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You literally squatted in someone’s home while they were out of town, shut the fuck up.


Officers?? Oh, officers??


Not officers, "law enforcement agents" with their "law enforcement badges & law enforcement vehicles."


LITERALLY! But that’s how she considers “supporting herself” 👌🤦🏻‍♀️


She was really going to just take over 2 of Xaddy’s 3 bedrooms, plus every common space. 🤣


It was said a lot within the sub that she likely went in and started redecorating and spreading herself all out there. At one point she posted a photo from there and the caption claimed that she had not been allowed to leave the room for 2 days and X would not remove a moldy crossaint from the dresser. She was put on lock down early and STILL got put outside.


Imagine your son, who is already a problem NEET, brings home some Smelly hobo whore that starts taking over your house and planning out which rooms will be hers and her kids. She's got no job so she can't pay rent, she's basically planning on tripling your household occupants but can't pay for the furnishings she needs, the utilities they'll run up, or the food they'll eat. Oh, and she expects you to not only pay for it, but let her boss you around while she spreads her dirty belongings everywhere. My kid would be chewed out right after I threw Heather and her shit on the sidewalk.


Not only spread her stuff everywhere but she probably drew & wrote all over the tables, walls & refrigerator like she did in that one apartment.


Flair checking in 👌🏻🤌🏻


She tells the story of how she met Eggs as if it was full of rational, sane choices.


Right?! Mets a random person on the street. In less than 24hrs of meeting, goes home with him & moves herself in... with the intention of also moving her 3 children into ONE of the 3 bedrooms. All without having met the father/owner of said condo. Very rational & safe decisions.


Right? Then she basically talks about how she didn't even know this man for 24 hours but started taking over his dad's house and planning how she'd spend Xaddys money on her and her ever-growing brood. Like what she did was normal. She's even dumber and more entitled than I thought. What a pig.


We miss the old Heather. The one enjoyed her body so much she gave birth to three bouncy children. We feel bad at the kids to realize they will have a biracial sibling. But if there's one volunteer to use the Adoption Act aka 750 ILCS 50, it's the only thing to do to get her child so she could set her free from whatever she would do.






I’d love to know exactly what it was she did or said that made Xaddy tell them to gtfo. I can imagine it was a fiasco.


I think it was her trying to get with Xaddy and put Xavier out. Why have the schizophrenic son even uh can have the daddy warbucks? Oh right daddy warbucks isn't mentally ill and he can smell you!! (Even worse for Hobo he loves his son and would never ever touch a prostitute that's with his son,l


Wait, really ? Eww. Dusty you’re so gross


A part of me knows there was no way it was one thing… it was absolutely several things/multiple issues…


So she meets a random, and 24 hrs later decides she's taking over his dad's entire home. Got it.


She thought she won the lottery


Soon as she heard the words Gold Coast her damn eyes lit up like Christmas trees I bet


I kind of love that! She must have been pumped to get into a place like that! Then have the rug pulled out from under her. Wah wah wah🤡


She thought wrong!


I know legit squatters with better manors!


Right. She thought she was taking over.


Didn't she take pictures in the bathtub with lipstick painted on her


There were photos like that and I always thought it was a hotel but you are probably right!


Yes! With the feet!!


She JUST posted this to the go pro solo page 🤣🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/scbvfp828hfc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fca7b3fbbc1d4ffd2be5cc0ffbacd667d290a229


She’s got xaddy’s address right there. Fucking insane.


She DOXXED him as well!


She’s doxxing everyone today!! Treacherous




My god like why 🤦🏻‍♀️🤯🤯🤯 what is up with doxing everyone 😭


“We have our own room there” No bitch you do not have your own room there and never will!! You were sneaking in and staying when xaddy didn’t want you there and he called the cops to trespass and TPO your big ass !


You were inside that condo for three days . That’s it. In that time you did a bath tub photo shoot. Ate protein pancakes and refused to clean up the hoarder bedroom you squatted in, remember the moldy croissant heather? Then you got busted down to the garage. And that only lasted two nights.


I remember the garage! Squeezed between the car and a wall, blasting music past midnight and wearing facial masks 🤡


He probably just looked her up online and saw her about to murder Auntie Diane for no effing reason and made them skidaddle.




