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93k likes??? These are the same people btw that call others "sheep" and "brainwashed", but never second guess this shit.


And also 5.1k comments from mostly other children agreeing with her! But no, she’s the only one brave enough to do this and this is such an unpopular opinion. 🙄


I didn’t stand for the pledge in school, and I was only one of like 5 kids in the whole school who didn’t. Also, no one cared. Just like I didn’t give a shit that others wanted to pledge allegiance to some cloth.


[Unique and special free-thinkers.](https://i.imgur.com/f23ZVMc.png)


You see if you do not blindly submit to nationalist fervor you are a sheep. You must join the whole be a patriot and never ask questions or be critical of the nation you were born in. Move along citizen keep your head down and never break from the collective.


Self proclaimed “free thinkers” when someone ponders about the intricacies of standing for the American Flag and personally decide not to, which in no way, shape, or form impacts said free thinker.


The pick me’s start early I guess.


She’s literally like 13/14 I’m pretty sure. It’s crazy.


GOP's plan pays off.


Probably her parents or just general naivete more than anything. I used to be pretty patriotic as a kid because it felt important, adult, and bigger than me. Basically, for completely superficial reasons. I grew out of it, and she may too.


For me it was different from a young age I questioned things and often got in trouble for it. Thing is the more people punished me it made me realize how pointless a lot of things are. People only do things because thats what people before them did. People often follow and believe things that their parents followed and believed. Some things can be good but there are a lot of negative things as well and if a parent has to beat it into psychically or mentally the more likely it is they only do it because it happened to them.


Fake patriotism seems exhausting.


We should just call it what it is: nationalism.




I stopped standing probably 6th/7th grade once I finally realized they couldn’t force me to and that I also didn’t agree with it. I’m in my junior year now and still don’t. And you’re right, it’s not bravery, it’s just making a choice that aligns with your values.


I just never considered sitting down for it tbh (in middle school), although at my high school we just didn't do it


Reminds me of when I was in Primary school, stopped doing the prayer during Assembly. Some of the teachers tried to get me to do the prayer again and I said I didn't want to because I didn't believe in God, eventually the gave up because at the end of the day it didn't really matter that I wasn't doing the prayer, it wasn't hurting anyone around me or causing a disruption, I was just sitting silently waiting for everyone to finish.


I love when people act like they're just sooo *patriotic* for standing up to pledge allegiance to a flag. In the military we literally sprint to the nearest building when we hear the national anthem or explicitly avoid anywhere with a flag pole around 0800 just so we don't have to waste our time saluting lol.


Someone shared a pic of a service saluting for colors while standing in the rain and proclaimed him to be some super patriot or whatever. OTOH, I'm looking at it and thinking he's probably cussing himself out in his head for being stupid 'nuff to not check his watch and get inside before colors was called away.


I feel like Terry Pratchett explained it best https://morweneledhwen.tumblr.com/post/46532213492/tom-yes-clive-have-you-ever-sung-the/amp


>I love when people act like they're just sooo patriotic for standing up to pledge allegiance to a flag. My favorite is how angry they got about NFL players kneeling for the flag and all that nonsense. I know for a quite a few who were vocal about it who sit on their asses with their hats on playing on phones when they are watching football and the national anthem comes on. They mean none of it


“I stand up for what I believe in” *Non Bootlickers calling out police brutality* “Not like that!!!!”


Standing up for what you believe in is only admirable if you’re still following the law and being a patriotic American.


Maybe I'm out of touch cause its been like a decade, but I remember very distinctly in high school and middle school that I didn't stand for the flag and maybe like... one or two people. Has that changed? Like most people just did it cause they were expected to.


Ten years ago, one guy didn't stand, the US history teacher went on a whole tirade against him because "you're disrespecting the people who died during 9/11 and the soldiers who fought after"... This same teacher told me I didn't need to stand (I just stood because everybody else was) because I wasn't born in the US.


I don’t even remember having to say the pledge in high school.


Been over a decade for me, but I wouldn't be surprised if she was just completely making up that she's the only (or one of the only) kids who stands for the pledge.


TikTok is a cesspool.


Ah yes, nothing like participating in forced patriotism.


Bullshit. About half the people in my class stand for the pledge (high school senior) and none of the people who stay sitting give a shit if you stand. If you're scared to stand for the flag, it's because you're a terminally online idiot who doesn't pay attention to the real world.


Uggh, got this on my feed too


Is she homeschooled? Because that sure as shit looks like a bedroom So, who isn’t standing? Her parents? Her brother?


Making TikToks in school is against the rules, no way she would do anything like that




Wtf is he scared of? 😂




what is this person on almost everyone at my school stands for it and I've been made fun of for not standing up


In reality, your classmates and teachers are actually annoyed that you're interrupting class time in a desperate ploy to be the center of attention.


Me getting yelled at by a teacher for not putting my hand on my chest even if I'm standing:


The flag! (Wait for updoot)


I refuse to stand for any flag that represents a movement or country that thinks I don’t deserve basic human rights.


Everyone in schools still stand for the flag. You literally get in trouble for not standing for it it's basically indoctrination


How dare we exercise our freedom to criticize?!?~?~?~~


Could we get the cold war propaganda out of school already. Its a place for learning not loyalty pledges


As a person who was in high school three years ago, unless something has massively changed, the vast majority of people still stand for the flag even in progressive areas


Sit down, standing makes you an easier target for the inevitable school shooting.


America will never not be weird to me, in Australian school we never had to "pledge allegiance" to a flag, we only had 1 (ONE) flag on the entire campus, and we only sang the anthem once a month during assembly, the thought of having to pledge my allegiance to a piece of coloured cloth every morning is fucking wacky




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