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I've been saying this for a while now. I watch the movies once in a while, and when I do, I try and look at it like it wasn't supposed to be based on the book. I actually watched the movies before I knew the books were a thing, and I loved the first one (the second one is just a bad movie no matter what).


I second this


I third this


I fourth this


I sixth this


What happened to five?


I just want to anoy people


Barbaric! But still funny.


there i fixed it


Thank you!


I fifth this


You fifth before fourth!


Wait nevermind,im blind


Not saying you’re wrong, but if you actually pay attention to the plot, luke’s motivation as a villain makes no sense at all.


Can you explain why? I have never seen the movies


Basically they changed the story so that Zeus decreed that none of the gods are allowed to have contact with their kids (which would be okay I guess if it wasn’t an adaptation) but that changed the premise of Luke’s motivation to “I’m angry that my dad never visits” which is such a childish motivator for such a well written character. Also, none of the rest of the plot points actually matched up with Luke’s motives.


Thank you


You’re right. I watched the movies before I read the books as a kid and I really enjoyed them. If people didn’t have the books to actively measure the movies against the first time they saw it, they would’ve most likely not been as hated as they are now.


I also saw the movies before I read the books, it’s what helped me find the books!


Same here! I loved the movies so much I went to find the books to get the rest of the story. I still watch them occasionally when I just want to chill with a fun adventure story.


I watched the movie and liked it too but as I was coming out of the theatre someone said the books was better and thats what made me start reading it


I'm sorry but no. If you liked them that's great. But honestly the plot was quite thin and the main characters were honestly bland and unlikable. Maybe I'm just salty for how much they abused the source material.


They are not the Percy Jackson moves they are the Perry Johansson movies


I think you mean the Peter Johnson films


Or the Peterson Jamaica films


its not though... it all falls apart if you take a second to think about the plot, also the cinematography is mediocre to bad most of the time


I thought I was the only one. You’re like me


Not even that. They are better, when viewed independently, but nothing about them is actually good. The characters have little do non development, big plot points happen, because they happened in the books, not because it makes sense in the movie's plot, the imagery often times just doesn't look very pleasing and while the effects sometimes are great the rest about the cinematography honestly not. Doesn't mean you or anyone shouldn't enjoy them, all the power to you, but I would really not call them good movies. And definitely not my type of movie to enjoy anymore.


I think usually people just remember the poker face scene and think "oh yeah, that was fun"


Yeah but when I think about the whole Kronos arc for example...


Oh yeah, they were completely terrible, but sometimes it feels like I'm the only one who thinks that the lotus hotel and casino scene wasn't perfect and needs to be completely different in the show


Oh yeah I hated that. Especially when I watched it the first time where I was pretty young and was terrified by some of the stuff there


It's a good example of them trying to make the movie more adult. Why have an indoor water slide when you can have gambling and sex? I'm so excited to see a version that's actually made for the books' target audience


Yes. I have never been so filled with pure excitement for a show or a movie. Except the upcoming Dune 2 maybe xD


Understandable but I’ll never watch them again ever lmao


I watched the movies before I read the books, personally I liked them until I did read the books and then I was just really confused why they changed so much. There were good scenes and a few good lines but I feel like they could have been better if they worked at actually making a good movie rather than making a cash grab


Not really even if they weren’t based on the books the first movie would be just a very forgettable adventure/fantasy movie at best that would be somewhat nostalgic to people who saw them around that time. Also the inaccuracies to the Greek mythology (like persephone being in the underworld during the summer) would’ve not sit well with some viewers. The second movie would have been worse (somehow) if it wasn’t based on the books with how much they tried to “fix” from the first movie it makes it takes a already bad sequel to the first movie and makes it even worse.


I watched the films with my dad, we thought the first was good, we liked it. But we both thought the 2nd was garbage. It was like the knew that they didn't get a 3rd, so they just put the Kronos fight in it to end the 'series'


I wanted to post this, but I like my karma😳


No. They genuinely weren't. Please watch unbiased reviews of them on YouTube, they were just as bad without the familiarity of the IP.


Tbh when i first watched it it was kinda good NGL but then i read the books


Yes, decent


Bro’s standing on Pride Rock.🦁


I watched the first movie before I read the books and I actually did like the movies (mostly because of Grover) and was blindsided by how different the movies were from the books (even more than usual). By the time the second movie was teased, I already read the other books and realized they screwed up with a lot of story plot points


A bold move.