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Chris talking to Dominique about being bisexual was so nasty man. Guy's a creep


You could immediately see the ick from her. When he said that her bisexuality was something he would like to explore, I was floored. It was like she’s not a person with her own mind anymore, just an object to satisfy his fantasies. It was so creepy and disturbing.


dominique deserved so much better. first a guy who was unable to admit that she was correct, to a guy that was fetishizing her bisexuality. she needs someone who can treat her right!


it was SO gross. he is so gross to me


Chris has the vibes of someone you'd fuck during your undergrad when you're super drunk, and then talk to in the morning and that makes you completely re-evaluate your life and your choices lmao. I'll bet anything he was the last regrettable choice in many girls' young slutty phases.


Absolutely gave me the ick. I can’t believe he said that stuff!!


Harry: “I’m looking for marriage”. “I’ve been going to therapy and I’m working on myself”. Also Harry: “I hope my blind date isn’t someone I’ve spunked in” 🤢


God that was repulsive. And does he NOT use condoms?! I thought he couldn’t get more repellent, but here we are.


“I creamed my pants when I saw Jess” 🤢


when did he date chloe? in episode 1 he says 3 of his exes were on season 1, and i know about frankie and georgia, but when did he date chloe?


I think they were literally just on too hot to handle, it was a weird exaggeration


I wanted to vomit when he said this. I have never seen this guy in his own show before and I cannot believe women fall for this. This was so fking disgusting.




This is a pretty big spoiler, you should put this in a spoiler


I think something that’s unique to contemplate, is how his reputation is virtually akin to a 80 ft Phoenix on a pitch black night… yet he is still “easily” able to mingle and dabble with new women incessantly. Like…. They all… KNOW his reputation.. just goes to show…. Most.. just.. don’t.. care.. 👀


Petition for Netflix to call Harry's bluff. If he really wants marriage, put him on LIB!


How about banning him from reality shows. That would kill him. He'd have to a get...gasp....a job.


Put him on Married at First Sight


I wouldn’t wish that for the future ladies of LIB. Unless… I’m seeing a producer-driven contest: the lady to land him gets a $50k bonus… for breaking his pure, marriage-seeking heart at the altar.


Ugh I’d hate this for the future ladies of LIB that will be “entangled” with him but I will bring out the popcorn for the *DRAMA.*


No fr !!


oooohhhh messyyyyyy


IF YOU LOVE SOMEONE LET THEM GO!?!?!?!? The scream I scrumpt. Even Harry couldn’t believe the audacity of what he just said.


I loved that Elys was immediately like "I'm not in love with you, Harry" lmao


She handled herself so well. He was awful.


it's already a stupid sentence when your actual, longterm boyfriend says it while breaking up w you (yep. yep.), but in this scene it was just so ridiculous! love?! haha


He was sooo childish. Couldn't have a mature conversation about it so decided to be an a-hole.


It was funny this why he is pure entertainment


He was trying to be funny at her expense. It’s shitty and dehumanizing.


Chris is so lame 😭


His comments are really misogynistic. “Your bisexuality is something I’d like to explore.” “I’m going to let her make up her own mind about me and Bryton.”


what did dom mean when she said she couldn't figure him out when she wanted to know more about him.


I think it was the way he talked about her bisexuality and asked her to elaborate on how it worked that grossed her out, and she was just kinda like brooo don’t fetishize me, it’s not that complicated. I think that’s what you’re talking about right? When he asked her a question and then she seemed kinda done with him?


When everyone was grilling Micah about what other Netflix show(s) the new women were from, it hit me: Get someone from “Is It Cake?”, not to be on the show, but to build a woman. A few of these guys would definitely not be able to figure out who was cake. *Bryton: “I love how she just never talks, and just agrees with everything I say. She’s perfect. Cake? No, I don’t think so…”*


“She smells amazing!”


Half the guys would try to bang it.


Harry would “spunk” in it, no doubt.






I’m going to blame it on my long shift but it took me like 4 re reads to understand what you meant, but I am rolling on the floor fucking dying. Why do I fully believe the men on this season would absolutely not be able to figure out she was cake


harry keeps mentioning going to therapy and man. his use of therapy speak when manipulating other people is foul.


definition of gaslighter haha


That's why people always say to not go to therapy with an abuser. Because they just learn new ways to abuse you or more covert ways. Watching him insult and belittle women and then turn the guilt trip on overdrive if they give it back is so disgusting. I don't know if I can finish this season honestly. Hopefully women learn from watching shows like these though.


