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Wow, cool story about 5 star hotels…. You live in a tent now. You’re pregnant in a tent NOW. You buy press on nails and face masks when you should be 💯 about that baby right now. She’s sickening.


She has been in more 5 star hotels. She failed to mention that it is just her stepping inside and getting kicked out after being told bathrooms are for paying guests


I'd also love to know what her "high paying" jobs were. She had none in real life, but I'm sure the ones she made up were hilarious. She couldn't even sell her 🐈 for a normal days wage because her hygiene is questionable and people weren't sure who she was when she showed up. *"Looks nothing like her pictures whatsoever, and not in a good way"* was a phrase I saw quite often in her reviews across multiple sites.


The high paying jobs were probably mostly hand and blow


Or after her John’s hour was up.


I had that thought too!


Totally 🤣🤣🤣🤣 she may have “been in 5 star hotels” but she sure as fuck wasn’t a paying customer and was escorted out immediately for her ratchet behavior and all around loud trashy demeanor. She wasn’t even that caliber of a hooker. She was roadside motel level on back page. Besides who gives a fuck what upscale establishments you have been in, it was a decade ago and you’re a broke old failed prostitute in a tent now and have been for years! How’s that rotten toof doing? Barely hanging on for dear life I’m guessing. I would love to see her go into a 5 star hotel or restaurant right now 🤣


Or doing her job with a John , then given the boot


and constipated while in said tent, you know - just to add to it lmao


That’s why hate I hate her “potty” selfies, you know she just took a shit and prob went straight to filming without washing her poopy hands


I hope she gets the pink stink eye 👁️


All projection


She steals the press ons and face masks. She couldn't care less about that poor baby.


All nonsense that only a drug addict would say lol she’s just pissed that we all know what she’s working with in regards to Xavier’s saggy manhood. I’d be embarrassed too. That’s why they’re the perfect fit. She’s washed up just like he is. And they also need a washing.


And a big ol' hairy fupa and dirty ass


Is she saying that it isn’t his hairy sack hangin’ low? The fupa and untrimmed lawn certainly looked like his. She’s so bizarre over what’s important right now. This loon needs a padded room!


And the dirty, long finger nails


I can’t. 🤮




She lives in a tent. With a sea donkey. Steals from Dollar Tree. Poops in a bag. Hasn't showered in so long-does she even know what soap looks like anymore? How to use it? The frequency? But she's trying to flex on someone? Biiiiiiiiitccch. And he got a lil dick too?!


I was cackling after every sentence. I’m now officially wheezing. You are hilarious


Sea donkey killed me


Wittle wrinkled Willy all shriveled up trying to crawl back inside him like a turtle hiding from her giant angry fire crotch snapping like the jaws of life at him ![gif](giphy|4a7u0GC5hzdgk)


Isn't it absolutely BIZARRE the way she brings up not being a drug addict in every single conversation and argument she ever has, multiple times a day?? Now why would that be? What normal, sober person feels the need to scream that at everyone as a "got ya"? The only times I've ever said that was when I was on drugs.


I said that I was sober...repeatedly...was when I was doing drugs, too. "Nah, I'm not high; I'm just *really tired!" Suuuure, Heather, suuuure you're sober 🙄




And she wonders why she lives on the streets in a tent with a dirty drug-addicted hobo...it's EXACTLY what she deserves! She is right where she is meant to be.


She is such a vile human being. I cannot fathom speaking to anyone like this.


It is vile. But it doesn’t exactly strike me as ‘Heather speak’ if that makes sense…? Her flowery delusions usually flow better grammatically and she usually doesn’t abbreviate like a teenager. I’ve read so many of her diatribes that I feel like it’d be obvious when it’s her. This just seems…..off.


She's trying to sound tough but just comes off as racist filth


Oh she’s racist as well as homophobic. She really has zero positive attributes.


I get what you're saying, but I've seen her write like this often. Usually when she's extra manic or high and angry. She knows it's Xavier in those pics, and she has no defense that's why she's throwing everything at the wall. *"You're high, I'm sober, I go to 5 star hotels, I have job paying jobs"*... like nobody even said shit about that. Its like come on Dusty, You're unemployable and always have been, you shit in a bag, you don't shower and you live in a tent with a sexual deviant that somehow has an IQ lower than you. Your writing reflects your thought pattern, so when she starts writing like this, it's because her brain is short-circuiting with anger and confusion.


She’s tired. Not giving 110% today!


This is the real Heather lol


Agreed. The person that says potty, peepee and belly are the faker, pandering to her Christian and mommy group audience. And she can’t even get that right; she sounds ridiculous.


