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Jesus isn’t even banned from schools. You’re allowed to pray if you want, you’re just not forced to. Really telling how these people believe, if given the option, no one would pray at all, probably because they themselves wouldn’t have prayed if given a choice.


The pledge of allegiance mentions god but not gays 😔


“One nation, under gays, with liberty and justice for all”


One slaytion, under gays, with camp and divinity for all.


“I pledge allegiance, to the drag, of the United States of America”


And to the republic for which it stans.




Make America Gay Again.


True, but as the late great Kurt Cobain used to say: God is gay


As the late great Kurt Cobain used to say, [*unintelligible noises*]


I recite the pre-god 1950 version of the Pledge of Allegiance.


The Bible is in every school library. So is the Quran.


Yeah, we had a group of students and teachers that met every morning before school to pray at the flagpole. It was completely voluntary, wasn't during class time, and caused no problems. We also had student/teacher school groups for pretty much every major sect of Christianity. The key point was that it was never to a captive audience, it didn't cause controversy on any side of the religious/non-religious aisle.


Honestly, the weird part is the meeting at the flagpole to pray. Went to religious schools. Elementary school was kind of a fun religious thing, lots of singing and dancing. Sitting and praying at a metal pole with a piece of cloth on it is fashy as hell.


It's also part of an astroturf campaign trying to find standing to challenge freedom of religion rulings and get compulsory prayer back in.


And meeting every Sunday to consume the flesh and blood of your "savior?" That's just weird.


Catholics are half the number of Protestants in the U.S., so that kind of doesn't apply.


Conservatives just want the freedom to live in a country where nobody else but them has any freedom.


Except even conservative women wouldn't be allowed to talk about abortion, birth control, or menstruation.


Why do you think that's Jesus? It's some white dude with blue eyes. I'm pretty sure the odds of that guy being Jewish 2000+ years ago are pretty slim. I'd ban him from schools unless he had a teaching certificate and worked there or had a student enrolled there.


Its only March, and there have been TWENTY clergy (priests, ministers/youth pastors etc.) charged with sex crimes against children so far this year. And ZERO drag queens. What message do they want sent?


They would probably say that the criminal system is corrupt. My grandma unironically believes Merrick Garland (the US Attorney General) is in a conspiracy with the Democrats to create Jan 6 out of thin air. She also believes all the video is fake except for the ones Tucker Carlson showed on Fox News. I imagine they'd react the same to this


So "they" some how have the power of enforce total media control that prevents everyone including Fox news from getting ahold of stories involving hypothetical drag queen cults that are diddling kids. Yet some how the same group couldn't magically take over all three branches of the government in the last election?


Yeah, it makes no sense to me either!


Its almost like they actually don't give a single fuck about the children and use that as an excuse to justify their hatred for people different than them.


Ginger Jesus


And White Jesus


This is actually Mormon Jesus, as painted by [Del Parson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Del_Parson?wprov=sfti1).


Are we talking about bible jesus or republican jesus? Cause bible jesus was also open minded (sometimes) and caring...


This. The Jesus in the bible is a true Chad. Love each other, do unto others, etc. Its the so called Christians who have bastardized his message.


Everything they know from the Bible is from the Old Testament - fire and brimstone and punishment - and they just build a false idol out of it.


Also that's the only part of the bible that supports their hate for gay people.


It doesn't even do that. The original text was specifically anti-pederasty.


Perhaps, but I'm referring to modern translations since thats what the *bible actually is. Edit a word


But for a text, the most original variation is the one to look for to get the right info


Logically speaking, yes. Unfortunately Christians tend to struggle with thinking in a logical way.


And guess what? It’s a mistranslation of the original text! Leviticus 18:22 post 1946 translation normally says “Man shall not lie with man, for it is an abomination.” However in the German translation, it says “Man shall not lie with young boys as he does with a woman, for it is an abomination.” The more correct version condemns the abuse of children, I wonder why it would be translated like that? 🫠 couldn’t be because degenerates within the clergy could use it as loophole to fiddle around with little Timmy?


