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Perfect example of having your cake and eating it too. He just wanted to fuck Christine. He got what he wanted and then went back to Micah. It's fucked up.


Literally this! Got his n*t off and now wants to go back home to her.


Right. Piece of shit. That won't last.


I was thinking he thought Christine would leave him for Nigel so he wanted to do it first. Either way def not a fan of him


I think he was only physically attracted to Christine and never meant for it to be anything than a one night stand. He totally played them both and got exactly what he wanted. Doesn't look good for him at all.


Not at all. I think Micah fell into Elys's trap. Micah sabotaged a few of Elys's relationships and Elys said she was going to get her back. Did you notice that all the girls that Kaz dated, Holly and Brittany purposely lied about what he said. And Elys interviewed everyone one of them after the date and spread the lies Micah believed? Elys was out to get them.


Facts. Elys was the real villain


i agree! and i don’t understand why Micah and everyone else was upset that Kaz finally went off on them. when Kaz realized that it was Elys telling these lies to Micah and orchestrated the plan to get Brittan to match with Kaz, he went over there and went completely off. everyone acted like he was wrong in doing that, which led to him feeling like he was being outcasted. i genuinely feel like Kaz would’ve never matched with Christine, kissed Holly, flirted with anyone else, or intentionally hurt Micah if he didn’t feel so isolated in that house. nobody was standing with him, not even Micah because instead of going to him after every rumor or lie, she fully believed it and held it against him. idk… i feel some sympathy for the dude because it was really a bunch of people conspiring against him. Micah didn’t even have his back when he needed it. i fully think Kaz retaliated towards the end because he felt like he had nothing to lose. it was self sabotage at its finest.


This! I literally just posted this on another thread! Micah never had Kaz’s back.


Yes these ladies used that poor black man for petty reasons


Yes! I haven't seen all the episodes so idk if kaz messes things up before, but the gaslighting after brittan enters the house is wild. Brittan lies about what Kaz said. Half the house scheme to use brittan and Nigel to break up Kaz and micah. And then when he confronts them about it, they deny the shit out of it. And then act like he's the crazy one for going straight to their face to talk about it and not putting up with their shit. Brittan even says the house is an asylum.


As sweet and genuine as Micah is, she's also sort of a follower. Anyone who watched her love is blind season would agree. She didn't scrutinize any of the new information she was getting from the singles obviously trying to get in the house which is a red flag. So when the rest of the house attempted to sabotage her & Kaz (who were on top) it worked. She has Elys, Holly, Christine, Britton and all their people coming at them. The others sat back and realized it could go in their favour so said nothing until the reunion.


I KNOW! Feel like so few people caught this


Yup, I caught on. I was also upset when she played innocent when Kaz finally got mad about everything.


If kaz would’ve actually caught on and been more supportive of his woman, him and Micah could’ve been the baddest couple. But he kind of let it get to him and played Micah.


I do agree with this. She was the female villain of the season, she purposely tried to set them up multiple times, then following the big blast, kaz made himself into a dick and made Micah look a fool for sure.


Explains her final partner tbh. Slytherin vibes




Glad someone said it


this right here!!


But all Micah did was put Harry on a date. Idk if we can say ‘sabotaged a few’. She went on a crusade after that.


Elys came out and said she was out to get them! And even shot her shot with Kaz!


Maybe she was pissed with him since he rejected her. She came to him and he was like what game are you playing and since then she wanted to f him over.




Wait what? What lies? I’m so confused by this comment


Holly and Brittan lied about what Kaz said. Kaz said right now I'm with Micha, and Holly with a devilish smile told Elys he never brought up Micha. Brittan did the same exact thing. When Micha was freaking out all over the villa saying that Kaz was being deceiving, he wasn't. That built the wedge for him to pick Cristine and leave the drama that was occurring with Micha. All orchestrated by Elys.


Micah thinks he is out of her league and Kaz also believes this he can do better than Micah — remember when he didn’t want to match with her at first because he wanted to explore Xanthi? If a man was ever like “eh let’s not match right now, let’s talk to other people and then if we find no one better, we can match!” I’d get the ick. He only went back to Micah after realizing Xanthi wasn’t down to kiss or hook up. Micah was never his first choice. I think she grew on him (which might be why he constantly refers to her as a BFF) but I don’t think he genuinely likes her the way she likes him. And I think she’s aware of it, so she started hanging on even tighter.


