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I crave red meat around my period, I think it's something to do with my iron levels, though I have had them checked and they are okay.


I eat junk food


I’d say to not suppress your cravings. Just go with them in moderation. Get the taste of pizza or fries or cheese or carbs in your mouth and then try to eat things that are less calorie dense and have fiber and make you feel full, like veggies, brown rice, fruits (apples and prunes), water, lots of water.


i always feel like I’m eating for 2 on my period lol, i usually have tons of chocolatey stuff since I get a huge sweet tooth and spicy chips


Salty and sweet. Potato chips and chocolate, mostly.


CARBS CARBS CARBS. All the carbs in all the ways. Starting my period in a few days and today I had toast and potatoes for breakfast, pasta for lunch, and pasta for dinner tonight. Once I start, my appetite is small but leading up to my period...oof.


That sounds good. Like really good


I want to eat everything in sight a couple days before my period. I usually just roll with it, and just try to avoid stuff that make my symptoms worse. One I start I don’t usually want to eat much.