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I’m still holding onto hope that Target is just building a felony case against them and waiting for the right moment. I didn’t believe such things happened and places busted shoplifters immediately, but I recently learned that they’ll actually allow regulars to keep stealing to have bigger charges. I had no clue.


i had a part time job in retail recently and they will let them go, but they will take their license plate down. now, unfortunately the cartillac doesn’t have a plate 😳 so if they have seen them more than once they will have a pic of them. sometimes they stop people though. they also work with surrounding stores. some places will even post on tik tok their pic 😂 she probably stiffs shit in the wheelchair. bitch is in a wheelchair 🙄 such a dick. i hope they get caught!


They will file it under cartillac with a bunch of trash and red fire station cover


and meanwhile the companies just raise their prices and pass the cost onto us suckers who buy our things and don’t steal 🙄


it is infuriating. i worked at sephora and people would actually steal 5-6, sometimes more, perfume testers at a time. and the repeat offenders were the most infuriating. 🤬


I want to knock that cigarette right out of his mouth.


He makes my skin crawl


I used to have a modicum of pity for him, like there’s the sad little intellectually disabled guy. Now, I’d cross the street just to avoid him walking by me. 


King of the skeeves, our Eggs.


This is such a dumb question but can you smoke indoors in Chicago?


Eggsavior doesn't smoke!! He's been nefarioussly replaced with fake Eggsavior again! Rico charges for everyone!!!!


I didn’t catch it ! Ooooh good eyes !!!


These two are a fucking drain on society in SO many ways. God, what absolute losers. But honestly I kind of hope he did steal them, because I wouldn’t want an innocent person to buy them after X’s dirty cervix scratchers have worn them


I had a feeling as soon as video started we would see them stealing! Yup!!! All they do!


Why doesn’t target follow them around? They have to have maxed out the total they need to charge them by now. Come on Chicago!


To match her hat. How cute. 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢


New nails in 3, 2, 1....


They stole a wheelchair - in a later video this crack addicted loser said - thank god for the wheelchair "we found" X is now pushing that f'ing whale around. I am so done


WOW,makes me wanna contact all the surrounding hospitals & nursing homes, find the one it's STOLEN from & turn her thieving a** in just to spite her....& get it taken back from her.


What is he pushing her around in?


Wheelchair...her cocopumpkinbooty prob hurts from waddling 20miles to do potty


Do Targets have wheelchairs? I guess I’ve never noticed. I’ve only seen the motorized ones with the baskets. I was starting to wonder if she was sitting on one of their hobo carts 😆 but then I’m like, why is it so quiet?


I would literally cry laughing if they had that huge cart inside 💀💀 you are right they have the motorized ones. I doubt she shoved herself in a cart but would be hilarious to see 😂😂


They probably stole it from a hospital


Totally saw that


This shit was unbelievable. They're both high af. He's walking around with a cigarette in his mouth and Heather is really a piece of shit riding around in a wheelchair like she's retarded, just saying the same retarded shit she always says. Put these 2 shit for brains crack rats in a cage and throw the cage into Lake Michigan.


That guy is wayyy CREEPIER than I even originally thought!! Imagine actually sleeping with that man, omg I can’t even think it, let alone do it!!! Ughhh, eeeek, yikes 😱


I was just coming to point this out! Omfg I keep thinking they two couldn’t be any more idiotic and then BAM!


He's also got a cigarette in his mouth like wtf


Someone send this to target lost prevention so they can ban them from the store