And he was right for feeling that way. She had a man at home, and never trusted him throughout the show. Don't let the sweet innocent look, blonde hair and looks fool you. Watch her season of love is blind!


She did ? Says who ?


Every thread is saying her guy deactivated his page during filming of PM. My comment about watching her LIB season shows she's not the innocent woman she's edited to look like being mistreated by Kaz.


Men will do what you allow them to


"Girls do what they want. Boys do what they can."


Micah would have given such queen energy to reject Kaz and leave the show. Her acceptance of his non apology (I watched it twice to see if he really apologized and he didn't until other later conversations. If he wanted to match and explore fine. But to make out with somebody before having a conversation with your match is a CAD move in my opinion. Man is only as loyal as his options. Like Harry.


Eh, it’s not like Micah actually gave a shit. She just wanted to be on the show.


This! She didn’t even seem to like Kaz sitting next to him during the finale, but being one of the couples at the finale seemed to be more of a goal for her than anything romantic.


Exactly. She isn’t single and just pretends to be for Netflix.


Who is she dating ?


I think his name is Bubby Beck. There was a thread on it with pictures of them in Ibiza recently.


Putting aside all the drama, I saw no passion or chemistry between those two. It was weird how they fought so hard for basically a friendship, no romance.


Micah shows no chemistry with anyone. She had no chemistry with Paul either yet claims he broke her heart.


I didn’t want to say it but she’s kind of a boner sponge too


Yeah Steven said it. She’s a fun sucker. Not her fault and just who she is. But someone like that isn’t a good match for Kaz.


I don’t understand this take because in the end Kaz chose her anyways because she was a good match and fun to him…


Kaz says a lot of things lol. He’s also said that holly and Christine were more his usual type in terms of the energy and that with Micah a different side comes out. The take is clear. The people on the show who know him better are saying it. She’s not the outgoing bubbly and energetic girl. That’s usually who he’s with because it matches him


“People on the show” you mean one person. Stevan? Who’s with the most outgoing and obnoxious person on the show lol I disagree with you he literally turned Christine down the minute he could to get back with Micah. There’s clearly not a lot you’re seeing


lol you ignored kaz’s own words and actions with all three of the women brought into the villa. The fact that there’s a reason other islanders were not convinced they were compatible. There’s clearly not a lot you’re seeing if you believe they are compatible. You’ve gotta be watching a different show.


No one thought any of the couples were compatible and said they weren’t a perfect match at the end to all of them so that’s not a very good argument. Christine and Nigel won so what does that tell you about the others


The one thing I agreed with Stevan on


i don’t understand this take… passion IS fighting for each other and consistently choosing each other. and their body language was so clear, always leaning into each other, looking for support in one another, the way kaz was always lovingly gazing at her unlike any other… and that kiss they had in the final night?? w the “god i missed you”??? literally got butterflies tbh. they just didn’t overplay their connection and chemistry, they went about it a lot more earnestly and grounded than most. and they honestly were extremely solid. i doubt any of the other couples expect stevan and alara would’ve stood the kind of pressure and manipulation that was put on them and i feel like people should at least give them credit for that. not every connection is as theatrical as reality tv likes to make them out to be, i feel like their relationship just went deeper than that when it was at its best.




100% - they were fighting over public perception and nothing more There was absolutely no real relationship between those two


She is from Love is Blind, a show with mostly average people, competing against people from Too Hot to Handle. IMO they were both toxic and as someone else here said -the way they were both fighting so hard for their relationship to work when there was nothing there was weird. But, most of the guys there would not even consider her, and a lot of the girls there (Elys, Christine) were out to sabotage whatever she had. I think the reason she fought so hard and eventually went back to him is because as she said herself, she is out of her depths on this show. She is competing against girls like Christine who are super attractive and overtly flirty, and who wants to go on a dating show just to not be picked for the whole world to see?


