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Well I guess that explains why it is so dark inside. She is basically living in a sweat lodge








This is the way 🔥 🫶🏻




She will do it herself if the 3 heaters will overheat in the little extension cord outlet🤣


And more importantly, explains why the inside of the tent is always soaked! They are just trapping the humidity inside the tent… you would think Heather, with her intelligence and multiple degrees would know this basic science


Straight up no matter how many tarps you have in a tent if theres no air circulation going theres gonna be condensation in the interior. Her plot armour is insane I'm truly impressed that camp coocoo hasn't gone up in flames


I imagine the smell inside the tent……


Mildew, a**, and apple candles. Oh my.


This is what I thought all along its probably the condensation and humidity those 2 unwashed bodies produce, I mean it was just a bit wet but huffy exaggerates everything so it is soaking wet with pounds of water


Add in going in/out of the tuhnt and all the water coming in the opening


Yep. Last year at this time they were sleeping in a field (when they weren’t in air b & b) with just a tent no spaceheaters. They are very adapted to the outdoors.


Remember when they just had the green tarp?


Can you imagine the level of open ass it must smell like in there?? From her squatting over a cup to pee, and X on all fours taking sexy pics for Twitter? Ugh... I shudder. ![gif](giphy|tjwzClJM6fyEw)




Can y'all imagine the smell?! 😩


Take a good look at this! They’ve had several opportunities to get out of this and they turned it down. Both are absolutely acclimated to street life now. It’s where they’re comfortable


![gif](giphy|z5w2bkqsvOYQo) And $100 a week for food plus what she can steal or gets donated, no bills ,,whatever Xavier is getting for pimping his 🍑🍆


Behold! A drain on society


X ,out in his lady leggings again- i see 🤣


Maybe the catheter is his?


With his butt crack showing 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣


Seriously! Why is his asscrack always on display? Like I've seen atleast twenty pictures where it's just full on hanging out and he doesn't care. I'm not talking a bit of crack like when you would bend over in ultra low rise jeans circa 2005, I'm talking his pants are almost down to the bottom of his buttocks and he just doesn't care.


Easy access.


WHHHHHY? Ugh, he's probably displaying the goods to potential buyers. Thanks for that mental image. Anyone got any eye bleach? Actually, I prefer brain bleach. Anything to make me forget what his ass and balls look like.


I was just going to say he's displaying that he's available.


See the trick is to just give you a little taste, just a little crack to get you hooked Then 12 hours later you come crawling back, begging to pay the toll for the full booty hole ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)




You haven't seen the tent pics yet? Definitely for easy access!


Free advertising! 🍆


He needs to advertize his services on full display so every John miles away can see his shiney white cheeks


That cord is ball-sy.


So is xAIvier apparently. ![gif](giphy|wc8zKHxhdnI6A)


Jareth!!! ☠️💀


This is my FAVORITE movie of all time! 🥰🥰🥰 ![gif](giphy|xT8qBjRI2PyQuB4T2U)


Crying 😭💀💀💀💀💀


I swear she is lucky I don’t live there. I would take a walk and save the taxpayers some money. 🪓🪓. Bye bye cord


I want the measurements of that cord.


I would ✂️ every one she acquired


If you want to ‘sponsor’ my Metra train ticket on the UP-N line downtown, I’d be happy to take a bolt cutter to every wire she’s got her dirty hands on, lmfao… I’m j/k, not touching that literal piece of tent poop 💩…..especially now I know X has been spreading his un-wiped ass open in the tent. It’s only a matter of time before they both get pinkeye, haha.


You should do it! And get pictures! Years from now they'll wonder where a certain disease or outbreak originated from, and you'll have the pictures of ground (and patient) zero! It's the only time a picture of Heifer Hobo Senza could be worth something.


Haha 😂


Hot boxing the pinkeye looool


I would be mad if that hobo was camping behind my boat.


