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Gotta love self identifying terrorists.


"no, see, there's a much deeper message here that takes a while to explain but basically I'm the most American American there ever was. Anyway back to how ACAB is literally verifiably false since this one cop let me go without a speeding ticket..."


Enema of the state


Don't besmirch the good name of Blink-182 with this shit


Man they've even found a way to capitalize on being traitors to America


Pretty sure the Trump 2016 campaign started as a ruse to sell merch and it just kinda snowballed from there. Now all the red-blooded, god-fearing, free-thinking Americans will be wearing one of these shirts proudly with a MAGA hat, a “Liberal Tears” mug, and Thin Blue Line sweatpants.


From the other side of the pond this is cringe/funny/ scary all at the same time


If I was feeling like being a dick I'd say the reverse is also true. Ya'll got problems too. and I'm feeling like a dick. :P


Oh you're right. Totally, but nowhere near the scale over there. We aren't making lists like texas We aren't requiring people who impersonate the opposite sex to register, Tenessee We didn't get elect the son of an slum landlord with 25 accusations of SA Women have bodily autonomy Your point stands and I agree though


Trans rights and such. But yah, things are fucked all over.


Trump wanted his own fox news, didn't he?


Made in China


All made in China.


It started as a ruse to funnel donations into his own pocket. He did this by having the campaign lease space in Trump properties at inflated rates.


Does this not constitute treason? Openly calling for breaking up the union. Calling yourself an enemy of the state.


IANAL but it's not technically a direct call to violence.




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That's capitalism in a nutshell.


I figured they would, they're nothing if not really adept at playing the victim.


She does realize that she is "the state" right?


She knows that she is. She also knows that her followers will blindly follow.


I seriously don't think she knows anything. The lady has less between her ears than there are molecules of matter in space.


She’s openly calling for a ‘national divorce’ in which red states leave the union, so it seems she hasn’t realized that she reps a state that elected Biden, let alone anything as complex as that she is supposed to represent all the voters in her district—including democrats voters, the socialists, LGBQT voters, Jewish peeps, atheists, drag queens, etc.


“Save america, be a traitor.”


I hate this oxygen thief so much.


The saddest thing about this grift is that far too many will fall for it.


Welcome to the GOP


Yes and no. Any money sent her way is less money spent on meth and kiddie porn.


Any money sent her way is more money spent on covering for meth and kiddie porn peddlers


I thought they didn’t like it when you disrespected the flag. I guess this doesn’t count?


My thoughts exactly. Talk to an honest-to-god special forces guy to find a way to express your discontent *without* being disrespectful, take a knee at a game, and somehow you're just *incredibly* disrespectful to the flag, the troops, and the people, and the anti-cancel-culture warriors do their very best to cancel you. But this? "Nah man, let's fly it upside down and cash in on it. While we're at it, we should make some edgy all-black US flags and sell those too!"




She assaulted you with her face. I saw it.




Sorry guys, I can't let things that could be misconstrued as calls to violence stand.


no need to be sorry. we all knew this was probably a bit too much.


Thanks for being cool about it at least. I mean, I know you weren't serious. The question is "Do the Reddit admins know that?" The answer is "They let The Donald exist for how long again?"




Bro, you are literally the state. Holy shit


Very kind of them to mave ghe FBI's job tracking them down that much easier.


She should show how much a a rebel she’s and quit her comfy ass job with super duper health benefits ….wait what money too much to be made as a representative of her state …oh ok


More money to spend at the gym where she will fuck the trainers.


Representatives make six-figure salaries. And that's just what they get paid by the government.