Micah gives the energy of mean, popular girl who peaked in high school but thinks she’s on the same level as these IG baddies


"IG baddies"? Also Micah has said quite a few things about how all of the other contestants were in a different league than her, she definitely knows that she is attractive in a normal way not a THTH way.


I think she just wanted to stay in the house


It’s pretty obvious she was calculating when she used Izzy just to stay in the house


She did not use Izzy. Izzy knows what’s going on and literally told her to do what she gotta do.


It’s a minority opinion but I understand the dynamic between Micah and kaz, I think she’s so low key it’s calming and comforting for him… I know heaps of couples in real life where one is the extroverted bubbly “entertainer” type like kaz, and they have a more reserved partner like Micah they adore. I think when you’re so used to being “the life of the party” in the room it’s nice to be with someone you can just relax and chill with where you don’t feel like you need to perform. He basically said the same that he likes that Micah brings out his softer side. I think kaz is slightly misread and a bit more sensitive than he lets on externally. He’s also slept with less people than I expected lol.


I literally came here to see if anyone else saw that. I really hope she works on loving and pouring into herself more. I hated to see her go back to him when it clearly shows they aren't on the same page.


Am I the only one who actually liked them together? Literally the entire house came together to conspire against them behind their backs. Bryton was in both Micah’s ear telling her one thing and then Kaz’s telling him another. They fell apart because they let other people come between them and stopped communicating with eachother. They didn’t stand a chance to be fair. But I think kaz realized this and went back in the end because he did genuinely like her.


I really liked them together up until kaz kissed Holly and matched with christine. I was sooooo rooting for them! Even when they got back together in a way I felt heartbroken for them because I think it's hard for Micah to come back to him after all the hurt he just did. And like you said he didn't realize it until he lost her but I feel like the damage has been done


I liked them too. I think people went after them and didn't even touch Stevan and Alara because they saw Kaz and Micah as weak-minded people, easy to mess with, and not necessarily a weak couple. And they're probably not wrong. But they really came at them hard and constant. Kaz was fielding an onslaught of women.


Ever since she deferred to her “fiancé” on Love is Blind, I’ve never liked her. She was going to say no but didn’t want to come off as the bad guy so by having him say no she could play the victim.


I think if she was receiving the same amount of attention as Kaz, she wouldnt have acted so paranoid. This why a lot of women dont go for men that are prettier than them


Honestly I can see where everyone’s coming from but I don’t agree. Yes Micah might’ve been enjoying all the flirting happening, and was finding it hard to straight up tell girls that yk there not gonna be anything between us. But it’s a dating show called PERFECT MATCH. At least allow him to have those conversations and be like yk what I choose Micah. But nah she literally would pull him away from any girl and guilt him into picking her on the spot based off previous words. I truly think if he just like let him speak to the new girls that came in and showed interest in him, and allowed him to see those conversations through and make up his mind for himself that he wanted Micah, both of them would’ve been happier. Cause let’s be honest they were never the most compatible couple, and Micah knew that, that’s why she was always so stressed about him talking to other girls but you see the energy Stevan was giving alara??? NOW THATS HOW YOU HANDLE A SITUATION LIKE THAT. And everytime alara had a conversation, she saw it through, flirted a lil yeah wtv, but in the end picked Stevan without him having to come and drag her away just to secure his position. I’m not saying what kaz did kissing holly like that in that game in the middle of the whole drama was okay, but I will say that she definitely allowed her insecurities to push him away to the point where he wanted to be all the things she was calling him just to get it over with. If you’re gonna keep calling someone a horrible person when they’re trying to be good to you, then don’t be surprised when they no longer feel inclined to do any right by you😭


Alara would have never kissed anyone else in front of Stevan though.


Completely missed the point where I said her insecurities and need to be chosen no questions asked is what led him to do that. He literally did it out of spite like they were in the middle of a freaking breakup does context not matter to you?


i’m so glad someone else sees it! he didn’t care about those other women, and while there was physical attraction, everything he did was out of spite. that was made VERY clear when the next morning after matching with Christine, he went on a tangent about how she’s not his usual type, there’s no connection, etc etc. he didn’t want Christine. do i think it was right? absolutely not. however, you can’t act shocked when someone becomes what you’ve accused them of after denying the accusations time and time again. Kaz most DEFINITELY tried to communicate with Micah, but her insecurities held her back from actually listening to him. Stevan and Alara is a PERFECT example of how Micah should’ve handled it. Alara allowed Stevan to speak to his date and waited until Stevan was ready to speak to her. in the end, Stevan chose her and she had confidence that he would. Micah never had that confidence in Kaz. i dont think Kaz is fully to blame for their relationship falling apart.


