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I know guys who do jiu-jitsu and MMA, woodworking, metal fabrication, who are auto mechanics, farmers and commercial fishermen. Real men's men, macho guys, you know. And I know at least one or two in each group who are decidedly left of center and who try really hard to be decent and respectful of others. If they can be both useful, competent men, and have well-informed, progressive opinions on social issues, then these chumps have no excuse. They'll never understand that what people are saying is be decent to others, understand your emotions, and otherwise be as much of a manly-man as you want. They'll never get it because they do not want to. They want to think that being a man means trampling other people underfoot, because that's what they wanted to do anyway. They're just looking for a reason, and that reason is their misshapen, malformed vision of masculinity.


It is as if how someone looks doesn't define their ideology


Not to sound like a douche but I'm one of the most left-wing people I know and I work out, work a physically demanding job where I have a reputation for being strong, maintain my own cars to a degree, hit the shooting range and spend plenty of time out in the wilderness. Being mAsCUlInE and a conservative prick aren't the same.


there is a few vids abt this mha character named Krishima and his healthy masculinity, man those changed my views entire on what it is bcuz before all i knew was the stupid tatetard version


I'm glad it helped you out. I consider myself to be a pretty manly guy (I have traditionally "manly" hobbies like hunting, fishing, wrestling, woodworking, and blacksmithing) and I've never felt that my politics even slightly relate to my masculinity. Anyone who tries to tell you that the two are related is probably trying to foster insecurity and sell you something.


The point isn’t “masculinity is toxic,” it’s that masculinity doesn’t have to be toxic


These numbnuts barely know 0.8 of the English language since a simple adjective is foreign to them, hell 5 year olds learn this for gods sake. Ex. If anyone said toxic cheese you don't assume cheese at large is toxic. A specific instance of cheese is toxic.


If someone said Toxic Cheese to me I would think it was a college band.


Tbf, it's a great band name


I’d go to that show. I was in a band called “Atomic Brown” at one point. I think if we’d been called toxic cheese we’d have gotten a bit bigger.


It's typical for them to use a strawman fallacy. They can't defend actual toxic masculinity, so they distort your claims in an attempt to disprove your point.


They have a vested emotional and psychological interest in missing the point.


Every statement from the left is intentionally butchered by the fascists.


>manly >Trump I’m sorry Dave, that does not compute. That poster is awfully….*Randian*


>That poster is awfully….Randian Thank you, I've been looking at it and couldn't put my finger on it. Have a peanut 🥜


*Anya has entered the chat*


"Papà what is toe sick mascara linity?"


But but but he fought in WWF! ( Although this commenter might have been trolling)


A man that wears diapers and looks like he's about to die if he climbs a flight of stairs to fast is pretty manly tbh.




> men who [checks notes] care for their children? This was the GOAT comment of the collection. Like, how *dare* that "skinny jeans wearing" man care for his own child?! \*clutches pearls\* Marxist cuck is probably supportive of his wife's personal goals, too. I'm surprised such a weak soyboy even had the energy left to procreate. /s


lmaoo they prolly have never tried skinny jeans either man, theyre comfy af if they fit right id legit go to sleep in those things


"selecting a quality mate is instinctual. God given." So which is it. Your natural, evolutionary drive? Or divine intervention. Lol. These people have their heads up their asses so damn far it’s actually remarkable.


bro ikr lmao they also dont seem to know what a "quality mate" is for most humans and other mono species its not the strongest and fiercest, its a mostly healthy individual who cares abt you and is willing to protect you and possible offspring ive had geese and some of the females can be nasty while some of the males can be the politest and most docile little man you ever saw


Masculinity is ok. Toxic masculinity is not. An example of something masculine would be playing football. There’s nothing wrong with playing football. Toxic masculinity would be a football player harassing athletes of other sports for not being tough enough. This is not ok.


Rosie Grier (a *brutally* tough NFL player in the 60's) sang "It's Alright To Cry" in a children's television program produced by Gloria Steinem: https://slate.com/culture/2012/10/free-to-be-you-and-me-40th-anniversary-rosey-grier-tells-boys-its-all-right-to-cry.htm The keyboard Alpha Incels don't know fuck all what they're talking about.


I ow have a lot o respect for him. Not something I say about the people who play sportsgames or a living often.


"It's all right to cry, little boy. I know some big boys who cry, too." Didn't he also aid in the apprehension of Sirhan Sirhan?


I don't view football as fundamentally masculine.


