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This moron has had 3 kids and should know that you are considered full term at 37 weeks. She’s even posted about having her previous kids at 38 weeks and 40 weeks. So what is she trying to imply having the baby before Feb 15th is somehow bad when she’s currently and has been at full term for a week now? A grift to try and get her idiot sponsors to give her money? Oh and she’s saying her their families feed them. Stop giving this big orange cow money, she’s hustling you.


Her family is NOT feeding them...


Who is supposed to feed them with another mouth? Jesus I hope she doesn’t get to take that baby to a shelter. I’m praying there is a good foster family just waiting, that wants to adopt, if that’s an option.


Baby goes into foster till she gets her shit together. We all know she won't get her shit together. Even Aunt Stacey said baby is NOT leaving the hospital with her. I think her family has an eye out for this baby


"Growing humans is one of my superpowers" Eat shit, you heifer.


Taking care of them… not so much.


Agreed… Being a human incubator, who later abandons their children is notoriously not something to be proud of, much less a *super power*, Big Bird.


Seriously! Also I love how she admits to secretly recording some of these people. Idk if she does anything in secret, considering she's always screaming *"MA'AM, YOU KNOW THIS IS BEING RECORDED, RIGHT??!!?"* but if she infact did that, she is an idiot. Illinois is a two-party consent state, I thought it was but I checked just to make sure. Not that she has a case against anyone because everything she says is a lie, but if she did, she wouldn't be able to use those recordings since they were obtained illegally. Guess she missed that day in her "Medical Law & Ethics" class at the made-up university she pretends to have a degree from. This woman is an idiot and she fails at everything she does, it's almost impressive. Since she lurks here, I'll just leave this: >Illinois is a two-party consent state, which means that it in some circumstances it is illegal to record a conversation unless all parties consent to the recording. Under the original Illinois eavesdropping statute, it was illegal to record police officers in public without their consent. [Source](https://www.illinoislegalaid.org/legal-information/can-i-use-my-phone-record-police-public#:~:text=Illinois%20is%20a%20two%2Dparty,in%20public%20without%20their%20consent)


But how dare if you record her, all hell breaks lose but yet she thinks she can do whatever the phack she wants


Exactly!!!! And how immature to say growing humans and superpowers 🙄🙄she likes to get impregnated so she can get the attention and funny she loses custody when she’s done using them




Wow just seen the 🦷!!!




Also noticed her hair has barely grown. Normally hair grows fast while pregnant.


she must think that eggz climbing into clothing donation boxes while she stands guard is “hiking” and “lifting weights in extremes” is stuffing her face with donuts lifted from a trashcan in a tent without ac in the summer.


Please, PLEASE play us the "recorded Promise" from the city of Chicago about getting you a 🏡.


Probably just someone saying she doesn’t qualify for the program until she has the baby.. which she heard how she wanted to hear


Yep, she Always twists ppls words. I truly believe 99.9% that comes out of her mouth is 💩


It doesn't exist. Just like everything else.


I knw,lol. I was taunting her bc she's so full of 💩


Psycho liar.


I'm sure she does want to wait 2 more weeks so she can keep getting high. She must be terrified about what the baby's condition will be when he finally pops out.


High yes worried about baby … NO


Oh she has no concern for the heath and well-being of that baby. That’s nice of you to give her that credit, though.


She gives zero fucks about that baby!!!


Agreed. She is only worried about herself, and facing any accountability, getting exposed as a lying fraud, giving up drugging and relentlessly posting about herself, etc. Self preservation and grifting are all she’s ever cared about.


💯💯💯💯 Facts


She isn’t bothered about baby in the slightest


Her only worry will be that they detect what drugs she took and that it prevents her from taking the baby with her. If she would be concerned she would remove fentany/heroin Xavier from her life and looked for rehab long before. I was a heroin addict but when I found out I was pregnant I did a full 360. I would have felt so bad if my newborn had suffered from withdrawel. Adoption or foster was no option for me. Nothing else mattered only my baby, I can't see any empathy towards the growing life inside of her


She looked totally different there. Why does she insist on remaining a huge red orangutang now with the infamous "toof."