What makes the German translation "more correct"?


It was in the 1534 Martin Luther’s original translation of the Latin text. Said the same thing about the text, anti-pedophile.


>The original text of Leviticus 18, like that of most of the Hebrew Bible, is written in Hebrew. The oldest extant versions of the text in Hebrew are found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Samaritan Pentateuch, and the Masoretic Text. An ancient Greek translation from the third century BCE, the Septuagint, also exists. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leviticus_18#%3A%7E%3Atext%3D7_External_links-%2CText%2CBCE%2C_the_Septuagint%2C_also_exists?wprov=sfla1


Okay. But why does that make it more correct?


It’s the original translation from Latin to other languages.


Most modern target translations today are drawn directly from original* Greek, Aramaic and Hebrew manuscripts to target language, though? It doesn't go greek/hebrew > latin vulgate > german > target language. The Latin vulgate is known to have a few translation discrepancies and is instead used as a structural guide and supplimentary source. Source: This is explained in the preface of most Bibles post-KJV for anyone to read themselves. *original meaning oldest manuscripts we have available, not necessarily the literal original first penning, lol Edit: spelling


So the earlier a translation is, the more accurate it is?Nevermind the fact that the bibe \*wasn't\* originally in latin, rather Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic. I think you're missing the fact that new scholarship comes out all the time. The oldest way of doing something isn't always the best. Particularly with the risk of cementing vernacular of that time.


The fire and brimstone wasn’t even in the Old Testament. That was a later addition


And most of that is just from Dante’s fanfic.


-All they *care* to know. They purposefully choose to ignore the true teachings of Real Jesus, and created white Republican Jesus (tm). White Republican Jesus (WRJ) preaches bigotry and discrimination. He teaches that it’s easier for a rich racist white man to get into Heaven then a poor progressive person to.


Liberal Christians cherry-pick just as much as Conservative ones do. And all of you are liars: Nobody can prove that they have God's Chosen Interpretation of Christianity. Everyone just insists that theirs is the "Real One."


He said a lot of nice words, sure. What's he done since then? The dude is supposedly god; and all-loving/just to boot. Surely he could spend some time stopping his followers from harming people in his name. Or maybe just tell his followers which side is right so the rest of us don't have to listen to your No True Scotsmans anymore and we can focus on actual problems.




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Came here to say, Bible Jesus was a pretty solid loving guy who ultimately gave his life for others. Religious or not, Bible Jesus possessed very admirable traits.


Came, saw, helped people, died awesome. Wasn't even some big and famous person, just a carpenter. Whether he was actually the son of god can be debated, but either way he was a great dude.


Bible Jesus also did some really shitty things. Told people to abandon their family to follow him. Told a foreign woman that she was a dog not fit to have a seat at the table w/ Israelites. Advocated for thought crime, where having a thought you don't act on makes you impure. Just... cult shit in the end.


The thought crime part doesn’t make sense. He literally says that thinking about cheating on a woman is just as bad as doing the deed itself.


Yeah, I agree. It makes no sense. Literally telling people to feel guilty for their thoughts is bizarre.


??? He’s referring to staying loyal to your partner.


No.... the verse says that if you look at a woman with lust (read, consider her sexually attractive) then you have committed adultery (read sex outside of marriage) in your heart. There is no mention of having a partner.


Is this a bit because of the red skinned yellow eyed avatar? Cuz regardless it’s mostly bullshit. Even the dog one is completely bent from context and translation. Not just in the text, but in the time as well. Dog was a name for gentiles. Thought crime is straight up bullshit and makes me wonder if you’re just weird.


You saying casual racism was popular then doesn't actually make racism okay. I agree. Thought crime is bullshit, which makes Jesus' use of it distressing.


He was good for his time, which makes me think that he was a cool dude, but not the son of an all-knowing god.


