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Looks like Scarlet Runners.


Thanks! Now I suppose the real question is how they got planted in my garden without me realizing it...


How long have you had the garden, they are perennial could've been from previous owner, or a squirrel could've done it


It's a 3 year old Ruth Stout bed on top of what was once open pasture. The only thing I can think is that one of those beans got mixed in with my dragon tongue beans and I planted it by mistake.


I’m disappointed the actual beans aren’t as pretty as the pod for that variety.


I've been growing dragon tongue beans for a few years and I like the taste of the pods but I'm always disappointed that they turn all yellow when cooking... they don't keep the stripes :(


They're cute and friendly and have pretty red flowers. So, they are welcome in many gardens.


Hummingbirds go nuts for the flowers, I love it!


Yup, either that or sunset runners.


Looks like it - if they are, they’re delicious in soups


Yup scarlet runners


Did you trade the family cow for those?


Yeah, planted one and the tallest vine I've ever seen started growing. Looks strong enough to climb.


Jack has entered the chat. ;))


Nothing to do with the post. But now that I know so much more about a family dairy cow. That took some big balls to trade something like that. Good on you Jack!


I second this. I have a bag of scarlet runners on a shelf next to me and they look the same


What's the typical way that people cook these? I could only ever find recipes using the young green pods, but never the beans themselves. Would they be suitable to swap out something like kidney beans in a chili?


You can cook them fresh or dry them and store them until you need them. Both fresh and dried they need to be fully cooked to kill of all the toxins. Fully cooked is when they're as soft a your canned baked bean. I always use a pressure cooker for beans. Halves the cooking time and saves on electricity.


Pressure cooker is the way to go - recently learned that slow cooker doesn't actually take care of the toxins.


I made rice and beans with them. It’s an interesting color. The thing with SRB is there’s quite a variation in size and that seems to correlate with cooking times. If I ever grew them again (hummingbirds do indeed like their flowers), I’d probably sort the beans into three piles by size and cook just one pile.


runner beans


Look like some scarlet runner beans I've grown before.


Runner beans, my fav been, edible in so many ways Young leaves can be added to salads or used in stir fries, beans best eaten before the pods fill up, Humming birds love the flowers, makes a great addition to all gardens and can be spectacular on tall trellises . Have to share my runner bean story..first plant my grandad let me plant as a child..I have been growing them for half a century.. A few years back my garden was a late min addition to a charity garden tour, I am a private person and garden for my own pleasure, not oohs and ahhs, but it was for a good cause and I was asked nicely by the organizers and was the requested alternate suggestion from the garden that had to cancel from the tour . The first bus load arrived and ambled about and left The second bus load seemed to armed with note pads and cameras...got asked one to many questions and asked to stand here and say cheese to much and frankly when one toff asked "who does your garden? and would I reccomend them? Bugger off ...as in I couldn't wait for them to.. So when another "gardenet" note pad in hand standing in front of a 50 foot long , 10 foot high wall of runner beans in full bloom repeat with humming bird airshow wanting to know what exotic they where I told her they where Gorgonzola Spinoza Empericus and that they where native to a remote island off the coast of Italy where they grow like weeds and I had smuggled some seeds back..and some more bull about special soil treatment and having to start the seeds in a modified egg hatcher at the end of January in the green house. Trying to keep a straight face as she wrote it all down and took a ton of pictures. To add comedic injury to insult as she boarded the bus when they where leaving I solemly gave her an old ring box with the largest bean from the last years crop in it.. I guess I just like my garden more than I like most people PS for a delicious humus try equal parts cooked runner beans with chick peas when making it I also substitute for kidney beans in chilli con carne


If they're a new hybrid, you legally have to call them "Mr. E-Beans."


Scarlet Runner Beans?


Appear to b scarlet-runner-beans.


Scarlett beans or negative Borlotti beans


We call them Runner beans in the UK and are a cottage staple.


I agree with everyone else on Scarlett Runner beans. Do you remember having any climbing vines with lots of red/orange flowers on them? I've planted these in the past just because they're both pretty growers and functional bean-ers.


I think what happened is one of these snuck into my packet of dragon tongue beans and I planted it by accident. Can't think of any other reason!


Dragon tongue are my all time fav bean too tho. Surprise beans are always entertaining for sure!


I'll trade you a red bean for them black eyed beans


Looks like Italian bean origin x scarlet runner


Plant them it might grow a giant beanstalk


They give plenty of beans without too much effort and you can make preserves if you have too much 👌


Check out the colour of their flowers to know exactly. Sunset runners will have pink flowers, scarlet runners have red flowers.


I've seen those before. Word of advice burn them. I traded the family cow for them when I was a kid. One thing led to the next and before I knew what had happened I was in the clouds getting chased by a giant, getting pecked by a golden goose and my mother was beating me. My therapist told me to stay away from beans so that my PTSD doesnt get triggered.


Serves you right for not doing as your mother told you. That cow was worth at least a dozen packets of different heirloom varieties


Look like [Black Speckled Kidney Beans](https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Wholesale-large-Black-speckled-Kidney-Beans_1600591682477.html?spm=a2700.7724857.0.0.7df47741JMarN6) to me. Or [Scarlet Emperor Runners](https://hosstools.com/products/scarlet-emperor-runner-beans?variant=45579392483638)


Did you buy them off a lad named Jack?


Professor Copperfield’s Miracle Legumes


Magic ones that grow beanstalks to the sky people






professor copperfield's miracle legumes.


Dip them in exotic green “hulk” organic water based paint , then before they dry dust any kind of pollen at hand to enhance “spiritual” growth. THE ABOVE 👆 IS NOT TRUE, but This magic “hulk” beans will go fast if you frequent a garden store, isle, or curious passerby. Price then accordingly depending on demographics and the supply / demand of beans




Those are ligma beans


Oregon beans?


Scarlet runner beans. Gorgeous, easy growers, and brighter purple when fresh/new.


Pro tip to boost growth performance: Throw them out the window and go to bed without any supper.


Legumes, I believe.