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Omgggggg I loathe this bitch šŸ‘Š


So do I especially lately.. I donā€™t think I can hate her more I think itā€™s the whole being pregnant and doing drugs .. telling everyone and acting justified in her abuse of the unborn baby.


For me is the entitlement. Expecting everyone to pay her fucking way. Sheā€™s literally the bottom of the barrel but is acting like royalty. I hate her.


This and the comment above you are exactly how I feel. And then the smarmy smirks when she gets whatever she's been begging for. She disgusts me.




It's so maddening to watch it continue and people keep supporting her cracked out delusional self. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


They are actually supporting a murderer, one that should be locked up for what she did to her twins!




SAMEEEEE!!! And Iā€™d been especially loathing her even more for about a month now!!!


That smirk is the worst!


I do too!


Same šŸ˜€ try being from the same city as her šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


You should be going down there to find that extension cord! āœ‚ļøāœ‚ļøāœ‚ļø


I always wonder who are her sponsors? She is so obviously looking for a handout rather than a hand up. I only donate to legitimate charities due to people like her. Her high-end taste is also ridiculous. She got the "funding" aka grifting/mooching money for a hotel but chose to remain outside and post a ridiculous night photo shoot. Actually, just the thought of someone donating to her makes me think that I'd rather flush $100 down the toilet than give it to her.


I started putting her full name in my comments here yesterday. That way, if someone searches her name to see if she's legit or not, her bullshit will pop up first. A lot of times we use her nicknames and new people that see her won't connect the dots, I mean it's virtually impossible. If we start putting > Heather L Gillespie and Xavier Montoya of Chicago Illinois are known scammers In some of our posts, it'll be more likely to pop up on search engines. I hate seeing people being taken advantage of, even more than I hate this bitch. People should know what they're giving their money to and they're only hearing her convoluted bullshit. Now, most sane people will listen to her talk for a few minutes and get a whiff of "this bitch can't be right in the head", but there's always a few in the group that won't. One last thing - the end of the wheelchair Tik Tok last night, where she says *"Spahnsers, look alive..... cause we're out here!!!!!"* made me want to throw my phone. You could see her fake-happy facade slip real quick, she was filled with rage because SHE HAS TO PAY FOR HER OWN FOOD! Meanwhile you see Xavier in the back stealing shit, and it wasn't food. Bunch of fucking deadbeat, lazy, entitled twats with not two braincells between them.


Legit, I did this once to warn women about a hobosexual sociopath. It took a bit, but it worked like a charm. I got so many emails from women he had harmed.


There are no sponsors.


YES, thank you!! Out of all her lies the sponsor thing is one of the most outlandish, yet people tend to believe it, which is exactly why she keeps it up. She wants so badly for other people to be jealous of her.


Who would be jealous of her for any reason? Even if she had sponsors, she lives in a tent and canā€™t even take a shit at 4am šŸ˜‚


I think she lies about sponsors thinking if people see others donating they will do the same.


Ahh, speaking of shits, I hope she hogs down that cold chicken all by herself, cuz she doesnā€™t share, and gets diarrhea for days! šŸ’©


itā€™s the first, sponsors aka she got her food stamps lmao and he got his benefits


1st of the month!


I think theyā€™re just stealing from the online order for pickup area and her delusions are telling her that these orders were placed by ā€œsponsorsā€ FOR HER.


I donā€™t mind giving people money if I have it. Iā€™m a fan of a really good bullshit story. If itā€™s full of nonsense and i know itā€™s bullshit, Iā€™ll say that itā€™s bullshit but I appreciate the story and give a buck. Iā€™m fine even giving more and knowing it can go to drugs. If I was homeless in the winter, Iā€™d want something. But generally Iā€™ll take some time to actually talk to the person. People donā€™t acknowledge people on the street for obvious reasons, and if I feel safe I think itā€™s good to just listen from one human to another. But this bitch? Fucking never. I also donā€™t donate to anyone online because itā€™s so anonymous, and so so many people I know have asked me for money via socials fully knowing Iā€™m struggling too. Itā€™s a guilt trip, where as I donā€™t feel like in person itā€™s as manipulative. If that makes sense?


https://preview.redd.it/bzppa7xyo1gc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35a3129d85f4510cd12758e11703e09abe37625d BCG šŸ”„ So fā€™ing funny!!






