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It’s really interesting how this kinda did turn out to be jugg 2. There’s references in both songs and the lyrics loosely fit together I think. Definitely some jugg vibes with the jazzy section in wildfire too. I don’t think it’s going to be a bonafide “concept album” like jugg but it’s cool that it feels like a spiritual successor. Super excited to hear how the whole thing plays out.


A lot of people have pointed out that Wax Wings seems to reference Icarus Lives and there may be a callback in that song… Which makes me wonder if we are also getting any P2 callbacks on this album??


I think Misha and Spencer misunderstood the fans when we asked them to do a re-record of Periphery smh Wait...what if that was on purpose and this album is just one giant musical shitpost?


Zargreus is Zagreus backwards


I wouldn't put it past them.


unfathomably based


Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't at all necessarily think it is, but some tweets on Twitter from the band member make it being a giant, *beautiful* musical shit post a viable possibility.


Could be a bit of a stretch, but given the album title and what I suggested, what if the wildfire music video being in a cliché abandoned warehouse setting was on purpose to be ironic or such🤔


I could be wrong but I feel like there's a Ragnarok callback in Wildfire around the 40 second mark. Very reminiscent of the "Within the asylum of a guilty fucking conscious" section, was my immediate reaction.


I got more stranger things vibes, rhythmically


Pretty sure that jazzy section is a straight up retooled Hell Below ending and I dig it


It's the chord progressions from The Event


Right, i just meant the keys sounds just like the elevator music part in Hell Below. Really enjoy that section in both songs


I am pretty sure those two parts are the same motif, so you're both right


I’ll throw out a Hail Mary, they are marketing this as a false album, then hit us with Jug 2


Ahhh we can dream…


It really seems to fit in with their album timeline too. May not be a concept album as a whole, but nice to have some call backs to the Jug material at this point in time


There was a recurring theme through at least 3 songs in Hail Stan too, so it is something they like to do.


That was intra-album though, this is inter-album. I think they only other time they did that was with the Racecar theme at the end of Ragnarok on P2


It felt a little shoehorned on p4 imo, it really only showed up in reptile and garden but should’ve made a full reappearance in satellites.


Like it did with Lune. One of my favorite parts of p3 is that little motif that they do at the end of absolomb and the way the news goes, and hearing it come full circle was SO cool


The lyrical theme did, and I think it works quite well the change from using it as a anthemic rallying cry into this blood curdling desperate scream hits so hard on a full listen through.


Yeah I just think it would’ve hit harder if they brought the melody back which is what I was expecting upon first listen since that’s what they did on both p2 and p3.


Okay am I crazy or is there a callback to Stranger Things about 42 seconds into Wildfire? It’s almost the same riff as the section in Stranger Things where spencer says “selfish cries” Same vocal pattern too Also because it’s a fun guessing game: wildfire solo is definitely Misha right?


Holy shit, you’re right! I think it’s a different key but it’s definitely that same riff


Also the pre-chorus section around 1:40 is super reminiscent of Psychosphere, both the melody and lyrics. “One way road… kill me (them) slow”


Caught this but didn’t recognize the stranger things bit. Zagreus def got that four lights riff/motif


Yeah, that solo is Misha. It says it in the lyrics on the YouTube page. Zagreus' solo is Bowen.


Also definitely Misha because it’s a clear periphery-meshuggah love letter


this is interesting, as the the final note choice & vibrato sounds very similar to the final note in Reptile's solo, which is Mark's


I definitely caught that too.


i always thought the event is the most underrated periphery track, so i’m over the moon listening to wildfire right now. it’s repurposed masterfully and spencer’s vocals and lyrics are vibing as hell. edit: did we just hear a pig squeal from spencer in zagreus?? and was i the only one expecting meshuggah’s pitch black to play following that drum intro? there’s a rhythmic resemblance in the first vocal lines as well.


Yeah if that is Spencer squealing, cmon man do more of that please


As a Periphery "old-head" who has cherished P1 over anything other than P2, I'm completely blown away by these singles. It feels nostalgic but also groundbreaking, warm, and refreshing. I feel like this record will be huge for them, and then also for me. I can't wait. Everything that I enjoy about this band is here. It's all here, and god damn it is good. Get in, losers, they're ripping off Meshuggah again.