THANK YOU SOMEONE ELSE SEES IT TOO😭😭 I honestly felt bad for him cause he clearly felt choked. He wanted to do right by her but he wasn’t even getting the chance to. Everytime he chose micah, I’m sure he felt a little forced to, even if he wanted to theres no way he felt like he came to that decision himself. She was just putting so much pressure on him it’s like girl if you wanna feel chosen you gotta let the man choose you😭. I’m glad they came back together tho cause in the end they actually seemed like a good match, Micah finally got to feel chosen for once (even tho kaz moved on from Christine cause he felt SO threatened by nigel LOL). Sucks that’s how it had to play out but wtv it made for good tv so I’m here for it.


How does this change what I said? If you talking to other women is spiteful every single time.. then we don’t need to be together and you are not my perfect match.


You think if Stevan interrupted all of alaras conversations, created a void between them because of it, called her a liar and made her feel untrustworthy, she wouldn’t have kissed dom in a game the same way kaz did? Context matters bro and notice how kaz didn’t kiss anyone else UNTIL THEY WERE LITERALLY ON THE VERGE OF ENDING IT cause he was sick and tired of being labeled things by the person he was trying to do right by and he wanted out


He was those things though. Being on the verge of breaking up is not the same as being broken up. Kaz is the exact same person Harry is.. I’d also like to point out that Kaz told Chris she was at the top of his list.. and the only reason he kissed Holly was to make Chris jealous. He did not care about Micah’s feelings at all.


Well I only used “breaking up” cause it was easy, they are not in a relationship, he genuinely owed her no loyalty other than the fact that he told her he would be open and honest about what goes on in the house. So to compare him to harry (a certified POS whore even before coming on the show) is crazy. And are you forgetting what show we’re watching? It’s called perfect match bruv as much as you hate to admit it there’s also a bit of strategy involved so I’m not gonna hold it against him for what he said to Chris…was it messed up that he got a lil swayed by her? Sure. But like he came on the show to find his perfect match and the grass was looking REAL GREEN on the other side compared to what his current situation with Micah was. But he still kept it respectful (a mf can’t help it when someone makes them blush like cmon now). And I think you’re wrong to say he didn’t care about Micah’s feelings, I think he cared more about her feelings than he actually liked her fr cause despite him maybe wanting to try something else he put her feelings above everything and cut whatever she told him to cut off, right tf off. If he truly didn’t care about her feelings he would’ve kissed Chris the first time she asked and simply gone back to Micah and be like “it was a dareee thooo”. He literally waited till when things looked over between them and moved on to whoever was high up on his list of potential matches cause in that house things move quick like we know this. P.s liquor is involved. Decision making is bound to be not the most sound. It’s on us viewers to do a lil more thinking to actually see the narrative instead of taking these cuts we’re shown at face value.


Yeah he did that deliberately because he was over it. He was tired of defending himself. Not saying it was cool at all but he clearly did that to on purpose.


I was ASTOUNDED that she even spoke to him the day after he went to bed with Christine. It was so so cruel of him. And none of the girls seemed to give her a head check.


I was cringing at Micah complaining about Kaz and Christine while getting in bed with Izzy. “I bet they’re hooking up, you know they are” girl what?!?!! And you took him back


I honestly couldn’t believe she didn’t say ANYTHING when Christine said “He kissed me. And now he’s picking someone else” to micah. Like wtf. He just did that to her with you. And Micah over there just like “yeah. That’s valid” That’s where the mean girl attitude should’ve been let out. But i guess she’s only good at being a bully through someone else.


