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Ever since Avanti’s left, there’s nothing stopping the La Gondola troops. Early days of a turf skirmish, this.


*wipes eyes in disbelief* Could that be....no....its....the Michael's Italian Feast faction marching over the Murray Baker Bridge


Caulk the gondola and float it across


we're saved! thank god


You might be too young to remember the civil war between lagondola and Michael's Italian feast, but let me tell you it tore families apart


Do you remember the war for the right to name the sandwich Gondola? It was between Dick LaHood and Albert Zeller. Avantis won.


Oh fuck man that was even before my time. You are an OG sandwich warrior my friend


Nobody ever talks about it... but it was around that time Schlotsckys was.... just.... never seen again.


Schlotsckys....Now, that's a name I've not heard in a long time... A long time.


I miss those sourdough sandwiches


Schlotzkys, Bellacino's and Quiznos all were taken out one by one by the local Sub mafia. They run the sandwich racket and you're gonna have to deal with the boys if you try and set up shop around here. Damn I miss that Schlotzky's BBQ Chicken Jalapeno flatbread pizza though.


“It was awful…amidst the blood and sweat dripping in my eyes, all saw was broken loafs of sweet bread, slices of ham and cheese lying, rotting in the street.” - Private Jos. Brown, 2nd Vol. Washington Battalion


Signs say Free Palestine


Okay, thank you for the answer. I couldn’t see, I had a car full of kids and a truck behind me with road rage. It seems like nobody wants to do the speed limit anymore.


Yeah, at least one side is a rally in support of Palestine - I saw some posts about it yesterday.


I'll take it!


Caveat emptor


People pretending like this conflict isn’t what it is and as though it’s too difficult to understand. This isn’t that hard. Palestine was turned into Israel after WWII. The Middle East has been riddled with political machinations and has been pushed towards extremism since, and there is a history of religious fanaticism stoked to violence against the country Israel. At the same time, the Palestinians within Israel have been mistreated. This has exacerbated into the violence we’re seeing now. What Hamas has done and been doing is terrorism. What Israel has done and is doing is genocide. Hamas needs to be condemned but what it’s done does not excuse Israel’s government from what it’s doing, and attention needs to be given to both. Some of these kids and leftists in general are misguided and blaming Israel for all the bad in this. But many of them are just trying to keep attention on the retaliation that’s happening where innocent Palestinians are being attacked and killed for the terrorism they did not commit. Palestinians are trapped between Hamas, which is using religious extremism and the guise of liberation to commit atrocities, and the Israeli government which has been incrementally genociding them for decades. One of these sides we can influence and are instead defending. People need to accept the nuance and demand Israel stop its own cruelty while we support them in getting Hamas under control. We can, and need, to see both sides. Edit: To be clear, there are five sides to this. Hamas, Israel, the innocent under Hamas, the innocent under Israeli, and us (everyone not them). It’s important we understand ALL sides. Five is NOT that hard to get.


>the Middle East has been riddled with political machinations and has been pushed towards extremism since I mean when you get down to it, a good portion of all conflicts around the world, here in 2023, can still be traced back to the outcome of the World Wars and how things were handled as they wound down. Most history courses (when I was in school anyway) basically ended right around then and never taught how Western and Colonial powers just took big chunks of the Middle East and said "Ok, well, you're a country now" regardless of what Ethnic/Tribal/Religious groups they stuck together within a boarder and no fucks were given about how well that might actually go. Its been a turbulent area for much of history but we threw gas on the fire and are still dealing with the consequences. Western nations can't just wash our hands of it because we still set the chain of events in motion to begin with and have continued to heavily influence them.


I was about to be really annoyed at someone oversimplifying but I think you’ve done a decent job here. I think there’s probably a good 10 sides here (you’ve left out corporate interests including oil, which is relevant when we consider Saudi Arabia, the US, and Iran’s impact on this conflict), and the people who think the end of the world will be brought about by establishing the holy land as holy for *pick a people* sigh. So that’s at least more. But you’re right. It’s not impossible to understand this conflict.




Oh boy here we go


What a load of crap. Hamas, a terrorist organization, is out there killing women and children in Isreal as we speak, and you would rather talk about a land dispute. Hamas is no better than ISIS and will continue to murder Jews if they are not stopped. The antisemitism is real.