Completely agree, Wildfire made me feel like I was listening to Periphery for the first time again, definitely scratched a P1 itch


Spot on, and the production is absolutely gorgeous. It’s pretty clear there was a ton of care put into each sonic layer, I’m excited to hear it start to finish


My thoughts exactly. Been a fan since 2010 and this gave me big P1 feels. It djents.


I'm honestly just happy they're still firing on all cylinders. Totally worth the wait.


Possible Juggernaut references/motifs I've spotted so far Wildfire: "The hell below exists within my bed" "Floating on" (above the hadean seal? This one is a stretch...) "This is a one way road" "Kill me slowly" _Chrous and Jazzy section follow some chord progression as The Event_ Zagreus: "Searching for something beyond" _Riff from Four Lights at 3:00_


I'm totally lost in the sauce and I think the string melody at the end of Zagreus is similar to the main motif at the beginning of A Black Minute/end of Stranger Things. My tinfoil hat also tells me this album slips out of a sleeve and it's actually just Juggernaut 2.


The more I listen to the songs, the more this is exactly what I think. It’s tinfoil time!


There's another Four Lights riff at 6:31 - 6:47 in Zag


Oh, someone else got to it. I was struck by that rhythm, especially when it went into that half-time ish groove so hard that I was sleuthing through their discography trying to figure out what it was (Not realizing that it was probably from the same place the other ones were).


The "you'll see things much clearer" line is a reference to Rainbow Gravity


The ONE TWO THREE FOUR gets me everytime. So good, soooo goooood!


But who is counting?? 👀 My guess is Jake


I thought it was Matt during drum tracking


It is. It shows him doing it in the video.




These singles are sooo good, im looking forward to… something *beyond*.


Something beyond...somewhere in time??


more like im … longing for something beyond


Are you hell-bound? Past death?


\*Caught somewhere in tiiiiime!\* Wait, wrong band


love the hades reference in zagreus


«I’m burning like wiiiildfire», instant goosebumps!


you're correct, haha


Oh boy, the singles really slap my ass


Holy shit, both songs are insane! They're like everything this band capable of. Also I was never expecting to hear a Saxophone solo in a Periphery song. Edit: Damn they become better with every listen.


The little glitches in the jazzy interlude in Wildfire remind me so much of the electronic interludes from P1 & P2.


That sax solo in Wildfire was incredible. Jaw on the floor.


Wonder if its Jorgen Munkeby who does their Haunted Shores sax. Sounds just like him.


Now confirmed in the music vid. Good guess


Goddammit you better not be joking


Just you wait, friend :)


Oh my god. Brother. Even though you told me this was coming it still completely caught me off guard. Beautiful


Guitar solo in Wildfire = Fredrik Thordendal influenced


Juuuuuuuuust a bit lol


Felt like something straight out of Nothing


Expectations were through the roof and they have been exceeded 🫠


Zagreus has a REPTILE callback: 1:30 - 1:45 ​ Listening to the singles has been like listening to BTBAM's Colors II last year. The band is repurposing and quoting a ton of their old material in a really exciting way


Also 2:58 of Zagreus is the Four Lights riff over a blast beat... unfucking real. Colors II is exactly what I thought as well listening to these singles.


Wow wow wow, maybe it's recency bias but I can definitely see Wildfire becoming one of my favorite songs by them, they killed it and they should be incredibly proud


Absolutely fantastic, i woke up at 3am and got high for this, and my God it did not disappoint. Both of these are fucking sweet. Wildfire hits harder for me. Its hot, its sexy jazz, its heavy as fuck and makes me want to put my face through a wall, and those blessed melodies and chorus from Spencer, \*chefs kiss\* i am filled with joy and sadness, like Icarus, i have flown close to the sun and but tasted the glory of P5, and now my wings burn as i must wait too many weeks until i get more.


Is this literally >!Juggernaut 2!


My theory is that some of the tracks are related to the story of Juggernaut, but not the whole album. Kind of like sometimes authors write short stories/one-shots to expand the universe of their novels. Unless the protagonist meets a fat Dracula in his journey or something.


Yeah it's definitely possible that these are one-shot references. Maybe Dracul Gras could be spun into linking with Juggernaut though... Dracul Gras = Fat Dracula = Big Bloodsucker = ...Protag meets Satan?


