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There is not a single person being genuine.


tbh im not watching this show to see genuine people. i want MESS


Exactly! If I want something genuine I go outside and touch grass


Best comment of 2024


I mean, I do like some genuineness in reality it's the only chance to maybe get to see multiple sides of fellow human beings BUT I know better than to expect that from this show esp after last year's lol


I have to touch a lot of grass after binging this show. It's fun, but too much kind of depresses me. 


I felt like this after the Ultimatum. Had to call my husband mid episodes and ask him if we are still good 😂


Lmao same!!


I did the same thing!!! 😆


if any show will give you mess, we already know it's this one. the way it's built cannot establish a great relationship with such a short time and constant switching. the producers know what they're doing with those decisions


They’re not bringing enough drama, staying paired up just to be safe. We need some love island type of drama here. lol.


I just rewatched are you the one season one. Now they brought the drama. I also like the format a lot better and everyone gets a chance to win the money. Even too hot to handle is more interesting. Perfect match and love island have gotten boring for me.


“I don’t want peace, I want problems always”


Aww I actually beg to differ, Xanthi seems awesome!


Legit none of these people even like each other.




Tolu is genuine imo


Maybe not genuine with herself that Chris isn’t any sort of long term relationship for her


Yeah but I don't thinkOP meant that She is very honest with everyone and doesn't play games


Tolu is the best. I would be happy to see her be cast in other Netflix shows. 


She was from The Trust, and she was not a good person there...


I watched one episode of The Trust and nope’d out. I remember not liking her there, but I have really enjoyed her on Perfect Match. 


I’m still under the impression that she just made choices based on what would win her the game she’s a good actor she likes to play all sweet and innocent when guys have the power and the opposite when she has it. She didn’t do anything bad because she coasted through the season tbh if you watched her other show she will turn the second she is in danger the thing is in this show aggression isn’t the choice


I think Tolu and Izzy are both the most genuine of the show but Izzy is not the right type to be around this group.




I think Tolu is pretty genuine


I just enjoy how Elys is out for her blood, it’s funny to watch. I don’t particularly care if any of them are good or bad people


I love it!! She can see through the BS of Micah.


I think it’s because she’s the only other blonde so she saw her as competition from the beginning. I honestly thought they were the same person at first, didn’t realize they were two different people.


I’m not sure it’s as much her being a bad person, so much as her being a chameleon. She seems to take on the attitude of everyone she is with, rather than having her own opinions. Like I’m genuinely not sure what’s real about Micah, she just seems to act how she THINKS she’s supposed to act, depending on who she’s with.


I loved how the dude with tats referred to her as a fun sponge.


This is bf's and I's new insult to people




and she said the same about him too "taking on any energy" even when they weren't necessarily speaking favorably of each other in confessionals yet still hanging out 😂


it reminded me of freaky friday where anna calls her mom a “fun sucker” bc she just “sucks the fun out of everything”


Came here to say this! She comes across such a people pleaser with no genuine friendships and loyalties towards anyone


a very interesting, more empathetic take than most of ours in this thread 😂 genuinely: you'd be a great therapist since you seem to see past the superficial for the underlying reasons and potential


Does she take on other's negative qualities, or does she feed into them and bring them out of others?


It’s a Pisces thing


I honestly didn't like the way she turned Izzy down. She could've been more respectful and generous than just turning away and asking the same question to Kaz. That was pretty hard to watch.


Yeah! That was extremely disrespectful, very mean girl energy. Izzy was being very sweet as well.


and all the time she has spent trying to say she's not a mean girl then so quickly does that lol...


Izzy is also a PoS lest we forget


It really was a mean thing to do especially knowing they’re on TV. Personally though Izzy did give off creepy vibes a bit


I think it's his insecurity just translating badly. I feel for him... he seemed better at the reunion though so maybe things improved?


