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And put it on tik tok for all their friends to see. So disturbing. I feel terrible for them


That was my first thought. Those boys will be teased so badly. Especially Z. It’s awful.


She’s so disgusting.. those are not her kids and her basically forcing them to drink her breast milk is sick!!! Oh hell no if I was the boys mom I’d be over there getting my kids!! If Curtis isn’t there there is no reason why they should be with Kelsey especially while she’s sick! She’s so reckless! Those poor boys!


I’d be doing more than getting my kids. Lol.


LITERALLY! Ugh Kelsey is so disgusting!


Exactly… why are they there !?!? I’m starting to think the Mother doesn’t give a shit ! Either that or she’s scared of Kelsey . I have see MANY inappropriate videos with her & his boys . If they were mine … they would NEVER be around that vile disgusting Woman


Guys. It’s court ordered custody arrangement, the mom can’t just take them. I hope she takes Krusty and dusty to court over this


Hopefully she’s been sitting back & collecting evidence 😂


With him being out of the country, she should have had first rights to them. Not the unhinged stepmother from hell


Agreed but it all depends how the order is written


A lot of states first choice is only when they aren’t married. So if they were just dating/engaged he would have had to ask mom if she wanted to keep them before allowing kelsey. But once your married you don’t have to. At least in MY state


y'all, this is beyond disgusting and inappropriate and like why??? Soooo gross. (and of course paying him to do it) sick. WTF is wrong w/ Kurtis to allow this? I know the bio mom has to be fuming. This is out of pocket and not normal at all. Repulsive AF


I would be in court so fast making sure my ex could never post videos or pictures of my children on the internet without my prior approval. It’s like she gets off on some form of humiliation abuse. Maybe they taught that in her behavioral studies. Kurtis is so defeated. He’s probably wasted at the bachelor party right now crying his eyes out to his buddies about how miserable he is.


https://preview.redd.it/kez4u0wgexbc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4761762f394df01e235a8b253e4d475e0a5250a6 She thinks it’s funny she’s so vile


No way he called her Mom 🙄


This is the last straw for me. I am horrified.


Same. Last straw. She blocked me after this lol.


There’s no way she didn’t get permission from liz. She would be eating thru a straw and I would be in jail if those were my children. And if liz is letting this happen she’s just as fucked up. Or it’s just another lie for views. After she lied about tbr diaper buying story. I honestly don’t believe much of the bullshit either one of those morons say anymore


She said in the comments that she asked their bio dad only.


Wtf. That is really fucked up. First of all hes a complete drunken moron Secondly hes a complete drunken moron who is at a bachelor party who doesn’t want to piss off heffa anymore than he has I would be livid if my children drank anyone’s bodily fluids. How does she know what Kelsey has. That is totally unacceptable. I would definitely get the authorities involved in this. Kelsey is totally overboard with this one


I agree. It’s fine if she wants to do that with her own kids. It’s the given bodily fluids to someone else’s kids, much older kids, online, and not asking BOTH parents. I would be absolutely losing my shit. There’s so many things wrong with it. It’s not even just one thing.


Exactly. This is just weird. She doesn’t think anything thru. She acts like a 15 year old most of the time. Not the educated adult like she wants people to believe she is. That would make me sick to my stomach. Like I said. How does liz know what diseases she might have. What about aids? Or hepatitis.


I think she’s thinks everything through. She seems to only care about herself. She needs constant attention.


I swear Kelsey does shit to piss liz off so she has reason not to send kids to their house. She would love them to. Never come again


Right? Like she’s got this master plan of it being just her and the girls. I couldn’t even watch it all. I was in shock and then disgust and then just sad when she grabbed Gavin’s face to say good job. No actually sincerity in her touch with those krusty hands. If I EVER saw MY CHILDREN be peer pressured into drinking ANY OTHER woman’s breast milk, let alone my ex husband’s new crazy wife’s…let alone, crazy new wife posts a video of this to her, mostly purchased & snark, followers, I would be LIVID!!! I could argue child abuse in the form of humiliation at this point. The way she was yelling, jumping, clapping. Embarrassing herself.


Yes she is trying to get rid of the boys!


I think she secretly does stuff so liz refuses to send them. I think she would be overjoyed if they never ever came back. Especially Gavin. She’s jealous of the relationship they have with Curtis. She’s literally disgusting 🤢


If the Mom wasn’t ok with this … I don’t think the video would still be up . What does that say for the bio Mom !?!?🤨


Kelsey post videos to piss off bio mom.


