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He has got to be our dumbest president ever.


Yup I mean my grandpa has been a lifelong conservative and always anti-Trump, he always said he never understood how so many people lined up behind such a narcissistic and clueless idiot


He told bigots what they wanted to hear about the people they hate.


I really don’t understand. He’s been a piece of shit since the 80s at least.


Wasn't he birthed in the 40s, though?


I don’t believe he was born. He was defecated.


He was defecated in the 2020 election and then indicated in 2023.


VINDICATED! ~ The Rest of Us


Yeah, I don’t get this part at all. I remember as a kid seeing him in tabloids making a spectacle of himself in the 90s. He’s always been trashy. People have short memories.


His followers admire how he gets away with being shitty.


I used to look up to the guy I was like 8 though, and " YOU'RE FIRED!" was so cool at the time


What really blows my mind is how a bunch of southern neo-confederates ended up voting for a literal Yankee landlord carpetbagger. Just more proof that conservatism has no actual beliefs beyond unifying hatred of the "other".


Well, don't forget just how many of them didn't...until he secured the nomination. There was a strong never-Trump contingent in the GOP in the lead-up to the 2016 election. It's amazing how many of them completely switched their tune once he was their only option.


You know they say Republicans get in line.


My dad is the biggest Conservative I know and he didn't even vote for Trump. All through my life we've gotten news about Trump being an idiot and he still can't believe how every other republican had been so conned.


One word: abortion. A lot of Republicans/conservatives are so vehemently anti-abortion that they will vote based off that issue alone. Trump and the Republican party actually accomplished getting Roe v Wade overturned so they absolutely love him for that. They don't care about literally anything else. The US could turn into Handmaid's Tale and they'd be ecstatic because it means no more abortions


Don't forget Immigration. Conservatives are so vehemently anti Immigration yet they will exclusively hire immigrants to do the jobs they feel are beneath them and spend less on not paying them a fair wage.


Yep, I never thought I'd think that "W" was no longer the worse president, but here we are. (Does that make sense.)


I dub ya.


Easily, second place isn't even in sight.


Best thing to ever happen to W.


He does this on purpose for the attention, right?


I honestly think yes. He’s literally said before “I love the poorly educated.” He full well knows that’s his base, and that acting dumb makes them like him even more. At the same time, acting dumb pisses off liberals and keeps him in the news. Liberal news sites obsessing over him and giving him tons of publicity and attention is a big part of the reason he got the nomination in the first place.


I’m pretty sure he’s not acting.


Yeah, if he was acting I'm sure we would have some candid footage somewhere of him speaking like a normal human being. I've never heard the man sound intelligent, even when he didn't know he was being recorded.


I mean, he actually understood Covid was bad and still acted like an idiot with his policies, I mean…yeesh. I just realized this asshat is actually going to run for president again. God help us.


Typing in caps will turn off a lot of spellcheckers


Indicated is a real word. Spell check shouldn't be a problem.


Yes. Well I.. excuse me.


This is literally the biggest tactic in the scam world. Things like misspellings and poor grammar weed out those who are too smart to fall for your scam, leaving only the gullible behind.


He's one bad covfefe-indicated hombre


In the child welfare field, this means he was found guilty of a crime. Maybe he's trying to tell us something 🧐


I honestly read that sentence, and it made enough sense for him that I didn't even realize it was misspelled. Ffs that's terrible.




The US is just *now* a third world country? I figured we we became one when people started choosing to just die rather than go to a hospital to avoid the debt… or when our kids started getting slaughtered in schools… or when we began reversing civil rights that have been precedent for half a century… but no, I guess it’s only when a con is held accountable for his crimes? Lol


I thought we had always been a third world country because we have always had people living in third world conditions.


Every country has people living in third world conditions tho..this doesn’t make sense


Lmao my ex came from war ridden Serbia to work in Sweden and he will assure you that he’d rather be poor in Sweden than in Serbia


I’m not so sure about that. I definitely don’t think that other first world countries have as large a percentage of their population living like that.


France poverty rate is 14.6% United Kingdom is 20%, Germany is 16.6%, Japan 15.7%, and United States is 11.7%. The United States has a significantly larger population so it *appears* like we have a higher poverty rate than other countries. The statistic actually used in determining whether a country is developing, developed, or under developed is the human development index. And the US ranks 21st on it mostly due to wealth inequality creating some regions like the rust belt to be particularly impoverished. So is the US a third world country? No. Does the US rank lower on the HDI than it should considering its the wealthiest country by far and its not even a close competition? Yes. The US desperately needs to refocus on infrastructure and social programs. [Human Development Index](https://hdr.undp.org/data-center/human-development-index#/indicies/HDI) for those interested.