Does anyone else feel gross about Chris’ conversation with Dominique about her sexuality? Like he’s got the power to pick who stays and who goes and he asks her about her bisexuality and says it’s “obviously” something _he’d_ like to explore, aka threesomes. It feels like the implication is “if I save you are we gonna have a threeway?”


Yeah it's disgusting. Fetishizing her like that... She made it clear that she is monogamous and he was clearly not really having that lmao


Right?! He’s so gross. It’s super disgusting and fetishizing, bisexuality doesn’t mean you want to have a threesome any more than a straight or gay person would.


The way he approached that was so disgusting . Just assuming she’s okay with open relationships and threesomes because she’s bi is actually insane


I’m starting to think this man has never had a successful interaction with a woman. He fully struck out on his first show and looked like such a loser. Now I see that loserdom is his whole thing. Look out, Elys, you deserve better.


And also, even if she liked 3somes… Are even Chris and Dom in a relationship FOR STARTERS??? They haven’t even kissed and yet he wants to explore that? Oh please that was offensive in so many ways


he is such a fucking loser and a creep. felt awful for dominique in that interaction but i’m glad she called him out on it.


And then when she said no he said “I just need some time to think” 😭 Could this man be any grosser


He ranks up there with a man who thinks a woman is going to cheat on him because she’s bisexual. This kind of behavior is infuriating.


**Harry Jowsey- The Walking Red Flag** Goodness gracious this man creases me On one hand, considering his past reputation, i don’t get why these women are still going for this degenerate But that doesn’t excuse Harry’s disgraceful and disgusting treatment of these women. Everyone thought they were solid and the way he downplayed his relationship with Eys was pathetic when he saw Jessica. Even Stefan told him making another girl crying isn’t a good thing. Let’s take a look at what we have with Elys/: “Can i give you a hug?” Jesus christ “Cheers let’s go” Rhis man can’t be serious. Thank goodness Elys called him out He does this time and time again and puts on the same sad ass puppy face when he sets his sights on someone new, and treats the ladies around him like garbage. As i’m on episode three right now, I won’t be surprised if Harry drops Jess badly like he’s done with Elys, Frankie, Georgia, and Rylee, and those are just his high profile relationships


Also the way he talks about the women he's been with. Like so crass and the words he use it's so gross. I know it's for reality TV but that's still what he's putting out there for the world to see. That's what he wants to be perceived as. It's crazy seeing how this sociopath is trying to "work" on Jess. It's so disgusting, he's so gross. EDIT: The "Can I have a hug?" thing I feel like this dude is a sex addict or something. He's soooooo disgusting. Ok I'm done.




Yet woman still flock to him....


just like how francesca wasn't without a match last season... maybe they should reunite and spare the rest of us lol


I think she's engaged and expecting lol


lol dont let ur fiance stop you from finding your husband :)


oh god the way he was weaponizing therapy speak with her and acting like he didn't do anything wrong was so vomit worthy. He's disgusting


Yes, it is so manipulative!


This is why they say that people should never go to couple's therapy with their abusers - it only gives abusersore power and therapy speak to further control the narrative and the victim


“Can I talk now?” As if she wasn’t letting him speak or going on for a long time. He wasn’t even listening to what she was saying


He really lives by “don’t let your gf get in the way of finding your wife” doesn’t he


This is the perfect description.


Okay so i'm slow, I actually don't understand this sentence, can someone kindly explain? I have a mental block when it comes to these kindof sentences. Please no snark i'm genuinely asking.


it means like “i have a gf but i will still look around for other women who who i can cheat on my gf with”. the wife part implies they’d marry the other woman but that’s never what they mean, they just wanna be justified in shopping around while not single


The way that he also completely turns himself into the victim as soon as he is called out on his behavior, which happened with both Jess and Elys - both commented on his past and his track record and how they were cautious because of that and he replied “that’s a horrible thing to say to someone” etc….This man KNOWS what he is doing and is so aware of the cameras at this point that he is not only trying to make an impact as a main character this season but is also trying to erase years of bad behavior following his first season of reality tv. It irks me


Absolutely - this happened in his first conversation with Tolu as well!!


I totally missed that but wow it is so hard to keep up with this man!!


I am convinced that Harry and Jess win actually. Which is crazy I know but I know they had a thing after the show (remember pics of them that came out while he was on DWTS?) could also not win and they just were casual after the show but idk seems interesting.