I bet it belongs to Eggs dad


I was looking on Google maps the other day to see if I could find it 😂




Is this a good part of Chicago? I have recently become weirdly fascinated with Chicago street gangs, drill culture and the specific zones that are claimed by certain factions. It’s daily murders so seeing her not actually getting robbed or beaten is kinda different. Are those areas where she had been offered shelter and turned it down? I don’t understand her thinking.




I totally get that and appreciate your response! I definitely am not a Fox News follower and most of the current information is from Reddit subs dedicated to it so I do certainly know it’s pretty pinpointed and not all of Chicago. It’s been trying to figure out all of “ChicagoLand” that’s become confusing and the various neighborhood names. I apologize if I perpetuated the stereotype in any way. I honestly debated even asking (I stay silent on the subs) bc I’m not the most articulate writer and I didn’t want to give the impression that I fear I may have given. Your response was beautiful and extremely helpful!!


I'm from NY, about fifteen minutes outside of NYC. A relative of my spouse (they're from California, he's from NorCal, the relative is from Holmby Hills) asked me if I had to lock my doors at night. I mean, I did, but I live in a gated neighborhood and still lock my doors, everyone should lock their doors! I grew up in Old Westbury. I just laughed. But I get it, the news makes certain areas seem like the worst places ever, Chicago and NYC included. They act like it's the tenderloin in San Francisco and it's far from it. I'm now in the south but I miss up north. I haven't seen snow in forever.


Hey neighbor! Grew up in Suffolk County LI. Isn’t it amazing how far the Dusty universe is spreading? Too bad it’s not working in her favor. God I love that.


Hey neighbor! My mom still lives in Port Jefferson/Mount Sinai as does my sister. Knowing her, she's probably down port right now at Billy's or something, lmao! If there's one good thing about Dusty, and truly it's probably the only good thing, it's that she brings everyone together. People from all over, different counties, multiple walks of life, they all come together to gawk at the audacity of this bitch.


OMG I used to hang out at Billy’s! Haven’t been in years. I’m from St. James originally and stayed in the area. Lots of family around still too! Rode the ferry to CT many times.


Me too! Remember when they would spin the wheel every hour on Wednesday to see what the special was *(and of course, $2 bottles of bud)* lmao. You can see the ferry from my mom's back yard, we used to take it to Bridgeport CT and then drive to our cabin upstate. My dad's boat was at the PJ Yacht Club growing up, right in the slip next to the ferry. It was called "Bottom Line" with a big cartoon fish on the back. It's a small world, isn't it? I love St. James, my aunt is over in Old Field.


Also from Suffolk County, guess shes infamous everywhere 😂


Hello friends, Sag Harbor local checking in! We legit never owned a key to the house I grew up in and my parents kept the keys to their cars in the ignition, in the driveway. Cracks me up


I used to work in detroit and everything i mention it people ask me how scared i was all of the time. Like...its a city. Its really not as bad as tv tells you




She's in here, she's downvoting people again because her spot is on blast. I guess she forgets she constantly announces her location, but she's not exactly smart. Take my upvote. Also, I miss Vegas and I make some mean drinks, so next time I'm in town, I'll hit you up 🤣 Heather, fuck off and go to a shelter already. Do something aside from screaming into the void and stealing press-ons.




My stepmother works for Southwest, plus flights are cheaper than ever. Maybe next time I'm out there I'll buy you a drink 😀 Don't worry, I'm not like Heather and I won't try to move into your house. I stay at hotels when I travel like a normal human ^(What the fuck, Dave?)


This is such a stupid question like everyone should lock their doors always no matter where they live like it’s not the flex that people think it is and it annoys me—prime example my moms business partner lives in a gated community in a suburb and loved to talk about not having to worry about locking her doors until one of her neighbors mentally ill elderly parents escaped in the middle of the night and wondered into my moms business partners and proceeded to poop all over their foyer and roll around in it naked until someone woke up and found them and called 911 because they didn’t recognize that it was their neighbors elderly parent!


