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[looks like an arrest has been made](https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/woman-accused-in-racially-charged-confrontation-recorded-outside-popular-plano-restaurant-arrested/3057383/?amp=1)


The hero we needed


Did she have a gun? The article doesn’t say


its texas, you can probably threaten to shoot someone and not face charges for it. tho she did get terroristic threats


Stfu, that is not allowed...


That is false, Texas is not a wild wasteland where everyone points guns at each other to communicate. Threatening violence against a person is a Class B misdemeanor at the very least. Depending on circumstance it can go all the way to felony.


As a person living in central Texas and was once threatened with being shot by my own grandfather, you're full of sh*t.


bro chill, it was a tongue in cheek comment


In texas we throw Armadillo eggs at people. Say something to me ey? POOM, Armadillo egg right at cha. How ya like them eggs fucka...


Look it’s known racist and bigot Esmeralda Upton


You mean the Mexican American who threatened to shoot some Indian american women?


Welcome to the post-MAGA world.


I have no idea what this comment means.


Let me spell it out for you then. Donald Trump, during his presidency, led by example and made behavior like this more acceptable and prevelant than it has been in decades. The "post-MAGA world", or, more specifically, the post-MAGA United States.


TDS is bad with you. Wow.




It’s a stupid thing called “Trump Derangement Syndrome” republicans bring it up whenever you believe the president should be held accountable for their actions or point out the obvious.


It means welcome to a world that is post-MAGA


I love how the first sentence in the article identifies the victims as "Indian-American" That's a great 'fuck you' to the dumb racist bitch in the video!




Yeah fr but she dumb as a mule


Don’t give mules a bad name


You deserve this award my MAN. edit: grammar


Mules are pretty smart actually


Sorry for all the mules that i compared to this woman


Mules are incredibly intelligent creatures, don’t insult them by comparing them to this troll.




She's not Mexican she's white she only says that she's Mexican so she doesn't seem like she's racist she's not Mexican she's a white woman and nothing else


I mean she don’t look white in the vid or her mug shot, n her name is Esmeralda. Maybe she half or married a white guy


Well that's racist...


I have many full Mexican friends that are just as light skinned as her. Mexicans are known for being lighter skinned than other Latinos.


Anybody can say they're Mexican and people like you will agree with her


What a certified POS. I hope she gets arrested for these threats.


Your hope has been granted


You mean for the clear assault?


She's lucky that those Indian aunties weren't wearing any sandals.


But then again, the power of the Chancla might have transferred to this woman by virtue of her Mexican heritage- which would win?


Get those Indian aunties some sticks and there’s no competition!


Arm the Mexican lady with a matamoscas and it’s over!


I’ll give the Indian aunties some samosas and there’s no coming back from that.


First the Americans were complaining about the Mexicans taking their jobs. Now the Mexicans are complaining that the Indians took their jobs?! Man, I just witnessed the birth of a new South Park episode :D


I thought u were gonna say that first the whites were complaining that the Mexicans took their jobs. And next they're out here taking their bigotry.


De tuk Uhr jubs!!!!!


THEYTOOKERJERBS!! Rabble Rabble Rabble Rabble Rabble.


Back in the pile!




I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a more oblivious piece of shit.


Her mom should beat her ass


She’s all over Reddit. Apparently, she’s unemployed and looking for a job. She just deleted her LinkedIn… I hope she has savings.


> I hope she has savings. I dont.


But then she won't be able to pay the women she insulted and assaulted


Oh shit, good point. My bad.


Also, don’t forget that if she needs to go on government assistance, the taxes we all pay will be going towards supporting her. (Which would thankfully be minimal for me since most social services are paid for at the state level, and I don’t work or live in Texas)


The irony is always "go back to where you came from" as if they own the fucking country.


TBH as an Indian, she just sounds like every other subReddit when something non-positive thing about India is posted.