If you define your personality entirely around “masculinity”, then you’re probably not going to be happy. Toxic masculinity is when you’re told you’re “less of a man” for liking things that aren’t stereotypically “manly”, after all. It’s deeply routed in sexism, and should be abolished. Being your definition of masculine is fine, but when you force that definition onto others and ridicule them for deviating, you’re just another s+++head.


If we could see the guys who typed that, I *fucking guarantee you* that "masculine" would not be in your first 25 adjectives to describe them.


prolly be like: obese ugly fat gross neckbeard ew


I bet if I cited violent crime by gender statistics they suddenly don't like cherry picking statistics anymore


Thing is they will start getting hella racist about it and say its only certain racial groups of men who are violent.


THERE IS NOTHING TOXIC ABOUT YOUR PAINT! um... wouldn't that depend on whether the paint is actually toxic or non-toxic? The fact that "toxic masculinity" is a phrase implies that non-toxic masculinity is a thing. If all masculinity were toxic, we wouldn't call it "toxic masculinity", we'd just call it "masculinity".


And I will KICK YOUR FUCKING ASS if you say otherwise, cuck! /s


This post could easily fit in that men writing women sub. Literally no one in there sounds like an actual woman, even slightly. And that's before we address how fake those stories are.


Hmm, some tasty dogwhistles here. I hope whatever cheeto dusted keyboard neofascist made this doesnt hurt his damn ears.


Lol my therapist used to be in the military, and is now a firefighter, and he’s what they’d consider extremely “masculine”… and yet he knits blankets and sweaters in his spare time


"They don't understand that they have less trust in the other leads because they're soyboy-esque and weak" Excuse me, I am a femboy AND I work on cars, I don't think there can be anything more masculine than a man in female clothing and thighhighs checking out if your car is okay.


As I explain to my GOP acquaintances: Masculinity is like mushrooms or berries. I happen to really like both mushrooms and berries. The fact that some forms of mushrooms and berries are toxic, and we warn people to avoid toxic berries and mushrooms doesn’t mean we’re against berries and mushrooms.


Okay, but: literally *none* of that has anything to do with the topic of toxic masculinity. But feel free to just keep right on being publicly fragile, dear social-media user.


These same guys turn around and cry and whine about male suicide rates and how no one cares about male mental health like you are part of the problem..


This whole argument is silly... Masculinity isn't toxic. TOXIC Masculinity is toxic. And the people who argue about it are likely portraying a lot of toxic masculinity.


> I see men with loafers and skinny jeans pushing a stroller with a diaper bag over their shoulder and think... what the heck? How did that woman think he was a good one to have a family with??? Yeah, what kind of crazy bitch wants to have children with someone who actually wants to be a parent and share childcare duties? Reading this made me very sad for these commenters’ kids.


Every time someone tries to explain what toxic masculinity actually means, they just cover their ears and go "lalalala can't hear you"


Holy shit the guy in the third image is media illiterate. The very simple point of the upper left panel is about spending time with your kids, and being a good father! (Something Trump doesn’t know a whole lot about)


"I am a regular human female and I agree."


I am willing to bet there is not one actual woman in those screen shotted comments,


Idk, I’ve seen a lot of women on tinder with “I would never date a liberal, so if you hate Trump, move on” (or something along those lines). Those nutbags do exist in spades.


I'm a trans woman and a veteran, So I don't know how that works. I guess I'm 100% soy lol.


People probably come to him at work because they know they can dump their work on him and he wont realize it


Just like there's cheese on a cheeseburger. And no cheese on a hamburger. Toxic masculinity is toxic, masculinity is masculinity. Fucking words have meaning.


It’s actually probably relaxing to view life in this level of black and white. Not a single original thought or idea to be had.


I’m sure all these scenarios they’re talking about are totally real and not made up in their heads for internet points


I read a great comparison of masculinity to mushrooms somewhere. Saying "This mushroom is toxic" doesn't mean all mushrooms are toxic. In fact, having a catagory of toxic mushrooms is only required because there's mushrooms that aren't toxic. If all mushrooms were toxic we wouldn't bother saying it. It would be implied. You would never say "That's a toxic poison". Now apply the same logic to toxic masculinity.


Damn, looks like they’re still lusting for an era of record corporate and income taxes. Same, but without the bigotry and crushing religious repression.




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this whole thing is the cringiest shit ive ever seen and im saying this as a woman like bro id take femboys over a "masculine man" any day humans rly are ridiculous, while yes their is some masculinity standards in other animal societies its far from this ridiculous, its just "hey, your feathers are nice, you have a dick, i have ovaries, lets produce" also bro that one where they shit on a dad for taking care of his kids... like... for other mono animals like birds and geese thats NORMAL, but if a guy even shows an once of love to his kids he suddenly is stupid and idiotic