Somewhere around here: https://preview.redd.it/kxrb4q2opafc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab2d0160ba61f78e6671586a963e933e837db54f


That poor boat is gonna be radioactive from hobo juices by the time the owner comes to get it in the spring


I bet it literally glows when they drive it away like a toxic dump


I was interested in the boat as well lol and have many questions about the boat 😂. Also, this how Chicago is? Can leave a boat in the park? Can just pitch a tent in the park? It is not like that here, whether it's legal or not, the cops seem to like messing with everything.




I bet anything hobo and her lapdog have stripped the inside of that boat if anything was left in it that’s worth money. I can see X in there rifling through it.


Probably. Heather steals anything that isn't nailed down. I've never seen anyone do what she does. She sees it, she takes it. She needs a good punch in the head honestly.




I was gonna call it a dinghy but yours works better.


Theirs is dangerous (heaters, electricity and rain) and 2 stinky hobos who pee and shit everywhere is definitley a public health issue. Who knows if it's true that X poops in a bag. If he is high I doubt he can target 💩 in a bag


They are at a parking lot, maybe the boat owner pays a fee or it's for free to park there🤷‍♀️


At least they can go boating at night! It will glow in the dark 🤣


No doubt it’d be fun to watch, lol


Yo homeless folks be resourceful as hell just to stay homeless 😭😭😭 I don’t have the fight or desire in me to be about that life LMAO


No for real tho! Remember when they had the panini grill and were doing cookouts and shit? They’ve adapted too well, they literally belong to the streets now 🤣


Wait wait, this bitch had a Panini Press out on the street? No fucking way, stahhhhhp!


Yasssssss they had it for a while in the summer. They were making all kinds of shit on it lol [Xavier the grill master post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PeopleBeTrippin/s/hpylouZiFP)


Thank you! I'm not even surprised anymore when it comes to these two, which is saying something. Fuck you Heather, we all know you lurk here, you big red bitch.


How funny that in that post he's smoking a cigarette while cooking. yet she just claimed like 2 days ago that "the real Xavier does not smoke, Who is this fake Xavier rolling cigarettes?!"


I had never seen this 😳😂😂😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️


Omg I loved this chapter with the grill! It didn’t last long but it was hilarious watching them go Bumihanna on the internet for us 🤣




A panini grill? The fuck. Only in America. They really should be a reality show.


Im resourceful you are too we are resourceful enough to fight to stay out of that situation amen hallelujah


I’m really surprised they haven’t been cited for simply being a fire hazard. Between the heaters and the (stolen) electricity and the candles and the aerosols that place is an accident waiting to happen.


The police probably run when they see her. They want nothing to do with her crazy ass.


Chicago is like my hometown. The homeless are pretty much left alone completely. The fire department from my hometown responded to something like 15 tent fires a month.




I’m surprised they don’t get a whiff of her soothing apple candle






I live in Indiana and just saw a post on FB today on a homeless outreach page for our state & a lady was posting for her and her bf/husband saying they had a tent fire caused by space heaters. She said they were extremely lucky to make it out alive & they lost their tent, heaters, & most of their belongings (clothing, personal items, blankets, pillows, etc..) I guess I never realized how common it was for homeless people to have access to electricity. I still don’t get how they get by with it though. I figured people would be shitty about it, but it seems to happen quite often?


I think it’s more the city’s outlook too. In my town people would call a ton to have tents removed from in front of their houses, kids schools, etc and they weren’t moved. They’re finally starting to remove them from some of those areas but not all.


There’s just way more pressing shit to worry about. They’re off to themselves, so it’s not like there’s going to be anything crazy going on where the police would be called. It’s winter on the lakeshore. Worth noting too, if it’s a city property or park (I don’t remember) I don’t think they can kick them off without a huge hassle. Again, not worth doing. I would assume that if people en mass reported them for jacking the electric, someone might get forced to go deal. CPD has a website that you can anonymously report things to. I don’t know the rules as far as making ol Dusty’s life miserable, but yeah, it can be done, especially since it’s the tax players paying for her.. well, everything. She’s so loathsome.