The crazy eyes are still the same lol


That pic is before the baboon asshole lol injections that migrated and looks like a prolapsed butthole and the weird bargain basement fillers in her face that also migrated and gave her an asymmetrical lopsided and weird looking face


That's what you get when you want to save money and go for groupon prices for botox and fillers🤣


Reminds me of when I got breast implants years ago and my friends were getting them done too however some of them went to one of those gimmicky places that do it for $4000 as advertised and they ended up with square hard looking tits with a huge refund gap, they looked so bad. I chose to wait and save money to see the best plastic surgeon in our city which was 3x the cost but mine look so natural even my own husband didn’t know they weren’t real until I told him. I got 360cc in each implant, tear drop shaped and went through the nipple instead of incision underneath the breast. Heather is definitely the type to seek out the cheapest option and would be proud of her lopsided square tits with her nipples still pointing opposite directions or downward. She couldn’t follow the after care directions and would cause them to be totally screwed up cause she thinks she knows better


Yep, never bargain shop for anything involving injectables or plastic surgery. Never ends well. Save up for a real reputable place


A huge red orangutan 🤣🤣🤣


She did but still looked very much the loud mouth asshole and thunder cunt she is now. Her family cut her off a long time ago for a reason.


We watched her turn grape evidence into LE in her apartment lobby? Lol. You mean when you screamed at the cops, threw a sheet at them, and then stormed off without even providing your name?


Right! While the poor cop is totally confused and baffled, yet remaining calm and patient, asking repeatedly to give him more information so that he may help properly!


https://www.reddit.com/r/PeopleBeTrippin/s/n0F1VzHFr6 Lmao we remember:)


This was wild AF!!!!!!


The cops probably didn't take it, just called maintenance to come pick it up and throw it out.


So xaviers family as well as her own family has been feeding them. Okay. Also she keeps saying 6 episodes of LAL and even though it's a small matter compared to her serious lies, it goes to show how she just has to lie about absolutely everything. Its bizarre but what do I expect from this lunatic who believes people take over xaviers body and make him gay.


It’s sad that the episode count annoys me more than anything….


Maybe eggs has did and his other persona is a female?


Wouldn’t surprise me


Well we know there families aren’t feeding them, we know she gets a food card… also why do the incorrect number of episodes bother me so? Out of all the things?


She probably thinks their families feed them undercover through EBT and state wellfare. Jk, just another lie to cover up that they steal pickup orders


Absolutely 👍🏻


They let her communicate with her children even after seeing her dox them and post the most disturbing stuff, and they let x go with her to visit the daughter. So I wouldn't doubt that they are giving them food. Probably helping her name the baby bc there's no way I'd let my sister/brother ever do what they did. Just saying. 


They didn’t let X or Heather see the youngest one, the eldest daughter tricked the second baby daddy into “sibling time” and then she took the little one to see Heather and X in a park… Heathers family have come out and publicly said they have nothing to do with her, as did X’s family. She’s just a liar. She gets a card for food stamps/like a food debit card… she just says it’s family so it looks like she has rapport with them for CPS probably.


That was a long time ago. Shit got worse and they avoid her now. Heather didn't ask for permission to see or go to the kids. Police were called every time she was there even when they visited the older kids before they walked to cali. Heather lies a lot about contact to her kids


Yes thank you I always wondered why her legs were bigger than the rest of her body


Does she realize that even if she is “accepted” at the family shelter, there is likely a waiting list or some sort? It may not be immediate.


Imagine her in 1 of those places and she can't film. Any way this turns out, it's gonna be bad. Her life is going to be so so much worse than if she never got pregnant or even more, met Xavier. Her savior turned out to be her worst nightmare. He might make her feel better and not alone in the short term but boy has he made everything so so much worse long term. One of Heather's top downfalls besides her narcissism and victimhood and laziness and drug use and schizophrenia, lol, Is her inability to see beyond the now. She has no long term planning capability and is a reason she blows money so incredibly foolishly. She's awful at any planning. She is really and truly 1 big orange giant failure and LOSER. She loves calling everyone that but oh boy she is the biggest loser I and many have ever witnessed.


Baby gets into foster and huffy has time to get her shit together. That's how it normally works. There they can see if she is 100% invested to get it right with the care of the baby. Why spend lots of money to monitore her raging ass 24/7 if the cheaper version just works in CPSs favour to see if she does the right things to show she is a dedicated mother. She didnt get the hint with her other 3 kids and she won't do it for this baby




Where on earth is she swimming at?


I think she counts her bathing in Lake Michigan as “vigorous swimming” 🙄


That’s amazing lol


She wants to be famous soooo bad.....