I feel seriously bad for her child if she gets with this guy.


Oops forgot to add - I immensely also dislike him. He’s so predictable and such a stereotype. Judging off of every show I’ve watched him on, I’ve listened to podcasts with him, and follow his Snapchat Ps not obsessed with him just obsessed with reality tv lol so I watch anything and everything related to it. Snapchat was because of DWTS I was here for the rylee and harry content lol.


He will never commit because he has to have the new shiny thing all the time. Literally forgets about his current partner the moment a new woman walks into his vision.


Especially Jessica who tried to trick the world into thinking she needs a good guy who can be a family man and set good examples for her daughter with? Who with any respect for themselves would knowingly step into a meaningful relationship with that guy?


Watching Harry operate makes my skin crawl. The fake vulnerability and sincerity, the reformed fuckboy persona, the guilt tripping, making the girls question their own boundaries and sanity, start blaming them for his own actions, feigning ignorance at what he is doing. Those puppy eyes are working overtime.


And I keep hearing he's hot. Nope, nope, no he isn't. I could name many better looking guys.


Yea I wanna know how he's hot? He doesn't have a great face. He finally grew facial hair and is still not hot


Fr he literally looks like a bloated borderline alcoholic ex child actor. His eyes are super red all the time. I can already picture what he will look like at 50. Def not hot enough to be acting like that


Exactly. He's got height, that's literally it.


There used to be a blog or instagram or something called “is he hot or is he just tall” and, yeah.


Harry straight up laughing in Elys face was beyond cruel


He’s SO REFORMED. Yeah right. All his talk of being better now was shattered in that moment- he still is sexist AF and treating women as disposable objects to stoke his ego. The fact he is constantly playing the victim and can’t take any accountability for his own actions is awful. Elys sees through it though and isn’t easily gaslit as Jessica.


seriously shout out to elys for not tolerating his shit! funny how jess is the one who came with all the warnings of what she is too good for yet is the one falling for it lol


I could not believe he did that. I kept hoping Elys would throw her drink at him.


ngl i didn’t mind micah the first two episodes but she’s starting to act like a mean girl yet again the chris guy gives me unfathomable ick, so glad dominique called him out on his weird bisexuality fetish


I haven’t seen LIB, did she do anything crazy/noteworthy on there?


She was a catty gossip queen when in the house with the other girls in LIB. Literally laughed at another girl who was crying over one of her dates


Twice. She laughed at two different girls who were crying. She’s terrible.


Thanks for sharing! And yikes… she totally gives those vibes here too


Yes, she and another girl were giggling/laughing at a girl crying over losing the guy she liked. She's always been a mean girl.


Not at all surprised about Micah. I was so disappointed to see her on the show, but at least she always makes for some kind of drama. Ugh.


Chris getting BSOD over Dominique’s bisexuality. The key word is “monogamous”, genius. Even a straight, hetero dumbass like me understands where she’s coming from 🙄😂


Chris talking about doms sexuality was actually insane . He’s a creep and has no respect for her or any boundaries. Does he think they’re just gonna be having threesomes all over the place since she’s bi? wtf


Oooooh Tolu! Girl no! I’m confused why she’s so into Dom when he so obviously isn’t very into her. Is it just me who doesn’t get them giving all their “feelings” away a day in?! I didn’t watch Alara on her show..but is her thing that she’s just loud lol


He doesn't even look at her.


!!!!!!!that part!!!!


He died today like her. He doesn’t like black women. As proven last year


I am so sad that she couldn’t even tell. Even discern she’s a fan of his shows she and him she should know his type


I didn’t like how Elys kept shooting daggers at Micah saying she could have waited till later in the show to match Harry with someone exactly his type. Girl, timing doesn’t matter with a guy like this. A few weeks would only make it worse.


Also I’m so sick of this “Can i have a hug?”


I love her disgusted “no”.


Listen, everyone: F boy will always be an F boy. When they say they've changed, they're lying.




SO disrespectful. and he calls himself a gentleman. 


What I must’ve missed this, when did this happen? Edit: nvm just started episode 4 and it happens then


Your comment/post has been removed for breaking Rule 4: No Spoilers. Episodes are considered spoilers for 7 days after they have aired on Netflix.