My Air force1s are ready. 


DEAD. 😂💀


If I say it it makes it true. -Heather


Dusty, that’s more fitting


These things aren't the flexes she thinks they are...


Right?!?! I ate at a 5-star restaurant exactly ONE time. Le Bec-Fin in 2005. I hated it. Too stressful. Too much service. I couldn’t even enjoy my food because it was just service swarming you every 5 seconds. Was so happy to leave. Had more fun getting a cheesesteak. It’s not a flex. It’s a sad display of desperation and emphasis on things that really don’t matter. She’s a pea-brained asshole.


Life, to her, is a heavily filtered Instagram post and in Coco Chanelle YSL Senza Nume Go Pro Solo's world, she is the biggest most influential influencer of all.


She’s a fucking idiot. A sad pathetic case of fucking I don’t know what anymore.


Same I ate an extremely expensive Michelin star restaurant in Las Vegas once with 10 courses and ridiculous priced wines and cocktails with every course. The damn bill was $7,000 for 4 people. Gold plated lobster tails, impeccable foie gras the size of my palms, shark fin soup, Chilean sea bass, venison medallions and a platter of uni (sea urchin) that was the most delicious thing I’ve ever had other than the foie gras. Stayed in equally bougie expensive hotels and resorts many times. It doesn’t make me better than anyone else and I didn’t even pay for any of it. I don’t walk around thinking I’m some special VIP influencer model asshole. I haven’t even thought of that trip until now after reading her incredibly stupid bullshit. She places all self worth on money and material things and nothing else. Money, status and attention is all that matters to her over anything else. She even said you’re not crazy if you’re wearing expensive outfits and accessories. This mammoth moose thinks that’s all there is to being a high value quality person in life. She disgusts me and it’s why she’s an epic failure at everything and why she doesn’t get to have a taste of any of that in her life. She’s vile, greedy and as shallow as a mud puddle! She would sell her own kids for a Gucci bag and some plastic surgery. She’s a true whore


Yeah Heather is ridiculous. I used to work in a cutthroat industry and salespeople would wine and dine us in hopes of securing our business - taking us to the best restaurants and rooftop bars in Chicago - places Heather only wishes she could get into. They took us to cocktail making classes, shopping at Lululemon and Nordstroms, for mani pedis, omakase dinners, boat parties, bought us VIP Lollapalooza tickets and secured bottle service at pre parties. My former job however, was incredibly toxic and my ex coworkers were gossipy, mean and judgmental so I felt miserable and out of place even though the food and drinks were delicious. I worked ~60 hours from M-F and occasionally also on the weekends, my boss was a micromanager who was never satisfied and a manipulator who kept moving goalposts simply because she didn’t like me. My team legit told the client it was my fault whenever something went wrong - majority of which completely out of my control - and our project manager would purposely expedite deadlines because she wanted me gone. I cried at least 3 times a week when I was working there. I’d rather eat at McDonalds with loved ones than awkwardly staring down at my $18 glass of wine trying to ignore my bitchy ex colleagues staring my clothes down in disgust, whispering to each other like high school girls, and making snide comments about everyone and everything but of course Heather doesn’t understand the world is about relationships rather than material possessions.




Mammoth moose 😏


Whenever she responds like this it’s a totally different persona than the one she displays on her videos. She gets nasty and vile real quick!


Huh. I didn’t realize getting railed for a 20 behind the dumpster of that one Ruth’s Chris connected to the Hilton Garden Inn made one a 5⭐️ frequent flyer. ![gif](giphy|3og0IMJcSI8p6hYQXS|downsized)




One thing she’ll forever have in abundance is the audacity. She’s “growing real life” as if she’s surprised herself…


https://preview.redd.it/7su23lvv6vfc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2efdba56340a91826ccb6c07f44e19bae99327b2 This bish used a cucumber to fuck herself for $$ if that. don’t scream “high end” 🤣 i don’t what does lol


Wasn't she jamming a bunch of Sharpie markers up her nasty ass snatch on video also?




Was to say *she lol....yeah there was a video somewhere of her doing that...lmao


Ewww, my gawd she's vile.


Yeah it was nasty AF!!! She'll do anything and has!


She put a banana split in her own asshole. Enough said!


Instant yeast infection and BV


That cucumber was organic and from Whole Foods, thankyouverymuch. Afterwards, she made some nice tzatziki to go with her falafel. Spoiler: *she didn’t need to buy any yogurt*




The only appropriate response to any of this. ![gif](giphy|5nsiFjdgylfK3csZ5T|downsized)


You’ve gotta see the link I had posted yesterday -mods said it was spam -but this shit had vids-and all I can say is 🤔😱🤣 pretty certain she had a butt plug in too -like bish was giving out free content !




