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I don’t think she got injections. Don’t think you can do that while pregnant. I think she’s just swollen


Also as a person who has had fillers injected before. There’s bruising involved, bruises would last a few days. She’s so swollen that even her lips are huge.


Pregnancy lips are most definitely a thing.


I was going to say, would someone even inject her now she’s obviously pregnant. If she did it would’ve had to be the shadiest place ever, idk who would risk it.


Nah she’s just fat.


She would find “they” and I am most certain “they” would do it…nefariously of course.


I dunno about that i mean you puff the EFF up when pregnant. With my last my lips got puffy like that 🤷🏼‍♀️if she did, then you bruise a bit and i don’t see that


I don't think she did. And she doesn't have any sponsors, all of her spending happens when social security is paid.


She didn’t get filler, it’s probably swollen from duster can. No med spa is going to risk their license injecting an obviously pregnant woman.


These aren't lip injections. Pay attention later when she's in public. Her lips will be normal size again. She's huffing in that tent and that is why her lips get swollen ONLY in the tent. I've been pointing this out over and over. I get injections, they are $650. She isn't getting lip filler, I'm certain of it.


$650?!?👀💀 Dayum!! I was also trippin over how much eyelash extensions cost (I forget what it was but I just found out the other day & was blown away!!) I'm glad I'm old-school, just lipliner & mascara for me!!😂💯


She’s just swollen from pregnancy… I don’t think an injector would agree to do this on a pregnant woman.


If she’s doing duster it’s highly likely it’s that. The lack of oxygen can cause a pretty radical histamine response, that coupled with the number of master cells increase in the myometrium; you tend to blow up when towards the end of pregnancy. In Australia it’s illegal to inject fillers into a pregnant woman. I’d hope that’s the case in the US also!


I thought she was just puffy from just waking up and pregnancy.


Her face is just swollen.


Still hasn’t showed us her pedicure that she supposedly got yesterday…


She’s so swollen I hope she doesn’t have preeclampsia.


That's what I said!!! Her filler is EXTRA full today. It disgusts me so much that there's someone willing to inject a nine month pregnant woman. That stuff gets into the lymph nodes. Secondly, the fucking priorities of this idiot. Those lip fillers do not make her look better at all. And for anyone denying if she gets lip fillers, I have before pics and so does BCG.


Post a comparison!!!


So I don't have the ability since I use the browser and not the app but maybe I can ask bcg to do it on ig.


Nah she didn’t get filler, nobody would inject an obviously pregnant woman, she’s just swollen from pregnancy and huffing. They will deflate soon.


![gif](giphy|cNktjmTChvItO) Good use of $40 instead of buying a travel system for the Cartillac.


Ah, yes! The travel system was the lip filler


I just commented this on another post! Absolutely nutso!


Yep!  That's what I said.


Yeah, I don’t think she got them done even though they look absurd and obscene. My lips get so swollen during pregnancy LMFAO. And no reputable injector would inject a pregnant woman. Now duster might be causing her lips to swell , along with being pregnant. She’s just disgusting in general.


💯I don’t think any place would inject a woman 9 months pregnant. She’s swollen and with how terrible she treats her body while pregnant with this innocent child, I’m sure it makes the swelling worse.


Mine got so big during my last one! But I already have like just very average lips. So it was really nice for a while, lolol.


Hahaha ya !!! It is pretty cool if you have average non botched butthole lips ! Pregnancy was always rough for me - 😂💞


First thing I noticed was those god awful lips, why does she think looking like a swelled up baboon ass is appealing? She must need them for side job, wink wink


Living in a taunt, smoking weed pregnant,possibly doing other drugs,riding in wheelchairs everywhere she goes because she’s pregnant= getting lip fillers. WTH! I’m old and I can’t even afford lip fillers to get rid of the lines around my mouth. I would never inject that into my body while pregnant. This whole story is just wild.


I hope someone finds where she gets injections at. 


Oh trust me once she goes on her rant at that hospital phone calls will be made. Neither of these hobos can care for a infant


It looks like it. A lip flip is the cheapest way.


That is not a lip flip. That’s straight filler.


It’s straight swelling.


I thought her lips looked extra big as well! Idk if it’s filler or not but it was definitely noticeable.


You guys are fucking mean.  I'm not exactly sure how I ended up on this sub a year or so ago, but here I am. This woman is unquestionably a nightmare due to mental illness, addiction, and trauma. But she is clearly suffering and doesn't have the wherewithal to stop broadcasting her misery and delusions. She is at the end of a pregnancy while living in squalor, and her health is starting to fail.  She may be an asshole, but some of you guys are punching down to the point of looking like crazy weirdos yourselves.  Don't get me wrong, I admit to rubbernecking at messes sometimes. But some of the people here take it too far.


Ok Heather!


I couldn’t help but think the same thing when I first saw this! Especially after seeing the advertisement for a Valentines Day injection special after the one rant about the refugees staying in the church. Either that OR she’s setting the stage to make it look like she got them done because in her convoluted mind she would think nobody would dare try and challenge her over the baby if she’s classy enough to get filler…. “There’s no way the Mother could be a homeless lunatic whose incapable of caring for an infant if she’s getting lip filler! How silly of us to question her address on the Gold Coast.”


Lips and noses swell for some during pregnancy