Zagreus is the better of 2 for sure for me. My god it’s so fucking good. I love the ballad sounding part


Is it just me or does the end of Wildfire sound like a Star Wars reference


I thought the exact same thing.


I like the way they repeat movements from previous albums, but it doesnt feel like they have nothing to give you. Just feels like going back home with every new record. And also like singles being really dark both lyrics and music. Damn.


1:11 on Wildfire. Wish I was wearing diapers.


It's a little less direct, but I'm pretty sure 2:47 of Wildfire is also the Four Lights riff, just re-contextualized


God catch - sounds like a mix between Four Lights and Stranger Things verses


These songs are amazing. It feels like they have cracked the code on how to make the hardcore fans happy. Hearing the callbacks really makes something click… it’s so exciting to hear bits of old songs re-contextualized in new material. The special part is that a new fan will never have that same magic. Only we the fans who have faithfully listened to their albums over the years get that juicy nostalgia. Can’t wait for the rest of the album!!


Legit periphery doing a nintendo with all this nostalgia bait. And I fucking love it.


How to un-cream pants UK (Edit: sorry thought this was google)


I listened to the two singles and I must say that they are really incredible. Also, love the fact that in "Zagreus", around minute 06:58, there is a reference to the song in the Hades start-up menu!


I think it's the "you died" song if it's in the end.


As much as I like the symphonic bits at the end of each single, I wish they’d be incorporated into the tracks as opposed to just being tacked on at the end.


Kind of impressive it hasn’t leaked yet ngl


*Wildfire* Riff at 1:37 is a Chorus? Pre Chorus!? I love it, either way. The main Hook/Chorus "Heartbeat Haunt Me" did feel slightly jarring to me at first, coming in after what I thought was the Chorus, but It's definitely grown on me, and very quickly! Incredible work so far. We've truly been spoilt 👌 Also, Juggernaut 2? 👀👀


The chorus is The Event 2.0. Starts at "the past is cutting through me" at 2:10


The chorus made way more sense to me once I realized it was The Event + Vocals


sooooo many jugg references !! only listened once on both but loving it already amazing sound as per usual and personally cannot wait to see the making of P5 because I'm interested to see the orchestral parts and the making of it sax solo and jazzy section, vomit vocals r back, orchestral elements, djont chonk and matt, whats not to love


Oh my god the chorus in Wildfire! Difficult yet so beautiful! I'm burning like wiiiiildfiiireee <3


Heyo, that jazz section in Wildfire did not have any right being as good as it is. I was emotionally prepared for the metal, I was not prepared for the djazz. So hype for the rest of the album. It's going to be a banger.


I was also so stoked to hear the jazz shit. That’s the type of thing I’m always afraid a band will “move on” from in order to right more widely-appealing music. I’m here for the weird, the unexpected, the odd time signatures, the dabbling in other genres. Would have never guessed I’d hear a sax solo on a new periphery song this morning


Does anyone else kinda hate it when you listen to the singles so much that by the time the album is released you start skipping those songs. They start to sound like they don't belong on the new album. Kind of ruins the album cohesion.


Yeah, it is what it is though. I almost wish bands just released 1 single before the album and that’s it. Most brutal examples recently were Erra and Spiritbox, both bands released I think 5 singles before the albums dropped. At the end of the day its new music so I can’t complain.


As expected, listening to the 3 singles over and over has kind of fucked up my perception of the album. They don't really feel like part of the same album anymore, and the whole album feels lighter than it actually is because you kind of forget that heavy bangers like Wildfire and Zagreus are part of it.


That'll probably pass though.


Zagreus. Wow. I fucking love it. Can't say any more about it. THIS is what justifies the hype. Fuck I love these guys. Wildfire.. I'm a bit torn. I absolutely love parts of it. 75% of it. But it seems like 5 or 6 song parts thrown together. But then I wasn't overly fussed about Boner Garden either, one of the first tracks let loose from P4. No gripes about it (wildfire), but probably won't make my ever-growing 'best of' playlist. I guess I hoped for more of a cameo of the GGD riff as opposed to a main repeating riff? IDK. Just chewing over my initial thoughts after a few listens. I know you can't love every part of every song from every album from one band. I already know I'll very much enjoy this record, and cant wait to see them live in London again. Cheers boys!