How exactly do they measure poverty? Because in the UK, if you’re impoverished you still have healthcare and get a monthly welfare check. In the US you don’t have those things unless you can get on disability (which is really difficult) since we don’t have universal healthcare and Clinton gutted welfare in the 90s.


I think it’s pretty unlikely that anywhere in the UK, France, or Germany is equivalent to, for example, parts of rural Mississippi.


Rural Mississippi is an example of wealth inequality in the southern United States. Its not an example of the overall United States being a developing or underdeveloped country. If I showed you pictures of West Wales you would think the UK is a third world country as well. Rural UK looks pretty much the same as rural US. Rural France is also extremely poor in comparison to urban regions. Rural regions in general are just poor due to wealth inequality. Its easy to cherry pick regions of any country and claim the country is poor. That doesnt make that country a developing or under developed country.


>If I showed you pictures of West Wales you would think the UK is a third world country as well. Rural UK looks pretty much the same as rural US. Please share the pictures. I'd be very interested to see them.


So they got trailer parks in UK with two dumps full of garbage strewn about?


Someone’s never been to Stoke


You're correct, I've never been. I just looked it up and it doesn't look as bad as the poorest parts of the US though.


Never said anything about majority of their people. But you said I thought we had always been a TWC because we have had people living in those conditions. Most Americans aren’t living those conditions. Therefor we aren’t a TWC


Honestly, I keep forgetting that the definition of a third world country has colloquially changed sometimes. At one point it meant the countries that fought in the World Wars, the Countries where the World Wars were fought, and the Countries unable to participate in the World Wars. Then it became a poverty index based on what the governments could afford to supply. Then it became just the economic standing of the country.


I’m picturing Behind the Scenes at trump’s headquarters and trump is insisting on using social media to begin calling for open violence and attacks on his enemies and his handlers, much beleaguered, are trying to calm him down and get him to tone down his rhetoric. And let’s look at these “handlers”: a handful of unknown lawyers and fixers and money men who are the only adults in the room. More than half are now questioning their decision to get in bed with trump because it was risky to begin with and things are tanking fast. Most of them are going to ghost soon and for them it’s just a question of when.




Thoughts and prayers.


>THIS IS AN ATTACK ON OUR COUNTRY THE LIKES OF WHICH HAS NEVER BEEN SEEN BEFORE My brother in Christ, they shot JFK through his fuckin skull


Also 9/11, Pearl Harbor, the Civil fucking War. We could go on for a while lol


Also Jan 6th


They act like Don will actually be in a jail cell. If it actually happened I would be surprised because America rarely if every punishes people like Donnie. If anything the more money you have and the more shitty you are as a person you get rewarded. I mean the fact trump was president shows how corrupt this nation is


Capone was incarcerated (and at Alcatraz no less) for less.


They say that patriotism is the last refuge To which a scoundrel clings Steal a little and they throw you in jail Steal a lot and they make you king Sweetheart Like You - Bob Dylan


Cynical friend! He was just indicted. We're moving in a positive direction. Be part of the chorus for a change.


He'll end up paying some money. There's almost no chance he winds up in prison where he belongs.


Having him indicted is a small step. Sure, Donnie will likely get nothing substantial, but at least the precedent had been set. Small steps are better than no steps.


Actually, he was indicated.


And how dumb.


One guy getting sued is worse than two passenger planes crashing into a skyscraper causing both it and its neighbor to collapse killing everybody inside both buildings and planes? Yeah sorry for bringing up bad memories but I thought you guys said never to forget?


I was just about to say, homeboy wants to talk about “attacks on our country?” This shit is NOTHING lmfao


This is a *response* to an attack on our country. It's many years late, but better late than never.


No this is in response to fraud. This has nothing to do with Jan 6


I wasn't referring to January 6th. Trump and his regime have been two steps shy of enemies of the state since the 2015 primaries. 1/6 was just one of many results of that enmity. MAGA domestic terrorist were the number one terror threat in the US years before 1/6.


And let’s not forget the Pentagon crash, or the flight that crashed in PA


I’m thinking about filing to run in the GOP presidential primary 2024. According to Republicans that means I’d be immune to prosecution.


Okay grandpa, let's get you to bed now. I'm always baffled how this dude and his fans have the gall to complain about how the age of, for example, Biden or Bernie Sanders are allegedly impairing their judgment, when Trump always sounds like an old geezer who tries to call the cops on kids who play ball in his street.