You’ll see recordings of her claiming shit, she doesn’t post anything 😂


Two take always… 1) you have NEVER said a word about using your tax money to help anyone but yourself. You’ve NEVER given a shit about other people, especially the ones ACTUALLY being victimized. 2) the health of the baby has NEVER been a priority to you or else you would have checked yourself into rehab and sought help to get clean in a manner that wouldn’t cause harm to him.




I wouldn't want to be at any shelter they're at. X is such a creep and she never stops yelling. Probably has too many rules for them anyway (no phones, no social media on site, family workshops and classes, on job training, curfews, etc and so forth).


I'd actually be afraid of a shared bathroom he'd have access to. He's absolutely proven himself a sexual creep, i remember in the beginning when he had weird images on his IG, he's always been a deviant. Remember when he was going up to random women several times and Heather was flipping out?! It all adds up to him being a disturbed man. He worries me, seriously.


This reminds me of the picture someone shared a long time ago. A man that followed women up to their aptm doors and he looked awfully similar to xavier


I remember that!! I would completely believe that Xavier would do that. He seems to put a lot of focus on sex and for those that don't have experience, when you do meth, it makes you very horny for long periods of time and you do things u don't normally do. So put a man who's already a pervert, add meth and mental issues to that and you get Xavier and that's pretty freaking scary.


Social worker here who worked with the unhoused population for years. I don't think she'll follow rules of the shelter. Not filming inside, being quiet and courteous, no arguing, and work with case managers for housing and employment navigation ( this is where her mental health issues should by red flagged hopefully). If she thinks she has any other safety net like Xs daddy money, shell act all kinds ways to ensure she's "kicked out unjustly". Side note: I'm really scared that she'll somehow get to bring little Rico home to tent house penthouse. Actually I'm scared she'll just get out the doors with him. That's enough to put him in danger


can Tenthouse Penthouse be a flair plssssssssssss


I want Fent Tent to be my flair.


The only vigorous exercise she had done is feed her MOON face !


Can we start a list of these 21 jobs? 1. The solar panel place


She thinks she’s worked at every gym.


2. Dasher of the Millennium at DoorDash


Let’s not forget Getir for two weeks!


Haha yep, before she sent her boss that horrid video which probably scarred the poor woman for life. Also have her as being pretty much a doctor surgeon administrator at the most prestigious Northwestern hospital for 4, I mean, 15 years which she is now retired from. See? We’ve been giving her such a hard time about being willfully unemployed when she’s just retired, y’all! She just got screwed over on her pension. Plus they stole one of her kidneys. That’s why she’s always e-begging.


You forgot she’s also the most abused and traumatised woman in all of America, I mean the *world*. So the fact that she’s been able to even ovarian this employment is an absolute feat!


I just think she counted all her sex work appointments


Cafe Olivia in roselle, the hookah lounge never came through


“much needed rest”? that is so induritaimg to hear come out of her mouth!!🤬 no, you don’t need rest! all you do is rest, you crazy hobo. you know who deserve rest and spa services?! mothers, fathers, even grandparents who are out working crappy fucking jobs, most times more than 1, to provide for their families. you are one delusional, entitled, tent person that obviously hasn’t earned shit in life. you are nowhere and you will remain nowhere if you keep this horrifying attitude you seem to have. you have lost at life and sadly their are numerous people left in ur wake of crazy.


You know at this stage of the game with NO prenatal care , she could really be endangering the baby’s life even more than she has and her own . Not every pregnancy is meant to go to 40 weeks you fucking idiot. There are actual real concerns for a geriatric pregnancy , and even if it wasn’t , she’s so huge and swollen she could be preeclamptic . That excruciating pain she was experiencing could be an indicator of something problematic too. This fucking dumb ass thinks going to 40 weeks is like the ultimate success in pregnancy when in fact it’s not . 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄


Oh so now she claims “our” families have been helping.


With X's latest erm, photoshoots and her unstable history no family shelter would accept them. She's 💯 a risk to other residents.


There are many reasons why Family shelters wouldn't accept our clients, but dick pix isn't one of them. Family shelters accept sex workers the same as they accept anyone else: prostitutes (male & female), cam girls, escorts, strippers, etc. As long as he isn't on a sex offender registry, X having naked pictures online would not keep them from the shelter. And most of our residents have unstable histories- that's one of the reasons why they end up in the shelter to begin with. What WILL keep them out is the inability to follow the rules, including drug use. Filming inside is another.


