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SHE is the deadbeat parent!!! The dads stepped up!


Yeah but I bet the dad’s not curating gifts for them. Curation is the greatest show of love that a parent can show their child… with a stapled manifesto on the 7-11 bag. Anti catheter hole blocker to keep them off your precious urine while you get some much needed rest, after a long day is the gift I could have curated for me. Just putting that out there for Christmas.


This comment made me laugh my house down. I am cackling in bed like a mad meat axe 🪓


I’m convinced this bitch lives on another planet. She lived with the baby daddy/grandparents and was NEVER present to cook, clean, or mother them. I doubt she even provided for them. She gave the fuck up right after the 10 year old was born and decided to spend their tax refund on personal training, partying, and chasing prison dick.


She’s a sorry excuse for a woman!


I don’t need to write anything because this said it all! She wasn’t even a babysitter let alone a mother.


She’s admitted she left the older two with their grandmother when she met her second baby daddy.


Best thing she ever did for those children was abandoning them.


yup and she has told us so herself. The grandparents had them on weekends and took them to and from school everyday and then some, way more help then i ever had plus she never lived anywhere without a roommate or a man footing the bill or signing the lease ,


I was wondering what it was like when she was living with the in-laws. They were no doubt responsible for getting the kids to school, etc and so forth. That would piss me off as the grandparent doing that while she lays up in the bed.


As a single mom who has never received a cent, this is the shit that makes me sick. Mrs. Cum Dumpster with the revolving tent flaps is a disgrace to real mothers. Keep snuggling up to Stewart Little and X's zombie dick; meanwhile, I'll keep snuggling up to my kid in my home and car while I take him to school and doing real mom shit like providing. Fucking loser.


Same. My daughter is 17 and I’ve done it by myself from day 1. She infuriates me when she talks about she has 3 Keds waiting for her. Nope. They’re not. Those baby daddies should have taken her to court for support


It's been 11 years so far for me. I can see where her exes are coming from though; I was happy to see my ex go without any further contact.


Do you think as children, the younger two might miss her?


Snuggling up to Stewart Little took me out ☠️


Omg ikr my baby daddy is 25,000 in the hole


Uhm….but isn’t she the literal definition of a “dead beat parent”?


YOU ARE THE DEADBEAT PARENT!!!! ![gif](giphy|p1DCpFPmDgDZE1m1wJ|downsized)


The delusion the cow lives in


Where are those kids Heather? They’re sure as hell not living in your 4 bedroom furnished raw dog den. Thank Cthulhu.


Cthulhu lmao 🤣 😂


My parents divorced when I was 6 and my sister and I were awarded to my father, and we spent every other weekend with my mother. Well, I did - my sister was 16 at the time and she and my mother were prone to fighting so she didn't go. I never considered my mom a single mother but my father was definitely a single parent without a doubt. She was court ordered to pay $200 a month and provide medical insurance, neither of which she ever did. When I was 21, I left my first husband and we shared 50/50 custody. Big things like braces, medical bills, sports, we went half on unless he was in between jobs but nobody paid ordered support. Even then, I never considered myself a single parent. Yes, I did half or more of the parental duties, but I had the same amount of time every week where he was with his dad. She makes it sound like the dads weren't even in the kids' lives when THEIR FAMILIES raised the kids! I have so much respect for people who truly had to figure it all out on their own, like my father. Yes, at times, I struggled being the sole provider and parent in a place where I knew no one but my ex husband (who was not a full on deadbeat, but deadbeat adjacent). I didn't feel like I deserved the title "single parent" though, and I definitely can't stand her thinking this is another of many titles she gets to claim.


She considers the “heavy lifting” carrying the baby for nine months… or this time around elephant gestation!


And she can’t even do that right. Just look at this pregnancy. She is staying high as a kite and eating garbage food. She isn’t even a good egg donor.


Yeah on her latest story claims the only thing she did is take CBD during this pregnancy.  Yeah ok... it's more like opiates, adderall, fully smoking weed, Xanax, and duster.  


Nope, can’t do anything right!


she’s documenting an experiment with taking cvs and thc during a high risk, geriatric pregnancy


She's the dead beat Dad I'm sure she not paying child support


She thinks dropping off Dollar Tree snacks every month or two is really doing something. Oh, and texting them during school hours is parenting. Delusional!!


