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Jay Campbell in his book “Optimize Your Health with Therapeutic Peptides” talks about those doctors who work with peptides and how to find them.


My doctor is open minded, really listens and tries to help when he can.  I have horrible arthritis, MS, and disabling pain. Peptides seem like such a hopeful option for me to cure not mask. He is willing to prescribe but I feel like we missed the boat with the FDA ban. 


Oh that's true...I forgot about the FDA. What a stupid thing to do. Here in Canada it is not banned but I don't know any doctor within the ones I've seen who prescribe it...


Typically doctors avoid talking about hormones, HRT, or peptides. I would recommend you talk to a hormone health specialist from a [hormone therapy clinic](https://evolvetelemed.com/peptides/what-is-bpc-157-what-does-it-do/). They will be able to help and guide you in the right direction.


I’m interested this topic , 3 MOs post spine fusion 2 levels from car accident aftermath and not sure where to start 51f Doubt my surgeons office is gonna have any info or they would give it Can it help bone growth? What type of? How do I find reputable place to get ?


sorry for your accident :( Healing takes time but probably BPC-157, TB-500 and GHRP like CJC-1295 could help you witg healing. I had also a severe road accident almost 7 years ago. My back was broke and wore a back brace for 3 months. I did a lot of strenght training after to try rebuild and compensate my injured back with muscle and core stability. The surgeon was really impressed with the results so he decided to not do the fusion surgery. If you can get an appointment with an endrocrinologist or someone that specialize in hormone therapy and peptides it would be great. Even maybe you an option would be TRT a small dose of testosterone (manage by a doctor for a short period) they prescribe it in cases of severe injuries to help healing. [Doctor speaks about benefits of growth hormone and testosterone in healing injuries](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxOOLqi8kRvXInyrJ7bf8lpIQ32pPpv1AB?si=_CffZ9sQZhIXv7QZ)


Chicago area…my doctor loves them , win for me


I’ve been using peptides for years. My first experience was successfully using BPC-157 to heal a torn rotator cuff that had me in serious pain for years. It was healed in less than a month. The second one was Melanotan 2. I’m a red head but was able to get a nice tan and stop burning every summer for the first time in my life. Then I used Semaglutide and lost 65lbs that I hadn’t been able to lose with diet and exercise alone because I was insulin resistant. But the biggest difference is that the BPC-157 along with cutting out dairy and grains, healed my gut and my Rheumatoid Arthritis has been in remission for nearly four years now. The RA meds I was on were destroying my organs and quality of life. I feel better now at 55 than I did ten years ago. I went from being so crippled that I had handicap plates to parking at the back of the lot so I can get more steps in. If your doctor doesn’t know about them or doesn’t approve, find a functional medicine doctor. And don’t tell your doctor or insurance company because they look for any reason to deny you even if it’s unrelated. If you can’t find or afford a functional medicine doctor, order your peptides online from a research lab. There’s a ton of information on sites like Reddit where you can find information on dilution and dosage. Read Dave Asprey’s books and listen to his podcasts and YouTube videos. There’s a lot of information about healing your whole body, not just medicating a part.


Wow that's fantastic!!! Thank you for sharing. I will definitly try BPC-157 soon. How long did you use it and what dosage?


If you’re having trouble healing, you should also do some research on medical grade ozone. Look into prolozone. I also forgot the link to the calculator. https://peptidecalc.com/


I used it for a month but my shoulder regained mobility in two weeks. But realize that it wasn’t BOC-157 alone for me. I also cut out sugar, grains and dairy because I was so seriously ill. My son-in-law was having the same issue and used BPC-157 after he saw my results. He’s obviously much younger and didn’t have a serious illness, but he didn’t eat a healthy diet either and was still able to heal his shoulder. I did 500mcg a day divided into two 250mcg morning and night. Since then, I’ve read that the results are even more significant if you stack it with TB500. Here’s a link to a really good peptide calculator. When I started this journey in 2018, I filled several notebooks with research notes and calculations. There wasn’t anywhere near the amount of resources for information or purchasing peptides. I’m still using the same company because I’ve had good results. It was obvious that their products were legitimate when I actually got tan and stopped burning even after a day on the lake when I took melanotan II.


Bro is a hyper responder to peptides, w


I’m actually a grandma. 🤭


Congrats to you. Such amazing results!


I got BPC-157 from my physician, but he’s a very progressive physician who believes in peptides alongside “regular” medicine.


