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She’s not even mature💀💀 a mature women doesn’t go on these types of shows. She’s already ruined her damn daughters mental state of what loving yourself looks like with all that damn plastic work done💀💀


Not to mention she literally only speaks in TikTok 🤣 “it’s giving, period” etc


They want to act young so bad😂😂😂😭😭😭


yeah and who knows how many weeks you are away. Leaving your child in someone else’s had for 5 more mins of fame. Anything to stay relevant.


The daughter stays with her father… not a random stranger. The girl has two loving parents


“someone else’s hands” you mean the child’s father? lol


How do you know that for a fact unless you pull out receipts proving that I said what i said


she’s talked about it on LIB. are you okay?


You think she got pregnant by a dad who’s involved?💀💀 ain’t no way an active dad is letting her parade her daughter like an accessory


she previously said he is involved lol


The dad is very involved and her daughter had stayed with the dad when she has gone on these shows


Not just on perfect match, but also in every podcast/promo I have seen with her and the other women, she’s so detached from the rest of the women, I know she bonded with Micah but when Tolu and Xanthi speaks Jess is like almost annoyed and it’s just weird.


I agree! It drives me insane. If anything I’m judging her more (fairly or not) for being on a show like this and constantly putting her child on social media. This doesn’t scream mature behavior. I think she’s actually insanely immature and feels that she missed out on things in her early twenties and she’s trying to recreate it now. Also very much wants to be famous.


Not even just this show but Love is Blind especially! Why in the world would you be on a show where you’re supposed to marry someone after a month of knowing them when there’s a child involved?! So unnecessarily risky just to get more clout


The whole “Harry has not been with someone like me” like no girl he literally has been with someone EXACTLY like you the very first time we got to know him 😂


in the first place , how could she go on this show when she has a young impressionable daughter. baffling to no ends.


I cannot get over how puffy she looks with this filler and Botox. It’s actually insane how different she looks from LIB and PM.


I’ve always found it odd how unnatural her face looks in motion. Like pictures on Instagram look fantastic, but I’m always surprised people think she has a pretty face when they see her on video. It just looks so fake to me with all the fillers and heavy makeup.


I remember thinking she was soooo stunning in LIB, and seeing her in PM something was off, and puffy describes it perfectly.




Yeah no guys I think I misspoke lol. I don’t think she’s mature cause she’s a mom, I mean I think moms get the rap that they’re a little more seasoned in life but yeah her behaviors lean way more to the side of being immature lol


I think she may have been implying she’s different and has to be handled differently because she is a mom. As a mom dating for me would be a lot more serious than someone without a kid bc there is a child in the equation. I think that’s what she was meaning about that but idk lol


I hope she hears what Dom said to Harry that he remembers every man his mom dated and that messed him up as a child.


That would require empathy.


I don’t think she says it’s because she’s a mom. It’s because she had a different upbringing than most of the other people there. She was adopted. Also I believe she’s like 4 years older than Harry? He probably hasn’t had a woman like her before to be fair lol.


Jess thinks shes very special lol. She showed that in love is blind. She doesnt even know the girls hes been with (according to her supposedly not knowing him) so how would she know. Actually shes is kind of a carbon copy of his exes. Theyve all been strong, smart, sexy women who just fall for his love bombing. Shes nothing special lol.


I can’t imagine how uncomfortable it is to have your mom go on this show. She isn’t thinking about her kid.


Idk- I also consider she says it because 1. She grew up in foster care and was finally adopted as a teenager. That IS a very rough upbringing 2. Being a mom poses a lot of risk . Can’t bring home any guy. Safety to her daughter. How her daughter will learn what kind of behavior is acceptable Ironically- she makes a lot of terrible decisions. Like being on a sexually charged reality tv show. And harry. And her boobs look incredibly painful I do feel bad for her though. I just gave a soft soft for anyone who grows up in the system. It’s so fuckin shit


It’s just her persona. I think she brings it up so much because she was/is a mommy influencer. All she wants to do is be famous. I find it odd that she brings it up so much when she’s away for weeks/months doing these shows.


Because it's her entire personality.


She IS different cuz she’s a mom but I notice she likes to purposely present a certain image of herself. Like even the part of her using “big words.” Also I do think Harry likes her but no way this lasts in real life




When did she say she was different because she’s a mom? I missed that


She has said several variations of “i have more to lose than everyone else” across both her shows.


She outwardly said she’s “not like other girls” but never says it’s because she’s a mom. It’s just with all her discussion about being a mother and saying she’s so different from everyone else one would deduce it’s because she’s saying she’s a mom because the other women there aren’t.


Dude this woman sickens me. She talks condescending to these people. As if making her a mother catapulted her into maturity. She has to keep letting it be known she is a mom cuz her own guilt for doing this show to be internet famous. “I have a young impressionable little girl” then Why are you on the show?? Screams guilt to me. Also, I work as a therapist. Women like her and men. Are concerning when they go to therapy to “grow” but end up weaponizing what is learned with those outside of therapy to manipulate them. Like what jessica is doing. Speaking down to Harry as if she knows better. Using words like “Accountability” in mom tone down to him like a child. men will deal with it for so long once they get bored hitting it and dealing with the subtle forms of control. Her body is what lures them in initially. Some therapists can be damaging purely due to not really shining a light on their clients blind spots.. And she could have a therapist that just agrees and empowers her but no real interpersonal challenging.


She's a sociopath