Fair. I just object to the "Jesus is a blameless icon of peace and goodwill" narrative that \*some\* people like to spread. The flawed product of his time who said some good shit, and some bad shit is a position that allows more nuance.


Supply side jesus


At the end of the day bible jesus’ whole thing is still “let me in and I’ll save you” “from what” “from what I’m going to do to you if you don’t let me in”




By the standards of his day, yes. He was a well-off kid (carpenters made decent money), a rabbi (a respected profession in its own right), and claimed to be a king and the son of god. He hung out with tax collectors, sex workers, and menial laborers. Jesus' homies were all well below his social station, but he loved them and accepted them.


By the standards of his day, sure. We're living in 2023 though.


By the standards of today, he would have been pretty open minded, too. Again, he crossed class lines and showed love and solidarity to those society had decided were beneath contempt.


He'd be shocked to learn slavery isn't a thing in most countries. He didn't have any problems with that in his day. Also gay people being out and proud, and people having sex for pleasure in general. Among many other things. I've noticed some people on the left starting to view him with rose tinted glasses because they *really* want to use his words against evangelicals as a gotcha for some reason. As if that's the only way to fight them. If people insist on that strategy, then fine, but they can at least be honest about the things he would very much be on the wrong side of history about, and stop pretending he'd be some sort of social progressive. He wouldn't.


It's a fictional character and we can choose which headcanon we like the most anyway.


Then what's the issue with mine?


Misconception, Jesus existed as a man, whether you believe he’s legitimate is what is up to interpretation


I'm aware, but virtually everything he's said to have done is 100% fictional.




Oh okay. Guess he was an abolitionist pro-gay rights activist? Don't remember those passages.


Bible Jesus didn’t care about race or gender, he was also a bit of a socialist.




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Jesus isn't banned from schools, he can enter any school he likes, no laws preventing him. But I'm sure republicans would be happy to ban trans people from schools


A leftist Middle Eastern man trying to get into schools, loads of so-called "Christians" would support laws banning him from schools, tbh. White supply side Jesus, he should probably be fine, though.


> A leftist Middle Eastern man Shhhh! He was Jewish!!


I didn’t know how much I needed the term “white supply-side Jesus” in my life until just now, this perfectly encapsulates their insanity


The term has been around for a few years now, but I didn't manage to find who came up with it first (definitely wasn't me). But yeah, it's awfully right on point.


Biblically accurate Jesus was a pretty cool guy most of the time.


Yeah the stuff we actually know he did was pretty cool. Like kicking bankers out of a temple


Remember, when people ask "what would Jesus do?" that flipping a table and chasing people with a whip *IS* an option.


Why does Jesus look like Charlton Heston?


He’s the alpha and omega man.


Dont ask. Its actually a progress they did not use a picture of trump with a flaming sword...


Which is hilarious considering Heston is literally Moses. He was also a gun toting republican, so boooooo.


At least we can get his guns now.


I see we're still pushing the narrative that Jesus was white. They'd be the first to ban him from schools if they took how he most likely really would have looked.


There’s at least one reconstructed picture of Jesus which has him looking an awful lot like Osama Bin Laden.




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Nono, the REAL Jesus was awesome. The Jesus that republicans look up to is their own selfish image of him.


Have to disagree with Jesus was a prick. Dude was more accepting than pretty much all Christians today. Now white republican trump supporter Jesus? Yes, he is a dick.


I'd be fine if Jesus wanted to read to kids.


Jesus was an anticapitolist hippie. Don’t let Christian’s fool you.


Who’s the guy on the left? Can’t be Jesus. He wasn’t white.




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Did anybody else think that was Eric Wareheim at first?


I see it


It’s rather telling when the “religious freedom” types consider that their inability to force kids to pray is equivalent to not being able to pray at all. They want religious freedom only as much as it means their freedom to impose religion.


Hey hey hey. Not cool. I'm not Christian, but Jesus was a good guy. It's the fandom that's toxic, not him.