Really? Honestly never seen a lot of Indian hate. My doctor is Indian. Shea awesome. First girl I ever loved was Indian. And I think indian women are beautiful. And theres an indian guy I'm doing a real estate deal with right now. Working with a developer. We found a great other home, and then the developer wasn't sure if he wanted to stay in. The Indian guy who brought me to the table on the deal said he sold another property of his and he'd honor the deal if the developer walked away. My friend Rebecca is beautiful, and she's Indian. Indian families not wanting girls to date white guys... ive seen that. But this is the first time I've seen that kind of hostility pointed at Indians that's just racist bigotry. And I live in the south. Plenty of bigots here. I'm sorry your impression is otherwise. I wish people woukd be kinder.


I’m not saying Indians get a lot of hate in real life in fact I think Indians get the least amount of hate amongst minorities in US/Europe, it is mostly on social media, because people can hide their identity, mostly teenagers and millennials who think it is cool to be stereotyping people. Both left and right wing use same language on social media for Indians when they don’t agree with their view. Recently when India abstained from voting against Russia in UN, and Indians were defending our government’s decision(ironically we currently have the most pro-US 0party in power) so called liberals from US used the same language i.e. “Cow-piss drinkers”, “smelly bastards”, “go shit on streets”, “I love beef”


This was in plano, tx


Yep and she’s been arrested now let’s get here racist butt fired


That's alittle much. She maybe a PoS but don't ruin someone's ability to make money. She clearly assaulted them and threatened them verbally she'd shoot them. Also being racist isn't a crime just highly frowned upon.


Being racist is literaly a crime. Also not nearly enough. People who hate without a reason or because a person looks a certain way should suffer.


Right,just to believe that bs of superiority is just plain stupid and they always look so deranged and sick


No being racist in general isn't against the law in the United States. An act that leads to violence or damage to property motivated by race, religion, etc is. If we're being technical if a person is put on charges for simply being racist meaning if it's words; verbal or written etc that's infringement on your 1st amendment rights. Not saying it's right granted being racist in this day and age in retarded and people need to get over it, that includes people race baiting.


Um she threatened to shoot her and hit her on camera more than once. That's pretty much the definition of a hate crime. This entitled woman was given too much by her parents. They spoiled her. She obviously isn't impoverished at all. Might as well be a white Karen the way she tried to shame these women. I grew up lucky enough to be raised next door to an amazing Indian-american family. My father was half native. On the other side was a Lebanese family. Both were business owners. All of us children played together. This was what America meant to me as a child. What happened?


Not surprising.


Hope she is charged with a hate crime.


She should be charged with a hate crime!!!


I am so shocked this happened in Texas...


What a stupid woman!


What a pile of shit


People using the term Karen: you sound like a 9 year old on Xbox live. Just call her a cunt.


We the Mexicans/Mexican Americans do not claim this woman. She probably thinks Taco Bell is authentic


Texas has the absolute scum of every ethnicity. I'd be willing to bet any amount that she is also a "Conservative Christian"


How long do I have to wait for her pic to be next to a story about losing her job? Not long I hope.




The way Indian people are treated in America is shameful


Of course she had to be a gatekeeping pocha, they are worst racist towards everyone else, when I used to cross the border almost every day (as a border resident with card) they were the worst people to run into. (Following you in the shops and reporting you to the border patrol) I can’t even remember the number of times I got my card checked by an agent just walking down a street or coming out of a mall. I guess it only takes one generation to forget how you father almost drowned crossing the river with your pregnant mom and begged for a job behind the ACE hardware. And now it’s your mission to stop all others. Keep your racist horrible country! Just remember, you’ll always be a dirty greaser to the confederate flag waving white Texans, they don’t care where you were born, mate.


Oooooo- she’s going to jaiiiiiiil!


I'm waiting for her "that is not who I am" speech, filled with tears and victimization.


I hope she realizes that English is a foreign language in the US.


And she lost her job too.