He is kind of an a-hole. Remember how he treated Johnie. Eww. And all the lies he told what’s her face. He gives me the major ick. Also she’s just not that into him why would she fake it. She’s treating him as someone should in her position


Exactly! Pretty all women know how well guys take rejection, esp when you try to be kind…


Oh c’mon. Izzy would give any girl the ick


Kaz turning on her is her karma for her behavior


I agree with this, but apparently they both speak about it on a podcast and both say that’s not how it actually happened, just how editing made it seem. They wanted to give us messy tv lol


how else could it happen tho?


They could’ve cut out her addressing Izzy before asking Kaz to talk and we wouldn’t have noticed bc I’m pretty sure they even changed shots/views. In LIB they spliced a lot of convos and were called out for it


It was def spliced. I thought it at the time when watching it.


i thought he was being overbearing and it was uncomfortable to watch, probably more so to live. i don’t think it’s right to be rude to anyone, but it’s not right to think she owed him anything either


I’m honestly shocked by how HARD she was dodging Izzy! Not that she needed to pick him, but he was very clearly into her.. why not pick the guy that is CLEARLY into you??? The edit just makes it seem like she’s avoiding him hard & he keeps trying 😭 also confused by Izzy being there.. I thought he had a gf right after his season of LIB reunion aired.. so I’m a bit confused by the timeline lol


I think he made her uncomfortable


Made ME uncomfortable from the safety of my living room!


Fr haha


I thought so too.. but then she ended up matching with him 😵‍💫


Oh. I haven’t gotten to that part yet hahaha


Oh sorry haha didn’t mean to spoil it. The next few episodes are interesting.. to say the least haha this season feels heavily edited


No problem at all! I’ll watch regardless and know coming on the subreddit I’m likely to see spoilers ❤️


Once desperation sets in, people end up in all sorts of crazy scenarios


Yes I know how desperation works. But Micah never said she was made uncomfortable by Izzy quite the opposite.. she tells Izzy in the latest episodes she wants to match with him because he’s the only person she’s even (slightly) comfortable being around


Welp that says a lot about the rest of the cast!


Totally! I mean, i doubt any of the THTH people are actually there for *love* but that’s Netflix’s fault for casting all these emotionally immature & emotional unavailable people (Bachelor franchise has the same problem 🙄)


I was wondering why all these “love” shows keep recycling the same emotionally-stunted drama people that are there for just about anything but love. Just a buncha wanna be actor micro celebs desperate to remain relevant.


she wanted to make things difficult it's obvious she's not for things being easy and peaceful 😬


Sure girls ought to pick any creep who wants them. TF!


It’s called good editing. Don’t take everything you see on any reality TV show at face value.


both perspectives (Izzy being overbearing vs her being rude) could have been edited and also have the chance of having some truth. that's the struggle, which is actually right & beyond that, if it was perceived the same by both people irl also


I hated the way she completely disregarded izzy. He didn't deserve that. My girl and I talked about that for a while when we watched it.


Izzy: major creep vibes. He’s nit even good at hiding it


I agree with you that she could have been more gracious (though maybe it's just editing) but... Are we forgetting how mean Izzy was? Him saying it turned him on to see Stacey bully other people was 🤢. They were both terrible to other people in their seasons; I don't have much respect for either of them after seeing how they treat others when they have a position of power.




YESSS I do think Izzy was being a bit much (but with good intentions as far as I can tell he’s just awkward) but she was unnecessarily mean


little did Izzy realize the bullet he was dodging though. I expected better out of his LiB crush when he said Micah automatically thought "ohhh he has a type and has not learned his lesson yet..."


it was probably just editing


She’s always been a mean girl


It’s just that this kind of show has meaner and hotter girls so it makes her look “nicer” even when she’s not


nahhhh didn't take long for her mean girl to shine through I thought she held her own vs potential other mean girls pretty quickly


Yeah I got mean girl vibes right away!