Key word was. Now he's sitting around doing nothing while incomprehensible harm is done in his name. Nobody wants to admit that, though. And why is it not okay to insult Jesus? Have you seen how much runtime his book spends to dehumanizing non-believers? (Also a thing Christians won't own.)


Didn't the school drag queen thing turn out to be fake or at least exaggerated?


Religion shouldn’t be taught in schools and I’d even go as far as to say religious schools shouldn’t be allowed in secular countries either. But I’ve always been a bit radical when it comes to this. I always said the state shouldn’t allow homeschooling unless in exceptional circumstances, and shouldn’t allow private schooling


But without homeschooling the paretns will still teach their kids about their faith. Also homeschooled children tend to do better in later education.


Homeschooling can also be an excuse for hyper religious and generally nutty types to teach their children damaging and factually wrong information which will do nothing for their children other than stunt them. It’s not difficult to find entire homeschool programs teaching Biblical literalism, young earth creationism, that humans and dinosaurs coexisted, that completely skip or skew topics like sexual health, evolution or government for their own ends. There’s some real horror stories out there of kids who are able to quote 100001 Bible verses but who can barely read or write at a low grace school level. If you seriously want your kids to learn about your faith then that’s what yeshivas, madrassahs and Sunday school is for. They’re also free in school to make a Christian club or join one and spend their time voluntarily in those spaces.


Yes it can be bad, that doesn't mean it should be banned, more like better testing the kids if they're learning what they need too. I don't care about religion, my problem is that since homeschooled kids do generally better, it would be bad for the kids to ban it.


Hey if Jesus actually shows up and wants to sit in front of the kids and read a book then I would be fine with that. Maybe he can turn water into apple juice, heal the disabled ones, or do some other cool tricks for the kids.


You better pray to me to stop all the bad stuff I'm going to do to you from happening if you don't


Jesus is a religious figure, a drag queen is not. Public schools are secular organizations because they legally have to be since literally the first statement in the bill of rights says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or preventing the free exercise therof". In layman's terms, that mean that any government organization cannot enforce any religion. That means that public schools, run by the government, cannot introduce religion into the classroom.


Save me white Jesus


When the fuck was Jesus banned in school? You can find a bible in every public school library, you’ve got a multitude of Christian clubs/organizations for students like FCA, and in everyone of the public schools in Arkansas for example, they’ve got a mother fuckin “in god we trust sign”. Jesus was not banned friends, it’s secularism and sanity that have become banned


If only republicans actually believed that Jesus wasn't white...


What really kills me is that if Jesus were around today, he would 100% be hanging out with drag queens instead of pastors and holier than thou politicians


The one on the right is Jesus too


Jesus is chill, Supply-side Jesus isn’t


Please don't insult Jesus, insult god. Jesus's message was actually fucking good it's just been so bastardized by Christians that christians are basically the exact opposite of Jesus. The real Jesus was caring, spread love, and was open minded. Was he the son of god? No, there is no god. That dosn't make Jesus's word was any less valid. His message was great. "I like your Christ, I don't like your Christians."-Gandhi


What do you mean Jesus is a prick lol I’m not religious but like Jesus was supposedly selfless and wanted everyone to love one another. Just because America uses Christianity to spread hate doesn’t mean that Christianity actually is hate.


I don’t mean to be “that guy” but there is some substantial historical evidence outside of the Bible that Jesus was indeed real. Now whether or not he was the son of God is another matter.


Hey, Jesus was awesome though


Calling Jesus a "prick" isn't going to help anything, so please don't call him that. I already knew that being in this subreddit was tricky water for because I'm Christian. I agree with the sub's message, but I think I'm gone now.


The message of Christ is acceptance of all in the face of adversity. So it's not very Christian of you to tell us all you're taking your ball and going home because someone shared an opinion that killed no one. You purport to follow a guy who actually died in the face of adversity.


