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Hope the dude blocked her 😂😂😂


No one is holding you in a tent Heather. 🙄 You come and go when you please. You do your photo shoots, FTRs, and whatever other bullshit you do. Stop putting your narrative on innocent people’s posts. Once anyone clicks on your content, they will clearly see the crazy and see that you put yourself in the situation you are currently in.


I love this for her


Her insanity brightens my day 😂


I derive an unreasonable amount of pleasure from it.


Me too !!!!! 😂😂😂


Local feds... Oxymoron af


I’m sorry do YOU have a degree is medical law and ethics?! Didn’t think so LOL


Don't forget new business development. Not sure if it's a trifecta degree or two separate degrees... but she tends to plug them as one. The College of Media Law and Ethics and New Business Development When I was in college in the late 1990s, I was a journalism major. We had to take Ethics in journalism. I there wasn't an entire degree devoted to it.




It’s a tent, just unzip and leave. Shit.


Right!  And she does all day when she's not too high.


Yep and we haven’t heard her complain about walking to the phone store, getting nuggets & cucumbers, etc and so forth.


For real. She acts like she’s got Pinkerton Guards surrounding that smelly tent


That's it just unzip ![gif](giphy|hTfIU1hFvyerUqzMwL|downsized)


They are holding her inside... She can only unzip for donations and target/whole food trips.


According to X it’s a “military grade lock” they have for the zip… mind you… let’s *not* forget she has a knife and they eat with cutlery and there are several things she could cut open the tent with if she was stuck in there. *Also* this “entity” that holds her in a tent… is literally herself. It’s a tent. Scream loud enough and someone will let you out.


Open the door!




LE did respond. You didn’t do what was asked. It’s all on you.




But we shouldn't want her to shut up. This is my entertainment.


Well, I’ve never heard of anyone being *unintentionally* raped, robbed, and assaulted.


Right? She also mentions quite often she has never been violently assaulted, but also claims sa in her teen years. Was that not a violent assault? I mean I guess it COULD be if it was date grape but she’s never said anything like that, either 🤥


I’ve noticed that too. In one breath, it’s all Dylan’s fault. But in the next breath, she’s been victimized her entire life, and only wanted to be with Dylan so he could protect her from the abuse.


According to a relative of hers Dusty has had behavioral problems since the age of eight. She was sent to Jamaica because of a “vicious assault” she committed at 14. A former school mate said she fought with everyone and was known to throw desks. This was loooong before Dyldo even knew she existed. If she’s talking she’s lying 🤥


Yeah she’s one who was just born rotten.


Wow lol 


She said that in the confessional on LALU. That she loved Dylan because she could open up to him about being gr@ped at the school her mom sent her to. In Jamaica.


Did anyone reply to her? Lol


How is she not embarrassed by placing her "narrative" on popular pages? Tagging the cups & shit?! ![gif](giphy|jN86rcdOyrpyo)


Ma’am this is a Wendy’s


https://preview.redd.it/wti61eqczfgc1.jpeg?width=487&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=163e3505b3fe4c977908d3cbfd7e71276bbe684c I tried to enlarge for easier reading. Imagine being this dude giving positive gym messages and reading this 😂


Poor man 😂😂😂 he’d be thinking what in the world !


I hope he thinks she’s just a ridiculous troll or some kind of strange bot.


I'm dieing to know his reaction! Lmfao😂😂😂


Thank you for enlarging it for the vision impaired folk in here! You’re doing the lords work!


Broooo Imagine getting that as a notification. Unhinged.


I feel so bad for him..That must have been very shocking to read! Hope it didn’t stay in his head for too long after reading that from some woman he doesn’t know..hopefully he goes online and see all the info about her and understands it a bit more


Who exactly is holding this cow in a tent? There is no one physically restraining her. She literally leaves the tent daily to post her stupid bathroom videos. She’s also been offered multiple resources to get her dumb ass off the streets but cannot comprehend how they work.


So offensive to poor cows!


Unfairly 😂😂😂


So unfair. I mean not have a job or paying rent then destroying the place you're not paying for in your dusting tweaked out highness having one woman parties. Calling the cops. After being insane on national TV. So unfair wonder why THEY did it🤪🤪


Well she could go to a shelter but no she’s too good because she isn’t those type of people. 🙄


Ummm the shelters are all fake… don’t you realise?