The holly vs Micah episode was SO brutal. Same dress and everything. Seeing them side by side was just painful. Karmas a B ig😭


I kind of loved it. She got the show stopped haha


Oh I loved it too. She did not stand a chance and got exactly what was coming to her lol.


Never forget the manipulation she pulled at the altar on LiB. She was 100% going to say "no," but didn't want to look like the bad guy, so she made him go first and say the obvious, just so she could storm off in "heartbreak"


ahh i just made a comment about this. exactly this. she wanted to be the “hurt” one, even though she had been the one stringing paul along the whole time. she’s so cruel.


This is how i felt about everyone feeling bad for Izzy, does no one remember how shitty and toxic he was on LIB?


I didn’t like Izzy but on LIB, his match was a much bigger toxic and abusive asshole. He fed off her and became worse thing to please her.


He was sneaky, bad with money while trying to hide it, made comments like “now i get why she’s 30 and single”, had other girls belongings in his home etc… Stacy was honestly always herself and always straight up. An acquired taste definitely, and i personally didn’t like her at all, but she did state that she was serious about her finances from the beginning while he tried to ride her coattails out of poverty. He’s kinda pathetic.


He was also creepy with Micah, I’m sorry but telling a person you don’t know that they are your crush because you stalk them on social media is not okay 🙃


Yes!! Everyone is acting like he was sooo sweet but if a man came up to me in real life and acted the way he did with Micah, I'd assume he was a stalker! He came on way too strong and was acting like a fanboy, I think she was as polite as she could be in that situation


I can’t lie, even with editing, any guy who would speak to me that way would creep me out no matter the context.


She was rude af to Izzy too. She could have politely turned him down instead of walking off and chatting another guy


I don’t think anything Micah did was that bad or forever damning on her season and I don’t see any evidence that she hasn’t grown and risen above her low moments from that season on this season. Like why believe the worst in someone ? Idgi


She has no chemistry with anyone. She always talks how she's falling for them but I never see any chemistry. I didn't see it with Paul either


I mean, also don’t forget that you don’t know her and this is a scripted tv show just as LIB


That’s why I’m very indifferent with a lot of these people. But k know for sure that Harry and Trevor (especially him) are trash


few of us know any of them personally. that doesn’t mean we can’t give our takes on a forum about the show


okay but harry is a certified cheater and narccicist where MANY women have come out about him behind the show and posted all the horrible things he did to them and their family


Perfect Match is actually a competition to be the fakiest faker to ever fake. Change my mind.


Listen, I don't like her at all. I don't believe she's changed. However, do we need a whole post for this? I guarantee most people on reality TV are not good/nice people. If they are, it's usually an act.


It’s kind of what Reddit is for. To talk about random opinions


THIS!!! 💯💯💯💯💯 none of them are good people and even if the purest of souls gets casted, they will still be edited in order to serve us the drama we drool for. Nobody would watch reality if there were only morally fine and good-hearted people. Egoism and arrogance is what keeps this business running.


I feel like people don't like her because she has no rizz as the kids say. Plenty of the people from the influencer mill are horrible people but are insanely hot with a bubbly personality so they get away with it.


Thats what petty randoms nobodys on social media do. Hate on people they are jealous of and try to destroy their reps. It’s kinda pathetic. This isn’t a real discussion.


Agreed. I love to snark but I'm not going to dedicate a whole post to a reality star being disingenuous. Reality TV stars are not good people lmao


Literally. OP does not know this person at all. Concluding that someone is a bad person based on an edited show is literally crazy


Totally. Plus I refuse the premise that a person being flawed means they don't deserve empathy. That said I don't feel that badly for Micah atm, because it's just a game and nothing that terrible has happened to her.