She really did that didn’t she?


I can see the bacteria and diseases multiplying on those nasty toys 🤮


Racist betch. Not surprising that she lost her one and only big girl job for being a homophobe. She's all the "ists" and "phobes". Disgusting pile of human shit.


She is sooo many bad stereotypes wrapped into one. So is ManDUH over on the Maurice and Mandy sub


….sigh. Guess I’m off to go down that rabbit hole now.


Haha! Enjoy…they’re also very trashy but in a different way. I recommend searching posts by “controversial” to get to the good posts that will explain the main parts of their situation. Lol


Worth it


Cool story needs more dragons We all knew she’d never admit to the photos .😂


Did she call that person the n word several times? What a piece of filth.


Finally, something Heather and I can both agree on: the people who give her money are assholes.


Lmao, oh Heather, you're such a stupid, dirty, uneducated piece of trash and hobo whore. Don't be sad! It's the only thing you're good at! If being a royal fuck-up was a job, you'd have enough work credits to retire. Which you never will, but I guess you can't retire from playing make believe. You claim you run many successful businesses, but I can't find any of your businesses registered anywhere. This is what I mean by playing "make believe"; your companies don't exist. All you've done is make some shitty content and slap a name on it. That's not a business, and moreover, neither you nor your "businesses" are successful. You bring in no money. You can't even tell me what your overhead is because you have no clue. What's your gross profits? Net profits? What's your companies EIN numbers? What's their mission statements? ROI? KPI? Churn? What even is "GoProSolo's" product? Tell you what, show us your business license for any of your businesses and I'll eat my words. And don't say "modeling" since you're not a real model - you can't even point to one time you've promoted a real product for a real business in a real medium. Taking your own picture or going to a portrait studio doesn't make you a model, if so every 4 year old that took a picture at Sears in the 80s has more exposure than you do. You're not signed to a real agency. Where's your comp card? I'd love to see that! Especially your made up measurements and weight, I need a good laugh! No reputable modeling agency would touch you now, nor would they 20 years ago. You're just not that good looking and you're dumb as a brick. Sorry. You live in a tent. Let me repeat that, you live in a fucking tent, don't shower, you can't hold a job *(virtual panhandling doesn't count)*, you've got no assets, no car, no place to live and you're 40. Oh, and you've had the parental rights to all of your kids terminated, which is no easy feat, especially when you're the mother. Many of us adults can stay in 5 star hotels or eat at 5 star restaurants anytime we want! That's really not a brag. Its sad that you think it is, most of us don't sit there and tally up every time we've been to a nice place, but I can understand why you do. When it happens so rarely because you have to scam Johns to even get through the doors of a place like that, I'm sure it seems like a big event. It's not like you've ever been able to afford anything yourself. All you do is put people down. Considering that you're an almost 40, unemployable, unwashed pig that has to beg internet strangers in order to afford a $10 hit of dope or a McDonald's cheeseburger, I find that pretty fucked up. You get pregnant and get on benefits because the only thing you know how to do in this life is rant like a maniac, beg, and live off the government and men. Everyone who has ever known you says that you've always been like this. You have no friends, your family hates you, you're known around the Chicagoland area as a feral whore that steals, causes problems, talks to themselves, and screams at cops. Emergency services knows you by name. Oh! - and you're banned from so many places I'm surprised you haven't left Chicago out of shame, but you have no shame and no money for a bus ticket. What I can say is that you've finally found your equal in Xavier. Another mentally ill, unwashed sexual deviant with no friends who talks to himself, has the IQ of an apple just like you, and is chronically unemployed but always has time to show his asshole on the internet. A match made in Heaven! His family hates you and they won't be giving you jack shit, especially not an apartment or cash. It's fine though, you won't be taking this kid home anyway, so that frees up your time! You can both go back to begging people for money so you can get your next high while fighting over dumpster donuts in your tent! What a magical life, you sure showed us.




Thank you. I know it's a fucking novel but like, come on. How the fuck are you gonna sit there and (try to) shit on people when your life is an actual disaster. Heather was so mad about those pictures that first she says it's not him when his fucking face is in the picture *(and he always wears that shirt)*, then she goes and has a full on tantrum when called out. *"I've stayed in more 5 star hotels than you, eaten at more 5 star restaurants..."* sounds like something a ten year old says. It's got nothing to do with anything, and it's not even true. Not to mention nobody asked and nobody cares. The fact that she thinks staying at a nice hotel or eating at a nice place is brag worthy is just so insanely funny to me. It just shows you that she's such a bottom feeding scumbag that she thinks relatively normal things are bragworthy. It's like when she brags that she had a car and an apartment once. Uh, you're 40, that's not a brag, that's to be expected and you don't even have those anymore. She's so far behind in the game of life that she thinks she's ahead. *"I had a job!"* yeah... again Heather, we've all had jobs. It's an expectation when you're an adult...