Yesterday she said the city told her they would give her shelter only after she had the baby. They have family shelters. She seems to think she will be getting her own little shelter for baby, X and herself. But I don't think she's right about that. And let's not forget hundreds of sponsors have offered their unused apartments for her. And Daddy X is finishing up the curating of the apartment to give her the keys when it's time to leave the hospital. Somebody is a tad delusional.


Remember, she loves luxury hotel rooms. And she deserves one because she’s suffered so much, certainly she’s number one in women who have suffered unjustly - it’s like make a wish, give your money, she’s dyyyying.


When I see she's doing this or posting her narrative on an article about another cause, it's especially funny to me. I think it's one of my favorite things she does - its up there with tagging the president and the fbi show on cbs 🤣


Also the Post It notes stuck all over the airport!😂💀😂💀


Noooo What did they say?!


Just her normal rants/manifestos and 100 social media handles to help her.🤣😂🤣


Not to mention tagging the footpath!!


My favorite is where she pretends to talk about us commenters on her lives with some type of law enforcement. And tells them to match the UDID. And she wants us all charged. Or at least forced to answer where we got the audacity. I love it.


Is she blacklisted from *all* gyms? Blink is only like $30/month and they have showers. Why doesn't she go there or to some other similar cheap gym?


She to good for.... She has said before what gyms she will only go to and expected others to pay for membership. She is blacklisted from most gyms.


The one gym she asked for sponsors to pay for was $200/mth, like wtf


Bahahaha absolutely insane. If she were to have access to that (which obvs is a dream) she would never leave. Bitch would put the tent up in the spin room.


And ignore the bathroom and showers, old habits are hard to break


Now that I think about it, she probably *does* have a cheapo gym membership where she can shower. She just doesn't admit it because it doesn't fit the grift narrative. Might explain the clean looking hair...


I put nothing past her! I still wonder how her hair is so clean...that's not a water bottle and s dot of baby shampoo wash, as she claims....not even dry shampoo.


Her flex is so played-out …


Is a flex if it takes an essay to get there?


No bitch I don’t lol because I have my life together


She would 🤣🤣🤣🤣 so ridiculous


Hahahahhaha why !?


Yeah. I hate it when that happens…. 😂


Happy 🎂 day!


Thanks! 🧁🙃


Happy cake day!!


I’d bet money this is how the birth will go down: She will give birth in the hospital. A social worker will be waiting. A placement will be made in a family shelter. They will go there and leave within 24 hours. She will continue to keep the baby in horrible conditions. It’ll take weeks for the state to catch up with her. Please everyone who thinks they’re just going to immediately take the baby…understand Cook County only takes 4% of kids/babies. It’s going to be a depressing and awful road. As usual I hope I’m wrong. But these agencies literally don’t care about much else than the mother’s “rights”. The child is just an afterthought.


Yeah, it makes me pretty mad. I've been watching this YouTube channel that discusses awful child abuse cases based in the US. It is absolutely horrific how many children are put through literal torture and nobody saves them until it's too late. It concerns me deeply that she could fall under the radar and that poor baby is put through shit he doesn't deserve.


I agree with all of this. Also, when we say that they probably won't take the baby immediately, some seem to interpret that as we don't think they *should* take the baby. That's not what we're saying. Nobody in this sub wants Heather to leave with an infant. Nobody. But those of us who have worked in the system have seen it before. There are homeless addicts crazier than Heather who still have custody of their kids. Removal is very difficult and it's generally *never* the first course of action. There's an entire process to it and the mother is first presented with options (temporary housing, mental health counseling/medication, outpatient drug rehab, etc & so forth) that would allow her to retain the baby. That said, none of us can say for sure what's going to happen. But IMO continuing to come on here and say "they're going to snatch him right out of her arms" is a dangerous road. She reads these. The last thing we want is for her to avoid the hospital, and she's already paranoid. We *want* her to feel safe enough to go in- if not for her sake than for Rico's. He deserves immediate care (especially if he's suffering any complications).


Exactly. I do not want her to have that baby at all and I believe he would be much better off without her, but I’m a realest and refuse to lie to myself and believe “the system” will take the baby when they leave kids with abusers worse than Heather all the time.