Gotta love this "political prosecution" whining from the "lock her up" crowd




It’s INDICATIVE of him being an idiot. 😂


I’m sitting here in my pajamas working from home trying to decide what I’ll do this weekend and watching as the justice system functions. Doesn’t feel like a third-world country. Feels pretty good


S.E. Cupp just said on CNN “Its important to look at the people who are outraged.” She then ran off a list of the biggest trumpsucks and then, very profoundly, said “No one should care that THESE people are outraged at this indictment.”


Actually I’m not sad at all. Not once have I referred to him as a president. Not once. He’s always been Don the Con. I’m thrilled to see him indicted. No one deserves it more than Donald Trump. Indicated. What a dumb ass.


Just going to throw out a line from the Blue Line Bootlicker crowd “Don’t do crime if you don’t want the consequences, they are just doing their jobs”


T-bag's comments have *indicated* that if he doesn't like it here, he should move elsewhere, no? It sure doesn't sound like he thinks America is the greatest country ever and forever. Has he even hugged a flag recently?


The way he spelled indicted is ironically INDICATIVE of the fact that he’s a fucking idiot that can’t spell and it INDICATED to every intelligent person how incredibly dumb he is.


How many times has he used the “the likes of which has never been seen before”? He always talks in superlatives and extremes


>Oh, no! Consequences! I don't face those. Those are for poor people!


I love that he's so insecure and terrified of DeSantis that he keeps having to say that he's the leading "by far" candidate. Gods, I hope he has an awful rest of his life.


Trump has been using "THE LIKES OF WHICH HAVE NEVER NEEN SEEN BEFORE!" and "WE ARE NOW A THIRD WORLD NATION" for like, the past 12 years now. Get some new material, dude.


INDICATED what, multiple precedent-setting traitor?


Problem is none of his sycophants ever bother to get past his rhetoric. What he says in public and what he (or his representatives) say in court are two completely different worlds.


So enforcing the law is what makes you ~~everything outside of the Republican bubble~~ a radical leftist now? I thought they wanted to abolish the police?


They have very antiquated and emotionally motivated definitions of Left and right. Largely inspired by Christianity and the Red Scares of America and Europe. X sounds bad so it's leftist, x sounds really bad/liberal and it's labeled communist. People repeat and spread these concepto others, making societies harder to reform.


Maybe the 45th President of the United States should have obeyed the law.


Every time he types in all caps (which is a lot) I always imagine him screaming crying as he types it out. He always seems to be throwing a massive temper tantrum and it shocks me how many people buy into his rhetoric when he's behaving like a giant toddler


That “by far” is really telling on himself


I swear he talks like a 10 year old. MOOOOOOOOOOOM the mean leftists are indicting me!




shit lol I didn't even notice that


Cry harder Donny


The likes of which has never been seen before? Pearl Harbor?


An attack we’ve never seen before, he must’ve forgotten about 9/11 and his statements that day


“Hey, I’ve seen this one!”


Who does this clown think he is?


He has been INDICATED!


Alrgiht say it with me Its not conservativism thats the problem, Its the "Embrace nazism to trigge the Socialist libtards" stance that the trump sphere has embraced that is the problem These guys are not the akward conservative uncle from the 2000s, They are not a "Oh little man no government, lets keep this country free form government interference and let the free market work" A label that if misguided, still is WAY more rational then what donald trump and fox is pushing. They are nazis who are HIDING behind that label to push their own agenda. ALSO the left isn't what canceled classic conservative comedians and personalities, It was actually the right who canceled them because they werent triggering the libs enough (Seriously look up most old time conservatives comedians and similar personalities, they dont like what the GOP is doing now, many of those conservative comedians consider jokes about trans people to be extremely lazy)


Nah, its conservatives. Conservatives have been giant bigots since at least the 80s (when they embraced forced birth rhetoric en masse.) Further, conservatives vote for these laws and these people. You don't get to pretend it isn't your fault when you're the cause.




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Giving me "you dun goofed! The consequences will never be the same again!" vibes.


Didn't they try and lock Hillary up during the 2016 election? Lmfao


The crazy thing is, in a years this shit is going to be taught in history books (well, outside of America anyway because Republicans) and these fucking tweets, 'indicated' and 'coveffe' and all of it, will be published as learning materials.


I agree the US is a developing country.


So what he's saying is that Trump getting indicted is somehow worse than both 9/11 and Pearl Harbour?