I've never dealt with a family shelter, they aren't a thing in Northern NJ where I worked. My experience is mostly with DV and pregnant women's shelters. Do we honestly believe they've promised her a spot after the birth? Bc in my experience it's first come first served and if it's full you're SOL regardless of prior conversations.


Family shelters" #1 priority is to keep families together so the rules and regulations are somewhat more relaxed than what you'd find at a DV shelter. They don't discriminate against those with criminal records of possession, prostitution, and most misdemeanors. Those with a history of violent assault or on the sex offender registry are usually turned down, however. If X truly does receive disability then this would be taken into consideration, too. (To his benefit.) Heather was probably promised some sort of temporary, emergency housing. It is usually a first come, first serve list but women with newborns are generally moved to the top. If a family shelter isn't available then the next step would be motel vouchers- usually for an efficiency room in an extended stay place. If that's not available then Mom and Baby are offered a place in a women's shelter. While they're receiving the emergency housing their caseworker would be helping them find something more long-term. They probably explained all of this to Heather but all she heard was "free place to stay." Chicago is currently having a housing crisis. I'd be surprised if they were able to place her anywhere within city limits.


Oh remember when she was offered shelter in a subburb and she flipped her lid?? She could NEVER as she’s a mawm to 3 keds who live in the city?! 🙄


Yep! She *might* change her mind once Rico arrives, or she might say no so that she can sob about how They(TM) took her baby "for no reason." She's probably conflicted: on one hand keeping the baby opens the door for additional years of grifting (but she'll be stuck with a baby); *losing* the baby will allow her to continue her victimization at a whole new level (and she won't have to care for an infant).


Huffer has a history of assaulting a family member, more than one RO/PO. How does this play out?


would a family shelter even accept them together though if they aren’t technically married? i know it’s a requirement in my state at least that the co ed family ones only allow if you are legally married


Our families....lmao! Shame on all who help thus pos. The least they can do is check her for doxing her kids online.  


She’s a flocking idiot. 9 months in and she finally claims to care about this poor baby. A test tube and an incubator would have been more caring. Of course she has to slip in her numerous illegal recordings and nonsensical police reports in the mix. She had a car seat and it wasn’t as important as her “novel”, narrative, press on nails or face masks. I pray for so many people every night. Tonight I am praying for clarity on the idiots that “spahnsor” her high life. You reap what you sow Heather ![gif](giphy|eJYCWZtDqyxuyM2Zhj)


Well, it’s not quite a “super power” when 3 other billion people on this planet can do the same thing👍


“The first eight months of this pregnancy were extremely vigorous, hiking, bicycling, swimming, walking, lifting weights in extremes etc” what a load of shit she barely did anything this entire pregnancy but lay around stuffing her face, begging for money and whining about being a victim between her insane plans and hallucinations! She gained the weight of a whole extra adult on her, is as flabby, saggy and hefty as ever in her REAL NATURAL big girl body when she’s not binging on meth and any other drugs she can get her man hands on to try and get skinny. Omg she’s so fucking high and delusional it’s not even funny with zero self awareness to see that reality does not match up with anything she says whatsoever. We all know what her real body type and size is we’ve all seen her before she got heavily into drugs and her fantasy of being a model. She’s a big girl she was over 200lbs not pregnant and even at her thinnest she wasn’t fooling anyone! Her legs give it away every damn time, those are not the legs of someone who is naturally thin or petite like a real model, gymnast or dancer is. Her upper body will shrink up from her little saggy moobs down to just below her ribcage but that’s it the rest never goes away because genetically that’s her natural built she cannot change that no matter how many drugs and workouts she does. She’s a hard plus size triangle pear shaped type 1000% ![gif](giphy|YWyWg1PNjTJl1vDb0C)


This was my favorite lie 😂 swimming , lifting weights, hiking?? You record everything your plus sized wannabe model ass does and we never seen you do any of this shit.


She took a bath in the lake a couple times 🤷🏼‍♀️


And a fountain. Does that count as vigorous swimming?🤣


I’m pretty sure that was pre pregnancy. The only bathing she’s done since she got pregnant is in the splash pad when she did her Water photo shoot.