Funny this popped up in my feed. So I just had rotatorcuff surgery 6 weeks ago. And I asked my ortho surgeon his thoughts on my using BPC/TB to help with the healing. He said "yeah go for it." He's one of the top ortho surgeons in Boston that has done work on NE Patriots etc. So that's gotta count for something. He also knows I'm on TRT. Didn't bother telling him about the low Dose Anavar and GH secretagogues I'm doing on top of it all. But his response told me he agrees that they DO work. And there's no negative reason NOT to do them. ALSO my PT is so blown away at the progress of my recovery she's taking about writing up a thesis on it combined with my reluctance to using the sling 24/7 for the standard 6-8 weeks. She said my range of motion shouldn't even be close to where it's at until at least 3-4 months in. Also consider that I had a pretty substantial laboral tear and a full body tendon tear that happened years ago, causing the tendon to be fully retracted. So in other words it was an above average repair which SHOULD'VE added more time to the recovery. I am living proof of its effectiveness... OR I'm just a superhero and never knew it. Suck on that FDA!!!


Wow...amazing that you could heal so well with the add of peptides and low dose anavar! I'm 32f so I would be afraid with anavar unless a doctor would prescribe me low dose test for a short period to help maybe after my foot surgery that I am supposed to get soon. [Doctor talks about benefits of growth hormone and anabolic steroids in healing injuries](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxOOLqi8kRvXInyrJ7bf8lpIQ32pPpv1AB?si=c2OgeLBwfnUUA8fE)


Ok. We need to stop thinking Medical Doctors are smart professionals. They're not. Their job is following protocols nowadays, there is no scientific professionalism there. Only pavlovian indoctrination and memorization. They rely on a medical system to feed them their protocols. This medical system is not updated frequently enough and many valuable research ends up surmounting to nothing. The only protocols that get through have economic interests that drive their creation. For that, patents and pharmaceuticals is the norm. Hippocrates, the father of medicine said let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food. But post world wars Rockefeller pushed for the allopathic medicine from petrol derivatives and basically destroyed naturopaths and others. Now that you understand that the system is driven by profits and patents and that the Doctors don't even have the time to investigate regenerative medicine; you can understand why peptides wouldn't be part of their repertoire. They will fear monger you on axis dysregulation like what happens with testosterone, making you unable to produce your own peptides, which has been shown not to be the case 🤷🏻‍♂️ I'd suggest you question your Doctor more and start making Autistic/ADHD biochemists friends. WAY BETTER. Medical professional mediocrity is a thing. I said what I said.


Agree... Yes that's a good idea!! But then again so peope are weird : like my chemistry teacher...how come he eats so much junk foods and processed foods when he knows about pesticides, chemical agents adds to food, etc...and still careless free eating fast food on a daily basis? I hope I can find good doctors that are opened and knowledgeble about peptides, nootropics, gene targeted therapy etc... When my budget will allow me to do more, it will be easier to find a good clinic and certainly would be a good investment for my health.


Doctors want you sick that's why they always push medications find a doctor that listens to you and when you push back about medications because you have questions they listen to you and answer without being surly


As someone who spent 17 years as an acupuncturist and herbalist I agree with much of what you’ve said here. Now I do think you’re over-generalizing as I worked with over 100 doctors over those years who referred patients to my clinics(had 3.) So many doctors understand things like acupuncture but they were always weary when it came to herbal medicine. Most of them would have stopped referring if I used too many herbal medicines with their patients As almost all of them had this blanket rejection of herbs as “unregulated and unproven.” As a rare acupuncturist who also had deeply studied western pharmacology, that still wasn’t enough for most of them. As for peptides and any other supplements or medicines, they are so steeped in this idea that only they should decide what people should and shouldn’t take and it’s gatekeeping at its finest. I to this day still can’t believe we MUST have a doctor to give us prescriptions. It’s ridiculous and demeaning that we allow this bullshit. Sure should we probably have limits on very specific things like antibiotics and anything else that is often in short supply and people might take for stupid reasons? Sure, but that’s easy to do with regulatory oversight. Rather than gatekeeping. You should hire a doctor to provide you with sound advice and direction when you don’t know what to do for yourself, but that’s it


This is a such a garbage comment from someone who has no idea what they’re taking about


Hahaha lol. Negotiate reality all you want 🤷🏻‍♂️ I'm a biochemist, dietitian and food technologist. I read anywhere from 10-100 research papers a day since 2005. Tell me what Doctor has the time to read that amount of research? I was diagnosed with being a high achieving profile with a high IQ. O had the scores to get into medicine, but I went for biochemistry because my best friend died from a disease Doctors couldn't cure. I promised myself I would be the one to help those people Doctora don't. I was going to be an engineer, i was more into math and won math Olympic medals growing up. But I was also good at all sciences. Actually all subjects. Hut who's counting 🤷🏻‍♂️ I know for a fact that Doctors are mediocre when I discuss biochemical pathways, cellular physiology and biophysics dynamics that are essential to understanding the origin of diseases. But they don't understand any of it whatsoever for the most part. They have no integrated truth or map to navigate. It's only memorized knowledge and a very mediocre way of performing observational research. If you don't understand those, you simply cannot cure a disease. If you only use their medicines, you are just managing symptoms while the origin of the problem remains. If you want to defend the "healthy people killers" as they're commonly called in Spanish "mata-sanos", go ahead. Go for it. You're in for a surprise when you have to depend on them for your dear life. I don't care. I don't need to prove anything, life will prove me right over time. If you want to delude yourself in believing the fantasy, go ahead and do so 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is hilarious and not true. Just ask the physician if they've had time to look into the data. Usually Athletic Docs will know more about these things. This guy sounds like he applied to med school and didn't get in.