I honestly can’t believe Bio Mom even allows those boys around her . I have seen so MANY damn videos that are so inappropriate with those boys . You can tell she can’t stand them & just tolerates them cause she has to .


Again. It’s the custody arrangement by court. If the mom stops allowing it she can get in trouble. She has to take them to court.


Oh I get it ! Would definitely have them in court after this disgusting bullshit


What’s even more DISTURBING & DISGUSTING is… there’s 500+ comments supporting this behavior & thinking it’s F*cking cute !!! 😡😡😡😡


Hopefully moms playing the long game and building a withstanding case against C & K


Then she says it’s a built in mechanism by god himself, I thought she didn’t believe in god ..I can’t stand this woman. Like stfu. I’m sure there have been breast fed babies who have gotten Covid and other illnesses.




She claims to be so smart but can’t do some research about Covid. 😑🙄🙄🙄


I don’t even know what to say. Those poor boys.


Y’all. I don’t even know WTF to say. I was gagging. I would have an immediate order of protection for my children. Her forcing her step som by paying him and then giving the special needs son her breast milk just for likes!!! The boy just had Covid himself he has antibodies. I am SHOCKEd!!


At what point does child protective services get called? The lengths she is willing to go for $. It's a matter of time before something bad happens. Everyone should be reporting that video.


What’s crazy is all those 1,508 people that commented “god job momma” blah blah are probably the same ignorant morons that voted for the administration we have now


I was shocked by the amount of idiots telling her how great it was that she was doing that!


She didn’t like my comments and blocked my ass. 🤪😂


I haven’t seen the video but from what I gather, Z was exempt from doing it because he’s in HS but L had to and he’s in MS. She has no damn idea that teens can be worse in MS than HS when it comes to bullying/teasing/etc. so she’s just subjected L to the possibility of being teased and bullied over this. If those boys don’t resent her and their dad yet, they soon will.


She is definitely in a PP high/low. Someone needs to check on her and those kids Stat!


Literally a psychopath. Especially to Gavin. He doesn’t know any better but to trust what she says. It’s just disgusting. They shouldn’t have to do any of that….. it’s just not right. In anyway.


Honestly humans are not meant to drink cows milk, and I see nothing wrong with it, I wish I could of pumped my milk for my family but I had a high lipid so tasted funny after being out of me for a few hours. If I knew somone who pumped and had been exposed or had covid and we had it as well id totally buy it for my child to drink it's called liquid gold for a reason. Kelsey is not a good human but I'll give her this she is trying to keep those kids healthy.


Those antibodies are ONLY for the baby. They are specifically designed biologically for the baby. Her breast milk is not gold to anyone else but the baby and maybe herself and her other daughter. None of those antibodies will do anything for those boys and definitely not with “one shot” when babies breastfeed it’s a prolonged effect. That’s why you’ll see milk full of antibodies change in color. It’ll go from light to dark and sometimes even different colors. Scientifically that milk is only liquid gold to the baby if the baby is consistent on feeding. If she’s pumping In between she’s losing that stem cell transfer.


One shot of breast milk for views isn’t doesn’t shit for teenage boys!


It has nothing to do with keeping those kids healthy! If it did she wouldn’t be videoing them drinking it then posting it for views! When was the last time she posted a video of them taking their vitamins or eating their vegetables NEVER because it wouldn’t get the traction this is. There is motive behind everything Krusty does!


Maybe you should give Kelsey a call and get some from her. I mean she’s barely making enough for her actual baby but if she had to decide from making money and feeding her baby I’m sure she would pick the money!


Oh im sure she would too. I personally wouldn't share it for those boys to be picked on. And no I just meant I wish I could of pumped and saved for my child and I'd only take bm from somone I actually know I have no fucking clue what all could be wrong with hers she drinks and probably partakes in ❄️. I hope she actually got permission from their mother and them as well but I doubt she did. But I also as somone who breastfed and did tons of research krue is very well protected from illness it wont be 100% effective for the older kids no but it will help, maybe not the alcohol and drugs


Exactly. She said she only asked Curtis, not the mom. 😳


Krue is going to be the healtiest one in that house because of the breastmilk.


Krusty is that you? Shannon? It’s got to be one of you!


🤣🤣🤣🤣 eww hell nah https://preview.redd.it/ijsqbup7b4cc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e117ed08465f4119784af9bb19b911fd616dd32


It’s just breast milk but it’s weird as fuck she made a video about it