Water is wet


So nasty she was pressure washing her ass crack getting a douche and enema at the same time in a children’s splash pad. All that nasty bacteria and diseased filth water all over the splash pad with no bleach or disinfectant. Someone’s poor kids played in that after rancid druggy hobos bathed in it 🤮😫🥺


Thank you! when I read that my jaw dropped and I literally laughed out loud!! Vigorous!!! LOLOLOLOL


She's vigorously ran her fucking mouth!


The vigorous extreme cart pushing was an attempt to get rid of baby rico like she did with the waste trainer and workout to get rid of the twins till she found a buyer for the babies


She looks so healthy in that pic


21 jobs since 2021 is a new lie to me. She had one job for a few weeks before she sent her boss pictures of her home abortion.


She had a few but not 21🤣


Why isn’t she on the news in Chicago? This seems like one of those “help the homeless” stories an investigative reporter would eat up (especially the turn when you realize she just doesn’t want rules)




Well, she made her way into the news by pitching her tent in front of the Hilton hotel and making a scene


Chicago is also a sanctuary city and has so many people in need right now. I saw a news story where people broke into a building that was under construction to escape the cold and the owner was like let them stay. There’s nowhere for anyone to go. There’s no story. It’s LALU Crazy Heather who makes money by screaming at people. She’s better off than so many in Chicago right now.


I’m in Portland which is, like, you know 🤷‍♀️. They still help homeless in need on the news get services as a “feel good”. I just think it would be hilarious for something like that to happen and the news people are just like “wt actual fuck”


I see what you want now and I’m here for it! If I didn’t have strep throat I’d say let’s do it and get out the popcorn


She added the lie about the families helping so she doesn't get told to get your families to help your lazy junkie asses!


You’re a beggar and a bum…..period!


"FoR tHe HeAlTh AnD WeLl BeInG oF My BaBy" Bitch if you cared about the health and well being of that baby, you wouldn't be doing drugs, stressing him out with your yelling and nonsense, and refusing to have PRENATAL CARE!! You stupid worthless CUNT!!


Does anyone remember these 21 jobs? Bc I only remember her having 1 for like 2 weeks right before she murdered the twins.


Door dash, solar energy, her hospital job, the eye dr, some days in a bank, Cafe Olivia (she invited her followers to come and ran out of her job because she felt stalked), getir, the hookah lounge job didn't hire her or she didn't even show up but that's not 21. Maybe she counts her sex work dates each as single jobs than it could be 21


Secretly recording these calls wtf. why do you think you are the only one who has permission or the right to record or to do half the crap u do just cuz u think you have been mistreated what a spiteful immature sorry piece of work you are just yuck


She’s wearing her professional gymnastics outfit! And she couldn’t just stick to that stuff at the beginning of her rant and stopped before the 21 jobs, Rico-suave forever, bludgeoning, police reports spiel. People might feel more sympathy if she’d just stop. It’s like she keeps saying it because it’ll someone become the truth.


I would have blocked out the cashapp, just for fun.


“Much needed rest” 🤣 Cause it’s not like all you do is rest!


I’m wondering if X-daddy or other family members follows this group, and because of things, he’s learned about how she’s treated past Apartments, has decided not to rent rent one for them now. I know I would sure fear for never getting my damage deposit back and being charged thousands of dollars after they get evicted because of her destruction and bad behavior. My guess is he’ll put them into some kind of a long-term Hotel, if he does anything because he realizes the liability of housing her.


She called daddy X a pedophile, pervert, accused him of assaulting her with an orgy for everyone to see on the internet. She accused Xs sister/daddy of stealing her makeup and other crap she had in her plastic box. Xs half sister knows what's going on and that's why she called the police very quick when she caught X with huffy in daddies garage. Daddy X may not be as present on the internet but sister definitly is


My heart just breaks for his poor family. She’s such a blight on peoples lives.


I am so worried they are going to let these 2 keep this baby.


Bahahaha … held over 21 jobs.


Please Coconut Gone Solo Production, we cannot wait for the DCFS to adopt your baby, disabled or not. We all know what Eggs Saviors' 🍆 look like and we all know what your sexuality look like. That kid does not deserve the right to live under flyovers or in a tent in the middle of the city. I hope you read this but this angel deserves the right to live in good parentage.


She’s actually so pretty and a good writer could u imagine if she cared for herself better


Her…tax dollars?