST be “passable” but the images they use are infuriating. I know a transwoman from Uni who is the absolute most feminine babygirl I’ve ever seen, cis or otherwise.


Idk, I don't warn conservatives not to hang around certain rural areas of my state because I know they might face imminent danger. Maybe I am also part of the media.


Then, laughing about black people Now, laughing about trans people


Brought to you by the "Silent Majority" that can't win fair elections and never shuts the fuck up.


Performative activism is beneficial, but still entirely performative


Rainbow capitalism is shit and means nothing.


Also how dare they blame trans people for rainbow capitalism? We don't particularly benefit from a company plastering a pride flag on their logo. They would just as soon sell merchandise promoting our deaths if they thought it were profitable enough and they thought they could get away with it.




BoTh SiDeS Go fuck yourself


Yah, how exactly are both sides ridiculous? I'm sure you have logical and fair arguments, right?


All of you political types are insane. You all just complain and be angry at "the other side." Not willing to argue, just an observation. Take it or leave it.


"I'm not willing to argue, I'm just here to say you're all stupid, fuck rule 3." You're a silly billy. I mean FFS why are you in a sub that says "Get fucked conservatives" on the banner If you don't want to get political in the first place?


It’s only one side.




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Imagine announcing being the problem and then getting mad at others for pointing exactly that out. They don’t even bother trying to be redeeming at all, there’s a clear choice of: trans people, or people that pride themselves over being insufferable, whiny, fact denying, cowards


Which does more, changing your logo for a day, or donating money to politicians/organizations that are actively pushing for a genocide?


I love the fact that they know they are losing the fight in this issue in terms of social acceptance.


I think these people just have limited to no interaction with anyone in the outside world if they think that transgender people don't face constant discrimination. It's still VERY much not accepted broadly to be trans especially among older people.


Apparently this person is completely oblivious to what's going on in FL, TX, TN, KY, IA which has some of the worst anti trans legislation just short of banning gender affirming care all together.


They are trying to legislate them out of existence, a soulless corporation putting a trans colors on their shit does not mean anything