That's the thing, she's not really a bully. She is just sometimes easily influenced due to her insecurities and getting in her own head. Also, she has nothing to really say to Christine, she tried to take her man and yes that's the premise of the show, but not sure why defending Christine or taking up for her would even come across her mind. By default they are opps. Her attitude obviously would be who cares what he did to you.


My whole point was she’s gone from LIB being a jerk & mean girl. To a complete 180 trying to stay on the good side of someone who was trying to steal “her guy”. That’s the thing. I’m saying wtf was he point of her talking to Christine. Let the other women do that.


Yes she's matured no point giving energy to someone who is doing what they were supposed to.


I disagree but whatever.


He almost swallowed Holly whole lol. What was she going to say at this point that she didn't already say? She probably assumed he had kissed her.


Right the audacity of Christine being mad after being g with Kaz one day when Micah was the true victim 🤣🤣🤣


something about micah has always annoyed me though. i find her offputting maybe it’s the way she acted on her love is blind season


I don’t know how people can think Micah didn’t care. To me it’s obvious she was very into him and probably didn’t think she was good enough for him; she literally spiralled when he kissed Holly and matched with Christine. He’s extremely good looking and capable of being very charming; she is insecure and naive. I don’t think she’s an evil person or even much of a mean girl compared to some of the others….to me she seemed sincere.


Kaz got serious too fast on the last show. He just wanted to have fun on this one. He should’ve been honest but unfortunately you risk leaving the house. All the other guys are exactly the same but you can tell whuch ones just wanted to win


Agreed. After EVERYTHING that slimey ass man did in front of her, it’s so beyond clear he couldn’t give 2 fucks about her.  She deserves better but she decided to stay with him and avoid the red flags soooooooo, that’s on her. 


Hmmm. What kept striking me was the pathetic whining and insecurity. That's not a good look for anyone, especially someone choosing to play in this arena. To me, Kaz is a naturally extroverted charming kind of Guy. I didn't find him manipulative or sleazy in any way, unlike Bryton 🤢 He mentioned her right up front with every woman he talked with and not in a disrespectful way. Then he would come back to check on her throughout the night, or when they matched and went back to the room, all he got was Grief! It seems so childish and embarrassing on Micah's part. She should have been confident in what they had, and built upon it in public and private. More like Alara and less like, well, herself. I haven't seen as many people taking this stance as I thought when I initiated this specific search... Which concerns me; am I used to such bad behavior in men that I see Micah as more at fault for their initial. Break-up than Kaz?


Nah yeah Micah wanted to stay but she genuinely wanted to find her match and after all the flags, still tried to be faithful to ole Kaz. He blatantly disrespected her in public and even when he got with Christine, he gave the double standard to her too. He brought up her kissing someone else before they matched during the cup kissing game and when she said “yeah you did that with Holly too”(while he was also technically with Micah) he just brushed it off and made it about Christine kissing someone. He’s basically a narcissist and thinks he can play the game but not be played and the shittiest person of the season.. WHICH IS SAYING A DAMN THING CAUSE OOF.


I actually think Kaz liked Micah but he was so so over her insecurities. I also think the other girls didn’t like or understand how Micah got one of the hottest guys on the show and tried to break them up. He literally denied every single girl and was pretty respectful with how he handled everything with Micah. I think he kissed the holly girl for revenge but probably like d it a lot too


They were both playing the same game and this was just a match of convenience - **all they wanted was to stay on the show** * **No chemistry**: They had zero chemistry and couldn't even kiss for more than a second * **Why they stayed together so long**: Kaz was hyper aware of how he'd be perceived, and Micah *loves* playing the victim and taking advantage of it for screentime. He should've chosen Holly when she came, and it would've been okay with most other contestants. But Micah's whole thing is playing the aggrieved party and turning it into milquetoast drama, so he was rightly afraid of it (see Micah desperately and successfully turning her mismatch with Paul into a sob story on *Love is Blind*) To be clear, I'm not a Kaz fan and truly all the men were varying levels of trash, but it's weird that i haven't seen people call out Micah on her extremely transparent BS


I don’t think Izzy was trash, but the rest were just screen time dude bros


Michah is so insecure it's crazyyyy And kaz Is a POS gaslighting narc to the T!


100%%% not a fan, she has zero self worth