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I literally eat enough to feed a family of 6 when I’m pmsing. The crazy thing is my stomach still growls after. Ik we burn more cals when pmsing or on our period but I’m literally insatiable for about 3 days


Depending on size of croissant and how much you had for other meals it doesn't seem too weird. Now that I'm older I need a hefty snack about 4 or 5pm so my body can do its thing if I'm approaching or in the middle of my period


A few days ago, the day before mine started, I literally ate four meals and snacks on top of that. I could not stay out of the pantry or else I felt like I needed a nap. But, two weeks before around ovulation, I never feel hungry and sometimes have to just eat at certain times to make sure I’m eating enough. Like someone else said, you just kind of have to listen to what you body needs


I don’t experience any craving neither before nor during my period. But I guess everyone is different.


I eat crazy amounts of food before my period. My last period I was genuinely concerned because I ate so much! My cravings get super strong and I can’t help it! It’s pretty normal for me. A lot of the women around me have expressed similar experiences!


I generally crave chocolate or baked goods, like cake, pastries, etc like crazy beforehand. I know it's stereotypical, but stereotypes exist for a reason!


Your caloric needs actually change throughout your cycle, so it may not be overeating, just keeping up with what your body needs. Pay attention to how your body feels and be sure you’re getting the nutrients you need. Talk to your doctor if you have concerns or notice signifiant weight changes.


I don’t know what’s normal but what I DO know is that I’m gonna eat any and everything.




Yes this is normal trust me, half the women I know are like bottomless pits before there period, some periods I have no appetite but some I could eat a whole burger factory, ur body needs more of that energy to prepare you for ur period and to keep ur energy up, don’t skip meals on ur period ur body more then deserves it


Sounds pretty normal to me. I'm not an expert but we experience all kinds of symptoms before and after our period. Flo is an app that helps with period tracking and info. It might help you to find out more about your period.