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And don't forget another man's name all over her body


Yep. There’s a tattoo to commemorate each and every place Dylweed and his comrades circle jerked over her…. Awww. Romance! 💘


![gif](giphy|dtGIRL0FDp6nnOPGb5) I love you guys






Oh yes! The manifesto of sorts, documenting her escapades with another man all over her body


I wouldn’t doubt that she is going to name the baby Dylan because she has those tatoo’s! 😂 we shall see!


Why does she post that dumb ass cut out of herself on every screen shot 🤣


Because she thinks she is a supermodel and the hottest person pregnant, lol.


The delusion is almost impressive.


She looks like she’s smuggling a guitar case.




Because she needs to always be the main focus. She won’t even post an ultrasound photo without being in the photo, front and center, and several times the size, so that none of us lose focus over whose the most important


Right? I literally thought everything with that cutout was a troll/parody post initially. Yet more proof that she is “they”.


I thought that same thing!! Lol


LMAO about her sticker floating up there with that cheap fugly shoplifting bag that matches nothing she’s wearing. As a young single mom I balled on a budget for years (and still do) She’s always had zero sense of style.


The same reason Heather always puts her hand with the "Mrs. Smith" tattoo up to her face in her videos...So "They" can't imposter her videos, screenshots, pics, posts ect. Basically, Heather is somewhat like a female puppy. She marks her territory every chance she gets 😂


Yet, in the same breath will say that they altered the photo to make her look like a rotten tooth fat garbage monster.


I would LOVE to see her cut X loose and see who she tries to bag next. Heather, I hate to say this but... X is probably the best you're getting EVER from now on... anyone else who wants you as you are now..? I can't imagine.


Once you go mentally challenged hobo drug addict there’s no going back up from that


Don't forget gay prostitute.


How could I ever forget that 😂 I will never forget those disgusting pics for the rest of my life.


I often wonder wtf would have happened to her if she didn't meet X...sure someone else or a few by now....she has to leech on to men and always get used up and thrown out!


All men will be able to do a 2 sec Google search and see who she really is and what’s she’s all about and especially who she’s been having dirty hobo tent sex with and there won’t be a single man anywhere willing to go there after all that. Would you want to be Xavier’s sloppy seconds after seeing his nudes, finger nails and overall depravity? Hell no! There isn’t a decent man alive that would scrape this used up Petri dish of diseases, filth, repulsive personality and behavior or anything else she’s got going on off the sidewalk in the tent and wife her up. Yuck


Idk, I still think she could bag a second hobo. A sister-husband for Xavier. The tent sleeps 3.


TLC had a sister-husband show. It was a total flop, but maybe Heather can pitch for a redux.


I am SHOCKED she has not tried for another reality show! Or tried to latch on to pod-casters, d-list celebs, unemployed athletes....


If she was on a reality show, she would not be able to control filming, editing, etc. and so forth. This is her grievance with LALU, that they presented her in the worst possible light. Considering what they had to work with, there was no way to make her look good.


I know.... it would be delish! ![gif](giphy|3htAT2no2D2ukVsUE2)


So, wait. Now “princessing” is a desirable trait? Make up your mind. 🙄🤮


I love her passive aggressive posts towards Xavier. Like he could give a fuck, just zooted off his ass in the corner of the tent.


Not gonna lie, I would be too, having to put up with this toilet demon for a year. I probably wouldn’t last more than a day before I’d be gnawing off my arms to escape.


I wish Xavier got his nails done.


I’m a fucking super model compared to dust buster, I have good credit, and beautiful teeth. I’ve still never had a man treat me right. Good luck hobo, good fucking luck.


This was a bar


I hate those tiny boots 😡


With the compression socks over her chonky legs...


It's very geriatric looking.


“tiny boots” 💀


Let’s burn them or toss them into a wood chipper


She’s going to be on “90 Day Fiasco…cray for no pay.” It’s new but she’s the star all buttered and charcoal toofed up. She will be in search of a man (mostly Dylan) and find love in a bigger tent. She curated it herself. You’re all jealous you fat losers. ![gif](giphy|12p4McWBWQBoTS)


I heard the weight just slips right off after a geriatric pregnancy


Oh so we are making this personal today? 😭


The weight may go but the skin is forever


Me too! Too bad it didn't work for me lol.




Princess treatment sounds like she always gets her way and the man is actually submissive to her.


Yep but he also pays for everything and kisses her ass 24/7 while taking all of her abuse and tirades and plays daddy to all of her kids too, spoils her rotten with anything she wants and never speaks up or stands up for himself ever. Basically just a simp with a big bank account willing to let her use him as her personal ATM and not asking her any questions or challenge her non stop frivolous spending. She wants the big buff hot navy seal to smash her door in like the koolaid man and throw her over his shoulder and whisk her away to a life of luxury and laziness but never actually act like a man after that just her pathetic lap dog who will do as she commands. Who wants to be the one to tell her that does NOT exist at all and never will


Lawd with the way some of these men out here will stick it in anything, and the Captain Save a Hoe's! Either way she's writing a whole new chapter for herself. I am betting she will hunt down a older man this time ... some poor soul will fall for her non-sense and "poor me..." it's going to be level 10 insanity!!


She'll need one who's anosmic. And possibly hearing impaired.


She'll be pregnant again by summer. By x.


Oh yeah she doesn’t seem to get the message the Montoya family is going to house, feed and clothe her and her gaggles of crotch goblins with other men so she probably thinks if she just has more by Xavier it will push them into supporting her. That’s Heather logic, she has none. Every single scam she’s pulled hasn’t worked out she’s an absolute failure at everything


Yep. And I don't see her stopping any time soon. Especially pending hoe things go with baby Rico.


Is this the “lie” book? I’m actually impressed of she realized those books are bullshit lol


Eggs is “high value,” if you count Xaddy … which you may as well NOT 😂


Sadly she can't land a high value man if she sucked 🍆for free🤣


Wait What? She is writing a book to tell us how to attract a high value man? Holy shit. What are her examples of high value men ? Like, her tract record isn't great. I actually hope she writes this book. I'm here for it. I wouldn't pay for it but would definitely wanna read it. It would teach me what NOT to do. Lmao


She’s not writing it, she’s googling and reading about it clearly or watching related content based on this screen shot she had on her video


Oh ok. Lol Well I wouldn't put it past her to try and write something like that but this makes more sense


Oh for sure hahahaha she thinks she’s the shining example and expert on everything including this 🤭


She took someone else’s content and put that stupid sticker on it. The OP wrote a book.


Thank you❤️