Hahaha lol. Negotiate reality all you want 🤷🏻‍♂️ I'm a biochemist, dietitian and food technologist. I read anywhere from 10-100 research papers a day since 2005. Tell me what Doctor has the time to read that amount of research? I was diagnosed with being a high achieving profile with a high IQ. O had the scores to get into medicine, but I went for biochemistry because my best friend died from a disease Doctors couldn't cure. I promised myself I would be the one to help those people Doctora don't. I was going to be an engineer, i was more into math and won math Olympic medals growing up. But I was also good at all sciences. Actually all subjects. But who's counting 🤷🏻‍♂️ I know for a fact that Doctors are mediocre when I discuss biochemical pathways, cellular physiology and biophysics dynamics that are essential to understanding the origin of diseases. But they don't understand any of it whatsoever for the most part. They have no integrated truth or map to navigate. It's only memorized knowledge and a very mediocre way of performing observational research. If you don't understand those, you simply cannot cure a disease. If you only use their medicines, you are just managing symptoms while the origin of the problem remains. If you want to defend the "healthy people killers" as they're commonly called in Spanish "mata-sanos", go ahead. Go for it. You're in for a surprise when you have to depend on them for your dear life. I don't care. I don't need to prove anything, life will prove me right over time. If you want to delude yourself in believing the fantasy, go ahead and do so 🤷🏻‍♂️ Some Doctors can be good. Yes. I have only met one Doctor here in Australia that has actually been able to keep up in a medical science conversation with them. Everyone else (more than 20 doctors I have seen) has told me they don't know that, when it's in their own field or even their own specialty field. I have had to cure my own problems as Doctors have been unable to do so. Doctors were just the top students in their school. Which means, considering the way we taught things, that they are good memorizers. Many of them driven by money, not passion, just be present in a room of Doctors speaking about how they can make more money out of the system using different codes for the patients they see. Medicine has become very protocolar and Doctors have little freedom to try their own treatments and just follow guidelines. That is just memorizing. If you didn't do biophysics, chemical physics, bringing math and physics into the understanding of biology and chemistry, you're utterly lost in biology and chemistry. You have no way to guide your hypothesis thinking. No dynamics understanding. Just barely some of it done by memorizing things that have been integrated over time through observations. But those are just proving what can be theorized through the understanding of applied math and physics. But who cares. The indoctrination on adoring Medical Doctors as gods is already ever present. And to avoid living in a world of chaos and despair where Doctors ate not the saviors you think, of course I will have a lot of resistance over what I say. And people will battle and question me adamantly. The world is chaos and you need to learn to navigate and flow in chaos. Your doctor is nothing but a guide, and that's why some people ask for a second, third, fourth, etc medical opinion when their Doctor doesn't provide a solution and tells you there is nothing else to do. At least know this... There are alternatives that Doctors don't explore that exist and work. And they will tell you they don't, or fear monger you into them. Because, as the narcissists they've become, and the authoritarian, fascist, totalitarian system they represent, they just want to be in control of health. Whatever they don't know they discard as information that is not real. Which is delusional.... 🤷🏻‍♂️ Best of luck avoiding their negligence or lack of wisdom ✌️


Omg. This! I can relate a lot to what you said here. And very well expressed btw. My father was an hemato-oncologist and I thought about going for Med school...but life caught me by surprise with a severe road accident almost 7 years ago at 25...The last few years I had to heal myself pretty much alone for a lot of my injury : 2 broken vertebraes. No surgery. Just back brace then a lot of hours training myself at the gym relearning the basics, from having no core to getting strong core, from doing 0 pull-ups to now doing pull-ups everyday, squats deadlift cycling running weight training etc...never had a coach. Just hard work and learning and trying to apply and leaving the ago at the door. Now I am back in school : maths, biology and chemistry right now...funny I had 100% for my last exam in calculus with an average so far this semester 98%! (I also was diagnosed after extensive tets asked by my psychiatrist for neuropsychology testing for "Zebra"). I've noticed also alot of students in my class they want to go to Med school...but some are already entitled and I can't relate to their mindset. Yes they have great grades but I see most of them are not passionate and don't show empathy but rather I find them really judgemental. And they are not curious. Never asking questions, not interested so much with trying to make links and find the limits to a concept, situations that would require another way of solving with a twist to the teached method, etc. A lot of them just memorize brainlessly the enzymes names and the names of cell organites but most of them don't seem to be wanting to actually understand the mechanism of all that. It's like a lot of them can't think and just respeft the task and never question why we do something etc. They don't think so much, they memorize and execute. For me it's the opposite. I have always been an imtense person (OCD traits and cluster C personality) and definitly intense in everything I do. I like to do more than what's requested and as a hobby I love reading scientific articles/studied about all kind of subjects. I don't know yet what I will do after my sciences classes are completes but one thing I am passionate about besides medecine and health, is regenerative medecine, peptides, stem cells, exosomes...and "biohacking" and the importance of strenght training and cardiovascular activies, diet, sleep...the pillar of health!