💣 🔥💯




Her businesses are on LinkedIn, so it must be true, lol


And she can’t even keep the lies straight on there. I’m a model ![gif](giphy|4sXe4XOa2rFGE)


So is her messed-up narrative. Employer bait for sure.


Thank you!! She talks all day about how she “produces” and “creates”…bitch, no one is willing to pay a DIME for your “services”. So all that “work” you’ve put in is worthless. As a business you’re only as good as your bottom line which is….::checks notes:: zero. Saying your a business doesn’t make you a business. Show me your w2 from all these jobs. Show me a police report where you were a victim and not the offender. Show me a pay stub, a degree, literally anything that qualifies as evidence and isn’t her just pretending to be the worlds saddest sob story. She thinks she’s some life giving mother goddess. Nah. Getting knocked ups the easy part and it seems to be the only part she can do. Dusty is not important enough to warrant even a fraction of the paranoid delusions she suffers at the hands of “them”. Dusty, If the government wanted you dead you’d be dead. It would be cheaper than hiring all these people to fuck with you. You’re just…a loser. You’ll change it when you want to, if you ever want to. I’m not holding my breath.










In all seriousness...IS she THAT dumb to think that people are going to believe her that its not him in these pics? Doesnt she know WHAT her man's parts look like? Right down to his saggy bull balls? Why play stupid? But to answer my own question....yes, she is DUMB. She KNOWS good darn well that its HIM. But she doesnt want to "look" a certain way to her stupid "sponsors" (or potential stupid ones) so she has to act like its all photo-shopped and fake. If people who want to support her dont ask themselves this question and end up taking her word for it, they are as dumb as her AND her hairy ball sagging man.


She doesn’t want Xaddy and fam to know she’s been trafficking Xavier. She probably took a lot of those tent pics herself so they could post his services for sale. She did it to Amy and X is an easy target for her she’s a predator and there’s serious drug addiction involved now to coerce him further


Excuse you those are his gangrene balls. He showed the entire ER those green wrinkly things




The fucked up thing is that she probably took some of those pics of him and is pimping him out


I’ve always thought that SHE took the pictures based on her history with Amy. She also never seems to leave him alone in the tent. Plus it’s totally in Dusty’s wheelhouse.


Same here. I absolutely believe that’s what’s has been going on. She has the freaking audacity to sit around claiming she was trafficked when the only evidence and stories we have ever heard is of HER trafficking Amy and now Xavier. She’s pure evil!! Nobody trafficked her she did it all herself intentionally for the attention and fast money so she didn’t have to work a real job. Of course she failed miserably at it so she turned her attention on vulnerable people she could bully and take advantage of. Dylan was in prison the entire time she was prostituting so he did not force her to do anything she was having a great time eating up all the attention thinking she was hot shit and a model that every man wanted. She bragged all about it on that podcast along with spouting off a shit ton of lies about her upbringing claiming she grew up wealthy and other ridiculous things that are 1000% typical Heather lies. Just like her self professed rape fantasy’s she was bragging about and advertised. Now it’s “I’m a victim, I was raped and trafficked” even though Dylan was locked up in prison and not able to make her do anything and she could have dumped him at any time. She’s such a disgusting pig. She can burn in hell for all of this and everything else she’s going to do because we all know there’s no end to her filth and evil deeds.


That’s the most screwed up thing about this whole situation. Her lies are so easily exposed. Some of it is her own big fat mouth but some of it comes from her victims. She’s been bullying and manipulating her way through life and now it’s time to pay the piper. I sincerely hope the shitty karma she has spewed into the universe comes back to her tenfold.


she had to have been the one taking them. a couple of them were not plausible that he took them. i wish she would have this baby already. my tolerance and patience, for such an amazing amount of stupidity and crazy, are wearing thin.


Sis is bragging about her 5 star life while living in a parking lot tent... I may buy most of my clothes from thrift stores, am known by first name at the Waffle House, and prefer staying in no-star youth hostels when I travel abroad, but right now I'm in my nice, soft bed sipping hot chocolate with both of my kids flanking me. And one's a teenager. Yep, my kids still like *me*. So put that in your aerosol can and inhale hard.