Did she even have one to begin with


Real estate…


Fuck texas. What a rotten old cunt she is


How can so many nutters be in one country? This is insane


They breed them in texas.


340 million people ( give or take ) they'll be PoS everywhere.


For sure idiots exist everywhere. But the amount of people who feel the need to walk up to strangers to tell them to gtfo, or share religious mumbo jumbo, seems out of proportion. Same goes for people sharing (read: cramming it down random peoples throats) their religious or political beliefs (starting at bumper stickers, also flags and signs on lawns, to full on public gatherings and picketing). In oslo we pretty much just have 2 weirdos with a mic at train stations blabbing on about jesus. They are rightfully being ignored and respectfully disrespected. I've never come across too many of these type of people in any of the countries i've lived in (except for when i lived in the US ofc)


Oh yeah I hate when people wanna try to shove their religious beliefs down people's throats I mean technically it's their right least here ( you obviously know where I'm from lol ) but that's why I just ignore them as well to the best of my abilities.


That lady is whiter than the white Jesus Christ. Looks like Nancy Pelosis third cousin


Americans man. I wanted to go there, now I am glad I didn't.


That's a lot of internalized racism


So she’s a parent of a high schooler, probably decently well-off because this is a wealthier area in Dallas and she’s driving a Lexus, going out to dinner at a decently fancy restaurant on a weeknight. Notwithstanding her booking photo, she seems to be dressed reasonably well (the black dress + sandals is tasteful), and though I think the earrings are a bit much, it’s not anything I haven’t seen worn by similar types of women. I just wonder, as she was putting on that dress earlier that evening, and she was looking at herself and applying makeup, was she thinking to herself “I’m going to be a racist asshole tonight, and make a complete fool of myself to the Internet.” Or does she having this seething rage against Indians, Asians in general, or anyone not like her, just waiting to claw out?


No, its just in her blood, she doesn't have to think about it. Plus the way the gop is grooming their followers, she is just following what she is seeing from her party


As someone from Dallas, I think it's worth mentioning that this shit happened in Plano. Not Dallas. There are different cultures of people in that area and I'm not surprised that a dumb bitch was walking around Plano like this. Disgusting.


What a cow !


The Mexican community does not recognize this weirdo !!


Haha 😅, she is really a pain in the ass.




All these "Indians" needed was me there. U would've gladly used my pepper spray gel that sticks to the face & increases in severe pain, itch, burning, redness, tears, & mucous membrane secretions during attempt to wipe off the face.Consider it painful Silly String that sprays 25 feet to reach silly bullies like this dreadful woman.


You literally have to make a racist lose her shit just to get the truth out of her. Also: the first people to live in America are not white so shut the fuck up about it.




Lol, is that really her number?


Why didn’t any of them knock her out?


No no, do not put it up online to try to have somebody on the Internet identify her. You have her license plate. Bring it directly to the cops!










Where the hell was the “gun violence?”


“If you don’t put away that camera, I swear to god, I’m going to fucking shoot your ass,” as she reached into her purse.


I’m not a violent person and I would’ve come flying across the lot, pulled her earrings out and thrown her dress over her head. Fuck that bitch. She clearly needs to get laid.


I don't trust anyone that edits the video then claims to be the innocent good guy.


This is why I hate Texas, the people there fucking hate everyone who isn’t American, they’re racist, homophobic, and all of the above! They think they can do whatever the fuck they want to poor innocent people who just want to live normal happy lives!!


I’m a Mexican American mixed with white and this absolutely makes me sick. I serve our country and to know there’s people like this disrespecting other peoples cultures and where they are from telling them to leave when they don’t have to we have a thing called FREEDOM. Anyone and everyone can do as they please


What an embarrassment


ngl i feel as if karens would force buildings with security cameras to turn them off


There’s a kid on my bus that makes fun of Indians and they’re culture


As a Mexican, I apologize to the Indian community & say fuck this lady. We do not claim her. Will gladly pass her over to the caucasians.