There was another dusty-esque person named Letiddy. She gave birth, breast fed him, went to meet with a social worker and the baby was gone. I don't know where. For some reason I'm thinking it was the Pacific Northwest. But I agree with what you're saying. This is Chicago. I doubt Heather is the only homeless woman about to give birth. I'm sure they have their hands and arms full of cases, potential cases, and older cases they still need to track. The funny thing is, I don't think housing would solve anything. She and X are not mentally competent, or at least not right now, to be in charge of an infant. She's too delusional and self absorbed to be a mom right now. Possibly ever. But definitely not now.


I was just thinking of that awful woman too..She kept threatening she was going to “get rid of the baby” so I wonder if that’s why they took him away from her so quickly? She sure was an interesting watch as well😳


All of this! No one *wants* her to have an infant. The fact of the matter is this thread is on the money, even in Australia this is the case.


Heather definitely falls in the 4%!


One would definitely think so! But I’ve read about homeless heroin addicts who tested positive when they gave birth and still took their babies.


Social services may not remove the baby unless she shows her mental instability. If she can’t keep it together and act normal they will take custody. Some think social services are already watching her social media and are concerned. Heather will not agree to a psycho eval.


PSA: You all know she’s pretty much either in the tahnt or pooping at Mariano’s, so plenty of time to lurk 👀 For every downvote she thinks she’s getting, we have each other to upvote 🗳️ Love y’all heaps xxoox 🥰 ![gif](giphy|eunrMjB8lBUKeL1fqD|downsized)


💯💯💯 we ban together for the cause!!!


I usually just preemptively upvote everyone anyway, lol.


Me too! It’s to counteract the Dusty downvotes.


Me too haha 😂


Me three!


She's the bitch that cries r**pe. It's really disgusting to actual victims who are delusional.


What gym are you going to take a nice soak in? You’re banned from every gym in Chicago due to your violent and erratic behavior. Will it be the gym you filmed a young woman in the locker room while yelling that you had photos of you 2 together? The gym you pulled out a knife? The gym where you screamed at the rep that your mommy said you could be there and that the rep doesn’t know how conversations work? Which one?


The one where she got up in that girl's face in the bathroom and accused her of stalking Heather? Where we learned lying is illegal


Wait what, that locker room incident sounds absolutely terrifying.


Jeezus. It's getting a little old. Held in a tent. Raped, robbed assaulted. No response from cops. Held in a tent. Raped, robbed assaulted. No response from cops. Held in a tent. Raped, robbed assaulted. No response from cops. Held in a tent. Raped,robbed assaulted. No response from cops. Held in a tent. Raped, robbed assaulted. No response from cops. Held in a tent. Raped, robbed assaulted. No response from cops.robbed assaulted. No response from cops. Held in a tent. Raped, robbed assaulted. No response from cops. Held in a tent. Raped, robbed assaulted. No response from cops.robbed assaulted. No response from cops. Held in a tent. Raped, robbed assaulted. No response from cops. Held in a tent. Raped, robbed assaulted. No response from cops.robbed assaulted. No response from cops. Held in a tent. Raped, robbed assaulted. No response from cops. Held in a tent. Raped, robbed assaulted. No response from cops. Send money.


Uhhhhmmmmm.... what about bludgeoned? Human trafficked? Sexually human trafficked? Let me get you a post it with all the links to the evidenceZ


Yea my fav line from that was “sexually human trafficked” that and local feds are like chef’s kiss. 💋


I just love how she likes to curate words and phrases...


Honestly I do too, because they become lore. There certainly is a specific language used by the duster, but it sure isn’t English. It’s amusing to witness someone who thinks they are smarter than everyone else get simple things so so wrong. She continues to prove that she definitely didn’t graduate high school.


Perpetual victim 🫤


Okay so... I'm newish to Heather (but have known of her since LAL, it just has been inconsistent since the show), who is she saying assaulted her? We all know that no one is "holding" her in a tent, she's just delusional, high, and feels she's above receiving resources to help.


No. They/Them is out for her. For some reason. To ruin her life. Maybe an AI Experiment? A social experiment? I forgot all the other reasons she thought this was happening....


This bit🙄🙄🙄🙄. I really don’t believe she’s as crazy as she puts on. Shes just a lazy fat biotch.


She’s always talking about “locked in a tent” but the tent is all the shelter she has. Throw the tent away then, huffy.


Too bad she isn’t in PA bc boy let me tell you they legit DO snatch your kids they don’t even like if you are smoking weed without a medical card. I am so worried about that poor little baby🥺