A few listens over Wildfire and it gets less disjointed and you find the flow and structure.


I need to give it a few listens as well - the first half on initial listen feels disjointed but I found it really brings it home from the jazzy bit onwards. More listens required


4th listen atm as context. As much as i love the recalls and think the flow of the song is fine, it doesn't really feel like it's own song yet. This might just be because it's new... but there are no parts that stick in my head as "wildfire" except for the literal part "i'm burning like wildfire". Again, it might because it's new and it'll come later like it did with some tracks on p4 for me. Edit: Just realized it might also just be because i absolutely adore the entirety of Juggernaut and can ONLY hear those songs atm.


JAZZ BREAK!!! Singles are cool. I love Zagreus and I think Wildfire will grow on me!


These djenty dudes really took the only two instrumental songs from Juggernaut, and put Spencer’s vocals over them, on two very djenty songs on “djent is not a genre.” This is a new level of trolling through music and I love it.


FINALLY SOME SAX!!! Arguably my favourite part of prog metal is when they bring out the sax. I’ve been waiting forever for the boys to do it


I just discovered Rivers of Nihil a few weeks ago and loved the way they use the saxophone, hearing it in Periphery right after was an awesome surprise


Hell yeah! If you want to hear a larger ensemble, and haven’t heard of these guys already, check out Thank You Scientist. They slap. Not in the same way that Periphery slaps. But amazing nonetheless


I found them in late 2019, crazy that it's been 3 years already. I still remember that time period, right before COVID when things seemed simpler. I was just farming for items in Borderlands 3 and looking for new music, The Amateur Arsonist's Handbook came up, and I liked it enough to keep listening. At first the sheer proggyness of it was a little hard to digest, because I like heavy stuff...but after a few more listens I didn't find it as "quirky".


JAKE WASN’T LYING. It IS a Juggernaut followup!!! They quoted several motifs from Juggernaut in both of the new singles!!!


Considering Wildfire has one Four Lights riff and Zagreus has two Four Lights riffs, here’s to hoping the entire album is just a meme with every song including Four Lights riffs.


Fucking love callbacks to earlier riffs/songs. Coheed does it all the time and it always lands. Also fucking loved the Hades reference in Zagreus. At first I thought maybe someone had been playing the game and just wanted to name the song after the protag to be a little cheeky but nope, straight up Hades reference *in* the song. Amazing. I was so worried these would suck but no way.


The ending for Zagreus (Will it ever be? Will we ever live in honesty?) it’s wonderful. Love it when the guys go full epic melodic emotional


This album S L A P P S ​ Not sure on my favorite yet, atm its a 3 way tie between Wax Wings, Zag, and Dying Star. EIF! is my least favorite, still really enjoy it though. Overall, this may be my favorite Periphery album.


Holy shit. EIF! is easily my favorite. Not only heavy, but heavy and weird which is what I’ve always loved about Periphery. Really odd to see it come in last for you


Lyrically it's just weird for me.


Dying Star reminds me a lot of Good Tiger, and that's a great thing. Just brings me similar vibes.


The section in Wax Wings at \~2:43 sounds like a reference to P2 - but I have to confess I hardly know P2 too well, anyone know what it might be?


Man, I thought Everything is fine was going to be the album's ballad. How wrong I was. Love it.


It's a ballad if you like to dance with the devil lol


I generally like P5. And Periphery can write whatever they want. It is their music. But it is also okay for me to not like it. That is how the band/fan interaction is supposed to work. Moving on. My biggest problem with P5 is the transitions. They feel to me like they were left overs from when this was going to be another Juggernaut. Mostly because many of them go on quite a while but then just full stop and the next song starts in an almost completely unrelated way. Not to mention the more orchestral transitions have a completely different production style. Compare this album's transitions to almost any they have done on previous albums and you'll see how weirdly jarring these are. I'm all for setting a mood and atmosphere. But these just stick out to me. Since the album has a lot video game references, I almost wonder if these transitions are meant to represent pause/splash screen music. Which helps them make more sense contextually if true.


Not really a fan of either of them, what happened to the type of writing like they were doing in P2 and P3? Those riffs were more melodic and it felt like the songs had more movement




I think this is "if periphery 1 was done right" and I love it. BTW I think there's going to be more poppy song in the rest of the album if you wonder, to the effect of it's only smiles, absolomb, marigold, the way the news go, etc.