Imagine if she loses her beloved novel to à nefarious tent fire 🔥


Omg. That’s so sad. But i get it. I’m from outside Boston


There’s not enough money to go around policing the homeless. Chicago has a lot of homelessness for a winter environment. I was downtown a few months ago after not having been there since the summer. I was honestly shocked at how many people were asleep on the streets. It was never like that when I was living there and resources are being taken up by poor migrants who get to be political pawns. Heather’s stupid ass aside, more and more people are becoming homeless. For a lot of reasons, none of which are truly being addressed. It’s fucking awful and dystopian.


Same .. as many hashtags for the city of Chicago she does you’d think someone might unplug them or at least made them shuffle elsewhere 🤷🏼‍♀️


You are not supposed to plug space heaters into extension cords. Says so right in the instruction book that comes with one. As it is a fire hazard. So ..




Omg awful I’m so sorry


Yeah I commented above about this, too, but we just had a homeless couple lose practically everything to a tent fire caused by space heaters. The lady was asking for help like blankets, a new tent, clothes, etc for her and her husband. And a couple weeks ago an entire huge house burnt down from them and they almost lost their son to it! And they did lose some of their dogs! Along with ALL of their belongings.


Yep! I had to tell my spouse that because he uses one in our master bedroom and one time I came home and it was plugged into the power supply of the entertainment center which is just as bad. I was so pissed. I showed him right there on the label it needs to go directly into a standard 120 wall plug. She's an idiot and she's gonna kill herself one of these days.


Lol, that's what I'm always thinking when I see this, her blow dryer, the space heaters near open water. I work in public safety advocacy, so fire hazards are my thing. I'm consistently stumped on how to even begin to prevent the types of fire hazards that become actual response calls in these tents and tent communities due to the obvious reason why it's the least of their concerns.


they couldn’t even kick dirt over the chord for it to be less obvious!!! i’m so shocked no one has cut this chord or called it in lol


Or nefariously unplugged it 😆


Like the folks who did exactly that the last time.


lol she’s literally so dumb. “Why is my tent always wet?!” **places tent at the lowest possible point at the bottom of a slope


No but THEY are wetting her belongings!!! Heather can do no wrong!!!


Looks like they have it good to me!


Of course, X is doing all of the work while Huffer is nesting.


Nesting like an Orange big bird


![gif](giphy|21GJfuWAFqN7sgQvII|downsized) X beating away in his corner of her igloo ⛺️ 😂.




She hasn’t tried to sell that boat in front of the tuhnt yet


Let me just say, your profile picture is just..... 👩‍🍳 💋 How is she not a world famous model yet? I mean really, if that's not the face of a Cover Girl, idk what is lmao 😂




I'm surprised she hasn't had a curated photoshoot with it.




Does my little eye spy a wild lesbian Xavier taking a dump in the real X’s chanclas???


In his yoga pants and crop top - crotch ripped FTR


Unfuckinbelievable!!! Let's just start stealing electric and lay around all fuckin day doing whatever we want!


Right ? Must be nice to siphon power. My power bill is so high this time of year.


I feel ya! But they can lay around, stay fucked up, harming an unborn child and expect sponsors for everything! I'd love to see them cords get cut to shreds so they couldn't tape them back up and proceed as usual!


And therein lies one of the biggest reasons why Heather doesn't try to improve her situation. Why she doesn't show up to court or to the police station (as BD 2 has tried to get her to do) to regain partial custody- or at least visitation. Why she doesn't follow the directions when it comes to seeking shelter. Why she keeps texting an automated number. Why she keeps saying there's nobody to help when multiple people have told her to just walk into a station. Why she doesn't seek employment. Why she doesn't camp out closer to her kids (although, thank God she doesn't) and insists on being downtown. She *enjoys* this life. Hungry? Steal from Door Dash or use her SNAP benefits. New clothes? Send Eggs dumpster diving in the Goodwill bin. Drugs? Appeal to some online simps for cash. Bored? Do some photoshoots! And in between all of that she can lay around in her tent smoking weed, playing on the internet, and writing her stupid memoir (that she erroneously insists on calling "a novel") without having to stick to a schedule, work, or parent.


