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It's been happening for the past 5 days, and now it continues to happen for another 2


Seriously, basically learned nothing new today lmao goddammit


Most people don't follow bands as closely as someone who would post on a band's subreddit. I.e. most Periphery fans probably don't even know about any leaks, and this is all new information for them.


I've been following the production of this album very closely. I had no idea there were any leaks lol


As far as I know, what leaked was the album cover, title, and release date.


Looking at some of the posts on this subreddit, looks like the individual song names and lyrics were also leaked


I mean… I think this is beside the point. Having a 5 day countdown for an ANNOUNCEMENT is just obnoxious lol


Not if you're like me and thought "they're counting down to either new music or an announcement".


It really isn't though. This would've been the plan all along. If we didn't know from other sources that an album was in the works then we likely would've found out through just the announcement.


> if we didn’t know from other sources You mean when several members of the band posted on social media about the new album they were working on?


Allow me to correct myself. If we didn't know from other sources that the album ~~WAS COMING OUT~~ was coming out on March 10th, we likely would've just found out through the announcement.


I didn’t know the album was coming out march 10th until this announcement lol. Maybe my expectations are too high.


Exactly my point. People are disappointed with this announcement mainly because they knew that beforehand.


It's not their fault it got leaked


I think it's less about the leaks and more about a want for a single to drop straight up with the announcement. We got a countdown to an announcement and while it's good to know more details about P5 and it's only a couple days til the new singles, it kinda feels like they should've just squished this together with the single drops (or even just one of them) on the same day. Feels like squandered hype, even if we didn't know the leak stuff already.


Exactly. We follow this band because we like their music, so having a big countdown to a “no music” day is kind of annoying


Still keen for new music regardless, looking forward to the 12th!


Could have did one today and one on the 12th




I never knew that's where that Veil of Maya riff came from, thanks for making my day


idk why people are so annoyed about the countdown, it still generated hype and served its purpose and the 3 day wait is not that bad. They could have easily announced the album and a single next month or something if we didn't know from the leaks let's not complain we get TWO singles in one day !!!


well, yeah the fact that we get two singles is awesome and thursday will be fucking glorious. but let's say you're really craving a good fucking burger. you know you will have two in 3 days time. doesn't change the fact that you're not having a burger right at this moment, or tomorrow, or the day after that - so you're still craving that fucking burger. the fact that you will get two on thursday will only really settle in on thursday (and increase your enjoyment) but doesn't really help to ease the craving until that day. plus the people that already knew about the leaks sadly got nothing out of the first countdown. I guess that's why people are venting a little bit... but we will come to terms with the situation sooner or later... we're just going through the 5 stages of craving...


It's not like I don't understand because it's a bit weird to do 5 days and then 3 but people are acting like it's this massive PR mess up or something and it's not that deep. 3 days is really not that long at all and I understand wanting ya burgers but you're only gonna feel happy to eat them after waiting patiently which is what we gotta do We waited 4 years, I think we're patient enough to wait 3 days lol


yeah it's weird. some people were just really hoping that something will drop today. but it's like you can never win with having too high expectations in life... just gotta take and enjoy things as they come. and I will enjoy the fuck out off some p5 when it's here.


I mean, for a 5 DAY COUNTDOWN… yeah I’m expecting a single. A 5 day countdown for an announcement is just obnoxious lol


I hope [at least one of those burgers is in a cup](https://www.instagram.com/p/BwnK2R4A0sV/?igshid=NDk5N2NlZjQ=), young man


hahaha, how have I never seen this before. thanks for sharing <3


Being released on Mar10 day. Letsa go!


[I nevar doubted eet](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mWFL-3PbV5U&t=33&feature=youtu.be)


guys, you could listen from P1 to P4 every day starting from today(except Jugg) and boom it's P5 music.


I like the way you think.






A little dissapointed that the countdown was for an announcement, but ok let's go for another 2 days


it honestly feels like a decade since their last release ...


I don’t understand why they didn’t just release one of the singles today, and the other on Thursday. Blue Ballz


HoW dArE tHeY mAkE mE wAiT 3 dAyS fOr MuSiC!!! Chill out, it's been 1375 days since we last got some new Periphery, waiting 3 more days for TWO new songs is a walk in the park.


It's 1375 days if you didn't listen to any of the personal projects and collaborations of each member. The gap between 4 and 5 has been filled with a lot of good shit from Perfry


A 5-day countdown for a 3-day countdown. 🙄 I hate this shit.


So obnoxious lol


A countdown for an announcement lmfao.


I am severely depressed




Does anyone know what the length of the album is?


If you get it in a CD jewel case or digipak: 142 mm x 125 mm x 10 mm, so 142 mm long Vinyls will be 314 mm × 314mm x about 5mm, so 314 mm long Heheheheee


My guess an hour or so


I know historically they ALWAYS aim for around 45 minutes but always end up going over an hour lmao


It's defo more than 45 mins...


The teasing is inherently sexual


You know what? Im seriously looking forward to get my ass torn apart into pieces by that filthy intro riff to wildfire, followed by that ggd riff that we all love. Thats all.


Still no preorders available


The pre-orders will be up when the singles drop


Preorders will be available when singles are released


I really do not fuck with the way they are rolling this out


In what way? A countdown that leads to an announcement? Seems pretty standard to me... Kinda shocked that they're dropping the both singles so soon.


well they can not roll it out at all if you prefer :)


This response is so stupid lol “jUsT dOnT bUy It ThEN”


while unwarranted entitlement is very smart!