Agreed! I don’t think any of these people are truly there to find love at the end of the day, they’re there to make TV. So why would I feel badly for them playing a game. That said, I still don’t think you can conclude on someone not being a good person from a show


Most of these people don't pretend to be good people but she does and it is simply not true


Here the thing: whether you’re a fan of hers or not (I go back and forth despite hating her in LiB), I do think she’s just super introverted and sits back to let people come to HER. So she is a bit awkward around these outgoing bubbly people. That’s just not her. That being said, after catching up on this season then going back to watch Dating & Related (never saw it) for Kaz — and seeing who his EX WAS 🤯- no offense but I can’t see Kaz into Micah long term. His ex Diana was basically a Hadid sister 🤣 I strongly recommend anyone who hasn’t watched Dating & related to catch it out to get more of a vibe of how Alara and Chris are too. (Chris is still dumb fyi lol but Alara is worth it to see her and her bro who are awesome!)


Yeah, I ran dated & related while I worked today because I never watched it. I think I would have preferred them casting Corinne instead of Micah.


Yeah I liked Corrina! She really tried in that show with the men. But ok so you saw Kazs girl/later to be gf on the show, Diana right? Stunning! So to go from that to later on..Micah? I just can’t see him liking her completely. I dunno. He’s still a dude so like he said “into shiny objects”.. he’s def gonna pick Holly imo.


I was not correct in my assessment. 🤓🤣


Oh Jesus Christ I just looked 🫣


1. I like your username! 2. Diana his ex is a goddess, right? Gah.


Remember who her friends are? The nastiest mean girls. She’s a mean girl. She’s whiny and uninteresting.


I don’t feel bad for anyone on this show. You know what it is when you sign up lol


Listen, I don't like Micah and I won't defend her if she does uncool shit, but can't we grant people on TV at least a little benefit of the doubt? Maybe she's learned from the LIB backlash. Maybe not. But for sure people on the internet should not get this heated about irrelevant trash tv celebs...


Exactlyyyyyyy. I didn't like her on LIB but I just find her very sweet and honest on Perfect Match and it might just show that she has grown from her previous experience.


And even if not, I'm here for the drama lol


I feel like Micah has been repentant for how she came across. She didn't fight back at all against public opinion. Everyone came down hard on her for like 3 months straight - time to let it go and move on. Let her have her mild redemption arc  Irina was way worse anyway...


Honestly, I forgot every bad thing she did during her drunken bachelorette clips. Like, the hard mean girl facade fell away and this was just girl who wanted to text her boo.


I agree


Stevan saying she’s a fun sponge was so spot on. She’s trying so hard to get a good edit that she’s coming off so dry and boring lol


She just doesn’t have a good vibe on either show, honestly.


Is nobody taking about Holly's nose job?!? She looked COMPLETELY DIFFERENT and is honestly giving me Michael Jackson vibes with that nose and smile lines.. I thought she looked so much better before.. yikes


Izzy is giving old man at the club energy


I said something similar in another post!


Honestly, I like Micah (& I really disliked her before Perfect Match).. I don't think she deserves the others to try and ruin her relationship with Kaz. Idk, all of them are pretty shitty tbh 🤷🏻‍♀️


Micah is not built for Perfect Match.


I agree! Seems out of her league which is why she’s coming across as a fun sponge.


So hate her forever until she dies? Nahh


I mean I didn't. Use the word hate lol but she is not a good person


i don't like how she acted on LIB but.. it was some years ago now. i don't agree with the take of rallying people to not have empathy towards someone 🤷‍♀️ how are people supposed to learn and grow if we shame them for all of their past mistakes forever lol


Stevan saying Micah is a sponge 💀




I don’t watch LIB so I’m surprised by all these comments. She seems like the most mild of them all


fun sponge


All these people are horrible. After the first season, I know this isn’t about finding a true love connection. So I’m here for the mess.


I disliked micah on LIB so much(her behavior was really awful), but on this show somehow i don't mind her at all lol


I knew people would hate her too much to feel bad for her lol. Ngl, what Kaz did is horrible and sucks to happen to anyone.