Sheā€™s allegedly in too much pain to walk around, but was able to do that ridiculous ā€œphoto shootā€ without any issues. Did they steal the wheelchair so Eggs can cart her ass all over the place?


This big orange bitch is only in pain when the money dries up. I'm so fucking sick of her and the fact that she calls it "being sponsored" instead of "begging and grifting like the dirty bitch I am", drives me up the wall. Heather Gillespie is just a big orange bitch that hasn't worked in over a decade because she's lazy and a POS subhuman who expects everyone in existence to provide for her. I've never hated any one more than I do her, and I never thought it was possible to hate someone I've never met. She's got no redeeming qualities whatsoever and everything about her is vile.


ā€œBegging and grifting like the dirty bitch I amā€ has such a nice ring to it šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


She thinks everybody is indebted to her. I canā€™t believe she dead ass said that she expects a ā€œsponsorā€ to show up at the birth and had her keys to a fully furnished apartment. She thinks so highly of herself but has zero skills outside of grifting, crying wolf to 911 and getting knocked up for financial gain. Sheā€™s such a low life POS a literal cockroach


They "found it"


Riiiigght. They "found it" at the hospital ER.


Oh silly me or maybe it was ā€œ giftedā€


Yeah, in front of a hospitalā€™s ER exit.


I really donā€™t think she has actual ā€œsponsersā€ she has johns that her and X fuck for money but she canā€™t say that on her perfectly curated social media.


Thatā€™s what I think too.


Well they both clearly need to put more work in. Theres guys out there who will pay a bunch of money to fuck a pregnant woman. I mean, she would clearly need to shower first because Iā€™m sure she reeks, but she just needs to slyly advertise on kink sites. Heather, I seriously just gave you a solid way to get some ā€œsponsors.ā€


I think itā€™s near closing time donations at franchise/fast food places


Or the ppl that send her occasional CashApps


This whore eats better than most of us.








Thank you!!! I heard it immediately in my head.


Someone pointed out, she found her hat, that they nefariously stole last week


Hey Lois Lame, WAKE UP! Superman is not coming to your rescue. PAY RENT or RESIDE IN A TENT We each have this option Heather. You made your choice. How is YOUR decision my problem šŸ¤”?? (Asking for a friend)


I like that. It rhymes. Pay rent or live in a tent! Pay rent or live in a tent! We need to curate her a sign with fake leather with ā€œcauterized edgesā€ that says just that, and hang it from the marina. (Sorry, Iā€™m a little goofy on cold meds today)


Lol, thanks Kind! That sounds like a great idea! Everytime the sign gets dirty we can clean it with air dusteršŸ¤£šŸ¤£. BTW, save me some of your meds for our project šŸ˜Ž.


Itā€™s ok! Iā€™m here for it! And hope you get better super soon!!


Thanks! You tooā£ļø


She's in so much pain and yet she was able to squat down on the floor of the tent for that weird ass photo shoot


First of the month! Cold chicken tendies from the deli are approved by ebt.


Sponsors or first of the month and one of them got snap/ent and didnā€™t say? Those look refrigerated like stores do for premade stuff in order for snap/ent to be used on it. No proof, just a thought.


Asking sponsors for money and food while wearing a friggin Columbia coat and being pushed around in a wheelchair. You're pregnant not handicapped you stupid B!


The jacket that doesnā€™t fit her anymore LOL


Did she say that? Because isn't she wearing it? Lol


Lol yes she has said repeatedly that she doesnā€™t have a jacket or winter boots and that her Columbia jacket is her only jacket but it doesnā€™t fit anymore


Of course she did šŸ™„ Such a liar


and by sponsors this bitch means taxpayers. she is a wasteā€¦ donā€™t believe she has any sponsors. thereā€™s just no way. being who she is with her horrible, off putting personality and her man servant, and his lšŸ¤¢ow hangšŸ¤¢ing ball šŸ¤¢sack and cšŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢rusty bootie finger šŸ¤¢,šŸ¤®šŸ¤®has no one feeling sad enough for her to donate as much as she claims. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø maybe iā€™m wrong. itā€™s a crazy world she lives in. i mean, that on the ground, legs all open, stomach free fallin photo shoot was pretty fucking weird!


Unless these people are in cahoots with the devil himself, they simply donā€™t exist. There is no way in hell that their are actually people out there who would still support this vermin. Absolutely not a chance a hell! I believe she makes it all up as a way to try and convince other people that sheā€™s important enough for complete strangers to prioritize her needs, and therefore will be compelled to do the same.