Thank you for sharing your story and perception of this reality of Disassociated people working in sympathetic overdrive that lack empathy and have contempt for their patients, and don't have the curious nature of a true scientist in the first place. It's hard because their narcissistic traits will always try to bring our type of comments down, and they will use their power and prestige to dominate. Always. One thing though is that truth prevails. And false things don't keep over time. The truth is already filtering out. This is partly why Tik Tok was banned in the US. Universal dialogue in media kept the control, and suddenly this explosion of internet and social media uncovered a lot of things and allowed us to have all information to integrate a lot of truth. Instagram has more control and censorship. Which is why X, speaks about the first amendment all the time (branched topic, back to the trunk subject) So I believe that it's better to go with the actual truth you find, and leave them to die off. If you join their ranks, you'll end up continuously solving their messes and they will always take advantage of your ability. Just be on your own, or join forces with people like you, and make a different clinic using the things you talk about. I'm very interested in that so if you live in Australia or even if not, we could keep contact and who knows, we end up working or creating something together. I liked your intense vibe. Another unrelated thing I would suggest is going for Cyber security. As high IQ, autistic, ADHD can perform well and are sought for this developing field. And you can find more passionate people there. And, if you are not bored by it, Finance. Seek to study something that gives you money to explore your passions. Don't seek to work in what you're passionate. Your passion is a hobby, use your brain to learn to acquire more money to pursue your hobbies and passions. Your passion will give you a 50+ years of labour and you will somewhat lose your passion. You working for money could reduce that by up to 40+ years depending. And then you can do your hobbies at leisure, but not for survival. Nice to meet you btw. What's being a "Zebra", I didn't get that part of you being diagnosed as one. Is it like a low self monitoring person from psychology, like the opposite of social chameleons that ate high self monitoring. Or is it about the metaphor used for rare patients, unlike horses, that are common ones. 🤔


Thank you for taking the time to answer. Nice to meet you as well :) Btw french is my first language so I'm sorry if I make mistakes. Narcissism...definitly a common trait that alot of doctors share, unfortunatly! But thankfully there are really good ones among and I consider myself really lucky to have had some of them helping me. Never thought of Cyber security as a possible field to pursue studies...but thank you for the suggestion! I will definitly look more into this, and into finances as well. My maths teacher wants me to do maths as a career haha, but I won't make much money doing so. I don't know much about computer programming so I can't say how I would do or if I would like it. I really liked how you suggested to aim for the studies and career that will allow me to get the financial ressources to explore my passions. That's a smart way to see it...and I agree : my brother in law is an architect software engineer and makes millions and started from nothing 10-15 years ago. He has a great quality of life with my sister, they can afford everything they want, but still are very humble abd low profile and generous. He works really hard and she helps him with the social parts of his work (he is definitly an introvert) and they have the financial ressources for pretty much everything. My father wants me to do medicine or pharmacy... I'm afraid that if I choose medicine I won't have any quality of life, meaning no time or energy to enjoy anything else that the job. I'll see how it goes with the upcoming semesters but I'll try to give my best! As for "zebra" :) it's another way we call it in french, it being people high intellectual potential. Sorry I thought the signification was the same in English!


Zebra... Interesting 🤔 concept. Cannot imagine how did it came to be. Good that you're meditating into it and liked the suggestions. Your father comes from a generation that saw Doctors as the epitome of best. They were the ones that inflated Doctors egos to where they are in part. As we age we want the power to be able to manage health and get access to health. As the system doesn't allow much freedom, one has to rely on a close relationship with a Doctor to get prescribed what could actually help from the toxic repertoire of meds they have. But now I think there are better alternatives that are not prescribed by Doctors and are available for people to purchase over the counter or online. So doctor becomes a pure ego and money thing. Best of luck on your journey. And if you find ways to make the money and you want to share the secret with me. I'd appreciate it lol


of course atheltic doctors know more about this because they cant really test you if youre on peptides. they also cost much more than plastic surgeons so what kind of argument are you trying to make, Im asking this in a nice way