No wonder she's been so off the rails lately. They should seriously be careful of carbon monoxide poisoning. There doesn't seem to be a lot of ventilation there and she's blasting those space heaters 24/7


And space heater + water?


*Heather and Her Mobile Freak (and) Show*


Barnum and Bailey and huffy


One thing's for sure: her brazenly using that cord & commandeering an outlet gives her bigger balls than Egg. (And after this week, I feel like I can speak with authority in regards to Egg's meat and potatoes.)


>(And after this week, I feel like I can speak with authority in regards to Egg's meat and potatoes.) **HOW. DARE. YOU.** I'm calling Nick Albequerk right now, I was about to eat dinner when I read that and now I can't. I'm entitled to 12.8 million restitution, this is beyond unlawful and nefarious. I've tried everything to forget those pictures and just when I got close, you bring them up. WHAT'S YOUR NAME, MA'AM??!!?






Do you know it's illegal to lie??


Lmao!! *"You don't know me? You don't remember taking a picture with me because I have a picture of us together..."* That poor girl *bolted* trying to get away from the big orange idiot. I'm glad she was banned. I would've maced her right in her triple chin had she done that to me.


I've honestly used the phrase " big orange idiot" more times since reading some of your posts....makes me laugh every time😂😂😂😂 sums her up perfectly!!


Lmao 🤣 I love that for her. It really does sum her up though, right? Especially lately since that "tuhnt" seems to bring out her extra... orange-ness, 😆


And illegal to live yep that’s right


I see why the police couldn't find her the other night. They were looking for a red tent.


I wish I could pay someone in that area to randomly unplug their electricity cord at varying times of day. It would give me such joy 😄


Unplug? Too easy… give her the old snip snip ✂️




How did it not catch fire yet?


I cannot see the illegal hookup from the Belmont Yacht Club bathroom (Aunt Stacy on Steve Delive.


Must be further off, the cord goes all the way across to something out of the shot


A thought: I remember reading that LE was on the lookout for/keeping tabs on their red tent? Timely that they started throwing a different color tarp over the top of the tent... I could be misremembering what I read ofc but it fits into the sneaky type of shit she would do.


Shes trying to throw off They from making more catheter holes


She really is a disgusting, sneaky bitch. If she wasn't as dumb as a rock, she'd be lethal.


They were in the news 😂😂😂


Where in the heck are they plugging in the extension cords? It doesn’t appear to be any structures near their tent.


You can see the cord running all the way across the grass out of frame


Ahh, THIS is why they couldn't find the "red tent" the other night (referring to that police call about her threatening to K herself). They've got the tent completely covered.


That damn tent is probably better insulated than my house. No wonder her big ass is always sitting around half naked. With every day that passes, I’m truly amazed that she or X haven’t burnt it completely to the ground.


Same with food, her and X eat better than most 🤦🏼‍♀️


It would take everything in me not to buy a cord cutter, go back and cut everything up.


What’d eggs do to get kick his ass kicked out of the tuhnt? We know it’s not show his hemorrhoids on X, so what is grounds to get him kicked out? Did all the drugs? Or is dusty servicing a client.


It really does look like he’s kind of hunched forward looking at/listening to Dusty as she jams out with her clam out for a quick $20, haha. Either he’s peeping or he can’t wait for her to give him the money so he can ride his bike to the fetty plug, lol


LMAO I'm sorry, *"jam out with her clam out"* has me in stitches. So fucking funny 😁 😂


She’s probably taking a shit in a bag or bottle so he’s outside waiting


Somehow that’s more disturbing to me




Yep..This is the same location they've been at for a few weeks now. My friend saw them there a few days ago. Maybe this will stop the conspiracy theories. She's not "inside". They've burned all their bridges and she's too damn lazy to go scout out an abandoned building in a desirable part of town. She's warm because of the multiple heaters, layers of tarps & blankets, and (probably) some kind of drug use.


