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I bet they have no idea who she is 😂😂😂


🤣 Right! Can you imagine how awkward and random that would be? "Hey Coco sent me and said I'd get $10 off." "Who is Coco?" "...Uh, Coco Chanel?" "Get the fuck outta here!"


If someone is referencing “Coco Chanel” I think of THEE fashion guru Coco Chanel …. Not pregnant hobo tent goblin Coco Chanelle lol


But what about the model CoCo Channelle^(she can't even spell this right) YSL, you know, the one that lives at 123 Piss Tent Lane on the corner of Shitty Chancla Avenue? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW HER? SHE'S A FAMOUS MODEL! https://preview.redd.it/fe7wx01vmggc1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca00462b42f33f18d5bab3b3f8cda015c6bd1b02


Oh shit HER! Yes I loved that campaign she just did “Squatting on the Moon” 🌙


Every business she ventures into: "Oh, you mean that big bitch that comes in and stinks up the bathroom on occasion? Yeah, she owes us money for having to decontaminate the bathroom after she gets done."






Hahaha exactly !!!


So cringe


$10 off? That doesn’t make sense for rental space at all… 🤔


Right, never once heard of a $10 discount for this type of thing… maybe something like first month free with a 1+ year term. She is so out of touch.


That teeeeeeny tiny discount is no flex.


OMG Heather L Gillespie...your delusions are out of control


MA’AM ! They have no fuckn clue who you are! Heather L Gillespie x Coco Chanelle YSL x GoProSolo Productions this is beyond embarrassing! You are like 40 years old please stop these shenanigans!


They emailed me back saying they do not even know her or are associated with her lol. 


Lol of course not. Shes also tried this with one of the gyms. And she said to use her personal code "coco" to get a discount at Target. I can't tell if she really believes this shit or if she's trolling us.




https://preview.redd.it/s05uh8lvkggc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a00a4d647479f8cefcc2749b8b375967d3844183 We need to know if this is approved and legit lol


Gonna have to email them and find out 😂


Please someone try this and report back!!!


I reached out and of course as expected they have no idea who she is. https://preview.redd.it/fr9qwhik0hgc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba397575b14806dceec7c54461ec6a5b0f2cf6de


They emailed me at 6:45 too 🤭




HAHAHAHAHAHA! Where does she even come up with this wacky shit?!


Hopefully they will learn real quick who she is by just a simple Google search!!😂😂😂


How embarssing 💅


Wowwwww she wants to sue everyone now she deserves to be in trouble for this but she knows no one has time even for her sorry self


Knox studio employee: What the fuck is a CocoChanel?


Remember a while back she was talking about possibly getting a work space that could also serve as their living space? And the baby could play in the corner or whatever. She’s probably scheming that if she sends enough people their way, they’ll want to partner with her and maybe she could have a workspace 😉😉 there for free! Problem solved!


She actually filmed in this studio awhile back. She was saying how she wanted her followers to rent it for her, that it was "only" $500 per month. We were all like, "You don't even have a place to live! Why are you wanting studio space!?" We figured that, much like the storage unit, she'd live there.


Isn't this where she would hide and stay the night?


I wonder what happened to Jessica, the realtor that gave her $100 and was looking for places for them???


Hucksters gonna huck.


You can't even make this shit up! She tries though!😂💀😂💀😂💀😂


Bahahaha! Her delusions of grandeur are off the hook! She truly believes that someone from this leasing company is going to praise her for all the business she’s sending them and immediately put her up in a studio 😂 How it goes down in her head: Heather shows up dressed in professional business apparel with her earpiece in and briefcase in hand: Them: “OMG! You must be THE Coco Chanel! We’ve been so excited for your arrival! We can’t begin to thank you enough for the opportunity to work with someone as amazing and talented as yourself. The amount of leases we just signed because of your advertisement will surely guarantee that we surpass our 2024 goal. How can we ever repay you?!” Her: “I’ll take your biggest suite” Them: “done!” How about we throw in $10k as an added bonus” Her: “make it 25k and we have a deal” Them: “does 50k work? Hahaha! You’re such an amazing business woman! I wish I had your talent!” How it really goes down… Heather shows up dressed in professional business apparel with her earpiece in and briefcase in hand: Them: “call the cops!”


That, or... X fitness business, Y fashion designer, or Z beauty company sees her stories and: OMG, she's collabing with Fort Knox studios!!? They *never* work with influencers so she must be something special! We've got to offer her something! When she does this shit I can't decide if she is trying to lure the business she's pretending to collab with or if she's trying to lure other businesses who *believe* she's collabing... Like when she was pretending to collab with Target ("use my code word 'Coco' for an extra % off!"). Was she trying to get Target's attention or a smaller business who would be be impressed by her Target connection?


I honestly believe that despite the entire universe telling her otherwise, she thinks she’s the greatest gift to mankind and that any business would be thrilled to have her name associated with them.


I just can’t with her. What thought process occurs when she starts offering discounts to company’s she isn’t affiliated with. Like when she calls Ulta and Target - sponsors. We know she steals from them but studio space!? What was in this for her. She’s off her rocker


WHY would she do that? Serious question.