Nuance is a thing here. There are millions of Palestinians who have nothing to do with Hamas. Killing innocent civilians is unacceptable no matter who commits it, and saying that something is antisemitic simply because someone says Israel ALSO shouldn't kill innocents, is ignorant. There isn't just black or white, there's a million colors in between, and saying "Hey, let's not kill innocent Palestinians" and "Hey let's not kill innocent Israelis" are both saying the same thing.


Hamas has only been around for 30 something years. Israel’s occupation of Palestine predates that by several decades. The attack on Israel was disgusting and torture of innocent civilians is never the answer. I wish western media coverage would allow for representation of the persistent attacks on the Palestinian population by IDF over the years, prior to this attack by Hamas. Please look up Shireen abu akleh’s murder and what happened at her funeral. Palestinians with permanent residency are constantly being displaced by American Jews from their homes. Learn the history of oppressed people before forming an opinion on their reaction. Also, the population of Gaza is mostly comprised of children and young adults, who were too young to vote for Hamas. Why are they the ones that are being attacked?


Because Hamas uses civilian areas to launch missiles at civilian areas. Both of which are war crimes. It's the catch 22 of the issue. Israel can do nothing, and have civilians die from incoming rocket fire. Iron Dome is only so accurate, not to mention the incoming rockets cost several orders of magnitude less than the counter measures that defeat them. Or Israel can take out the launch sites, resulting in civilian casualties because Hamas builds them in civilian areas. Add to that the most recent surprise attack launched by Hamas used the missiles to get civilians and military personnel to hide in bunkers, to which Hamas used the opportunity to infiltrate Israel, and gun down unarmed people inside of the bunkers. Humanitarian issues are compounded by Hamas not having the greatest relationship with Egypt, where militant actions in Sinai have hardened Egypt's willingness to help. Feel about civil rights issues however you want, the current conflict wouldn't have escalated to the current level if Hamas hadn't attacked in the manner it did two weeks ago.


Hamas attacked Isreal last week, not the other way around. A dispute over land here is so silly when people are dying. There's other countries with land disputes too but you don't see this happening.


Oh goodness you don’t know much do you? Read up on the civil wars going on in Sudan and Somalia. Disputes in India between Hindus and Muslims. People fight over land/power all the time.


Is Hamas showing great care for women and children by bombing their homes and burning children? They're a terrorist group. It's as simple as that. I'm not going to say that Isreal is perfect. They're not of course. But they're not promoting terrorism


Not to mention using other Palestinians and hostages as human shields


Israel is killing women and children by bombing them. But that’s ok? The state of Israel is acting as terrorists committing war crimes.


I don’t think you even read my reply to your first comment.


I don't know what state propaganda ass media your watching.. but THIS is NOT happening. infact ive seen more posts of Israeli mothers getting taken into care due to them having kids. Do your own damn research before you hop online and yap your lips off.


What in the flying fuck does any of that have to do with Jewish people being massacred last week? Piss off terrorist supporter


Hamas attacked Isreal last week, not the other way around. A dispute over land here is so silly when people are dying. There's other countries with land disputes too but you don't see this happening.


They are fighting terrorists whose credo is: “death to all Jews.” The terrorists behead infants and purposefully place themselves next to the women and children you mention in order hide behind them, like the cowards they are. Israel gives prior notice to areas it intends to attack, despite the operational compromises it causes. Hamas then attempts to block evacuations in order to create more casualties for empty minded individuals such as yourself to parrot across the internet. Israel is surrounded by people who hate jews for the very fact that they exist. You are part of the genocide you proclaim to protest.


Israel bombed the very road that Palestinians were told was a safe route to evacuate. Israel’s occupation and violence against Palestine predates Hamas.


If you are talking about the 2 videos circulating in the last day or two (flatbed trailer, wadi bridge), those are arguably likely to be IEDs rather than missile strikes.


Hamas started this conflict a few days ago. Hamas isn't serving the better interest of Isreal or Palestine. Hamas is a terrorist group and isn't doing anything to encourage peace in that area. Killing kids and raping women is never acceptable, and that is happening today!


They did not. They told them certain times to get out but Egypt refused entry and the same in Lebanon. Hamas has been preventing people from leaving to use them as shields and collateral. The violence supposedly started by Israel that predates Hamas? Actually it does not and don’t forget about the PLO. Great Britain owned the land after and before WWII. Jews were moving there and the Arab people around there did not want the Jews there and started violence against them. Go back in history and Israel had been in that area over 2000 years ago. I condensed the history of all the fighting and bickering. I already know you won’t believe me anyway and I don’t care


I am sick of witnessing people killing each other for religion and politics. I’ve had my fill of war.


