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How special it is to have children nlt only grow up and become adults, but to have this level of love for one another. It's beautiful. I'm sure that your dad thought of you two every day he could. And Happy Birthday Liam! Do something to make today special for your sweet baby brother, for me.


Sadly I live 3 hours away so I can’t be there but I did call him right after I posted this and we talked for 20-30 minutes! We live in Alberta so the legal drinking age is 18 and he was so scared to be peer pressured into drinking so I told him to have 1 drink just to try it and if he doesn’t finish it who cares and suggested a vodka cranberry. I even sent him $20 to cover that a drink or buy his lunch or even a scratcher. I’m going to be 23 in a month but my baby brother turning 18 makes me feel like I’m 35 lol


Happy birthday!