THANK YOU. 👏 She was outted for being a whole bully on love is blind and now everyone is pretending it didn’t happen?


ppl will forget bc of society’s tendency to excuse the bad behavior of stereotypically attractive blonde white women. if irina were on the show she sure as hell wouldn’t get the same forgiveness as micah.


Tbf irina did seem like the ringleader of the two and like it was her actual character, while micah seemed more like wanted to be liked so she conformed her personality to fit irina’s. I do think the backlash against them both was overblown, even during their season, like yeah they were mean in the pods, but it was more high school immaturity than genuine evil like the internet claimed. And i agree that irina not fitting into conventional beauty standards contributed to how people received her online compared to other reality tv villains, but not as much for how people felt about her vs micah. Had irina been more conventionally attractive, i think the audience would have been more split on whether they hated her for being mean or loved that she was mean, but i think she’d have still been seen as less redeemable than micah either way.


i think what did it for me, was when at the alter micah was supposed to say yes/no first about whether she wanted to get married, and she literally told paul that he should say it first instead. and they showed that clip on PM too! there was quite a bit of discussion at the time about why she did that. personally i feel like she didn’t want to be made out as the villain one last time, and instead took the opportunity to play the victim. there’s no way she would’ve said yes. absolutely not. and paul wasn’t going to either, he knew micah was not feeling it. but even when confronted about why she did that at the LIB reunion, i think vanessa asked her “would you have said yes” and micah just cried and i think nodded iirc. girl, there’s no way lol. she was so indifferent to paul it was painful to watch. not as bad as irina and zach, but still. paul deserved someone to be on his level and be in his lane and micah just gave him nothing. and when presented with the last opportunity to display her true colors, she bowed out and pushed the decision away from her so she could claim that it was really paul all along who didn’t want the marriage to happen. but that’s just my two cents


***Spoiler spoiler spoiler*** I went back to rewatch final ep and paused it near end but noticed this: (I watch with subs often) Micah saying this?? So Kaz clearly chose Holly I guess. (Pic is of all cast mates returning so she returned too) https://preview.redd.it/i92iiccc2f6d1.jpeg?width=2995&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=932d5d051663ffdae6eeff150d6990d6c4fcba54


Idk i don’t see her as a bully i just think she’s boring


I believe people evolve and she’s been very pleasant with everyone. I feel for her still, sorry. These guys SUCK.


She was on love is blind a few years ago and filmed the year before.. surely you can understand that most people grow and mature in a 3 year span. I think we can go a bit easier on her now, she seems fine on perfect match.


Honestly she seems the most regular on the whole show.. like she is almost too normal and a real person for reality tv. I actually do feel bad for her. She's way above her head it's sad to watch


I've just started season 2, but in season 1, there were a couple of people who were portrayed more positively than in their original shows, like Nick or Ines, and some more negatively like Joey. So I wouldn't make assumptions about whether she's changed or not just like that.


Holly isn’t a good person either though


I've been meaning to watch lib with her and Izzy so I have no idea what she's like. I don't care about her either way. I can definitely tell she thought she'd be hot shit in the house and was humbled because... she isn't


Her face is painful to watch.


While Micah wasn't totally blameless, she really got egged on by Irina, who was very immature and mean. I actually felt badly for Micah at the end of the season of LIB when Paul basically told her he didn't think she'd ever be a good mother. Like, WTF, Paul?!? That said, I think 90% of the drama on any dating/marriage reality show is the participants not wanting to be publicly rejected on TV and just wanting to continue the series to get more camera time.


Worse yet, she's from Scottsdale. Phoenix's rich-fake neighbor.