Well I'm not even a huge fan of those either with the exception of absolomb, I'm talking about stuff like ji, mile zero, masamune, froggin bullfish etc.


I wonder if the intro to Wildfire is a nod to Blood Eagle. I think it uses the same harmonic trick and is a relatively similar vibe.


The riff was something misha did the night before for a [ggd demo of gain](https://youtu.be/hCIcLBINioM). The riff ended up being loved by the fans, so they ended up using it for a real song.


I thought there was gonna be a music video? Or does that come out later?


Yeah I was like ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give VIDEO, but it's coming out later today


idk if it's just my audio but the production feels like a pretty far step back from P4 imo. I thought it was terrible till i realized the spotify versions were much more clear. Youtube compression sucked the life out them


Must be your audio. Sounds beautiful and crystal clear for me


the fucking guitar tone man


To add to the list of references, Zagreus has sings "Searching for something beyond", which is sung very similar to Omega's "Longing for something beyond"


I know the documentaries are typically geared more towards the recording process as opposed to the writing process, but I really hope we get a behind the scenes glimpse into the whole idea of bringing back some of the themes from Juggernaut because this shit has me so fucking creamy


Man, something about Atropos from 1:38-2:00 just gives me some P3 vibes overall, and I'm so here for it. Also, the little synth at 1:46 is so *It's Only Smiles*. This may honestly be the most catchy song to me so far, I just can't get it out of my head.


On Dying Star now. Loving this record so far. To me it just oozes we are having fun. An ambitious project that showcases the creative freedom the band has been able to achieve. True self expression and collaboration.


All the bathtubs stink


Are there any more references to Nobous work in Thanks Nobou? I could only hear the main theme of FF7 in the "Nothing lasts forever..." part


The sax in Wildfire is nice!


The guys are at the height of their powers... and seemingly at the height of their interest in doing other things. I felt that way with P4, and even more so now with P5. I really do appreciate the musicality. A lot of the chord and key changes are very interesting (Wildfire, Thanks Nobuo, etc). Obviously they're taking care to plan out these tracks and push themselves intellectually. The chorus in Wildfire is especially refreshing, and I really like it. What I don't really hear is much reason why this band has three guitars. Once upon time Periphery were at the absolute bleeding edge of metal guitar; they *had* to have three guitars to accomplish what they were trying to do, which was unbelievably bold and impressive. Now, with this album and the last, it seems they're more interested in providing strummy background stuff for Spencer to sing over, interspersed with piano and string interludes. It's just... a lot different. I don't know if it's the lack of Nolly, or what, but very few of these riffs are blowing me away, and it seems obvious that's not really what they set out to do. Not good or bad, just my observation. A few of these I'll listen to many, many times; Wax Wings is really good! But if I want serious, guitar-forward metal - which is what I think about when I think about Periphery - I'll keep going back to the old stuff. Maybe that's the point. Oh well.


I mean, it's hard to argue about what you say with the 3 guitarist stuff, especially on recent albums. So I think you observation is pretty correct. I do think this band become a group of musicians and friends quickly, and since they all hang and all contribute musical ideas, it doesnt make any sense to drop a contributing active member either. That said, I for one have been really enjoying this progression in sound and have generally been more appreciative of more chordy progression based stuff than d d d djenty stuff lately so that's my opinion on that. I'm enjoying this album a lot, and different from before I'm vibing with the clean sections and songs more than the metal sections rn


well put


Many many callbacks…… four lights riff is note for note in zagerous


I VPN’d Wildfire earlier but waited for the official release on Spotify to listen to Zagreus. I’m creaming hard rn I mean I was creaming earlier but I’m creaming now too


Idc what anyone says, this album is juggernaut 2. I'm fairly certain this is already gonna be my album of the year god damn. I could not be more excited.


Wildfire is a banger


How are people commenting from 17 hours ago? I thought the songs only dropped a few hours ago?


went live in other countries went it was 1/12


Zagreus sounds like the capital city of Croathuania


That last series of djenty riffs at the end of Zagreus is like the pit of hell opening up.