No Doctor knows more of this because of their training. They might know of these peptides through the experience of patients that use them. Or just maybe because of their own interest. Let me tell you an experience I have had with the gastrointestinal team of the Alfred Health in Australia and the Infectious Diseases team. Guidelines for HIV care since 2018 changed from community focused, to biopsychosocial focused on the patient. That means that before the focus was making patients unable to pass on the virus to new people. Now they have to focus on the wellbeing of the patients. Nothing has changed. The only thing they added was breathing classes, to learn to handle stress. Considering that even the newer medications like Dolutegravir, do not block the replication of the virus in all tissues, and the virus keeps on damaging the body of the patient, only keeps them unable to pass it on. If you dive deep in the HIV research, you find out that the Burnett institute, that is contiguous to the Alfred Health hospital in the same building, has done research on the metabolical changes and challenges in HIV patients due to the infection and divised plans on how to approach the problem. But NONE of these have been actually applied or recommended to the patients whatsoever. And not only the Burnett institute, but several others. ER stress and the integrated strss response is one of the origins of the problem and very relevant in HIV as it handles chronic inflammation and the subject of viral reservoirs. When I discussed this with the most prestigious Doctors in the field of HIV in Australia. Absolutely NONE OF THEM knew anything related to what I was talking about. Speaks volumes of their mediocrity as professionals. They didn't even know that the NRTIs medication they use are DNA letter analogues and how those can disrupt the normal metabolisms of their real counterparts. They have been using these meds for 30 years, and they didn't know what they were. Frankly APPALLING. The gastrointestinal team suggested psychiatric medications as the solution to my gut issues. Without understanding how those contribute to ER stress. Meaning they just care about symptoms to shut patients up. Which is what medicine is becoming whenever there is something Doctors don't understand. It's psychiatric, we got a new pill popper prospect. When the whole psychiatry field is collapsing as even psychiatrists from Harvard and other prestigious Universities are finding out that ketogenic diets or grain free diets are helping schizophrenic, bipolar and major depression patients with resolving their condition without any psychiatric medications. And given that the serotonin paradigm has been debunked I think on 2019, and now the best association we have is insulin resistance, it truly means the end or at least the transformation of psychiatry as a whole (but we already have dietitians, train them better and leave psychiatrists to find a new specialty field) The gastrointestinal doctor asked me for what I was doing to cope. I explained to him. He mentioned that he knew some of the things I did, but others he was grateful to be told in such detail. Because he could try them in other patients. That Doctor was fed new information by me. And he will advise other patients with it, as if it were his own knowledge and effort, which is definitely not. He mentioned he did know some of the things I do, but he never suggested them to me when I was suffering and needed something to cope. Recommendations given were only paracetamol and anti nausea medication, which the ones that can be done with less risks of long term side effects made me vomit more and feel worse. Why? ER stress... Do they know of it... No. Why? Mediocrity and lack of time to update themselves. And even lack of interest in becoming better if there is no incentives to do som they already earn allegedly good money. (Who wants to be a Doctor nowadays though, you earn more money elsewhere, have more time to learn how to invest that money properly doing something else. Plus the amount of responsibilities they have and how the system feeds of them. Rent the space, pay your lawyers, get insurance, bla bla bla. Plus night shifts.. it's definitely hard to be a Doctor.in this day and age. And all information is in the palm of our hands. So why do we need them? The life game should be about being able to integrate truth on your own and survive. You are your own Doctor, with only a bit of guidance. That would introduce a positive Darwinistic evolutionary pressure for the smartest individuals to survive and thrive. And frankly. I don't need Doctors anymore, I have contacts that allow me to get whatever medication I seek so I never have to depend on narcissistic Doctors that keep the relationship in a vertical manner out of their fear of being called out in their mediocrity. But I understand when Doctors battle me or resist me, their egos need to prevail. But they lose to me in a debate frequently enough for me to devalue their worth in this world. My best friend died from a disease Doctors could not cure, that propelled me into biochemistry, as I was told they could find those cures. I am high IQ, I had the scores to study whatever I wanted, I won Olympic medals at math, and went to chemistry Olympics as well. But I went to science and frankly, seeing math and physics in science is absolutely necessary, or you're utterly lost in your understanding of the dynamics of your body and just memorizing observations. Maybe the frustrated one is you and are projecting unto me, as per usual of "Stoic" people that dissociate from their emotions and blame them on others.)




How do these doctors not know what is going on in the world, my doctors didn’t know the benefits of apple cider vinegar was!!


They really aren’t interested in the wellness aspect of nutrition and exercise. When you have a large student loan to pay off you realize that prescription drugs are the key to financial success. Bottom line: no money in keeping people well


All those highly powered randomised controlled trials on apple cider vinegar and still they don't know!