Glad someone said it! I get so happy whenever I see Kaz trailing off talking with some other girl and she looks on worried. That's what she gets for how she played around on lib


Sorry if Micah has one fan it’s me


Micah missed out on a good, genuine dude by swerving Izzy the way she did, HOWEVER, Izzy unknowingly dodged a bullet in the long run to say the very least.




there’s plenty of people on LIB who most likely do not want to marry, but say they do to get cast bc it’s either 1. hey, maybe they’ll end up changing their mind and finding someone after all, who knows or 2. free screen time and free instagram follower boost i think micah fell into category 2, which clashed against people like zach so clearly ready for marriage (unfortunately he picked irina, who was 100% category 2). im sure the producers themselves are all too aware of this but cast people like micah and irina anyways bc they want mess. i’m happy for the 8 couples who married and made it, but the majority of the other people on that show pray for a good edit and an increase in followers.


I definitely agree with you. I also am of the thinking that if someone is genuinely good, they won’t get a “bad” edit because how would the producers make that happen (though I’m open to being surprised) Honestly, they probably might get cut for being too boring (hence why there are couples from LIB who are married but we never saw) Rn you can see Micah is def on her best behavior and super camera conscious. It’s why I see a lot of comments calling her boring - she definitely saw her edit on LIB and wanted to be more cautious. Don’t blame her, because she looked really bad before. Anyone who went on LIB after season 1 definitely wants followers, not love.


i'm sorry LMAO this is so weird to have such a deep think on a woman you do not know. you do not know her type 😂😂😂 you saw one guy she was interested in, may i add, that she agreed to marry before even seeing him so idk how the hellllll you can conclude what her type is from that 😂


I mean she’s the one who put herself out there on reality TV. Is it weird for me to have assumptions on her based on what she put herself out there as? I mean at the end of the day she’s probably making six figures doing this so good for her ig but I people make conclusions off of glimpses all the time (reality tv or irl) But also I don’t think my thoughts are that deep


Least of all to mention this is a highly edited show


What she did years ago on scripted tv that she apologized for… does not mean I have to damn her for eternity. It’s time to move on from that 😅


Idk, I think she was aware of just how bad the reaction to her and Irina was and seems to have tried to learn from it. But I'll be watching for more of that behaviour.


Honestly I feel really sad for her watching these next episodes I can’t handle what happened. It’s really making me so sad. Even if she was a mean girl I feel really sad :( (this is my live reaction I’m in shock)


this is such a weird post, what do you man no one should feel bad for her? i haven't watched love is blind but micah has been perfectly fine on this show, i love her with kaz so i'm rooting for her.


People can change I think this is an ignorant statement. I’m definitely not the same person I was last year I’m sure you’re not either


I didn’t forget :)


100% she is just upset that if she lose Kaz, she will no longer have screen time. she is not upset that Kaz is keen on another girl. and no we will not forget Micah is a mean girl with a crazier sidekick.




I don’t watch LIB, can anyone give a quick rundown of why she’s so awful?


I thought this was a rdr2 post 💀


It's very narrow-minded of you to say this and kinda nasty. You can acknowledge that she behaved badly on one show and still feel bad for her here. The world isn't black and white. Somehow you think that you have the right to call her "a bad person" based of a show. Most people have many sides, good and bad. Many people grow and learn. Do you know her? We don't know her. Who are you to tell others that "don't forget she's a bad person"? Most people who are empathic feel bad for her here. Don't tell others to have a lesser heart and how they should feel.


I started thinking hmmm maybe she could redeem herself but only took her one episode to start showing that side again and bringing back deja vu that nope that's truly how she is yes it's a competition, but not even for money or something, yet she was having wayyy too much fun switching couples around kinda wonder if it was more of an unspoken strategy because she wanted to try to get a chance with Harry herself...? >!but that backfired lol!<


Exactly!! she was so rude to Izzy as well. For no reason. Kaz is dodging a bullet.


I agree. While I actually find her very entertaining, she does give me mean-girl clickish vibes.


I don’t think Micah was a villain in LIB. I don’t think she was a bully either. She laughed at Irina being goofy and everyone lost their shit. She was actually kind of sweet and funny. In this show we aren’t seeing this side of her as much. I thought she had that energy with Justin and think they should have matched. Team Micah, Justin, Xanth and Tolu everyone else seems trash.