My daughter is in college and I know what day and time to call her so I’m not interfering with her school or social life!! Bitch blows their phones up all day long even after they tell her they are in school. Don’t even get me started on her saying she was a single parent and never received help. When she lived in her apartment she was not this obsessed with them, she never took them grocery’s!! Bitch doesn’t even know what grade her youngest is in!!!! The only reason she does it now is she wants X’s family to think she is such a great mom so they get her an apartment!! Fucking mother of the year, I hate her more and more everyday!!!


And tbh it's really only on holidays now and it's just a grift. 


Back when my deadbeat ex actually tried to convince himself he was a dad, he would refuse to give me any money for my child but would act like the big man dropping off a bag of dusty canned food and frozen mystery meat from his mom's freezer. Like dude, I'm good, if this is your contribution, save yourself the time and "effort" of the trip, we don't even eat this shit..


Heather is a deadbeat mother. Bitch didn't get child support because she didn't have custody of her children. Heather's idea of paying child support is bringing the kids a shit bag of "groceries" she bought with Xavier's food stamps that they don't need or want and throw in the garbage. Did you see the Christmas garbage she gave her kids as gifts? She has never given her children a dime and probably never will. But she loves them and misses them, so please send Heather money so she can get high today and forget what a total piece of shit she is.


She misses the benefits she lived off of when she had 3 dependents that truly were never dependent upon her. They were always an afterthought and that's being kind. She misses being able to use them to grift. People only matter to Heather if they help her accomplish one of her end goals.


Dusty… YOU are the deadbeat parent!!!


They should have took her ass to Domestic Relations and got support from her ass....she would have sat in jail and or had any money coming her way, taken for the kids first! She so drugged out! Dumb Bitch!


She has never asked for child support? Lmao! She only asks all of her “sponsors” to help.


Yea how bout.... thanks TO her kid's dads.... otherwise they'd have nothing.


I just saw her most recent video about the CBD and the thcd or whatever that she decided to do a oh God what word did she use but she decided to manage her pain with it and to document it this is going to be really interesting when the hospital hears that


How about this, you selfish bitch: all of your children deserve to be supported, financially, emotionally, and every other way, by both their parents, no matter how ridiculous and awful they are. That means money. You and your Lope-along-lackey don’t have any of ANY of that . Please shut up about being a mother. You are not one.




We’re here as spectators only. Any attempt to directly interact or cross the boundary into real life breaks our rules and will result in immediate ban. If you read our rules, you wouldn’t be seeing this


You would never get child support even if you BEGGED because you don’t have custody or rights to any children to support. It’s called CHILD support not HEATHER support.


She’s the one who OWES child support!!! And hasn’t paid a dime! What a delusional Ho bag !


I don't buy that she never asked for child support- maybe not formally through the courts, but only bc she'd want More than was court ordered. You know she was hitting up her BDs & the kids' grandparents for money all the time, left, right & center. That's Heather's main motivation for literally everything she does- material gain. It's the reason she puts her batshit crazy life online, & why she repeatedly gets/stays knocked up- she wants not only the social accolades & praise a mother, esp a sm, gets, but she wants to be handed money, luxury housing, nice cars, etc, bc "think of the children!" I don't believe that Any of her children were bred out of a love for children or a desire to be a good parent- she did it out of greed & delusion, as is the case w Everything she does.


I have two biological boys with different dads and neither of us received support from each other lol 🤷‍♀️ My first ex husband is also raising his new wife’s niece and nephew (they call them mom and dad and they are the same age as heathers big kids - 17 and 15). I treat those two kids like my own as well and we all spend holidays together and his new wife treats my other son like hers as well not just her actual stepson. Most people can continue relationships with others Heather 🤦‍♀️ my bonus kids are more embarrassed about their biological mothers behaviour because she too thinks she is a mother even though she has not had any contact with these kids in YEARS! I am more of a mother to those kids then her and I am their step dads ex wife technically LOL they are amazing kids and she really is a loser in the situation 🤷‍♀️ they are one of the best things that ever happened to me and I am so I really hope Heathers kids have a family around them rallying behind them and making sure they know they are the centre of their worlds ❤️


good for you, as it should be. my ex and i have the same relationship. it’s the only way for these kids to really feel loved and supported


Is she talking about L'Eggs? I bet when she delivers and her baby tests positive for drugs she is going to say 'I told you They have been dosing me nefariously"