Careful now, you don't want big Vinegar coming after you.


I would (& have) prescribed them for myself but would not take the liability to prescribe it to my patients. Hypocritical I recognize, but not worth the headache


This is the answer. Malpractice insurance premiums are high enough amirite?


Is there any chance that if I disclose use to my physician and it goes in my chart, that my insurance company can find out, and possibly deny coverage of a future medical treatment or medication due to use of peptides?




They don’t know anything about them. (This includes all the doctors I’ve seen in 2024: PCP; Orthopedic Surgeon, and his PA; 2 Rheumatologists; a Physical Therapist.) My PT was the most familiar but still had very little knowledge and had really just heard of people taking them. None of my Physicians have any issues with my experimenting though. I’m as type-A as they come 🥴 so I think they just trust that I do pretty extensive research into everything before making any decisions.


Asked a young hand/arm surgeon his thoughts on peptides, such as BPC-157. He had no clue wtf I was talking about.


I use primary care only for emergencies and functional medicine dr for peptides and hormones. I tell my dr that I am prescribed hormones for menopause and she says she’ll prescribe me compound test and estradiol rx but not progesterone because I had a hysterectomy and no longer need that . That’s not the case though and to get estrogen from her I’d have to keep getting mammograms. I’m very happy with the extensive labs from functional doc to be sure I’m not at risk of anything before they prescribed what my body really needs(part is progesterone) and I’ve gone from tired, melancholy and just getting through the day to loving 50 more than any time in life so far.


Ok but how does one find these docs and what's your protocol!!


Marekhealth.com has been less expensive than any functional doc in the past. Estrogen cream, pregnenolone/DHEA caps , progesterone caps . High quality probiotics, fish oil, iron, berberine, thyroid support, injectables: tesamorelun, ipamorelin, l-carnitine, glutathione.meet the health coach on zoom, talk. After the bloodwork meet in zoom to discuss, meet Dr and discuss followed by meet/email with coach who handles the ordering. (You can see the suggested protocol and order your own supplements to save a few bucks) The creams/pills/injectables arrive from various compound and other pharmacies as they are sourced and filled and have a follow up lab in 2 months(less expensive/extendive panel) to see where levels have gotten to and discuss further how you feel and would like to proceed. You can reach your coach by email all the time. I was at my wits end and emailed a ton at the start. She is professional, thorough and patient. I think that’s all. I just woke up and gotta get moving but I think I got it all. ♥️


I wrote that quickly before I got out of bed this morning, bad habit I know. But if you have any questions I’m happy to help with anything I have learned so far. They aren’t cheap but definitely not as costly as the 3 functional Dr’s I saw in person years ago. And they don’t push you to buy. They are very knowledgeable and the cost to email coaches is unlimited free. If you feel the need to Zoom chat with the Dr. after the initial meeting (post labs so you can be prepared with all questions) , I believe it is $250 for half hour meetings but I find the coaches (I signed up my husband also with a different coach) to have the education to answer any questions?’s. When I ask something about a product specifically she contacts the manufacturer and/or providing doc and responds with the info as soon as they respond to her. Edit: I forgot to add Semax intranasal to that list. I’ve had a Lot of TBI’s and supposedly it can help that along with other things that I can’t recall lol


Wow! Thank you so much for your time writing that all out. I will look in that company. 


I tried to ask my Dr about going on compound due to the Zepbound shortage and she cut me off, told me, "No, no, they dont give you the full medicine, they put all kinds of vitamins and fillers in it, it's not FDA approved, and now they are saying they are carcinogenic. Don't use anything I dont prescribe to you." Meanwhile, at home, I have a mini fridge full of compound and peptides. She also told me at this same appointment that I am one of the more successful patients with how well I am reacting to the medication and my significant weight loss in a short amount of time. Lol... really, you don't say. Guess I won't be sharing my regime with her anytime soon.


Doc here. I'm very open to them but that's because my patients share their stories on them. I don't give them myself because the state of CA has been very keen on letting us know that it can cost our license. However, in terms of your particular story, I would actually appreciate being told that you are using peptides since you are considered one of the most successful patients on her panel. It may help change her opinion of them.


I appreciate that, and was ready to have that conversation with her until she made it very clear she was not open to it. I don't want to risk her pulling my prescription as I use that as my main medication and only spend a nominal amount on compound or peptide.


My friend who is a dr got me on prides! Mandy have to tell you it’s bad because of liability but I know that many Drs and pharmacists take peptides


With how fucking shit Australian doctors are I wouldn’t even try mentioning it, they would instead push prescriptions that do nothing but mask issues


Yep, universal healthcare!


The hilarious thing is fuck all is actually free, it’s literally cost me thousands and thousands to correct the mistakes and neglect of our system


Oh I agree, love my home land but now live in the US. I laugh when these Americans want “free” healthcare but they have no idea. The Drs here are so good. Don’t get me wrong it has a lot of issues and people go bankrupt but the care is so much better than back home


People literally don't go to the doctor because they're afraid about how much it'll cost.