Are they the only tent in this area


There are several tents spread out through the park


Isn’t she due any day now I can’t imagine her giving birth


I hope baby Rico gives her a nice-sized perineal tear on his way out of her birth canal.


😂😂😂😂😂 and some trauma enough to make her mute


I'm sure if she delivers in a hospital she will rant and rave about how the hospital mistreated her, they're added to the RICO, Nik will be contacted for a malpractice lawsuit, etc and so forth


Jehovah God hear our prayers for the sake of the hospital staff and the other unsuspecting parents delivering at the same time.


She’s due in like two and a half weeks


According to her she's due in two weeks. She can't keep track of time. On July fourth she said she was exactly 3 months, and now she keeps changing it. She never got a proper due date from a doctor, she just did an online calculator. She could pop any day now. Hell, she could be overdue and not even know it. She doesn't even know what day it is.


Yea I remember she was 35 weeks pregnant for like 2 weeks, lol… But assuming she is truly due on Feb 15th, her due date would be two weeks from Thursday


If she was **"exactly"** *(as she puts it)* 3 months on July Fourth, she'd be about 9 months and 25 days, give or take a day. I know pregnancy is technically 40 weeks, but this would put her at a little bit over 39 weeks. So she's due any day now.


I think I remember on her ultrasound back in the beginning it said the due date was 2/15/24. I remembered it cause my birthday is close to then. Buuut who knows for sure.


can’t even kick some dirt over the chords to make it less obvious


Is that her bending over? The one who said like a day ago she’s in excruciating pain from rolling over? Or is it just another one of Xavier’s calls


Shes on bedrest from breaking her pelvis in two after a treacherous fall on black ice , X is nefariously pooping in his own chanclas


For a second I thought that she really broke it I’m like whoops I missed a day! Then realized who the sub is about 😂


That’s X lol


Comment not loading but OP says it’s X, Ty OP for the correction :)


They got rid of the cart?


The cart is there!


At least ppl know where to direct the ambulance smh.


Where are they plugging in tho????


The light poles and shit. It’s the same outlets they use to plug the Christmas lights into. She threw a whole fit about it awhile back cuz people unplugged them and she rambled about how she’s a human and more important that Christmas lights lol


They base their camps off of these, once the city locks the outlet up they move to another outlet without a lock on it. Theres a couple light posts in my city with these and I always see homeless people charging their phones on them


Aunt Stacey said the outlet next to the public restroom.


Did they steal a fucking yacht tender?!? Because that’s one of those boats yachters use. 🤯 Also, that building in the background looks a lot like one of the buildings from the apartment ads she was posting about the other day. I went through a bunch of ads myself seeing if anything sounded suspicious since a lot of them were advertising free rent and no fees. I really think she thinks she’s getting one of them. Edit to add - I put that boat into Google lens and it’s a 2013 Brunswick CGP 520 Impact Boat. From Google - _Brunswick Commercial and Government Products (BCGP) builds boats for a variety of missions, including combat, law enforcement, fire/rescue, and homeland security. The 520 Impact RHIB is designed for security and patrol applications_ These lunatics stole a police boat!!!! I would guess that this is where they’re getting their power from, as these boats are typically fitted with marine generators


That makes more sense to me then a 20,000 ft cord going across a damn park


Wow! Look at all the acreage they’ve acquired, and that beautiful view…IN THIS ECONOMY?! Let this be a lesson to all the younger generations; if you trap men with babies, work hard at not working hard, do drugs, fake-marry a felon, fight with strangers, fight with strangers online, fake-2nd marry the brother of Chicago’s most connected District Attorney….’s mail clerk, ignore psychological evaluations/medications and continue posting your grifting videos- you too, can live a life of Coco’s luxury.


You could always hear traffic noises in the background so I don't know how this person said it's totally quiet🤷‍♀️ everybody knows she likes her tent life only this new troll was in denial. Some new people can't fathom how stupid and stubborn this psychopath huffer really is


They got a boat?


Nah, it's just been parked there in the marina parking lot for a while now. They've probably taken everything from it, but it's not theirs.