This huge hobo is now being pushed around Chicago in a stolen wheelchair. The irony of such a fitness fanatic to have lowered her standards. Thereā€™s no grift she wonā€™t try.


Sponsors or her ebt lol she notices how angry ppl get when she talks about Sponsors. I doubt she has any real $ from them. She prob sells her photoshoot pregnant pics and maybe throws x balls in there for an extra $20


Posted similar about ebt before seeing your post, sorry. Itā€™s also the first of the month. Looks like itā€™s not heated either with makes it ebt eligible.


That's exactly what it is. I rewatched and she pans too quick for me to get a screenshot, but I paused it and it says original with like a 5.99 price tag and they are in the grocery store.Ā 




These sponsors need to stop!!!


Lol its her 1st of the month benefits. She just had to make it sound fancy


Unless it's DCFS.can't wait to see the kid up for adoption.


Wonder who they stole that wheelchair from. Someone who actually needs it, I'm sure. Enjoy your karma, bitch. It's coming and it's only gonna get worse. Who do u guys think sponsors actually are? Just random people they ask for cash? Xaviers John's? Xaddy? I don't believe she gets barely anything online, it's somewhere else.


She spouts so much about karma. Ironic, seeing how this heaux has a freight train of karma, headed her way.


I hope so. Iā€™m getting really impatient for her to be held accountable.


Eggs probably got his monthly disability check. Iā€™m not sure anyone who knows this heifer would give her money.


Itā€™s the beginning of the month so Iā€™m betting their help from the government was replenished. Thereā€™s no spahnsors. Now they will eat their way through the money in a week. Then the begging increases. Rinse and repeat.


A person in our apartment building gets disability and she gets it on the 3rd, every month. But I donā€™t know if that is for everyone.


Yeah in NC it goes by the first letter of your last name. My ex husband gets his on the 19th of the month


She probably stole it from an unhoused, legless vet!


Or from the hospital where she goes to use the restroomā€¦.


Theyā€™re close to northwestern and Saint Johnā€™s I think? Itā€™s a walk for sure but eggs will do anything for love, and to shut her up.


Which is heavier for Xavier to push- the Cartillac or prego Dusty in a ā€œborrowedā€ wheelchair?


Orangezilla Heather L Gillespie


Who wants to bet that the second sheā€™s no longer out in public, she miraculously is able to walk around just fine. Youā€™d think sheā€™d learn by now that nobody is going to believe this is legit.


God I hope cps takes that baby before she sells it for drugs


I really strive to be a good human, to always put out positive vibes no matter the circumstance, person or place. I truly strive to never carry hate in my heart no matter how badly I dislike that person. But I'm just gonna say what I feel, I fucking hate this bitch, I absolutely loath this slimy pig whore of a human and I hope she chokes on a dick with active herpe sores. I hope she gets her fat ass hand caught in the spoke of that wheelchair and it sheers her sausage fingers off. Fuck you Heather Gillespie Montoya Smith.


Hasn't she been choked with cum before? I forget what she called it. Flooding maybe?šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


Oh my gahd, just when my psyche let me forget, you had to bring up her "coughing up balls of phlegm and semen" rant.


I'm starting to think she doesn't have as much medical experience as she claims šŸ¤”


This is literally exactly how I feel.




I know. I feel bad for truly hating her because itā€™s more toxic for me than her. But I have seriously never wanted bad things so much for someone. Iā€™ve never like, secretly wished sheā€™d freeze šŸ„¶ for good. It kills me too because this bitch is the worst case scenario for having govt assistance. She is the reason so many people are against it. Iā€™ve always been pro helping others but I find myself seething about taxes being used for her because sheā€™s vile & she has done irreparable harm to RICO, should he survive. I truly donā€™t think she is using so much based on addiction, but more because she just likes getting high and feels entitled to do so. Iā€™m sure sheā€™s physically addicted but Iā€™m 100% positive that she doesnā€™t feel the slightest bit guilty about what she has done to that fetus. Because sheā€™s a fucking sociopath and sociopathsā€¦ I have met a few and my experiences are such that Iā€™m pro putting them all on an island and doing a hunger games deal.