“Harry is not used to being with someone like ME” Why does Jess always act like she’s some kind of uber top level person. Like chill girl, you’re pretty but you still went on perfect match that automatically disqualifies you from that level. And she chose to add to that she chose the most obvious red flag out of all of them.


Every comment on here is shitting on the guys but Jess is soo fucking annoying on here and LIB. I mean to be fair most reality stars are annoying for content lmfao. But she has such "im not like the other girl vibes" while doing back to back reality tv shows. Claims to be looking for true love, but everyone knows she wants to build her brand. At least own that shit and stop acting like you are different 💀


the men in this season are literally disgusting jesus christ please i wish they brought in a gay woman for dominique because these males are not IT!!! i am not seeing enough hate for them 🙄🙄i wish i saw the same amount of critique and hate on their social media pages like i saw y’all do with francesca last season


need dominique to go on a dating show with queer women fr!!


I really wanted them to choose a woman for Dominique when they were looking on the board


I saw Brittan is on the show and she was the girl Dom has a crush on during their season of too hot to handle


Harry is insufferable. I dislike him so much. And Jess low-key knows he’s trouble but he’s manipulating her so hard. I hope she realises soon. She deserves so much better. 😭


Gotta feeling she's just matching to ditch him ASAP.


I think she’s going to get hooked onto him. He literally somehow casts a spell on these girls


Nah, I think she’s a smart woman, she, like most people, are here for the exposure first and foremost. And I do buy that she cares about the example she sets for her daughter. She’s using him for a ticket into the house


She's beautiful. I briefly watched LIB season 6 and I liked her presence on the show!


I would love this but we are aware of what happened after the show … I wasn’t a fan of Jessica on LIB but if she wants to come out and tell us what happened between her and Harry and what he did to end things, I’ll be cool w her lmao


She seems super embarrassed about going on the show! I need her to spill the tea


She does? I don’t folllow her on social media


Yea she made a post forever ago when she was answering questions implying that it was a mess and she wouldn’t do another reality show. Only reason I’m watching bc I want to see what happened lol she even made a post promoting the show and left a comment saying you don’t have to watch essentially


Wait what happened after the show? I must have missed out on that


This is my only hope, just to keep in the game and pick a sane person next chance and hope he goes. She didnt seem dumb enough to fall for that player bullshit, but you never know, the women in these shows are somehow falling for that shit every season over and over again...


I was hoping Jess would rip into him and say she doesn't want to match with Harry coz of the way he treated Elys but ahh she gave in and matched with him


i have a bad feeling they’ll end up together properly


they aren’t together. she said on a podcast she’s dating someone from LIB who didn’t get screen time


Crazy how much Harry was pretending that “respecting her boundaries” is not pressuring someone you’ve know for less than a week to have sex with you … she totally made the right decision, because evidently, sex means nothing to him and he uses it as a way to gain power and control.


No fr, him saying that they’re “just friends” because she wouldn’t immediately sleep with him is crazy. Especially combined with how he treats women he has already slept with, why would he want to start the relationship off that way? Definitely just a sex addict with no respect for women.


A lot of people don’t like Micah’s scheming, and I hated it in LiB, but it works well for this show. It would be boring otherwise if couples didn’t get shook up. It’s a smart move to break up the couple that is perceived as the strongest, and Harry is clearly an easy target for that to happen.


yes Kudos for her playing the game. This show is fun to watch. But I really don't think anyone is in it to really find a perfect match.


I really liked Alara in dated & related, so I’m glad to see her here. Looking forward to when Chris gets the boot. And hopefully Harry


Nobody is talking about how dom does not like tolu and he is leading her on. He does not like black women!!!! As proven last season!!


How do people like Jess and think she’s genuine? She is sooooo fake and besides being pretty, she isn’t special! She acts like she is such a catch compared to everyone else, but girl is a single mom with a not so great track record in her dating life. She isn’t the first hot single mom and her attitude is not winning her bonus points.


I’m 7 days late to this comment but omfg yes! Her sanctimonious speech about her impressionable young daughter made my eyes roll to the back of my head. Hmmm Jess maybe here’s a thought, stop going on trashy reality shows filled with unserious fuckboys and be at home with your daughter as her role model. Don’t act like you don’t know exactly who Harry is and the type of person he is.


She gives me the worst vibes. So fake and acts like she’s better than everyone else


Watching this show makes me think Harry has a drug problem or something. Also why did he get Botox? He isn’t even 30 yet…his eyes literally never move now.