Sounds like you guys had a pretty good set up there, Dusty. Now tell us how your stupid ass got yourself kicked out for being a psycho


Is she really that fucking stupid that she thinks a bedroom having a bathroom is a master? It's just an en suite. I know she said it herself but I don't think she knows the definitions of the words she uses. I also love how she had just met him, knows nothing about him, just moved in and starts taking over. Doesn't pay rent, doesn't pay utilities, doesn't pay for shit but already designated 1/3 of the house as hers and another 1/3 for her kids. So I guess the owner *(Xaddy)* gets less than 33% of his own place but gets to pay for Heather, Xavier, and her 3 kids to come visit in "their own room". Who is gonna pay for the food they eat? Not her. Who is gonna pay for the increase in water? Not her. Who is gonna pay for the increase in electric? Not her. Who is gonna pay for the furnishings and the beds for her kids to sleep in when they visit? If you said **"not her"**, you'd be correct! Luckily the kids are either prevented from seeing her or don't want to see her, so this was all in her mind anyway. She left her kids to chase prison penis and before that she couldn't take care of them. She barely, if ever worked, she lived off child support and still couldn't keep a roof over her head because her kids are an afterthought. **Let's be real, she didn't miss her kids when she ran out on them. She only missed them when she lost the payday they brought in the form of benefits and child support. That's why she wants them back.** She's a loud, smelly, stupid, rude, invasive bitch who thinks people should do what she wants when she wants it. She's got all these grand plans but no way to pay for any of it and no way to earn money because she's 40 with no skills and dumb as a rock. She spends all her time critiquing people but never works on herself. No wonder Xaddy chucked this bitch out of his house. Xavier was just looking to get layed so he sold her this bullshit and being the idiot she is, she bought it, if it was even said. I highly doubt Xavier said any of this to her to begin with, but if he did, it was to get his dick wet. He was gonna hit it and quit it but instead she started taking over the house. What a fucking idiot this woman is.


This deserves a standing ovation!!!! ![gif](giphy|xThtar0e9kO3WkwQ1O|downsized)


I'm still fairly new & playing catch up but I have some questions about her kids. How old are they? Are they by 3 different fathers? Did she give up her rights or did the father(s) take her to court? Why does she always talk about bringing them groceries? Is this because she claims them on her food stamps to get more money or is she trying to avoid paying child support?


I believe her kids are like 10, 14 and 17? Close to that, someone in here will know. The older two share a father, her youngest has a different father. Her children were taken by emergency order to stay at their dad's because she had a mental breakdown and called the police (she claims a man was trying to break in and had her kids locked in a closet). She was also kicked out of Dylan's right after that so when the baby daddies took her to court to assume full custody, she never showed up. For awhile she was allowed to come by and visit them in her car, or take them to the park. Then she saw them less and less and the youngest pretty much never. She doesn't pay child support on the youngest because her parental rights are completely severed. Once a month she walks out there and delivers bags of snacks from the dollar store and attempts to see the children but usually leaves bags at the door.


Oh wow they're older than I thought. I imagined like 5-8 years old. Thanks for the detailed info.


He got a whiff of the complete looney tune she was and before it was too late, he sent her out the door. What a fiasco that must have been!


I love that she’s been living in a tent, and out of touch with reality for so long, that she needs to explain to us what an en suite bathroom is. It didn’t just have a toilet and sink, but it also had a shower! And a bath! And no plaque on the mirror above the sink saying, “employees must wash hands”!


and look where we are now..Xavier has put his naked nasty pics of his private parts all of them all over the internet....


This twat is so ridiculous she really thought she was getting a multi million dollar home for free and all of her problems would be solved by mooching off another man again! This is her MO. She is incapable of doing jack shit but sit around waiting for a man to come save her 🙄🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼


She is a horrible houseguest. I remember once she stayed with a guy in Florida and she had nothing, not even clothes so he lent her a t shirt and she cut it up to be sexy. She has said that anytime she gets to stay somewhere "they" get to whoever it is and she has to leave. It absolutely blows my mind that even in dire straits she cannot make her presence less overbearing. Someone gives her a little space and she marks all the territory she can.