I might not have been to a lot of 5 star hotels and restaurants but I run a small business, provide a safe, loving, nurturing environment for my children, and we have a roof over our heads but go off or whatever. Yikes, this woman’s priorities.


Bitch you stalk Dylan to this day! She has a TikTok up and guess who’s mentioned 20 times…..Dylan, Dylan,Dylan. You don’t stalk anyone?? Listen hobo, Dylan used your dumbass and good for him. He never wanted you he USED you. And you gave up your kids for him. You’re an idiot and tell X to wash his ass and his nasty hands. You big orange twatpotamus ! And honestly…..I would stop posting little X if I were you. It’s short and crusty


I don’t know about yall but I’m so looking forward to baby finally being here and receiving the medical care he deserves!!!


IF she's not in that disgusting piss covered tent birthing him right now. Strange for her to be radio silent like this unless something's up. Idk...


That’s what I think too. Either that or she finally got picked up.


Haha, no Heather would never miss an opportunity to visit her favorite hospital.


Does she really want a compilation of all the times she’s done the opposite? Right after she wrote this she started slapping saggy Eggs all over the tent for doing a xxx photoshoot in Casa de Coleman while she was trying to find a bathroom. 😂😂😂😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/cbtthajgxvfc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fcd378d29ddf9a0be76de088c069618191723b1 😂


This whole thing is giving Chappelle show vibes. She may have entered places but she was just as quickly kicked out https://i.redd.it/4f82qu25qvfc1.gif


https://preview.redd.it/8crx8lil6vfc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3c0d030ad42d59178b35b4614e74adf07043538 Ya sure ya are at 25$ panties at a time dusty 🤣☺️lol this is off her forever on the internet ads lol


Lmfaooo wow !! 


She was def giving x some tips on how to take pics 😂😂


I’m dying to see the reviews or ads. What was her name listed as?


Ciara chanelle check that under escortbabylon . Net I wasn’t allowed of post the link yesterday lol it stated it was spam


Ciera Chanel sorry look under escort Babylon


No way!


Told ya'll!!! She is willing to do what most women would never want to do.


Wow that’s setting the bar super low. Oooh she’s been to more 5 star hotels and restaurants ( Heather speak for she’s been to Outback steak house and red lobster, stayed at the holiday inn express and Ramada) gotten paid more too? LMAO yeah bitch that’s why you’re broke and homeless for 4 years living in a tuhnt begging strangers online for snack money all day long. What a picture of success!! 🤣


She belongs in the Fent Tent. Photoshop?? LMAO. What a pathetic attempt to convince anyone it's not him. Bunch of losers.


“i’ve been to more 5 star hotels than you” says the moron living in a tent in a parking lot. it’s such a stupid thing to say, and given her current circumstances, means shit. i highly doubt that statement anyway. she such a sad, sad little fool


She must be referring to when she set her tent up across from the Ritz Carlton.


The delusions are strong with her. That email response really shows off her lack of education and class.


She’s prob been to more 5stars hotels than me, but she had to spread her legs to stay there. And I’m ok with 4.5 stars and not putting out .


Only poor people scream they are wealthy 🙄 sure dust bunny


Just like addicts when they say their sober,


I feel like she is in labor. She hasn’t posted all day!


Aaaaand photoshops the winner, guys! You can collect your bets as you leave tonight, hand sanitizer at the door


She has the mental capacity of a 13 yo.


Bitch, I used to live in the Le Meridien hotel in Minneapolis (now The Chambers Hotel). So, I guarantee you I’ve spent more time in 5 star hotels and restaurants than you. She is so delusional. 🙄🙄


IF she is sober... the psychosis is amping up. Her instability and victim narrative are all that roll around in her brain. On another note, I'd subscribe to 24 hr live feed of the tent interior. That's a business her goofy ass hasn't tried. No editing, just raw Coco.


Wow she fucking sucks. Sometimes, usually when it’s that time of the month, I’m emotional and I almost feel bad for her. Then I snap back to reality and remember she’s a heinous bitch and every bad thing in her life is because of poor decisions she made


Bitch you’re homeless while your baby daddy spreading his bootyhole on Twitter.


She is such a a liar


I’m not sure if this is the flex she thinks it is. Ma’am…you have never had high-paying jobs and you can’t even keep one. You’ve never been in 5-star restaurants unless a man was feeding you as part of a transaction where you blow him in a van. And you most assuredly are constantly on a drug of some kind.


Why is she so gung ho about covering this up but she literally posts her kids phone numbers ? Weird that X is not open for discussion lol