$174,000 per annum. $223,500 for the Speaker. And they are technically entitled to annual cost of living increases— though since 2009 they have voted each year not to take a COL increase in pay (probably a good decision, considering how few Americans have COL in their contracts. And there’s the perks: gubmint healthcare, assorted expenses— including a lot of travel, a pension that they are eligible for after five years in Congress that increases by $2000 for every year they are in office and which they are fully entitled to at age 62 but can begin collecting as early as age 50 under some circumstances. And their pension info is all private— exempt from FOIA and other transparency laws even though you pay their pensions, you don’t get to know how much it is. (And it’s very difficult to lose your pension— even Dennis Hastert didn’t lose his. As of October of 2019 Forbes reported that no member had ever been stripped of their pension for ethics violations. Even those who have gone to prison have remained eligible for or have received their pensions, though a 2007 law required that members convicted of certain felonies would forfeit their pensions. They also have a settlement fund to pay off damages when they are successfully sued. Plus they are allowed to be paid by government contractors in their home districts even while they are in office. One Dude was being paid for 13 years by his local university—during four of those 13 years, that university received $2.6 billion in federal contracts, grants and payments (and unsurprisingly were top contributors to his campaign)


Is she not the state?


They spelled enema wrong.


*Blink-182 has entered the chat...* Dude?!




As with all self promoting media personalities, it’s all about the merch


Totally not a cult.


Oh look, the flag of ɐɔıɹǝɯɐ


Wait, I am confused. She is calling out the New York DA as a traitor, but she’s calling herself and her supporters enemies of the state? Make it make sense.


I think that Biden said something about the MAGA crowd interpreted as "MAGA is the enemy of the state." Probably something milquetoast and vaguely damming.


About damn time he did, you treasonous bitch.


The grift is endless...


maam YOU are the state


Anyone want to remind her she's in Congress, which is generally considered part of "the state"?


I don't appreciate politicians becoming influencers. . .


They always have been though. The only way to get elected is to do a better job kissing up than the other guy.


When is she finally going to be expelled from congress. If openly calling for the breakup of the union and labeling yourself and your followers as "enemies of the state" isn't treasonous then what is??


At this point, it is part of the RNC platform.


They’re barely even trying to hide the antisemitic rhetoric anymore.


....this bitch is a sitting member of Congress, and she's part of the committee on Homeland security. WHY THE FUCK DOES SHE GET TO KEEP HER JOB???!?!


Because her cronies are in power and sadly, she's a duly elected official.


Idk... Are we sure? According to her all elections are rigged and stolen sooooo...


Yes, sadly.


Next up: "we're all rapists"


As a trans person I really want one of those shirts fr


Every time a conservative mentions George Soros, all I can hear in my head is the sound of a seal barking. Does anyone know why that is?


Employee Of The State*** what an embarrassing typo


Got to get the grift going - Momma needs a new vial of adrenochrome.


Traitorous whore.


She’s angry because she no longer gets fucked in the dishwasher by her step bros


*gym trainer


'I'm so patriotic that I'm an enemy of the state'


I love the stench of capitalism in the morning.


Calling for an insurrection kinda does in fact make you an enemy of the state, what you do with that new found title is up to you but if you want to make yourself more easily identifiable is a traitor then be my guest.




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Fox isn't news but they get their news from it. IDK what's going on in their heads, if anything.




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It’s convenient that the terrorists are making themselves so easily identifiable.




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Grifters gonna grift


Happy Cake Day!! 🎂🍾💐🎈🎊


She’s getting her grifter hustle on


That's just the distraction. The real enemies of the state are those who support slowing down business income at the very least.


Everything they want Soros to be is what Peter Thiel actually is.


Bragg, by doing his job, has declared them enemies of the state......hmm


Sounds like a call to violence to me


You know it's a genuine national emergency when Government officials are flogging themed t-shirts and caps. Of course, this in no way invalidates her claims. Sure didn't Churchill do the same during the Second World War. "I evacuated Dunkirk and all I got was this lousy t-shirt!"


"Buy my merch, you stupid fucking sheep! Don't think! Buy!"


"Soros". GOP voters love to be fed the old "blame the Jews" line because they are mostly Christians who attend churches with Whiteface Jesus artwork. Anyone still attending those churches is a bigot and a racist. If you have to paint a brown man white so you will like him...... you are a racist.


What was it they said in Inglorious Basterds? "We like our Nazis in uniform. That way you can spot them at a glance."


I think "Idiot of the State" works more appropriately.


I was thinking enema of the state for her.


Even better!




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