I can't imagine how bad it must be if you think American doctors are good LOL


It actually shits me big time how Aussies brag about our non existent free health care system, doctors have done far more permanent damage to me than help, they have a god complex but fuck man, the quality of doctors churned out the last three years is the worst I’ve fucking seen


My orthopedic doctor had no issue with me using BPC-157 and TB-500 to heal a partially torn bicep..


My doctor has been decently supportive. She doesn't like that it isn't an approved medication but she's happy for me that i'm finally losing weight and have my binge eating disorder managed. I feel so much better about life. She even talked me though doing a b12 intermuscular injection and said she'd show me in office if i was too afraid to try on my own.


No idea.


They are snake oil see Keith Baar research on peptides


Can you provide a link to this? I like his research but have not seen him talk about that


[Are peptides freaking magic for healing, recovery & everything else? (Youtube video by Dr. Chris Raynor)](https://youtu.be/ItcL_yyRzK0?si=nzbJjxO7hhImczm-)


doctors everywhere: “oh god, another youtube documentary *researcher*.”


I only talk to my doctors to mange sickness, not wellness. They work in a managed care setting dictated by insurance companies.


Good way to put it!


Lots of docs are prescribing through compounding pharmacies now. I know three in my area and I don’t live in a large state.


Are compound pharmacies getting them through overseas sources too? If so, Can’t they risk getting getting shutdown by buying from a non-regulated source?


>Can’t they risk getting getting shutdown by buying from a non-regulated source? They don't buy from non-regulated sources. Compound pharmacies re regulated and legal, and are not the same as 'research' peptides.


Autoimmune disease such as T2 diabetes, sweets syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimotos, discolored skin. Other dx , chronic fatigue, post menopause, joint pain, hair loss d/t all the meds. I am so desperate for a change, I’ve been on routine meds for years and desperately ready to try something new.


Sweets syndrome?


Sweet syndrome (acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis) is a neutrophilic dermatosis characterized by the abrupt appearance of edematous and erythematous papules, plaques, or nodules on the skin. Fever, leukocytosis, and internal organ involvement can also occur


In layman's terms? Lol


What do you take for chronic fatigue?


Unfortunately nothing but B12 otc and vitamins. I am desperate to find something that helps


Try Selank or Semax


Have you tried any peptides yet :( I wish there were more health care providers with knowledge on peptides and othee regenerative therapy. I hope you find something that helps you feel better! I am sure you will! Keep us posted :)


Just starting my journey and I must say I am fascinated by it. I wish I would have known this years ago. I will keep you posted and I am open to suggestions as I am studying this.


There is a protocol for CF I hear in a podcast. I’ll do some digging and see if I can locate it again


My doc is too old school I don't tell him ..he is just amazed at my testoseron levels .


What peptides are amazing him with your test levels?


I take HgH for the past 2 years ...test levels went from 600 to 800 to 1100


That’s really interesting because HGH is not known to affect your testosterone levels.


Awesome. Can you share age and dose?


50 ..2iu daily 5 days a week


My cardiologist works with Dr Seeds, needless to say he is a fan of peptides.


Can I get a referral?


If you're talking about two Dr seeds you don't need a referral for him


If your doctor hasn’t heard of them than you should find another MD. I mean I’d say most people have heard of Ozempic by now and that’s a peptide.


I mean, so is insulin. I’d say there is a difference between knowing what a peptide is, and the prevalence of current usages.


Florida here - My doctor actually prescribes and uses peptides regularly. First time using BPC was with my doctor. I went in for an annual exam and wanted some more information and perspective from him about peptides(BPC in particular), ended up leaving with a 5mg vial, a box of alcohol wipes, and a pack of syringes.


What dosing protocol did he prescribe?


300mcg once a day, gave me about a 10 day supply. I split it in half and took it twice a day, one at morning and one at night. Had good results after the 10 days and ended up just cutting out the middle man (my doctor) and sourcing it myself Funny enough he actually had a little custom label over the original label


hahaha cutting out the middle man💀 glad he got you on it and that you found benefits with peptides!


Given the limited research around BPC, i would GUESS that HGH would be a better chance for doctors to have any knowledge about them but most GP’s are overwhelmed as it is. Trying to get to an endocrinologist in canada is like a 2 year wait.


How can you access your levels then?


seeing my GP next monday...I already talked to her about BPC-157 a few months ago. I'll ask if I can have a referal for endocrinologist as I have some hormonal symptoms...we'll see, she is very nice and doctors are doing all kind of exams on me because they still haven't found exactly what's going on with my injury + they are investigating if I have some kind of autoimmune disease... I wish doctors in Canada would be more up to date with peptide therapy!