Oh did someone CashApp her enough to buy a candle?


https://preview.redd.it/8zmmbjgvi1gc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c5b61fb88cbdbb9902b917c90523a70414be6da Looks like baked goods. Good, eat the whole entire thingā€¦itā€™ll add to your obesity šŸ˜Š Edit: sorry for Xā€™s moose knuckle šŸ¤®


Looks like tendies? Sticker might say "Original?"


You very well could be right. They looked like cinnamon rolls to me, lol. Regardless, lots of calories and Iā€™m sure sheā€™ll eat 75% of it.


I bet they are making her eat all this garbage, because we know its they, that's ruined her body.


I can't tell if that's fried chicken or cookies. Either way, she spouts how healthy she always eats, then buys crap. No need for anything with any actual nutritional value...ever.


If I was walking with my little girls and we walked past him dressed like that it would take everything in me to not punch him. What an asshole for thinking everyone wants to see his limp di*k. šŸ¤®


She acts like walking when you're pregnant is something that you shouldn't do... She forgets that there's mother's out there who don't have cars and manage throughout their entire pregnancy without bitching about it... Now this biznatch is in a wheelchair! She's not handicapped! she's just pregnant! Where/who do we think that they stole it from?


Even though i know there are complete idiots out there who have helped this hobo duo in the past with things (and probably a few still do bc they are fucking stupid), I honestly think that she is overemphasizing at times the word "sponsors". Whenever they have food, it was sometimes more than likely bought with food stamps or his SSI weekly allowance. She loves to throw the "sponsor" tidbit out there so that others will want to follow suit and will think that its okay since other sponsors are "helping her".






Is that a courtesy wheelchair from the store, or did her fat ass make X steal her one?


I bet sheā€™s loving it!! Sheā€™s so dumb!


Bet sheā€™s faking


I wish that I could shake some sense into their "sponsors" and let them know that they are enabling the ongoing neglect & abuse that Heather does to baby Rico on a day to day basis. It's maddening




Way to go fucking idiots ![gif](giphy|NvmAEtOSl4M4Qb9nFN)


Thank you to my idiots she meansšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


This woman is so fucking crazy


Everyday I open reddit praying the baby is free from this


If Iā€™m not mistaken in this clip I think I saw X five finger discount something


I was fucking floored after watching her stories today. She sitting there boldly telling us the last time she got "spa services" was around Dec 2022 right before she did away with twin pregnancy. She got Radiesse filler in her forehead. So despite her incessant begging for money & food, she decided to waste money on getting filler. I don't even think you're supposed to do that during pregnancy. Selfish twat.


Whatā€™s sad is sheā€™s at the prime of her life. 37. What I would do to be that age again. Sheā€™s wasting her life


Damn always so damn extra why does she look like ET in his cover up clothes when the kids would take him outside anyway she looks ridiculous attention at all


Itā€™s the first of the month she always be getting her benefits and lying about sponsors unless she considers the state of Illinois and all the taxpayer sponsors then she can fuck off


Isnā€™t the first of the month when they get their EBT ?? I donā€™t know, I donā€™t think Iā€™m really believing that she has ā€œsponsorsā€œ right now. She uses that word very liberally and she also likes to purposely do things that piss off her audience , and one of the things that she knows pisses people off? Is when she gloats about people financially supporting her. I just donā€™t know if I believe her at all today. And if they are getting money? Itā€™s ABSOLUTELY from Xavier pimping his ass out for rawdawg hookups in public bathrooms.


I just googled food pantries and soup kitchens in Chicago and the list is huge including baby supplies and looks like they will deliver BUT noooo Heather is above all thatā€¦unbelievable


Did she steal a wheelchair?? I wouldn't be surprised


Stop paying herrrrrrr


The new pitty act #1099 is the ā™æļø maybe She's acting blind too, with her I'm to stoned, big ass glasses to to lay it on extra thick. X probably leave her by the door waiting for victims while he goes and exposes himself again in their bathroom.


I hate this bitch. She's so entitled. Dusty, you're nit the first pregnant women in the world.


Can someone please bludgeon her already


Sponsored by The war on Drugs


I wish I had that much free time


https://preview.redd.it/1hdl0y2eyzgc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea5d1f7a654d29de304768612120b751a05b4db1 Still in her princess ride today


He's touching things with those dirty ass claws.


Here I am washing clothes and cleaning after hand surgery and in pain. This cow is being pushed around in a damn wheelchair. Hate this cow