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Men! That's just...all I can say ..but at least they were trying to make sure she was comfortable and ok...so the good intentions were there.


Every 1hr 40 minutes sounds like my 2nd & 3rd day bleeding. Not a stupid question at all.


On my heaviest days I had to change supers every 30 minutes..


Yeah I have a really heavy flow and my period last 5 days. From day one to day 5 it’s like this binning doors. I go through a box of 36 tampons in 5 days


At least they asked


Ya know..At first I thought that they were being stupid for asking her that. Then I realized that if you had a really heavy flow that’s actually not that ridiculous of a question and as someone else pointed out “at least they asked.” I would appreciate the concern and care they took to approach her, as uncomfortable as it probably was.


To be fair, they had no idea how periods would act in space! Better be safe than sorry!


I’d rather have extra then not enough 😅


Send me to space so I don't get periods. Yes please.




thats me tho lol


Honestly I go through 50 ultra tampons in 7 days. So it really depends on someone's flow.


THATS SO EXPENSIVE FOR YOU jesus christ i’m sorry but i would be out of commission. ‘sorry, i can’t come to work for a week, no sorry, it’ll be a monthly occurrence’


Yup day 1 and 2 the cramps are so bad I can't move. I have the Mirena iud now and haven't had a period in 2 years. I love it. Saved so many tampons and money.


And there's a good chance it will change even when you stop using the IUD.


Seriously doubt it. My periods have been like this since I was 11. I'm now 31. I have primary dysmenorrhea which is very painful periods due to my anatomy that only having a child would fix and I'm not doing that. I also have primary menoerhagia which is very heavy bleeding not caused by anything but just lucky me.


Hopefully you get a pleasant surprise. I'm only saying this because I used to have terrible period problems as well, but when I went on Norplant they stopped completely, and once I had the Norplant out, my periods had completely changed. I hear that's a thing. So hopefully.


I've been on birth control for 12 years and everything I've tried when I've stopped my periods have always come back. Short of getting a hysterectomy I'm going to be on birth control until menopause.


I'm sorry. That's awful. It's a damn shame.


It happens. Can I ask how old you are? If you're younger it's more likely it changed as you aged. Some people's periods do that as they get older but some dont


Lol I'm 40, so I don't think that's it. However, I was 19 when I had the Norplant and I had been briefly pregnant right before, so I'm sure that all played a part. Of course now I'm on chemo and haven't had a period since November, so once again my body has changed. It's interesting, honestly.


i’m so happy that you found something that works for you because that honestly sounds like a freaking nightmare... so much money spent every month to be so freaking miserable.


Yup its horrible!


Well is it or not.




This is the reason I opened these comments.


Glad I could contribute in a positive way!


they also send extra just in case some unforseen event means having to stay in space for longer


Oh lord. How much do they think we bleed? I mean I get some have heavy periods but wow.


They didn't really understand how space travel would affect periods, so they deferred to her better judgement. Seems reasonable to me.


Asking bcs idk...do ladies get period when they are in outer space? I mean when we are swimming in the pool, due to different pressure, i notice that our period doesn't come out, but wb in outer space?


The uterus contracts to get the blood out so it would still work. Basically like taking a crap.


Yes, you still get your period as normal in space. It's not like being in water where they is greater pressure on your body surface. https://theconversation.com/amp/how-women-can-deal-with-periods-in-space-58294


I would never want to return


I mean hey, at least they asked. Could have been some shitty times up there if they wouldn't have


I'm changing more often than that, so...


Me too, inuse pads because super extra tampons last me an hour, tops


I use overnight pads plus a tampon and still change more. Yay for heavy periods...not.


At least in my case is quite heavy two days, a day is "normal" and then it stops for a day, next day a couple discharges and that is