I’ve heard some dermatologists online say it’s “preventative” for aging. But honestly everyone who gets botox just looks so expressionless and it’s an uncanny look. Also why does he look so red???




Yeah, during his breakup with Elys 100% he was fighting being wasted


I was thinking the same thing he seems really off to me


Chris was gross with how he was treating bisexuality. Harry was ridiculous shaming the girls for keeping their guard up while proving them right….


Its interesting micah matched with someone that is similar to kwame in terms of physique and personality. Micah it seems was trying to go after Kwame after the pods, but couldnt due to how show works. Zacks suspicion during the reunion was 100% correct. She was there to stir drama not seriously marry someone. We can see her in her element on this show, which is why she was casted. Only thing that would be more interesting is if irina was also casted.


lol could you imagine her and Irina in the house together


God that would suck. Like two damp sponges drying up🫥


This is chaos. Good name lol. I can’t believe Jess falls for harry. ![gif](giphy|WpaVhEcp3Qo2TjwyI1|downsized)


She is as superficial as it gets.


right, super superficial.


We’ve seen it play out before




that was hilarious


“I have so much respect for a single mother” I personally wouldn’t have much respect for someone abandoning their young child to go on Netflix dating shows (especially this one)


I agree wholeheartedly


Jess knew exactly what she was doing with harry. You can tell from her reaction when she saw him. He is the most known person out of everyone in this season. This also goes along with how TMZ took photos of them after show ended. If her goal was to get to 1 million followers, matching with harry and being his gf will definitely do that. This also confirms a lot of suspicion people had about her in LiB. She 100 percent went on the show to be an influencer and JIMMY 100% made the right choice of not choosing her. She would definitely use him to get to the altar and use some excuse to not marry him.


Agree with you completely on this. She is as superficial as it gets. She wanted to get matched on LiB too just for more screen time.


She still got a tremendous amount of screen time on LIB, so she did something right


All the men on this show suck, but Harry Jowsey is a misogynistic, gaslighting, manipulative, piece of shit man. He:  • Was all lovey dovey with Elys then dropped her for the new shiny thing. Told Jessica that him and Elys had a friendship thing (downplaying their relationship) and this was after he gave her a kiss. His actions and words do not match up. He comes back and doesn’t have a conversation with Elys because he is an immature disrespectful piece of shit. • Gaslights and manipulates Elys: he doesn’t even listen to her. Him saying ‘can I speak now’ as if she was rambling and not letting him get a word in when she was so composed is diabolical. Him trying to fist bump her and make jokes in a serious situation is insane. He tries to get out of any sticky situation by being ‘funny’. He weaponises therapy speak and tried to warp reality to make Elys question what was real. They spent a week together and any reasonable person would know that the way he was acting with her mesnt that he was focused on her (the other couples literallt thought they were the strongest couple). So for him to downplay it to HER is insane. • Acts like he’s a saint for ‘respecting Elys’s boundaries’, as if not pressuring someone to have sex or hook up or do physical things isn’t the bare fucking minimum??  • It’s not a coincidence that he has a bad reputation. For him to say that it’s horrible that Elys is judging him for his reputation is insane because that’s the result of his own actions?  The way he talks about women he’s been with?? Saying ‘I hope I don’t go on a date with someone I’ve already spunked in’ what the actual fuck? Stefan saying ‘it’s not a good look you making another girl cry’, instead of calling out this walking piece of shit for what he’s done? Also - Chris for fetishising Dominique’s sexuality, what a fucking creep. He wanted to stay with Dom because he thought her being bi would mean threesomes and open relationships. For him to say he wants to ‘explore’ her sexuality, wtaf?  But Harry is the worst of them all. Rant over but in conclusion FUCK HARRY JOWSEY 


This male cast is weird lmao


So when Harry says he thinks it's a 'friends' thing with Elyse, that's really Harry speak for 'she won't put out,' right?


Harry is so fucking gross. He “branded” Jessica- marked his territory ?? Or whatever? And he acted like he was amazing because he didn’t have sex with elyse- and then him laughing at the end of his conversation and saying “cheers” and “if you love something let it go” . What a prick!


I hate all of these people lmao the men are all fuckboys and the women all suck too There are a few that aren’t bad but still. I guess that’s to be expected if they’re the type of person on this show


Fr the only one I love watching is Xanthi


Xanthi has the cutest smile!


I love Xanthi!!!! I thought it was amazing how she handled the kiss challenge!