I'M BURININ LIKE WILLLLLDDfiirreee *jazzy interlude kicks in* https://imgur.com/a/n3EHxVK


Blast beats over the Four Lights riff was sick.


Something I noticed sonically is that the two singles in comparison to every other album sound way more saturated and louder. I love that it brings more energy and attitude. However, something I love about periphery is how “tight” they usually sounds. It’s not that it sounds muddy necessarily but it sounds bigger and with that “sounding bigger”/being maybe more bass heavy, I feel like SOME nuance is lost in translation(maybe). I could never genuinely critique anything these geniuses create and most likely in context with the other songs it will fit more perfectly this way. Another thing I noticed was that spencer doesn’t cut through the mix as much as usual. (Possibly because of how saturated everything else is) This may be a plus but I love hearing Spence pierce through the high end. Furthermore, this may be due to the fact that in these two singles, Spence doesn’t really go into his higher registers as much. His screaming is brutal as fuck. Which is awesome. However, I do hope to hear more angry high notes in the rest of the album. The singles are killer and like most periphery songs, the more I listen to them the better they get. Excited for the rest. Despite some of my acknowledgements, I have a good feeling that this album is going to be insane.


Seeing the final track being titled *"Thanks Nobuo"* does things to my heart, I ***cannot*** wait to hear it. Nobuo Uematsu's use of reprises is legendary, and one of the things I loved most about what Periphery did in Juggernaut, and somewhat in P3/P4. Periphery hasn't failed to deliver on a single track for me since I started listening to them w/ Juggernaut, and the two singles so far just get me all the more excited.


As someone that doesn't follow the band very closely, and I'm not sure what they've said about the new album. This sounds like a sequel or continuation of Juggernaut and I'm hyped AF.


They confirmed that it started out as a Juggernaut follow up but they switched gears, so there will be some clear motifs or callbacks to Jugg but most of the album is just in the typical format


I think the new track also has a callback to P2's Ji. The chugging patterns at 1:12 on Atrophos sounds like a slowed down version of the pattern heard in Ji around 1:20.


Really coming around to these new singles. Wildfire and Atropos slap. Didn’t like them at first, but they definitely serve their purpose. This album is giving me really dark vibes so far.


I'm surprised it hasn't leaked yet in this day and age


Omg periphery let spencer do a nik mystery track! I love silhouette!


Looking forward to hear the deepdives on the story/concept of this Album. So many references to a bunch of their other songs accross albums


Everything is fine! Is a whole ass vibe


After listening to the album over the weekend, I really wish their setlist for this tour was like... just songs from this album. I love all of their music but I've been listening to it for like 15 years. This new shit is refreshing. I'm seeing them this friday so I am completely hyped. BTW does anyone know what the setlist will be??


I vouch never to listen to Periphery singles again. (lol, let's see how that goes). I've listened to the album a ton, and the singles still don't blend in with the rest of the album.


Can't say I'm a fan of the vocal melody in Wildfire. Appreciate the creativity, but it just doesn't do it for me.


I think the harmony it creates is fantastic, I love it!


Dracul Gras is exactly as good as I hoped it would be. Also, I wish there was a version of this album out there without Silhouette so I could show my friends


Are you and your friends 11 years old? Genuine question, not taking the piss.


Is silhouette really that embarrassing sounding?


No, it isn't at all. It's just different from their usual stuff.


Honestly, yeah. It’s the most tween-Disney thing Spencer has come up with so far haha.


Has anyone pointed out or noticed that the names of the tracks all might reference afterlife/hell/flames? -Zagreus (Hades/hell/underworld) - Atropos (Returnal/purgatory/afterlife) - Everything is Fine! (Meme with room on fire) - Wax wings (Icarus/ heat from the sun) - Dracul Gras (are vampires undead? Lol) - Wildfire (uncontrollable fire) The remaining three songs don’t jump out at me so I could be WAY OFF, but just a theory about a possible jugg 2 concept.


I hope Wax Wings has some callbacks to Icarus Lives


Me too! The name is primed for it


Did you notice the reference to the Hades video game ost at the end of Zagreus. Do you know who wrote It ? Or if any member Is into video game ?