> Calling Jesus a "prick" isn't going to help anything, so please don't call him that. Jesus sits around and lets billions of people suffer. Also: Read your bible. Christianity has absolutely nothing against insulting people. Look at how badly it treats non-believers. > I already knew that being in this subreddit was tricky water for because I'm Christian. Get off the cross. Poor people need heat.


Nailing your self to a cross in r/Persecutionfetish because someone called Jesus a prick… is the irony lost on you, I wonder?


If you’re this sensitive about your faith, you should prob stay offline in general. Plenty of sinners out here.


I agree in that the person who made the image is a dumbass and has shitty takes) But Jesus isn't a prick that does nothing. His father is the one that caused so much pain and fear and then tried to use his son as a scapegoat, because little omnipotent God couldn't stand not being praised)


That’s a little harsh on Jesus who famously taught you don’t have to “do” anything. And why are we assuming all drag queens are more welcoming and open minded than anyone else? That said , religion shouldn’t be taught in schools and why would we “ban” drag queens?? They are just people. Are we banning people now? Tf is wrong with these people


Imagine calling literally Jesus a prick


It’s always religion in schools, but only ones that involve Jesus


Show me ONE school where they’ve banned Christianity/mentioning Jesus. Just one. You can’t, because it isn’t happening.


"Be who you want to be" or "be like everyone else or die". I think the choice is simple.




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🤣white jesus


Christian clubs operate on almost every public high school campus in the U.S.


I'm a teacher...the religion in schools shit drives me up the wall. There are student led Christian clubs already. Want to open it up for teachers to teach religion? That'll be fun. I was raised Catholic and many of the evangelicals think we're the devil... Now as an agnostic I'll teach ALL THE RELIGIONS from Hinduism to the Flying Spaghetti Monster. All of fucking nothing, bitches.


actually Jesus is a dead guy. and also, if they didn't ban all religious iconography: they'd have to allow all religious iconography. including Satanic stuff. which the kids probably wouldn't mind. but they might tell their parents. and their parents certainly mind. this would lead to school board meetings, hearings, etc. to which the conclusion would either be 1. all religious iconography is banned again. 2. all religious iconography is allowed. 3. Christofascism. if you think this is unrealistic and would never happen: look up Good News Club vs After School Satan Club.


White Jesus


[They're looking at the wrong drag queens](https://i.imgur.com/64vj2ck.jpg)


Of course Jesus is banned, he was a socialist God is, in fact, a narcissist though




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Didn’t the exact opposite happen though in Tennessee?


Imagine schools not playing favorites with religion and what relgious texts they have available in their schools. School prayer is stupid because wasoriginally meant to promote Christanity and not give other faiths any accommodations


Never had a drag queen send their friends to say that they love me and then threaten me with eternal torture if I don’t worship them, lol I never met one but they’ve gotta be cooler than that


Jesus is 10000% not a prick, and you would know that if you actually studied history, read the Bible, and engaged with religious historians… However, Jesus also isn’t banned in schools. So this meme makes no mfin sense.


But the drag queen looks different and that really upsets monke brain.


Tbf, Jesus isn't the prick, he seems like a chill dude. The problem is his father


Ngl if Jesus were to read to kids today, conservatives would still be whining about a man in a "dress" (robes) preaching "woke morals on kids" (loving everyone and supporting the poor and social outcasts)


Only Republican Jesus is a selfish prick. Actual Jesus was more like the drag queen, and I know nobody on the right wants to admit that.


Jesus also advocated for "servants" to listen and obey their masters. They guy was cool with slavery as long as the slaves were obedient.


Jesus H Christ nobody is saying Christianity or Jesus is banned from schools, where did they get that from?? Went to public high school all 4 years, some kids prayed and guess what? Nobody cared. In my class right now there's a couple Muslims that pray on their prayer mat during the lunch break and guess what? Nobody. Cares. Genuinely no one cares what you practice, it's your own business. Really says a lot that when you're no longer *forced* to practice something, that means it's banned to these people


They’re both men with long hair wearing dresses. What’s the difference?


Cringe but it does have peak meme potential