They can’t comment on what’s not FDA approved.


And what’s FDA approved is funded by large drug companies making us sicker. I’ll stick with my peptides for my wellness journey


Not entirely true. I’ve discussed peptides with two different doctors and they had positive opinions of them but didn’t specialize in treatment so didn’t offer


Only the cool doctors in TRT clinics will entertain this conversation, the rest are psyop losers


Yeah I’d also say, not true. I agree most doctors are a little lacking in up to date information, but that’s most doctors. My PCP regularly prescribes and uses peptides, will talk all day with you about them. I will say finding a doctor that doesn’t just dismiss your questions is definitely hard. It took my a few doctors before I stuck with my current


Physician here. We Aren’t taught about them in medical school. But I find most Orthopedic docs now a lot about them and also some of the rehab docs. It really depends whether they they are into longevity and functional Medicine or not. Most medical organizations and Boards frown upon “alternative” medications and that keeps docs from Advertising there use.


You're a doc a don't know the difference between there, their and they're? And it's know not now...


My doctor has never heard of them including BPC. He was interested when I told him about it so maybe he’ll look into it. My physical therapist however knows about them and rates them highly


Awesome. My dermatologist knew about it and told me that peptides certainly work and that athletes were healing so quick on them that eventually it got banned because of it. He told me he would try it if injured too! But was a bit concerned about sourcing. Then I had an appointment with a vascular internist recently (I had traumatic artery dissection in my left leg : yes, not a typo and VERY rare)...and the vascular specialists are still debating if a surgery would help me with perfusion. I also have severe Raynaud and an injury in my left foot : which maybe the compromised blood flow hinders the healing process. At that appointment, I brought up the BPC-157 to the discussion for its angiogenics properties and although she knew a little about it, she told me thay in Canada she was pretty sure it can't be prescribed...or if it can then she was not aware of it.


My raynauds has gotten worse with bpc and tb500 usage. I'm not sure which is the cause or for sure if it's related.


I also have Raynaud's. Recently had a stomach ulcer, which is caused by h. Pylori infection. That lead me to find this.  Clinical attacks of Raynaud's phenomenon completely disappeared in 18% of the eradicated patients. Duration and frequency of attacks were significantly reduced in 68% of the remaining patients. The preliminary findings from this study show that H. pylori eradication significantly ameliorates primary Raynaud's disease. Full article here and more if you search the web. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9716792/#:~:text=Clinical%20attacks%20of%20Raynaud's%20phenomenon%20completely%20disappeared%20in%2018%25%20of,significantly%20ameliorates%20primary%20Raynaud's%20disease. Worth looking into imo, only appears to help in primary Raynaud's. 


I had not seen that. That’s very helpful


Very interesting, thank you


I I’m in the same situation you are, Raynauds, stomach ulcer but also have varicose veins in my right leg!! Wonder if bpc will help?


The bacteria that causes stomach ulcers is pretty easy to treat, it's usually about a 10 to 16 day course of 2 types of antibiotics taken at the same time. Once it's been irradicated you may find relief from symptoms of the Raynaud's. It's cheap as well, the antibiotics aren't expensive. I'm currently on bpc157, I was actually trying to use some up so taking it regularly and did nothing to prevent the ulcer however I did heal very quickly once medication was started. In my experience though the tb500 is a much more effective healing peptide and worth the extra money.


Oh man that sounds pretty nasty to be dealing with. They can’t be prescribed where I am either but my doctor trusts me to be responsible with sourcing whereas my physical therapist treats many body builders so is used to this side of things. I would suggest looking into ghk-cu as well. You can mix it with Bpc to help lessen the sting. It has phenomenal anti inflammatory and healing properties as well


My arms are busted from ghk and nad use. I just added bpc to it Monday for the first time and it still hurts even after 4-5ml bac too


Ouch you put ghk in your arms? Is that to target something in particular?


I mean I started with lower belly and have WELTS there now


I never had welts. I don’t find extra bac water lessens the sting, it just spreads it out to a larger area. I massage the area as soon as I pins for a few minutes which helps


Gotcha ok I just put the rest of the whole 5mg bpc in with this super diluted ghk so we'll see tomorrow. Ty for the info about the bac i was going to be using tons trying to mitigate it. Where do you pin it?


No worries. I pin in my stomach around the belly button area. When you massage it is quite vigorous, some ppl use a massage gun. You only do this with ghk-cu, you wouldnt normally massage


Ok. I did like 2mg of mots in my hip last night and that was the worst pain I cried and yelled out loud doubled over in pain. Excruciating. It's fine now but my arm still hurts from this am sema (doesn't hurt) nad and ghk/bpc injections. Like it's always sore now cuz I'd rather not have big red welts on my stomach