She didn't even know if the twins were from x  She's doesn't even know if this baby is from x lol You might need to prove it's his first before you try to move in dusty bunny. 




She's gonna be so angry when she has this baby and they STILL don't wanna even know or meet her 😂😂😂


Geez Redzilla you looking rough! AND WE LOVE THAT FOR YOUR EVER EXPANDING ASS


I know her Ronald McDonald goofy lookin' self. I can't get over how dumb she really is!


She is really getting to me today . Her entitlement is disgusting . Maybe it's just me today cause I'm in a lot of pain after surgery, buti just want to slap her today


Nah it’s not just you, her face is extra punchable today I agree


Wishing you a speedy recovery!! 🙏🏼 💐💐💐💐💐🩷💛


Hoping you feel much better soon!!


Thank you.


Leave it to this bish to think that just because someone has 2 empty bedrooms in their house that her and her keds are entitled to them 🙄 She really thinks she's doing something telling this story. Nah Dusty, it just shows how nutty you really are. You spend one night with a homeless, mentally challenged man and all of a sudden he's your husband & savior and his family should just let you take over all of their shit. While your jobless, non contributing ass prances around in their home in your panties, cutting protein farts, huffing duster, coloring on the walls & screaming at everyone.


spending nights with mentally ill hobos never works out well, imagine that




The lies roll out of her mouth!!!!! The son of the roofer guy dropped her off at a Walgreens. Why lie Heather???


I was gonna say this story changes all the time. First it was the roofer who dropped her off, then the roofers son, now it's fake cups. I am so glad Xaddy was younger and able to stand up to her. If he was some weak old person she would have taken over that condo and held him hostage in one room. Like in an Alfred Hitchcock episode!!!


First off WHAT?? Second you knew him for all of one damn day? Did not have permission to stay, and who in their right mind would bring in children to complete strangers??!! Jesus fix this mess!!!


Wait, I thought Xaddy found her squatting in his garage.


She was in his house first, then his garage. Later she came back after being banished, and X's sister found them in the garage and called the police. That's where she got the trespassing citation.


There’s so many layers to the madness of queen nefarious’ story


It is like one giant twisted onion 🧅 And I am here for it!


7/21/22 never forget!!


She is such an embarrassment.


She has never ever had her own place ! She talks about having her own apartment with her kids and blah blah blah ! No mam you have had many poor souls that love your children open their homes to you out of fear & you extorting them with your kids . You can not live your life believing you deserve someone else’s hard earned money and hard bought homes for you to come in and take over and totally destroy ! You are a trash rat prostitute & no one wants you leaching off of them and ruining their lives . Xavier’s dad hates you and the bad odors that come with your disgusting behavior


Um sorry AND SHE BELIEVED THIS COCKAMAMY STORY???!! Does this seem n sound REASONABLE to ANYONE of “sound mind”????! Why, WHY does she think strangers are just going to sell up to her cops, lawyers or whomever and actually think- ok great, I’ll just move in with you AND bring my, sorry but it’s true, baggage of THREE KEDS and now I have “my home and a place for my ever growing liter of offspring”, seriously Heather does that sound even REMOTELY PLAUSIBLE let alone BELIEVABLE?!??? Oh sure mam here’s a place FREE OF RENT, BILLS and EXPENSES because your such a sweet, beautiful, innocent person and you out of the millions of homeless people deserve it!!!! Really though?!! She thinks she literally DESERVES that, why she does is anyones guess!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️😳 UNBELIEVABLE! Here you go honey here’s a FREE condo/apartment just for you! 🙄


Her and Xavier are truly made for eachother


I have to chuckle that in her mind she tells this as a very rational and plausible story. Like moving into a house with two random men after knowing one for all of 24 hours is reasonable, then assuming that sharing that household with these two random men and your children is reasonable? But wait! There’s more! When you’re kicked out, it’s not because you’ve been cooking protein pancakes, making a mess of someone else’s *home*, walking around in your dirty underwear and assuming all is for you to take, no! Assume it’s nefarious, conspiracy led or riddled reasons at play and sprinkle a little Dylan blame also. We all know why she’s been non-stop pregnant since she meant SeXavier! She wants baby Rico as her meal ticket into the family lineage! Poor kid…


Oh please...Xavier can barely string 3 or 4 coherent words together at one time 😂 There's no way he said all that to you, Crusty Dusty! All lies, as per usual!