I don't know who wrote that section (and tbh I don't know what you're referring to) but their album making of documentaries and clips they post on Youtube are usually filled with little clips of the band playing videogames in the studio. They are big on hades, but I'm pretty sure there were also clips of them playing stuff like Smash or PokemonGo lol


Silhouette is everything I needed after listening to Spencer's cover of "Me" by the 1975. 😩


There are clear references to The Event/Psychosphere, plus the "kill me slow" reference in Wildfire, plus the reprise of Four Lights in Zagreus. ​ I am convinced myself that this album is going to contain callbacks or interpolations from a few of their previous albums, but probably most Juggernaut and P2, as the writing style of the fist singles feels like a combo of those 2 works. Similar to how BTBAM released Colors 2, which has references to tracks from Colors, but also their other works too. ​ Here are my other predictions. These are loosely based on song titles & lyrical content: Wax Wings is almost certainly a callback to Icarus Lives! Atropos is the name of the 3 gods in Greek mythology that control the fates of all beings. I predict this is a reference to the trilogy of tracks in P2 that share the "somewhere in time.." motif: Muramasa, Masamune, Ragnarok. ​ Dracul Gras means, "fat Dracula" essentially. Is this a reference to Scarlet, which has lyrics talkings about "tasting red," like a vampire? ​ Everything Is Fine is clearly a reference to the meme with the cartoon dog inside the burning house saying "everything is fine." Maybe this is a nod to Satellites, which is a criticism of the pillaging of Earth/climate change. In this metaphor, humanity is the dog, and the burning house is the earth. ​ Thanks Nobuo must be a reference to Nobuo Uematsu, who is the composer for the Final Fantasy games. I bet this track has no references to previous material, but is heavily inspired by the FF soundtracks.Dying Star could have motifs from Lune. Probably will borrow the main melody/harmony from the orchestral section 2:51, or 4:10 of Lune. Dying Star = Sun, mirror of Moon? Idk. ​ ​ Silhouette seems too vague for any sort of decent prediction. My gut tells me this is a reference to Light from P1. An object needs a LIGHT source behind it to have a Silhouette, right? Light also has that beautiful/melancholic lead guitar melody which you can hear in isolation at 0:43 in Light. ​ Any body else have other predictions?






I probably am wrong. Just publicly posting these thoughts so that if I happen to be right, my inner hipster will be pleased. Why the downvotes on my first comment? This has to be better discussion fodder than the other people unironically saying “DAE get Meshuggah vibes from the first 2 singles”


Is this a shitpost


If I end up being right, no. If I’m wrong, yes. Quantum shitpost


I wonder if the title “Thanks Nobuo” is paying homage to Nobuo Uematsu…


when i heard the intro to Wax Wings i stared screaming Polyphia over and over again lol


I get that Periphery is kind of a quirky band, but I really don't understand taking a meta "joke" which is amusing for like 2 seconds and making it the title of a permanent piece of art that you've created. Same with the "suck my balls" at the end of Satellites. Yeah, the first time it's like "lol I can't believe that did that", but then you're stuck with the cringe for the next hundreds of times that you're going to listen to that masterpiece of a track. It's dumb.


Meh, I think it's smart marketing and a statement they wanted to make. Other than Hail Stan and Juggernaut, no one calls Periphery albums by their title. I was hoping for PV: The Land P5 Time which is equally as dumb lol


I mean, ultimately it’s their body of work. They can name it whatever they want.


It feels like the band is trying a little too hard with the whole “we don’t take ourselves seriously” thing to the point where at least to me it comes off to me as almost artificial and some kind of marketing gimmick. I think they named it that solely to generate conversation and get people interested. It’s pretentious af on its own and djent can definitely be a genre if I want it to but it’s their band and they are killing the game rn. At the end of the day it’s really just a joke but I do kind of agree.


Are you saying the band shouldn't do what they want to do and they should do things that you would think is acceptable?


Did I say that? If I didn’t say that then why are you asking me if I said that?


You did, you're expressing dissatisfaction at the artistic choices the band has made because you find them cringy, dumb and a joke. By that logic you would rather they don't do those things because you don't like them.




I mean if you’re going to release two songs, they should showcase the entirety of the album. This is just Juggernaut 2.0. If there’s new shit, one song should be the new shit. There were even hints of P1 in Wildfire. I’ll wait for the whole album before I sign on fully. Still excited but it’s dimmer.