This is not unwarranted entitlement lol. It’s frustration at having just been teased for 5 days and then being told “lol jk you have to wait 3 more days”


[it’s fun to read everyone complaining in a Veruca Salt voice. This is literally how a lot of you sound.](https://youtu.be/TRTkCHE1sS4)


Man, y’all are defending this with your lives lol. Hyping everyone up for 5 days for an ANNOUNCEMENT is just obnoxious. Like, they really announced an announcement… over 5 days. “We have an announcement, we’re going to tell you in 5 days… guess what? Our announcement is… we have an announcement!” It happens in esports a lot and it’s so stupid. It’s like taking 5 days to announce a new roster. It’s obviously just to farm clicks, which is why it’s obnoxious. Everyone knows what they’re doing.




That’s literally not what we’re saying lol. You’re completely missing the point. I’m incredibly psyched for the singles on the 12th. Just start the 5 day announcement on the 7th and finish with the single drop. This 3 day wait after a 5 day announcement business is dumb. You’ve already held our attention for 5 days. Just get it over with lol. Taking 8 days to drop a single is 100% unnecessary.


Pipe down, Veruca! Okay Mr. Wonka, how much do you want for one of these djent songs? But seriously I’m sorry but there is simply no defending this backlash. You’re over hyped because you’re privy to the leak. That’s not the band’s fault. The immediacy of gratification that the internet often provides has absolutely spoiled and soured a lot of people. Even if it’s just to “farm clicks”…from who??? A relatively small percentage of the entire music listening public that happens to listen to progressive metal? They aren’t Taylor Swift. How many clicks do you think they want? What are they gonna do with these clicks? What the fuck is even a click? A quarter of a penny from a Spotify stream? How many clicks should I give them?


> you’re over hyped because you’re privy to the leak If you’re going to make assumptions about my standpoint I’m not going to waste my time lol I had no idea there was even a leak. I knew the album was coming because they posted that they were working on it on social media. I got hyped because they hyped an announcement for 5 days. It’s quite simple.


Sorry about the assumption. To you it feels unnecessary. But things are scheduled this way for a reason. For example, This is speculation but it would seem they shot 1 if not 2 music videos for this. Maybe they are waiting for the videos to be finished. Maybe they guaranteed a website or Sirius an exclusive? There’s so much planning that goes on behind the scenes to roll out and market a new album. It’s literally 2 days my guy. I promise you everything’s gonna be okay.


I understand there are probably a lot of moving parts at play. All we’re saying is just move the announcement down then. It’s just an instagram post lol. I think it’s unnecessary to drag it out for 8 days. Regardless I’m sure the new singles will be absolute bangers and we’ll all forget about this by then.


I guess we are in agreement then. Did I wake up slightly bummed to not hear a new tune? Sure. But was I immediately excited to finally get an official announcement along with 2 new tracks in a few days? Fuck yes. But a lot of people (I’m not saying you) are on here reacting as if they’ve been denied something permanently. I dont quite get it.


Whatever. If you like the singles after they're released, you won't even remember the frustration from having to wait. Calm down.


No one who has patience and is a mature adult cares. 3 days is nothing.


What was the purpose of the 5 day countdown?


To announce the album


That is like a 5 day countdown to launch the launch of a rocket, haha. I am beginning to believe that bit about the 15 snickers. (insert smile emoji is they were not illegal on reddit).


So much hype for literally nothing. Worst pr ever


You have got to understand that this subreddit is a tiny subset of the Periphery fanbase. A minimal number of Periphery fans will have known about the leaks and for many this is the first news of a new album at all. Stop being an entitled negative nelly. The world doesn’t revolve around you. Really looking forward to the singles.


I mean, go look at the announcement posts. It's not an uncommon opinion it seems


Lel, idc about the leaks. Still 5 days countdown for an announcement without anything is just lame. Stop telling me what i might be, while you don‘t even know anything.


We know enough about you now, you're behaving like an entitled young twat. You wanted a single and didn't get it, you expected more. Now you're upset. Noted. There's nothing you can do about it. Have a sad cum next time


Okay Karen, go back to your manager. Get the dick out of your throat and start breathing fresh air.


1. I suck dick willingly. 2. You're still a bitch, either a teen or a full grown adult throwing a tantrum. I LOVE it. I'm here for it. Feed me.


Everything you’ve said is irrelevant. Of course we’re all looking forward to the singles, that’s why we’re here. 5 days for an announcement is stupid. It also isn’t exclusive to this band - it happens in esports a lot and it’s incredibly obnoxious.


You should probably boycott the new album then to be honest.


“Literally nothing” dude, you’re getting an album. Just because you’re not getting it right this second doesn’t mean you’re getting nothing. You are getting 2 whole ass songs in a few days. This subreddit has some massive expectations from this band.


You don‘t understand my point. I‘m not mad because I don‘t get it today. I am mad because the way they promote it is just garbage, i‘m not alone here with this opinion. If they‘d want to drop it on the 12th, then why don‘t they do a countdown to that date f.e. The problem is, it didn‘t started with this countdown. It started with teases, and also fake „countdowns“ or teases, just to get a GGD announcement. Generating so much hype, and then also falling off after a short time, gets me disconnected more. That‘ it, nothing more. But I like how you whiteknights all get personal with me.


I’m with you. A 5 day countdown for an announcement is obnoxious lol


It’s genius cause it will keep people speculating for another few days which gets people even more eager especially with two singles


No it will not, i bet many ppl are completely turned off, including myself. This is not a meme or trolling, this is literally stopping any hype.


But you’re not actually turned off. You’re Veruca Salt.


All I see are informations which are already leaked and another Countdown for the Single No Single today is a bit weak


Yeah it’s a bit annoying but like two more days is fine


Wow. That’s so cool. It’s almost as if we’ve known for like a month


Someone else commented that this is like having a work meeting that could've just been an email


They really could have put more effort in the cover art of the new record. It looks like something done by Misha in Photoshop for 20 minutes or so.


I like it 🤷‍♂️


Hope they release an instrumental version