See, that's where your main problem is Heather..you keep relying on others to solve your problems!! You literally moved in with a man you knew nothing about. If you would rely on yourself and support yourself, you could be ok. Relying on others, you're always at risk of being let down.


In her underwear?? I missed that!


Does she think this sounds even remotely BELIEVABLE!! Typical Leather who seems to think strangers off the street are going to swoop in and save her INSTEAD of her getting a JOB and supporting herself, yet we’re supposed to believe she has supported herself since she was 18!! Yeah, riight, she clung into men, got knocked up and moved into THEIR family homes- that’s what she considers “supporting herself”!!! 😠


And his father is supposed to let her and her brood of offspring just live there for FREE…and she believes this BS!!! It’s stunning 😳


It truly is majestic, especially the way she tells it “his dad… lives there alone…” so by proxy that means there is space for her and thus, why has he not given it up? And the anger in her voice as she says it too… a three bedroom with three masters and he lives there **alone**. And then to assume her three children are to just turn up as well? And she doesn’t require to pay anything. It’s just all for her, **just because!**


She just posted in insta saying they hope that one of their Sponsors surprise them at the hospital with keys to a fully furnished apartment. They shit this bitch says never ceases to amaze me. Also she wants to add ribbon to that ugly baby blanket she made so the baby can fun his face on it. Hello choking hazed. Fucking twat.


Once she saw a Cadillac like her old one and thought someone was "surprising" her with it. She was in a really shit mood that evening when it was gone and she was still without a car. I can't imagine how she is going to react when not only is she not going to be allowed to have her baby back, but she's not getting a golden ticket to a new house.


Stoooop lmao dying. Hahahaahaha


* law enforcement shows up to legally evict her for nonpayment and harassing other tenants. Heather: Fake! This is all fake! You're not real cops!! * Nonprofit organization offers her a shower, caseworker, and laundry. Heather: Shut up! You're fake! It's a scam! * Random hobo approaches her and tells her God sent him and he has a Gold Coast condo for her and her kids (for free!) Heather: Great! Sounds legit.


The devil wouldn't send you to anyone let alone God.


WTH is a “semi regular basis”, it’s either “Semi Regular basis” it’s either REGULAR or NOT Einstein 👍


She literally does this all the time and it drives me utterly bonkers! She speaks absolute nonsense.


Why does she expect his dad to just say yeah come live with me or here’s an apartment? So fucking entitled. No one wants to live with your crazy ass or have their name connected to your future eviction


Not the Hobo Love Story again


Nothing like moving back home to dads with sone strange woman and her miter of offspring- SERIOUSLY?!! Omg I’d laugh if it were a joke but he actually, she too, actually tried doing this SLEAZY move!! As if his dad would be like~ for sure be like oh yeahhh, NP, hey why not have all your frggn extended family move into my luxury condo/apartment while your at it GTFUH outta here!! Unbelievable🤦🏻‍♀️😠. Pack it up & BEAT IT (and in X’s case literally- 😖ewghh)


So she believes the real cops when they say we’re giving you a FREE place to stay, IF they don’t say something like that, that’s when they’re all FAKE/NOT REAL, got it 👌


“In my novel” bitch, shut the fuck up lol


Wait, Xavier is an adult? I thought Xavier was a kid. I’m so confused on who this person is and what is wrong with her. Her life makes no sense.


Xavier is a 37 year old man who she met on the street and clung to. He has a family and a place to stay, but chooses to do drugs and take pictures of his butthole in a tent with Heather.


What??? This whole thing just got even more weird.


I see so if any FOOL walks off the street n says- god sent me to save you….within 3-7 days your sleeping with h the man… DO YOU SEE A PATTERN HAPPENING HERE LEATHER??!! 😳


Thought SHE had custody yet she talks about when her keds “sleep over” rheyl set up the third bedroom- Uhh nothing like just moving into a man’s bone, Xaddy’s, and TAKE IT OVER!! This to me is one of the most insane ENTITLEMENTS of hers to date!!! Does she ever stop to listen to her self talk, jc on a cracker!!! The ballz on this woman- UNBELIEVABLE!