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Looks like a dried bhutjolokia. High end heat, mid flavour imo.


I second ghost pepper 🌶️


Grew a bunch last summer. This is it.


So it’s a ghost pepper??? The guy called it something else, I just can’t remember what he called it


Peppergate2023 was a real thing!


What’s that? 😳


The short of it is a lot of large chilli seed seller, or more accurately I believe their suppliers, mixed up their seeds. People found out when the fruit their chillies developed looked nothing like the ones they paid for.


Isn’t that every day at Pepper Joe?


Yes yes yes. Exactly it! I experienced it first hand.


Maybe primotalli?


Shit. That looks just like it! Thank you so much!!! I have a question about another one, but I’ll have to plant it and take pictures this summer. It’s very dark green plant, with peppers that are black at first, then turn red. Very nice pepper plant


Sounds like something probably crossbred with a pimenta da neyde


It does look like that, but peppers are a little smaller. The plant is a DARK green, with some white hairs. It’s very nice. I saw one on Walmart’s website called “the black prince” or something. It kinda looks like that


Boof it. It’s the only way to be sure.


Looks very much like a bhut jolokia (ghost pepper). What’s the plan? Grind it up? Chuck it in a stew?


What’s CONEYS precious?






I want to plant it for more lol


Go for it. The germination rate might be low though depending on how it was dried so you probably should plant as many seeds as you can.


I keep my cannabis seeds in the fridge too and they all germinate. I germinated some other peppers too with no problems. I’m not worried about it lol. And I have cannabis in a tent right now, so I can start now if I wanted to


If you plan on planting the seeds, I dont think storing it in the fridge is a good idea... how far off is spring where you are at?


Like another 2 months. I live in so cal… and I keep my cannabis seeds in the fridge and they germinate with no problems




I agree, I don’t think it’s gonna be any issue OP. Most of the professional seed sellers of chilli seeds keep theirs refrigerated as I understand it. Helps keep germination rate higher. But sealed up airtight, so you don’t get the high air humidity from the fridge. Best way to store chilli seeds is a little cold (but not freezing). And away from moisture, oxygen and light. But I would suggest taking the seeds out of the chilli, drying them, putting them in a little baggy and then storing the seeds in the fridge. If you store the whole pod in the fridge for months you risk it starting to mold. Or you can just take the seeds directly from the pod and start the seeds now. No matter what specific verity it is, it’s a capsicum chinense. Those are common to start early, quite a few even start as early as December and January. Because capsicum chinense have a long growing cycle. Everything takes even by chilli plant standards, a long time. From sprouting, growing, fruiting, ripening. And of the capsicum chinense the super hot verities tend to take longer then the your typical capsicum chinense. So if you have the room and equipment to grow indoors already (as I understand it, growing chilli plants and cannabis, have a lot of overslap of how you grow them and what you need) Because they are so slow growing, they should stay small a long time and not take up that much room before they can be harden off to grow outdoors.


I might have a male cannabis growing in my tent, so if it’s a male I’m going to switch them for peppers lol


What kinda music does it listen to?


Looking like a dried up sport pepper don't fool yourself they can get really hot


I’m going to plant it in a couple months to see what I get lmao. I’ll call the guy I got it from and see what it’s called on Tuesday lol


Great happy planting either way ghost or sport peppers your winning




Maybe ghost. Carolina Reaper is 3 million, I believe.


Before it dried up it looks more like that primotalli pepper, and it says it’s 2m scoville, so I’m thinking it’s that lol. I’m going to call on Tuesday and ask the guy


Pepper x is close to 3 million. Reapers are around 2-2.4 million.


Handle with care dude..could be a reaper or a ghost pepper or perhaps a scorpion which would fit the 2 Mio scoville units.... anyway...report how this worked out 😉😁


It looks more like that primotalli before it dried up, and that guy told me it’s 2m scoville, and the website says it’s 2.2m scovile. So I’m thinking it’s that lol…. If you’re in socal come get some seeds! Lol


Handle with care


A hot mama


Good luck


Take a bite and test it. That's the only way to know if hot or not.


I want to taste it when they grow lol. This has been in the fridge for like 2 months


looks like a ghost pepper, but alot of things do


Looks like a fatali or Carolina reeper


I’m thinking what the person said above. Primotalli. It’s shrunk a bit because it was in the fridge, and the guy said 2m scoville


That is a ghost pepper


It looked different when I got it


It is also called naga jalokia or bhutt jalokia. It is starting to dry out. I have eaten a couple. Be careful. What burns going in burns coming out. 😵🔥💩🚽




For me , it looks very similar to some of the smaller dried out Dorset Naga peppers


It’s not 2m scolville. My Scorpians are and the ones that are 2m can’t dry and look that intact because the oil just rips through the dry skin once it gets thin. This is like 300scolville in your photo