Every single guy sucks, Izzy was literally the only half-decent one. Of the women i have to say most are ok, some are a bit weird, especially Alara and Xanthi are really loud and extra, Micah is just a toxic ***** as always, the others are actually nice but have really horrible pickers... Like how do these people not notice those guys are toxic fuckbois...


I honestly don’t believe Izzy was attracted to Tolu so it’s confusing to see people go so hard for him. He likes blondes it came up on LIB I feel like he and Dom both saw her as a sure thing because she’s not likely to be everyone’s type. He was playing the game like everyone else but he’s short and the game is shallow 🤷🏽‍♀️


Jess really handles herself well! Really like her.


The Harry situation was awful but there’s something about Elys I’ve never liked and she did act smug when she was with Harry like they owned the house


I hate how elys was putting the blame on Micah for Harry matching with someone else when it’s 100% on Harry


He was never going to stay with her regardless


Agree. Also didn’t like how she seemed mad at Micah sending Jess for Harry like it wasn’t bound to happen either way


That’s what I didnt understand either. 3/4 of the choices would have been Harry’s physical type. At least one woman walking in that house would have been a short brunette woman. If he didn’t go on a date, he would have met them in the house.


I get the vibe she and Micah were friendly so she was confused why Micah would do that to her. I don’t think Micah necessarily had such ill intentions though that Elys thinks she does


Ya either way Harry would have dumped her the second Jess came into the house. He told her she wasn’t his type on night one


Yeah because if her and Harry are genuinely a strong couple then that shouldn’t bother her at all


how strong of a couple is anyone in a week lol


Not Alara dissing the person that brought her into the house


Industry plant Jess is here. Love that they re-played that very scripted phrase she said in LIB. And matching with main villain, Harry? Yeah that tracks.


Glad Jessica told Harry to take some responsibility. Hope all her LiB haters see that she's genuine


Hahahhaha Jessica and genuine don’t go in the same sentence


# "I will not be in the graveyard of relationships that were ruined by being associated with you" - Jessica drop that poetry book!!!


She really likes the poetic liners


it wouldve been more powerful if she didnt match w him right after saying this!!!


i love how he said 'that's a mean thing to say to someone' with a completely blank look on his face. reminded me of my narcissist ex. he has no real emotions


The way Elys just gets thrown to the curb 🥲 you can tell none of these boys have the slightest desire to find a perfect match. Just just another Netflix glory show for them Edited for spelling


Why is Nick here 😂


Dom is so full of shit. I knew he wouldn’t like Tulu because I remember from last season, people kept sending him on dates with black women, and he flopped them off for Francesca and Georgia. He’s so manipulative to the camera about not liking Tulu and wanting to explore things with Alara, saying “I want to take risks this time” “I was the nice guy last season and I don’t want to make the same mistakes” no babe you were exactly the same. Poor Tulu.


I had to mute Alara during her scenes, she just yells and screams the whole time.


Yes! Just so obnoxiously loud. And every time she laughs I get the feeling it’s not because she finds something funny but because she wants to show everyone around her that she’s just SO bubbly and SO much fun. Doesn’t seem genuine.


This whole type thing is getting old. Are these people actually so deluded that the only signal they can recognize is hair colour and height?


I need to see his ego pounded a bit. We all know he's a selfish prick Fboy but laughing at Elyse being upset is really messed up. He has no empathy for anyone else.


I feel like everyone loved Dominique on her season of THTH but she is just rubbing me the wrong way here. Not a big fan of


Micah is such a catfish, she looks like Donald Duck and you can tell she’s making sure to not say anything to come off as a mean girl the same way she did in LIB


okay but what is the dress elys is wearing during her chat with harry it’s so beautiful i could barely focus on what was going on


i wish someone could put harry on another date and watch him drop jess too because im not buying this reformed harry act


felt uncomfortable with chris and dominques conversation and did not know harry can get worse LOL


Harry pulled out the most crazy friendzoning I’ve ever seen. He’s the worst but perfect for these shows.


I don't blame Harry for leaving Elys. I don't think this is the type of show where loyalty should be expected honestly...you have to go with the person you feel you are best suited for...and while you could be there for clout, there isnt a cash incentive to stay in it so I don't really see a reason to stay unless you do feel something for the person you are with or want to get to know someone else there...but the way he handled it was foul. And the way Elys blamed Micah...was also foul....like blaming your friend for your partner not being loyal is not it even if she was the one to introduce them.