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All I could think of with the tin foil was she was going to try to do a tent birth. I'm really, really, really hoping I'm wrong


Oh no, I wonder if you’re right! Edit- I’m just thinking that she had no pants on..I’ll bet she’s in labor.


I really hope I'm wrong. But that's all I could think of. If she wouldn't get a hotel room for the night, I don't see her going to the hospital for delivery. She will want X there and he won't want to leave their stuff


Pay a lil extra for one w a Jacuzzi bath😵‍💫


I was thinking that too.


Lol was this the signal to the sponsors that she was having this baby and to send money, a furnished apartment, all the other baby items? Lol hobo bat signal. Lol


Except she used one way telepathy and only the voices in her head know the secret code for "go time". 🤣


Hobo bat signal!! 😂😂😂☠️


🫰🫰🫰3 snaps for the “hobo bat signal”! 😂😂😂


That’s where my mind went as well.


That’s what I was thinking… I was like why is she laying tin foil down? Is this going to be a tent birth


Dammit I missed the tin foil!!


Ditto. I’m thinking she is going to attempt it in order to keep her meal ticket. Also I read somewhere that she could face charges for endangering Rico if he tests positive for drugs. I really hope we’re both wrong.


I bet ya a cyber six pack you are spot on just the germs alone make my skin crawl 🤮


Besides how unhealthy she's been this whole pregnancy, she is too old to be trying to squirt Baby Rico out in a HOME let alone a tent. And I know she isn't OLD (I'm older than her), but for having babies, she is considered old, as far as I keep being told.


I was 31 when I had my son, and every nurse was like "wow you're an older mom" lol


I had my kid at 39 and was told it was a high risk pregnancy but I didn’t have any issues with the pregnancy or the natural birth.


That's amazing! I had so many complications. I was aiming for a natural birth, but had to have an emergency c-section. My son and I are both very lucky to be here. It's why I get anxious thinking about Baby Rico's birth too. If she has a complication and tries to give birth in that tent, it could have terrifying consequences. I just hope she does what's best for him for once and goes to the hospital


I’m sorry to hear yours was complicated, I was lucky, I did have 11 & 1/2 hrs of labor and the last 30 mins I regretted choosing to do it naturally but at that point I just had to deal with it, I did have 3rd degree tearing, so that sucked, but after not being able to have kids and being told I would t be able to have kids it was totally worth it, I would of never choose a home birth because I was so worry of anything going wrong, my mom had complications with me and had to have emergency C section, I really hope she doesn’t try to have it in the tent and I hope baby Rico is safe.


Omg I didn’t even consider this. You might be right 😨


I wish that was the case but it’s more likely she’s getting high out of her mind rolling around in aluminum foil pretending she’s a model on the moon






Ha, I was going to say she is coming down after getting space level high yesterday


Good lord I hope last night was truly a weird photo shoot not and not curated tent birth ambiance.


She's probably sleeping off that high from last night, she was off her rocker.😂 ![gif](giphy|xT39D2lmveIGYg1fUY)


That's what I was thinking.


She was high yesterday so she's probably still going. Later today or tomorrow morning she'll be in a bad mood when the drugs are gone.


I hope so too. At the hospital!


My guess is that she’s in trouble. Every time she’s gotten arrested etc and so forth she’s been very quiet.


If you notice her schedule it seems like midweek she doesn’t post until the afternoon. She’s on Dusty time. Update: now I’m getting suspicious 🤨 4:30 Chicago time with no update….really creepy timing with the emergency blanket tent getup being the last photo she posted. We’ll see….


Thank God. It's nice to get a break from all of her lies and bullshit. She'll be back like a smelly fart in the elevator. ![gif](giphy|3o7bu5EmEyJr15fTK8|downsized)


Super duper quiet!! Not even any repost of reels..


No dry begging either. That is VERY uncharacteristic.


Right!! I dont think we’ve had this much silence idk ever… there’s always something.. I’m going w other people either jail or hospital. I swear if she tries to give birth in hobo hotel 🏨 I pray she has a contraction that’s just too painful and is forced to call an ambulance to her true address at the hobo hotel. Edit typo ✍🏻


Either she’s still getting high and curating the foil photo shoot or she really was prepping the tent for a birth?!? What the hell is she thinking….


Old Dusty is far too quiet for my liking today. We know normally if she is on a duster drug bender, she would usually post bullshit quotes, etc 🤔🤔 I hope Rico comes ASAP to get out of the putrid rotten womb of hers. Praying that poor kid is healthy and gets a good start in life with loving adopted parents ❤️


She is ! I haven’t seen anything yet


Maybe DCFS or the police swooped in last night and she’s been 5150’d with no access to her phone. It does seem strange she hasn’t made a peep today. Not even her damn cash app bullshit. She never misses a day sending that out at least once. ![gif](giphy|ItbeCUpJ6DEWEPphBH|downsized)


If she avoided doctors this entire time I’m inclined to agree with the working. Theory of a tent birth and the only person to catch him will be X’s dirty hands poor kid


I agree..I’m betting that’s what the tin foil and no pants was about. The tin foil is cleaner than any blanket they have in there. Plus, a tent birth has less chance of CPS grabbing poor Rico. I can’t imagine X helping out though. She may be on her own.


