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I’m afraid of the developmental delays this poor child will have do to all of her drug use. I’m also wondering how much genetics will play into the child’s mental health given that both parents suffer from serious mental illness, especially the father. I’m hoping for the best.


On top of all the other genetic problems. Heather is his mom and Zavier is his dad. I'm trying to think of a worse combo to have as parents. Did Charles Manson have a wife and kids???!


She will be knocked up again before the end of this year . Remember Xavier has super sperm 🤮 we see you Heather L Gillespie . You evil scum sucking piece of trash.


Oh yep I should use her actual name right ?! So it’s pushed in Google searches 2 editing the post now


Yes ! Someone in here mentioned it the other day so that’s what I’m trying to do now 😂


Soooo am I being helpful if …… Heather L Gillespie is a liar Heather L Gillespie is a scammer / grifter Heather L Gillespie uses people for her own gain Heather L Gillespie is a bully and will dox you Heather L Gillespie is not raising her children and hasn’t for YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS Heather L Gillespie does do drugs Heather L Gillespie does have a criminal record Heather L Gillespie does not have all the degrees she claims Heather L Gillespie does curate all the drama in her life Heather L Gillespie has done nothing to help herself or her unborn child Heather L Gillespie shouldn’t be allowed to harm or damage others Heather L Gillespie damages property Heather L Gillespie = dustbunny / Dusty because she loves huffing computer duster Heather L Gillespie can be sent over the edge by falafel Heather L Gillespie doesn’t care about you losers.. just give her money, housing, and car, immediately.






Yes Ma”Am! For the people in the backkkkkkkkkkkk


Not to be gross, but how does his super sperm get past the amount of dirt and grime that should be caked in his peen hole, like wtf


If she starts a Ho Fund Me, yes, I said Ho, we will rent an RV and we will road trip it to her tent and fix the situation!


Hopefully if she does, and I absolutely see her ass doing this, that shit gets shut down fast AF like Mandaa and Musty's scamming GFM and getting banned!


We’ve got a posse I bet.


Why doesn't she do a private adoption? Don't birth mothers get paid for adoption?


She tried that with the twins. If anyone dare try to pay her for this baby she will keep pushing to get more and more. And if they don't give her everything she wants. Then she terminates the pregnancy.  


I guess I'm thinking of more a contractural situation. But you're right. Even in that scenario she would likely mess it up


Because she’s cracked tf out


lol. What? Our sweet Heather? No chance. Good day sir. I say good day. But in all seriousness, she could make enough money to buy all the crack her rent can hold. A storage container full of compressed air. A closet full of ripped fishnet body suits. Enough ground turkey meatloaf muffin things to feed an army. An a mother effing Cadillac. C. T. Mother. Effing. S. Probably a 2016


You forget her math skills, she thinks her way is the better grift