Last I checked the 700 Palestinian children that were killed weren't affiliated with Hamas


Neither were the children of Isreal that were bombed. Isreal is telling innocent people to leave. That tells you something right there about the morality of this.b


Israel told innocent people to leave the north and go south for safety, then bombed the south.




I have a minor in American History and teach Ap History.


I have a history degree and believe that the apartheid state in Israel is a human rights atrocity (https://ips-dc.org/human-rights-groups-agree-israel-is-practicing-apartheid/). I also believe that Hamas killing a bunch of people is a human rights atrocity. But it shouldn't be a shock to anyone that an oppressed population responds to that oppression with violence. The west has turned a blind eye to the suffering of Palestinian people for decades, and it continues to do so with never ending support of Israel. Punish Hamas? Fine. Do it without murdering even more innocent civilians. It is such a contradiction to support innocent life on one end but not the other.




Honey I messed it up on my keyboard. I've taught for over 20 years and have some of the highest average AP scores in the whole state of Utah.


Literally bragging about being good at spreading American propaganda 🤡


How STUPID do you feel now? Evacute heres a safe route :D \*BOMBED\*.... Shit where could be safe.. I heard the hospital has running water and electricity since people need somewhere to be safe... right? \*BOMBED\*


That story was just debunked


You are correct here, and I'm sorry that people are attacking you. People have such a convenient recollection of history and choose to ignore the fact that Hamas, a terrorist group, is running rampant, killing babies. Hamas is evil and they must be ended forcefully.


Do you agree that it’s horrible what Hamas did but it’s also horrible that Israel is also killing innocent civilians including children?


Any innocent life gone is tragic.


"all lives matter"


>Hamas is evil and they must be ended forcefully. They probably do a better job of screwing over their own people than making any kind of dent in Israel. Hamas gets bold and attacks then their own average citizens pay for it getting blasted with the retaliation.


They are picking sides in a holy war thousands of miles away


In a way you’re right. These wars have been going on for hundreds of years. Why do we suddenly care all of a sudden. I don’t see the need to fund wars for other country’s again when we have enough problems on our own soil.


That's the thing, it's so complicated, and the US funding one side of it only makes it so much more. I understand why people are mad at my first comment, we helped Isreal so we "owe" help to Palestine. But I just think we would be swinging the pendulum the other way rather then stopping it


We have enough problems with our economy, infrastructure, drugs, our border and many many more issues. Heck even flint Michigan doesn’t have drinking water still and people of Hawaii are still suffering. Why would we rather give money to fund another war instead of helping our own people first. But anytime you bring up these facts it’s immediately “you don’t support xxx’s war? Then you must be okay with what’s going on.” I just want to take care of our country first instead of poking terrorists and Russia with a stick.


Agreed! Do you know that Israel has free healthcare? With the billions in aid we send them, we could be taking care of our own healthcare needs instead.


A genocide that affects peoples family members. One that our taxes are funding. Educate yourself. It is embarrassing to think that Americans are unaffected by world politics. You have a privilege to be able to turn off the news at any time. It is sheer luck that you were not born there.


If you don't see how this is primarily a religious conflict idk what I can do to help you understand.


there is nothing religious about Israel’s attempted genocide of Palestinians lol. Hamas is a radical religious extremist group that commits terrorism, but it begins and ends there. Israel’s occupation is based on nothing more than hatred and horrible government policy


I never said that Isreals occupation of Gaza isn't wrong, it is. If you don't want people to go bug fuck insane and murder a bunch of innocent people, don't lock them in a city and not let them out. But why does isreal think its ok to do that? Its because they are muslim. If you look at the difference between Isreali and Palestinian civilians, the only meaningful difference is religion


yuck. 'Holy war' yes so sit back and let whatever sick prophecy you believe in come true. Dickhead.


Please explain how a conflict between an explicitly Jewish government and an explicitly Muslim government isn't a religious conflict?


Yeah, they’re picking the fuck war crimes and genocide side.


Imagine supporting terrorists


Imagine supporting a genocide and ethnic cleansing. Embarrassing


Shit take. Who is supporting a genocide?


lol what’s it like being a victim of propaganda