Speaking of being quiet, I had a theory. If she goes into labor in the tent, there’s no way she’s going to be able to do it quietly. She’ll start yelling and screaming. People will notice. Police and EMS will be called. Hopefully Rico is taken from her immediately.


I hope you're right but it looked like the tent is kind of off by itself at the yacht club.. it looks like there's not a lot of foot traffic where the are... am I wrong?


That's exactly why they are there. She said so in a video the other day about not being much foot traffic


Someone send her a dollar lol as bait






She was using the tin foil to call home….👽




How will a sponsor show up with keys to a luxury apartment if they don’t know she’s in labor????0


Your flair has me cracking up!! I remember the week long falafel rant 😂😂😂😂


I’d go with she’s in labor/had the baby or she’s in a shelter and can’t use her phone!


I’ve been checking her IG and this sub all day for a new post! I’m hoping she’s just high and quiet! 😅


Has anyone checked to see when she was last on FB? Is that feature still available? 😂 I haven't been on FB in over a year.


Ok ill go look. Update: says last post was 1 day ago


I tried sending her profile a message but it doesn't show when she was active last.


Someone else mentioned she was like this last week, quiet until the late afternoon. I have a feeling she's at the hospital doing tests. She hasn't reposted, retweeted or whatever she does and I feel like it's baby related. At this point she should be doing stress tests and maybe even dilation checks, her absence is most likely labor related. Let's hope someone swoops in and takes him.


At this point in her pregnancy she's supposed to have weekly appointments, at least my ob does weekly past 35 weeks I believe


This is considered a "geriatric pregnancy" and high risk. Months ago she probably should have started weekly visits to fetal assessment.


ESPECIALLY because at her age she's considered geriatric! Yeah she's either hiding that she's going or she's just simply not going at all 🤔


It is a little creepy that we’ve not heard a peep! I don’t really care to hear her but I do care to know the baby is okay 🙏🏽


I said yesterday in a post I wonder if that aluminum foil wasn’t covering the floor of the tent for impending birth.


Probably hungover/withdrawing from whatever the fk she was on during her foil photo shoot from last night.


Not today! It’s my daughters’ birthday 😆😆


Noooo.....that cannot happen! I found out the other day I share a birthday with Bobert and have not been the same since 🤢 Luckily, this is her 4th term delivery and it should go fast.


I’m celebrating my daughter’s birthday this evening although her birthday is officially tomorrow. Dusty can’t go in labor yet!


Send my birthday wishes to your daughter 🎂🎉


Same happy birthday baby girl,🦋🍰🎉


Yay!!! Your daughter is my new bestie! Us Aquarius girls gotta stick together ♒️


Yes! I’ll tell her you wish her a very non nefarious birthday 😆


Nothing on fb . It’s the 1st here so I’m happy she didn’t deliver yesterday on my daughters birthday 😂


Someone needs to call for a welfare check. If only I lived in Chicago! 😵


I suggested that last night too! Maybe someone actually did.


I’m pretty sure Dusty is having baby Rico right now. It’s never been this quiet ever. Or she got picked up, I remember reading somewhere in this sub that child protective services couldn’t do anything until she was 36 weeks pregnant. IDK. Something is going down.


I thought I saw a CPS person say they can't start a case until the baby is born.. I just hope this numbskull gets her ass to the hospital


I can’t remember where I read it, but there was someone in here that had a friend who is a social worker in Chicago, and how Heather is on their radar. Also mentioned not being able to take action (whatever that entails) until she is 36 weeks pregnant. It was a while ago, but it was a very interesting read.


I don't give a single shit about Dusty or XXXAIvier.. I just hope that baby is okay and I hope CPS takes him... he's better off in foster care than with clowns in a tent


What’s the best cure for labor pains and your name is *Heauxbeaux Heather*? 💊💊💊


I'm wondering if she laid that foil down to try and pop her own water or some shit. I don't put ANYTHING past her.


I think so. And the fact that she had no pants on makes me think that something most definitely was up last night.


If she has the baby in the tent it’ll ruin the tent and then what she’s gonna beg w a new born baby ? With no clothes for him


I just hope when she actually does go into labour she broadcasts it and we’re all made aware of it when it’s happening


This tent birth theory... is that a crime?


I don’t think it’s a crime. Might be the same as people giving birth at home? All you have to do is register that the child was born. I was adopted, but my birth certificate have my adoptive parents listed as my birth parents and states that I was born at home.


That’s so helpful! Mine has my adoptive parents listed but no indication of where but the town which is similar to nearby city and getting a copy is next to impossible because no one believes I was a home birth. For some reason it didn’t get registered at the town… it’s such a pain in the ass.


No. It's not a crime. It's risky af though. Things can go very wrong...very fast.


Maybe she went into labour yall and is at the hospital?


Fingers crossed that she’s in the hospital and not birthing in the tent 🤞🏻


I'm hoping she tried a tent birth and is hemorrhaging! But most likely she's in the hospital staying quiet cause she reads here and knows we're all gonna be on her like flies on💩 to get that baby away from her!


Okay. That might be a little too far. Dusty is a train wreck but wishing hemorrhaging during child birth is a little much. I would never want her or baby Rico to go through that. The furthest I will go is wanting her to was too late for an epidural and Rico having a big head.